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Новости за 20.03.2016


2 business school professors explain how you can become a more authentic leader

AP/Cliff Owen

Few transitions test one’s character like moving to a senior leadership role.

It’s one thing to gain mastery of a particular function or skillset; it’s quite another to take responsibility for, and earn the respect of, employees from different backgrounds, functions, and cultures.

For many leaders, this transition is marked by a period of self-doubt.

The newly appointed ask themselves: Am I tough enough? Extroverted enough? Can I deal with the constant exposure? Читать дальше...


A small percentage of the population actually enjoys commuting — here's why

Flickr/Dave Fayram

Commuting is a drag.

Every minute spent getting to and from work has been shown to take away from time spent working out, cooking, and sleeping.

When two economists polled 900 Texans in 2006 about their favorite activities, the morning commute ranked last. Longer commutes make people less healthy, worse at their jobs, and more likely to get divorced—and commutes are only getting longer.

So what is the deal with the small number of people whom transportation... Читать дальше...


23 things worth paying extra for

REUTERS/ Carlos Barria

No matter how frugal you are or strive to be, sometimes it's not always worth it to get a "deal."

A recent Ask Reddit thread asked users for the items they used to buy on the cheap until they tried the high-quality version — and now they can't go back.

Over 30,000 people jumped into the thread to share their favorite splurges, from expensive socks to high-end butter.

Keep scrolling to see what they picked.


Flickr/Skånska Matupplevelser

"My dirty little secret... Читать дальше...


The 21 most shocking quotes from ESPN's documentary on the Duke lacrosse scandal


In 2006, a party held by the Duke lacrosse team ended in chaos when two exotic dancers were hired and one later accused three players of sexually assaulting her in a bathroom.

In a "30 for 30" documentary on the case, "Fantastic Lies," ESPN describes Durham, North Carolina, as a city where crime, racial tension, and poverty among locals led to "resentments in the community, and distrust" toward the school. Don Yeager, an author, called Durham "ready-made for the kind of controversy... Читать дальше...


Google has fallen out of love with robots and it’s a warning sign to all of its 'moonshots' (GOOG, GOOGL)


Google parent company Alphabet just proved that it's serious about taking a more measured approach to its "moonshot" projects. 

The company is trying to sell Boston Dynamics, the high-profile robotics startup it bought in late 2013 as part of a division known internally as "Replicant," because it isn't likely to produce a marketable product in the next several years, sources told Bloomberg's Brad Stone and Jack Clark earlier this week. 

Other members of the robotics division... Читать дальше...


Donald Trump defends campaign manager accused of manhandling a protester: 'I give him credit for having spirit'

Ralph Freso/Getty Images

Donald Trump defended his embattled campaign manager Corey Lewandowski on Sunday against accusations that Lewandowski grabbed a protester.

During an interview on ABC's "This Week," Trump denied that Lewandowski grabbed a protester during a rally in Arizona on Saturday, and praised his campaign manager for going into the crowd to supposedly remove signs that were critical of Trump.

"I give him credit for having spirit," Trump said. "He wanted them to take down those horrible, profanity-laced signs.


7 things not to do when you first wake up


There's no one morning routine that works for everyone.

Maybe yours involves reading the news, or guzzling water, or dancing to pop music in your underwear. No judgment.

But there are certain morning mistakes that can set the stage for an unproductive, unenjoyable rest of the day.

To find out what those mistakes are, we checked out what scientists and other experts had to say about making the most (and the least) of the first few minutes after you wake up. Читать дальше...


This new technique is changing how publishers sell ads

Header bidding — also known as tagless, advanced, or pre-bidding — has gained significant traction among publishers over the past year with its promise to cut back on inefficiencies in programmatic by maximizing publisher yield and increasing ad revenue. Today, nearly 70% of publishers have adopted the new tech, up from almost no publishers two years ago. 

Читать дальше...


This is one of the craziest can-you-believe-that-millennial work stories ever

Duncan Wolfe / Policy Mic

Every new generation that enters the work force seems to get a bad rap from the generation that preceded it.

Millennials are no exception. They have earned a reputation for being somewhat lazy yet entitled, frustrating many of their older colleagues with their expectations of money and success without putting in much time or effort.

(Full disclosure, I am a millennial too.)

For example, in February, an entry-level Yelp employee wrote that she wasn't getting paid enough by the company. Читать дальше...


8 things most companies are allowed to do even though they seem illegal

Strelka Institute for Media, Architecture and Design/flickr

Do you ever see your boss do something and think "That doesn't seem right" or "That can't be legal"?

Maybe it is. Maybe it isn't.

To help you figure out whether some of your employer's sketchy, annoying, or unethical actions are legal, we spoke with employment lawyers from The Ottinger Firm.

They said that laws vary from state to state, but offered a general overview of seemingly illegal actions that are actually... Читать дальше...


A morning person explains the one thing that gets her out of bed every day

Sergey Mironov/Shutterstock

I'm a morning person. No, seriously.

But, in addition to being a morning person, I'm also an anxious person.

This basically means that before my feet even hit the floor every day, my mind is running rampant with an onslaught of thoughts; I think about possible scenarios I may encounter that day and every possible outcome, and I conjure up to-do lists in my head with an ambitious number of boxes that I then immediately worry won't get checked off. Читать дальше...


