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Новости за 13.01.2017


I'm a millionaire with no plans to buy a home — here's why

YouTube/FireCracker Revolution

This post by Kristy from Millennial Revolution originally appeared on Financial Samurai.

Kristy and her husband have been all over the Canadian news recently for denouncing homeownership.

They considered buying a Toronto property in their late 20s when they realized they couldn't get anything nice for ~$500,000.

Instead of buying, they saved as much as they could, rode the bull market, amassed a $1 million investment portfolio and quit their jobs to travel the world by age 31. Читать дальше...


Here are the continents you’re actually facing when you look out to sea

When you visit the beach, don't you ever wonder which countries lie beyond the sea horizon? Although you might think the answer is easy, you probably didn't take into account of the earth's curvature and the jagged coastline of the viewing point. A cartographer, Andy Woodruff, created several maps that illustrate coastal points around the world that directly face each continent.

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5 innovations Nintendo packed into its new game controllers for the Switch console


On Thursday night, Nintendo revealed more details about its new Switch console, but also highlighted some cool new features in the new Joy-Con (short for joystick controllers), which Nintendo says "make new kinds of gaming possible."

Check it out:

New innovations we saw during Nintendo's launch event on Thursday include the Joy-Con remotes' strap, which attaches easily to the each remote, and the slide includes an extension for the remote's R and L shoulder buttons. Читать дальше...


Hedge fund founder Scaramucci to join Trump's White House as liaison


(Reuters) - Anthony Scaramucci, a hedge fund founder who was a fundraiser in Donald Trump's election campaign, will join the president-elect's White House staff as an advisor and public liaison to government agencies and businesses, he said on Friday.

Scaramucci, founder of Skybridge Capital hedge fund and a former employee at Goldman Sachs, is a member of Trump's transition team.

He will work as a liaison in the White House for state and local governments and for both American and foreign businesses... Читать дальше...


GOP lawmaker uses bizarre goat metaphor for Obamacare while arguing for repeal

Justin Sullivan/Getty Images

The debate over Obamacare's future is getting a little wild.

During the debate over a budget resolution that would move forward the repeal of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), better known as Obamacare, Rep. Drew Ferguson of Georgia used a colorful metaphor for what the law has done to the country.

He said the "need for this process" could be explained by a goat getting into his house.

"A little over six years ago i lived in a pretty decent house," Ferguson said. Читать дальше...


What to do when someone keeps saying your name wrong, without making it awkward

Mashtura Hasan

Check out my byline.

Tricky name, right? It's Irish. It's got an accent (known as a fada). To further complicate matters, it also looks like it rhymes with my last name (it's actually pronounced "ahn-yah").

I love my name. It keeps things interesting.

At this point, I'll pretty much respond to anything (almost everyone in my life purposely mispronounces my name as a nickname). During any sort of roll call or introduction, I find myself preparing to blurt out a correction and an explanation. Читать дальше...


The 11 best new buildings designed by American architects


The American Institute of Architects (AIA) just declared the winners of the 2017 Honor Awards, which recognizes excellence in interior architecture, urban design, and overall architecture.

The winning firms span across the US and their projects were constructed in the last five years. Selected from approximately 700 submissions, the 23 recipients will be honored at a AIA conference in Orlando, Florida in April.

Check out the top projects in the architecture category below. Читать дальше...


If you're watching Netflix's 'A Series of Unfortunate Events,' don't skip the opening credits


The INSIDER Summary:

• The opening credits to most TV series are skippable.
• "A Series of Unfortunate Events" has different lyrics for every two episodes.
• They reference the plots of the books they're adapting.

One of the handiest Netflix features is that the service skips the opening credits of each episode. But when it comes to its newest show, "A Series of Unfortunate Events," you may not want to use it.

The opening credits of every other episode in the first season... Читать дальше...


Trump's top national security adviser is in frequent contact with Russia's ambassador to the US

REUTERS/Yuri Gripas

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Michael Flynn, President-elect Donald Trump's choice for national security adviser, held multiple phone conversations with Russia's ambassador to Washington on the day the United States announced retaliation for Moscow's interference in the U.S. presidential election, two people familiar with the issue said.

The conversations appear to raise further questions about contacts between Trump's advisers and Russian officials at a time when U.S.... Читать дальше...


SpaceX lost a quarter of a billion dollars after one of its rockets blew up

Reuters/Bobby Yip; Business Insider/Dave Smith

A few minutes after SpaceX launched one if its self-landing Falcon 9 rockets on June 28, 2015, it exploded into a rain of debris over the Atlantic Ocean.

NASA had a bunch of cargo riding on top of the rocket, and it tallied its losses at about $112 million. Meanwhile, SpaceX — founded by tech entrepreneur Elon Musk — lost tens of millions it had invested in the launch itself.

But as new financial documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal suggest... Читать дальше...


How to prepare for the 4 questions that will catch you off guard during a salary negotiation

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/Flickr

You want to be prepared for your upcoming salary negotiation, so you plan to research the standard pay range and practice asking for what you want.

Those steps are certainly valuable, but they're not enough.

Too often, people lose money because they think through just one contingency. While they're ready to say, "I know the starting number for someone in this sector in this city is $55,000," they've never considered how they'd reply to "This is our best offer... Читать дальше...


Simone Biles and Aly Raisman are in this year's Sports Illustrated swimsuit issue

Harry How/Getty Images

The INSIDER Summary: 

• Simone Biles and Aly Raisman were asked to pose for Sports Illustrated's infamous swimsuit issue this year.
• The magazine released a set of images from the shoot and they both look flawless.
• The two also star in a special behind-the-scenes video from the shoot.

