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Новости за 14.03.2016


26 oddly similar pairs of movies that came out around the same time

Marvel/Warner Bros.

Later this month, "Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice" will pit the legendary Dark Knight against the Man of Steel.

Six weeks later, we'll be getting another superhero showdown in "Captain America: Civil War" this May.

While the two films should be markedly different — Warner Bros.' film will use "BvS" to introduce members of its Avengers-like team to audiences — both show the government calling for superhero regulation against the Avengers and Superman, respectively. Читать дальше...


The top 3 international destinations to visit while the dollar is strong

Shutterstock/Ihor Pasternak

Knowing when to travel to a destination can save you tons of money. 

Some international destinations should be particularly appealing to American travelers, as the value of their local currency has gone down relative to the strong US dollar. 

Money magazine just announced its first Best in Travel Awards, using data-driven methodology to determine the best international destinations for travelers to visit this year.

To create the list, they... Читать дальше...


A massive Chinese company is trying to get its hands on some of America's most iconic hotel brands

Flickr/ Ainslie Cheung

The massive Chinese company that bought the Waldorf Astoria in 2014 is at it again.

Anbang agreed on Monday to drop $6.5 billion to buy a portfolio of luxury hotels from Blackstone Group.

It also led a bid to bust up Marriott's merger with Starwood Hotels.

The first deal includes 16 hotels, including the Four Seasons in Jackson Hole, Florida, the Westin San Francisco, and the JW Marriott Essex House in New York.

The second, if Anbang is successful... Читать дальше...


11 articles of clothing no man should wear after college


When you graduate college, there are some things you'll have to change about yourself as you adjust to the "real world".

One of the most important is re-learning how to dress for public rather than for the sanctuary of your college dorm.

That means less sweatpants, fewer straight-up pajamas, and absolutely no club t-shirts of any kind. We've created a list of the items you should purge from your closet after you receive your diploma.

Make sure you're not stuck in the past. Читать дальше...


February shattered global temperature records by an unsettling amount

Reuters/Nacho Doce

February smashed a century of global temperature records by “stunning” margin, according to data released by Nasa.

The unprecedented leap led scientists, usually wary of highlighting a single month’s temperature, to label the new record a “shocker” and warn of a “climate emergency”.

The Nasa data shows the average global surface temperature in February was 1.35C warmer than the average temperature for the month between 1951-1980, a far bigger margin than ever seen before. Читать дальше...


Kasich supporters have the best credit scores — and Clinton supporters have the worst

Thomson Reuters

FA Insights is a daily newsletter from Business Insider that delivers the top news and commentary for financial advisors.

Kasich supporters have the best credit scores — and Clinton supporters have the worst (WalletHub)

Almost 60% of John Kasich's supporters have excellent credit scores, the highest proportion among the candidates. Marco Rubio's supporters came in second at 58%, according to WalletHub's presidential credit score survey.

On the flip side... Читать дальше...


The Galaxy S7 isn't quite as tough as the iPhone 6s


The Galaxy S7's water-resistance is great, but most of us are more likely to drop phones on hard surfaces instead of water.

Mobile phone insurance company Square Trade performed a bunch of tests to see how these two popular smartphones fare against the test of life. 

Check out the results.

The Galaxy S7 phones beat the iPhone underwater.


The iPhone 6s Plus started dying after 10 minutes under water.

RAW Embed

... Читать дальше...


Oil companies have destroyed the chances of a huge price rebound (USO, OIL, WTI, VDE)

Tim Green/Flickr

Crude oil producers can only blame themselves for cheap oil if there's no recovery.

By hedging against the volatility in prices, producers are limiting how far up oil prices can go, according to Morgan Stanley's Adam Longson.

In a note Monday, Longson and team write about how "rampant" hedging among oil producers will probably cap West Texas Intermediate (WTI) crude oil prices at $49 per barrel.

In hedging, producers sell futures contracts at current oil prices... Читать дальше...


Neve Campbell says 'House of Cards' echoes of the 2016 election are 'astonishing in a bad way'

David Giesbrecht/Netflix

For the first time since "House of Cards" debuted on Netflix, its new episodes have coincided with an actual presidential election. And though it was filmed months ago, there have been some uneasy similarities between the show's latest season and recent, often ugly developments in the election.

"That was crazy," Neve Campbell, who joined "House of Cards" this season as political strategist Leeann Harvey, told Business Insider. "People have been saying it's... Читать дальше...


Microsoft is cozying up to its enemies in the gaming market (MSFT)


Today, Microsoft announced that it's opening up its Xbox Live gaming service to support "cross-network play" that will let gamers compete with players on "different online multiplayer networks." 