Forget Wendy's 'best breakfast sandwich of all time' — this version is way better

Hollis Johnson

The Wendy's Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit sandwich was recently called the best breakfast sandwich in America, a distinction we disagreed with.

After we tried it, a reader clued us in to this sandwich's Texan parallel: Whataburger's Honey Butter Chicken Biscuit. 

It's a simple crispy chicken breast topped with sweet honey butter and wedged between two biscuits.

It's the exact same idea, and it predates Wendy's offering by several years. So, perhaps Whataburger's original is better? Читать дальше...


Burt Reynolds remembers his legendary career and the most dangerous stunt he ever did

Mike Windle/Getty

The good ol' boy attitude. The laugh. The mustache. For a solid decade, Burt Reynolds was one of the biggest stars in the world. From "Smokey and the Bandit" to "Cannonball Run," Reynolds epitomized the tough guy before the late '80s brought in the hulking action stars like Schwarzenegger and Stallone.In the new documentary "The Bandit," director Jesse Moss ("The Overnighters") looks back at the height of Reynolds' career through the making of "Smokey and the Bandit," the... Читать дальше...


Turkey has identified the Istanbul suicide bomber as an ISIS member

Thomson Reuters

Turkey has identified the suicide bomber behind Saturday's attack in Istanbul as a member of Islamic State born in the southern Turkish city of Gaziantep, Interior Minister Efkan Ala said on Sunday.

"We have determined that Mehmet Ozturk, born in 1992 in Gaziantep, has carried out the heinous attack on Saturday in Istanbul. It has been established that he is a member of Daesh," Ala told a news conference broadcast live on television.

Daesh is an Arabic acronym for Islamic State. Читать дальше...


Oil companies have destroyed the chances of a huge price rebound (USO, OIL, WTI, VDE)

Tim Green/Flickr

Crude-oil producers can blame only themselves for cheap oil if there's no recovery.

By hedging against the volatility in prices, producers are limiting how far up oil prices can go, according to Morgan Stanley's Adam Longson.

In a note on Monday, Longson and team write about how "rampant" hedging among oil producers will probably cap West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil prices at $49 per barrel.

In hedging, producers sell futures contracts at current oil prices... Читать дальше...


This SAP president has a fabulous career because he spent one sad and lonely holiday at work

SAP Ariba

About a year ago, Alex Atzberger, 39, was promoted to president of SAP Ariba, a procurement cloud service that SAP bought for $4.3 billion in 2012. 

It was a shining moment in one of the most amazing career stories we've ever heard.

He started by dissing SAP to Clay Christensen

While Atzberger was in grad school at Harvard in 2005, he took a class from Clay Christensen (the famous author of "The Innovator's Dilemma"). He wrote a paper that argued that a tiny... Читать дальше...


Fourteen dead as Spanish bus carrying Erasmus exchange programme students crashes

AP/Press Association Images

MADRID (Reuters) - At least 14 people died after a bus traveling between the Spanish cities of Valencia and Barcelona crashed early on Sunday, a local government official said, adding it had been carrying a group of university students, many of them foreign.

The bus was carrying 56 passengers, according to officials in the northeastern region of Catalonia. Many of the students on board were participating in the Erasmus exchange program between European universities. Читать дальше...


The government owns a lot more land than you think

Thomson Reuters

The Importance of Economic Calculation In “Economic Calculation in the Socialist Commonwealth,” Ludwig von Mises challenged the socialists to explain how economic calculation could be performed in a socialist economy absent prices. Mises concluded that economic calculation in a socialist economy is impossible, therefore socialism is impossible.

Mises wasn’t saying that you couldn’t have a socialist society, he was saying that it’s not an economy, in the sense that... Читать дальше...


I ate gummy coffee cubes for a week straight, and I'm almost convinced chewable energy is the future

Lydia Ramsey/Business Insider

I'm not a morning person.

I'd sooner roll out of bed five minutes before I need to head to work than have an hour to get myself ready for the day.

So when I heard about Go Cubes, a chewable coffee alternative that's actually made out of coffee, I knew I had to test it out. Snacking on gummy cubes on my way to work has to be better than preparing and carrying a thermos of hot coffee around with me, right?

I decided to give the cubes a fair... Читать дальше...


The 24 best places to live in the South — the region that's becoming the best place to live in America


U.S. News & World Report recently released its list of the best places to live in America, ranking the 100 most populous US cities on factors such as desirability, job market, and quality of life.

The best region in the country, going by the US Census Bureau's geographic divisions, might surprise some: the South. Twenty-four of the top 50 cities can be found in the South — more than the combined number of cities that made the list from the traditionally more desirable West and Northeast regions. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Забирает энергию, наводит порчу, вызывает слепоту: почему нельзя смотреть на северное сияние

Путин в России и мире

Король Бахрейна прибыл с миром // Он обсудит с Владимиром Путиным арабский план по Газе

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Жителей и гостей Люберец 25 мая приглашают в парк на концерт памяти Ю. Шатунова


Москвичей предупреждают о рекордно высоком давлении 24 мая

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