In case you didn't know, Simone Biles and Aly Raisman are the definition of goals. Whether it's their outstanding careers as athletes, their insanely sculpted bodies... Читать дальше...


Humans are still better than robots at these 9 professional skills


Robots are coming for all our jobs, but we’ve still got the edge in a few key areas.

McKinsey’s new report on the future of automation notes that humans are better than robots at: spotting new patterns, logical reasoning, creativity, coordination between multiple agents, natural language understanding, identifying social and emotional states, responding to social and emotional states, displaying social and emotional states, and moving around diverse environments.

... Читать дальше...


6 in-demand skills you can learn online

Getty Images

In the days of yore, skill acquisition and dissemination were limited to certain geographical locations because of the low level of technological know-how.

However, the advent of sophisticated technology — which propelled the development of many apps, software and social media — has made skills and knowledge easily disseminated and accessible.

Related: 8 Free Training Tools That Will Help You Excel at Your Job

There are countless websites readily available... Читать дальше...


A psychologist explains the crucial mindset shift that helped her finally start earning more

Dr. Shefali

Your boss, your clients, the current climate of your industry, or an array of other external factors can significantly impact your earning potential.

But if you don't understand your own worth, you could be sabotaging your paycheck yourself.

Dr. Shefali Tsabary, clinical psychologist and best-selling author of the "The Conscious Parent," knows this firsthand.

"I spent the last 10 years of my life completely in fear of asking for what I was worth. I lost money... Читать дальше...


Is robo investing right for you? Here are the 5 people who are likely to use them


Robo advisors are starting to pick up steam, and these online financial advisors are beginning to take significant business away from legacy companies.

The assets under management (AUM) at robo advisors are increasing every year, as are the number of robo advisors available for consumers' choice.

But who uses robo advisors? What groups benefit most from automated investing? And perhaps most importantly, is robo advising right for you?

Below, we've outlined the five... Читать дальше...


A Nevada woman just died from a bug that resisted 26 antibiotics — here's why it's so hard to develop new ones

Wikimedia Commons

SAN FRANCISCO — A woman in Nevada died in September from an infection that resisted every kind of antibiotic we have in the US that could have cured it.

The incident, which the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported Thursday, is part of the growing problem of antibiotic resistance, which is expected to kill 10 million people by 2050.

"I think it's concerning," Alexander Kallen, a medical officer at the CDC's division of healthcare quality promotion, told Stat News. Читать дальше...


Oil rig count falls for the first time in nearly 3 months

REUTERS/Balazs Koranyi

The US oil rig count fell this week for the first time in 11 weeks, according to Baker Hughes. 

The number of active oil rigs fell by seven to a total of 522. One gas rig was added, taking that total to 136. The additional miscellaneous rig put the combined count at 659, down by six on net. 

The tally of oil rigs rose last week to the highest level in one year, as demand for oilfield-services equipment increased with oil prices.  

The renewed confidence... Читать дальше...


Here's everyone who's performing at Trump's inauguration


President-elect Donald Trump has added some official names to the roster of talent for his presidential inauguration.

Country artists Toby Keith and Lee Greenwood and the rock band 3 Doors Down will headline the pre-inauguration concert, at the Lincoln Memorial on January 19, the Inaugural Committee announced, according to Billboard and CNN. The show has been dubbed "The Make America Great Again! Welcome Celebration."

3 Doors Down is best known for its 2000 hit, "Kryptonite."

... Читать дальше...


Lockheed Martin CEO: Close to deal to lower F-35 costs, add 1,800 jobs after meeting with Trump (LMT)

Senior Airman Stormy Archer/US Air Force

WASHINGTON, Jan 13 (Reuters) - Lockheed Martin Corp is close to a deal to significantly lower the cost of its F-35 aircraft, its Chief Executive Officer Marillyn Hewson said on Friday following a meeting with U.S. President-elect Donald Trump.

Hewson, speaking to reporters in Trump Tower, added that Lockheed plans to increase jobs at its Fort Worth, Texas, facility by 1,800, which would add "thousands and thousands of jobs" across the supply... Читать дальше...


REPORT: Bernie Madoff dominates the hot chocolate market in prison

Shannon Stapleton/Reuters

Bernie Madoff is still in business even though he is behind bars.

The convicted fraudster behind the biggest Ponzi scheme in US history hogged the market for hot chocolate in prison, according to a MarketWatch interview with Steve Fishman, a reporter who has had considerable contact with Madoff.

Madoff, 78, was sentenced in 2009 to 150 years in prison for an extensive scheme that involved doctoring his clients' account statements and returns. He is incarcerated in Butner, North Carolina. Читать дальше...


Security experts are tearing apart Rudy Giuliani's website after Trump picked him to be his cyber chief

President-elect Trump thinks Rudy Giuliani will help make us more secure, but maybe he should start by fixing his own website.  After Giuliani was picked as Trump's top cyber security adviser, security experts immediately pointed out all of the basic vulnerabilities in the website of Giuliani's cyber security consulting film.  

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Экология в России и мире

Институт СТЭИ при поддержке Комитета общественных связей и молодежной политики города Москвы реализует проект "Вода Москвы"

Путин в России и мире

Дугин в интервью Такеру Карлсону: "Путин — это традиционный лидер"

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Красноярцы и Джиган рассмешили Артемия Лебедева и вышли в финал «Звезд»


Доверяй, но проверяй: в Калачеевском районе власти экологическую проблему решили исключительно на бумаге

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