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Новости за 07.01.2017


One of the biggest concerns about the Warriors reared its head as they blew a big lead to lose in overtime


The Golden State Warriors have made their adjustment to life with Kevin Durant look easy thus far.

But after a 128-119 overtime loss to the Memphis Grizzlies on Friday, one of the initial concerns about the Warriors' super-team format was on display.

Late in close games, there appears to be some confusion about what plays to run and who gets to shoot, with so many able-bodied scorers on the floor.

With under a minute remaining against the Grizzlies, up two after blowing a 19-point lead... Читать дальше...


The 20 best-selling cars and trucks in America (F, GM, FCAU)


The US auto market continued its hot streak in 2016 with more than 17.4 million cars and trucks sold. As expected, pickup trucks and SUVs accounted for much of the growth. While sedans remain popular, their influence — in terms of sales volume — on the US auto market has atrophied over the past few years. Compact-car sales fell 6.1% last year. At the same time, its mid-size counterpart saw sales plummet 11.2%.

In its place, the dominant force in the marketplace is the compact and mid-size crossover SUV. Читать дальше...


Doctors just changed the way we think about the human body by recognizing a brand new organ

Two researchers — Dr. Calvin Coffey and Dr. Peter O'Leary — are forever changing the way we understand an important tissue in the human body called the mesentery. In a recent study, Coffey and O'Leary suggest that the mesentery deserves to be recognized as an new human organ. There are 78 organs in the human body, and the mesentery would make 79. Here's why the mesentery is so important. 

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RIP: Here are the only 4 shows Netflix has ever canceled

Phil Bray for Netflix

Netflix has loudly rejected the "pilot" system of TV, instead ordering full seasons of shows before any of them air.

And since it began releasing original shows in 2013, Netflix has stuck by a remarkably high percentage of them for subsequent seasons. But even Netflix knows sometimes you have to cut your losses.

So far, Netflix has canceled four shows, not including "Bloodline," which will "conclude" after season three.

The worst of the bunch for... Читать дальше...


The biggest healthcare investor conference is happening next week — here are the 5 things we expect to get out of it

The second week of January is a busy time for drug companies. 

Starting Monday, thousands of pharmaceutical industry executives, investors, bankers, and analysts will swarm into San Francisco for the JPMorgan healthcare conference.

Now in its 35th year, the conference has ballooned from a small event with 150 attendees that was essentially the "birth of biotech," to an event attended by everyone from the biggest pharma company to the smallest biotech.

It's a spot for these... Читать дальше...


Steelers wide receiver uses a budget his mom helped create and has saved 'most' of his $35 million in career earnings

Jeff Gross/Getty

Wide receiver Darrius Heyward-Bey signed a three-year, $3.8 million contract with the Pittsburgh Steelers in March of 2016, but if football ended today, it sounds like he would be in good shape.

That's because Heyward-Bey, with the help of his mother, who is a certified accountant, has been frugal with his nearly $35 million in career earnings, according to ESPN's Jeremy Fowler.

Heyward-Bey made nearly $30 million in his four years with the Oakland Raiders... Читать дальше...


This mystifying metal is liquid like mercury but safe to touch with bare hands

You definitely shouldn't mess around with mercury, but if you want a safe, similar, tactile experience, a metal called Gallium is widely available online. It's melting point is about 85 degrees, so with just a little heat, you can turn it from a solid, crystal-like state into a fun, reflective pile of goo. Here's a look at a few of it's properties and how it's used in the real world. 

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Here are Investopedia's top 10 investor terms of 2016

Steve Pope/Getty Images

2016 was an eventful year in both politics and markets, and it reflects in what investors were interested in knowing about during the course of the year.

Investopedia, the popular financial website, released its list of the top 10 terms used by investors in 2016. The ranking was compiled by Investopedia's editors based on investor interest, key trends, and events.

All of Investopedia's top 10 picks are listed below.

10. Calexit

Rich Pedroncelli/AP... Читать дальше...


30 beloved stars who died in 2016


We lost a lot of legends in 2016, and we're not going to forget them soon.

As we settle into 2017, Business Insider has compiled a list of some of the most influential, important, and prized figures in entertainment who died last year — from towering music stars (Prince, David Bowie, Leonard Cohen, Merle Haggard, George Michael) to film legends like Carrie Fisher and Alan Rickman.

It's by no means an exhaustive list, but one that hopefully helps pay tribute to the talents who have left us as we move forward. Читать дальше...


We went inside the first fast-food chain in America that requires zero human interaction — here's what it's like

Fast-food chain Eatsa is redefining automation in the restaurant industry by taking out employee interaction completely. Ordering is done via an app or in-store on a kiosk, and your order is placed in a cubby upon completion. Humans prepare the food behind the wall of cubbies, so you never have to speak with a single person. We checked out the New York city location to see how it all works. There are three California locations in Berkeley, San Francisco, and Woodland hills, along with a location in Washington... Читать дальше...


