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Новости за 14.01.2017


My 'towel theory' explains why being cheap ends up costing you more

Courtesy of Chris Reining

I’m going to buy new bath towels.

Because I buy everything online ever since you could buy things online, I have this sick habit of searching Gmail to find out how long stuff lasts and what I paid.

I’m sure you want to know my Restoration Hardware towels are 11 years old and were $60. I think they still look new.

When I was younger I’d buy whatever was cheapest because I didn’t have much money. And even if I had the money I would’ve thought someone who spent $30 on one towel was stupid. Читать дальше...


This is the single best diet for your overall health, according to nutrition experts

Sue Ogrocki/AP

The way we think about diets is undergoing an important shift.

We thinking less about diets as being for rapid weight loss and more about for creating lifestyle changes that stick.

To help people sift through the noise and find science-backed plans that work for years rather than weeks, US News & World Report ranked 38 eating plans.

The rankings considered different criteria including how easy the diet is to follow, its effects on weight loss — both in the short and long term ... Читать дальше...


'Skin in the game': Venezuela's Socialist Party is losing its influence but tightening its grip on power

Thomson Reuters

The Socialist Party of Venezuela, first under Hugo Chavez and now under Nicolas Maduro, has held the country's presidency for 18 years, since Chavez swept into office at the end of 1998.

But recent years have been tumultuous for the PSUV, the Socialist Party's initials in Spanish.

Since Maduro took over by winning a special election after Chavez's death in early 2013, Venezuela has been buffeted by economic crises spurred on by poor policy and the decline of the price of oil... Читать дальше...


The head of Austria's far-right Freedom Party calls for a ban on 'fascistic Islam'

REUTERS/Heinz-Peter Bader

SALZBURG (Reuters) - The head of Austria's far-right Freedom Party (FPO) on Saturday called for a law banning "fascistic Islam" and Muslim symbols, comparable to an existing law banning Nazi symbols, saying Islam could wipe out European society.

Austria needs "a law which prohibits fascistic Islam", Heinz Christian Strache told several thousand supporters at the party's new year meeting in Salzburg.

"Let us put an end to this policy of Islamization... otherwise we Austrians... Читать дальше...


Land sales in Manhattan crashed big time in 2016

Reuters/Lucas Jackson

Land sales in Manhattan ground to a halt last year with just under $3 billion worth of transactions in 2016, down 74 percent from the previous year.

Cushman & Wakefield data show the number of transactions fell off by nearly 40 percent. Banks have become wary about financing land acquisitions and construction amid concerns about an oversupply of residential units in the borough, especially for high-end luxury condominiums.

One thing Cushman’s data... Читать дальше...


Here is the stunning $1.5 billion stadium being built for the Atlanta Falcons


The Atlanta Falcons will host the Seattle Seahawks in the divisional round of the playoffs in what could be the last NFL game ever in the 25-year-old Georgia Dome.

The Falcons are expected to move into Mercedes-Benz Stadium next season, a stunning $1.5 billion stadium with a retractable roof. It is like nothing else ever seen in the NFL and looks from the outside like a gigantic metal origami structure.

While construction is not expected to be completed until June... Читать дальше...


Why Democrats and Republicans hate each other more than they hate the Russians

Kevin Lamarque/Reuters

In 1947, at the dawn of the Cold War, Michigan Sen. Arthur Vandenberg, a Republican, justified his firm support for the foreign policy priorities of Democratic President Harry Truman by insisting that “we must stop partisan politics at the water’s edge.”

Coming from Vandenberg, these words carried great significance, for he had spent much of his tenure in the U.S. Senate as a leading light among Republican isolationists. The Second World War and the rising Soviet threat changed Vandenberg irrevocably... Читать дальше...


The best photos of US military life in 2016

The best photos of US military life in 2016

NOW WATCH: We finally know what China's mysterious hexagonal structures in the South China Sea are for


The surprising reasons why people pay to enter grueling challenges like the Tough Mudder and Spartan Race


Obstacle races such as Tough Mudder and Spartan Race are becoming more and more popular in Asia, but – to the more sedentary among us at least – their appeal might not be immediately obvious.

Tough Mudder, for example, is a particularly gruelling challenge that involves a series of approximately 25 military-style obstacles to overcome in half a day: wading through torrents of mud, plunging seven feet into freezing water and even crawling through 10,000 volts of electrified wires. Читать дальше...


The 20 best college towns in America

Shutterstock/Tang Yan Song

Boulder, Colorado, is the top-ranked college town in the US, according to a new list from American Institute for Economic Research (AIER).