'The weak players are leaving the poker table,’ and it’s killing mutual funds

AP Images

Warren Buffett famously said that if you’ve been in a poker game for half an hour and "you don’t know who the patsy is, you’re the patsy.’”

When it comes to the stock market, the patsy is leaving the table. That's according to a big note from Credit Suisse strategists led by Michael J. Mauboussin.

The investment world has seen an accelerating shift from active fund managers to passive management, and this trend is shaping the way the industry operates. 

"The... Читать дальше...


The 'car recession' is sinking America's largest automakers


The media hoopla has been deafening. In December, “new vehicles sales” – defined as the number of new cars, trucks, and SUVs that dealers sold to their customers, including fleets – rose 3.1%. That was stronger than “expected.” And in the media reports, there was euphoria between the lines.

Automakers and dealers had certainly tried. Inventories are high, layoffs and plant closings have already been announced, and so every effort was made to move the iron and pull out the year. Читать дальше...


Report on election hacking says Russia plans to do more

Mark Schiefelbein - Pool/Getty Images

WASHINGTON (AP) — The new, declassified report on Russian efforts to influence the presidential election has a troublesome prediction: Russia isn't done intruding in U.S. politics and policymaking.

Immediately after Election Day, Russia began a "spear-phishing" campaign to try to trick people into revealing their email passwords, targeting U.S. government employees and think tanks that specialize in national security, defense and foreign policy, the report released on Friday said. Читать дальше...


A Fort Lauderdale airport shooting survivor narrowly escaped injury after a bullet pierced his laptop

Screenshot via CNN

A man narrowly escaped injury when a bullet pierced the backpack he was wearing during the shooting rampage at Fort Lauderdale International Airport on Friday.

“The backpack saved my life,” Steve Frappier told Anderson Cooper in an interview on CNN.

Frappier and other travelers dove to the ground to escape the gunfire. Amid the chaos, a bullet hit his backpack, damaging a laptop that was inside, Frappier told CNN. He was not injured.

"It hit just so through the open backpack," Frappier said... Читать дальше...


The GOP senator who could end up saving Obamacare

Joe Raedle/Getty Images

Congressional Democrats are planning a blizzard of publicity events and delaying tactics to try to block the Republicans’ drive to repeal the Affordable Care Act in the coming weeks, although few give them much chance of success. 

Arguably the Democrats’ longest of long-shots in slowing or sidetracking the Obamacare repeal legislation is the effort of Sen. Rand Paul, the libertarian, free-spirted Republican from Kentucky who unsuccessfully challenged Donald Trump for the GOP presidential nomination. Читать дальше...


Here are some gadgets sweeping the sleep-tech market


At this year’s Consumer Electronics Show, fake beds abound.

Companies from across the globe are clamoring to give attendees a chance to kick off their shoes and test out the latest in sleep technology. It’s hard to get too cozy with thousands of tech fanatics milling around the exhibit floor — but manufacturers are doing their darndest.

They’re showcasing snooze-inducing headphones and smart pillowcases, beds with built-in foot warmers, and belts that track every toss and turn. Читать дальше...


Here are the TSA's rules for transporting guns and ammunition through US airports

Seth Wenig/AP Photo

A mass shooting at Florida's Fort Lauderdale-Hollywood airport Friday left five dead and dozens wounded, and the suspect apparently kept the gun used in the attack in his checked luggage.

The TSA allows passengers to carry firearm while traveling through US airports, but strict rules govern how passengers are supposed to handle them.

Firearms must remain unloaded and kept "in a locked hard-sided container as checked baggage only," according to the Transportation Security Administration's website. Читать дальше...


The big problem with Trump's aggressive position on China

Jonathan Ernst/Getty Images

President-elect Trump’s choice of Robert Lighthizer as his special trade representative, announced Tuesday afternoon, completes the first string of the new administration’s trade team. So it’s time to draw a couple of clear conclusions. 

Conclusion No. 1: Trump is a dead-serious hawk on trade questions—all in for everything he promised on the campaign trail.

Prominent among these promises is a remake of economic relations with China and a halt to... Читать дальше...


5 reasons why the North Dakota pipeline fight will continue in 2017

Reuters/Stephen Yang

In December 2016, the Army Corps of Engineers (ACE) denied an easement that would have permitted the company Energy Transfer Partners (ETP) to complete one of the final segments of the 1,100-mile Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), which seeks to connect the oil fields of North Dakota with terminals and refineries in Illinois.

The denial of ACE’s easement is undoubtedly a victory for the Standing Rock Sioux.

The tribe and its allies in the #NoDAPL movement opposed the pipeline over risks to water quality... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: москвичей 7 мая ждет аномально холодная погода

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о героях нашего времени

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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