The city of roughly 200,000 people earned the top spot thanks to its ease of accessibility — with more than 20% of commuters taking public transportation or cycling around Boulder Creek Corridor — and diverse and educated population. Boulder also has an active bar and restaurant scene, with plenty of coffee shops and microbreweries. Читать дальше...


Amazon is getting closer to crushing America's biggest clothing stores (M, AMZN)

Amazon Fashion/Facebook

Amazon is getting one step closer to dominating department stores.

The ecommerce giant is about to tap into one of America's biggest clothing trends by launching its own athleisure brand, making it a competitor to Lululemon, Gap's Athleta, Under Armour, Nike, and other top sportswear brands. 

The move will also make Amazon a bigger threat to department stores like Macy's, Nordstrom, and JCPenney, which have been battling years of declining shopper traffic to malls. Читать дальше...


12 parents reveal their best money-saving tips

Alena Ozerova/Shutterstock

Ask any parent for their best money-saving tips and they're bound to have a trick or two up their sleeve. 

After all, raising kids is expensive: The average American family pays over $11,000 just in the first year of a child's life, and nearly $250,000 by the time they're 18. 

Business Insider asked parents with children of all ages to weigh in on the financial side of having kids, and they shared their best advice for keeping their household bills in line while supporting a family. Читать дальше...


How one lawmaker may actually put an end to gerrymandering

Evan Vucci/AP Photo

It has become painfully clear in recent years that partisan gerrymandering is one of American democracy’s worst illnesses. Although the Supreme Court held decades ago that the purpose of redistricting was to ensure “fair and effective representation for all citizens,” legislators often use the process to lock the minority party out of power.

Both Democrats and Republicans deploy partisan gerrymandering to dilute votes for their opponents, creating one-party rule and, arguably, greater polarization. Читать дальше...


Wasabi served at most sushi restaurants is not what you think it is

Serghei Starus, Alamy

You've probably never had real wasabi, no matter how much sushi you've eaten. 

The vast majority of wasabi consumed in America is simply a mix of horseradish, hot mustard, and green dye, according to a new video from the American Chemical Society.  

In fact, about 99% of all wasabi sold in the US is fake, The Washington Post reports.

Even in Japan where most wasabi is grown, you won't have much better luck. Experts estimate that about 95% of wasabi sold in the country is an imitation. Читать дальше...


33 examples of Tom Brady's insane competitiveness

Marcio Jose Sanchez/AP

To be as good as Tom Brady is at age 39 requires a super-natural desire to compete.

And during Brady's 19 years in the NFL, his competitiveness has become legendary.

Across the league, there are stories of Brady's intense desire to win, top-notch preparation off the field, and extreme self-confidence that prove nobody loves competing as much as Brady.

Check out 33 of the best examples of Brady's competitiveness below.

It started in high school for Brady. Читать дальше...


Tesla is taking a huge risk with the Model 3 — and it may not pay off (TSLA)


The biggest test that Tesla and CEO Elon Musk will face in 2017 is the successful launch of the Model 3 mass-market vehicle, expected to be priced at around $30,000 once tax breaks and credits are applied.

The Model 3 will deliver more than 200 miles of range on a single charge and benefit, for a fee, from Tesla extensive Supercharger network, which will enable long-distance drives.

After selling $100,000 luxury sedans for several years and adding a luxury SUV in the Model X in 2015... Читать дальше...


GUNDLACH: Here's how we'll know the bond bull market is dead

DoubleLine Funds

DoubleLine Capital founder Jeff Gundlach said that if the 10-year Treasury yield hits 3%, it would mark the end of the bull market in bonds.

Gundlach hosted his annual "Just Markets" webcast on Tuesday, January 10 to discuss his 2017 outlook.

In what appeared to be a jab at Bill Gross, a portfolio manager at Janus, Gundlach referenced "second-tier bond managers" focusing on a 2.6% yield on the 10-year note as the market's death spell.

"If 2.60% is broken on the upside ... Читать дальше...


Report: CIA set up task-force in 2016 to investigate possible Russian funding of Trump's campaign

Jonathan Ernst/Reuters

A US counterintelligence task force was established by the CIA in 2016 to investigate possible Russian funding of President-elect Donald Trump's presidential campaign, the BBC reported on Friday.

The task force included the FBI, the Treasury and Justice Departments, the CIA, the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, and the National Security Agency (NSA).

It was set up after the director of the CIA, John Brennan, received a recording of a... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Zoomlion продемонстрировала последние достижения на выставке INTERMAT

Путин в России и мире

Петербургский автопром вышел из кризиса, заявил Беглов

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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