 The popular "Rocket League," which is like soccer with cars, is the first announced game to support the cross-network functionality.

At launch, it's only Windows 10 vs. Xbox, but Microsoft says there's an "open invitation" to other networks. This theoretically means that players... Читать дальше...


Sage Kelly — the banker from one of Wall Street's messiest divorces — just landed a huge job

Flickr/ Clyde Robinson

Sage Kelly, the former Jefferies healthcare investment banker who resigned amid a messy divorce, has returned to Wall Street.

He's been hired by Cantor Fitzgerald as a senior managing director and head of its investment-banking division, Page Six reports.

"We have done our due diligence and we are pleased he is joining the firm," a rep for the bank told Page Six.

Kelly is expected to start this week, the report said.

In 2014, Kelly's (now... Читать дальше...


Vladimir Putin says he's pulling Russian troops out of Syria

REUTERS/Vasily Fedosenko

Russian President Vladimir Putin said he pulling his troops out of Syria as the country's civil war drags into its fifth year, Reuters reported Monday.

Putin reportedly called Syrian President Bashar al-Assad on Monday to inform him that a troop withdrawal will the next day, declaring that Russia's military intervention in the Syrian war had largely achieved objectives.

"The task assigned to the Ministry of Defense and the Armed Forces as a whole has been largely accomplished... Читать дальше...


White trooper pleads guilty in shooting of unarmed black man in South Carolina

South Carolina Police Photo

A white South Carolina trooper pleaded guilty Monday to assault and battery of a high and aggravated nature in the 2014 shooting an unarmed black driver seconds after a traffic stop.

Trooper Sean Groubert, 32, faces up to 20 years in prison. The shooting captured on dash-cam video from the trooper's patrol car shocked the country, coming during a wave of questionable police shootings.

Levar Jones was walking into a convenience store in September... Читать дальше...


Energy stocks are getting hammered (TFM, HOT, MAR, SWN, CHK)

FLICKR/Olle Svensson

Stocks started the week red on Monday after a rally that took the indexes to the best levels of the year last week.

Near 1:46 p.m. ET, the indexes were mostly higher, with the Dow up 28 points, the S&P 500 off by 2, and the Nasdaq up 8 points. 

The energy sector led losses with a 1% fall in early trading. Crude oil prices were also lower, with West Texas Intermediate crude futures in New York slipping 4% to as low as $36.69 per barrel. 

Southwestern... Читать дальше...


Forever 21 is under fire for a shirt some people think suggests rape

Forever 21

People are not happy with a men's Forever 21 shirt.

The shirt, pictured right, has been criticized by Cosmopolitan's Hannah Smothers for being "incredibly rapey."

Racked's Cameron Wolf seconded that notion, writing that "the T-shirt's slogan is highly suggestive of rape and it's shocking that it was ever even suggested, let alone produced and made for sale."

However, some commenters on the women's websites are suggesting otherwise.

One Cosmopolitan... Читать дальше...


China is going to war with price


China is about to go to war with price.

The country just closed the annual session of its legislative body, and one economic concern loomed larger over the proceedings than any other: What to do with the country's growing pile of nonperforming loans (NPLs).

NPLs on Chinese bank balance sheets now total about $200 billion.

Out of that session, two plans surfaced — one through the media and one through the government itself.

Neither (even combined) will be enough to deal with the problem entirely... Читать дальше...


Google says most people are surprised by 3 things when they first ride in a self-driving car (GOOG)


There are three big surprises people usually have the first time they ride in a self-driving car, according to Google’s head of business for that unit, Jennifer Haroon.

At a South by Southwest panel on Sunday, Haroon said that when Google launches self-driving cars in new neighborhoods, it aggressively seeks feedback from locals on how they feel about having the cars on their streets, how they would want to use them, and so on.

But one thing she pointed to... Читать дальше...


19 signs your company doesn't care about you


One of the biggest reasons people leave their jobs is because they feel unappreciated.

"People come to work for more than a paycheck," says Lynn Taylor, a national workplace expert, leadership coach, and author of "Tame Your Terrible Office Tyrant: How to Manage Childish Boss Behavior and Thrive in Your Job." "They want to feel that their contributions are making a difference. If an employer cares about your long-term growth and happiness, you'll feel a much greater sense of purpose... Читать дальше...


The 14 best adults-only, all-inclusive hotels in the Caribbean and Mexico

TripAdvisor/Luxury Bahia Principe Sian Ka'an, Akumal

For couples looking for a romantic getaway without the stress, all-inclusive resorts that are adults-only are an ideal option. 

Not only are your food and drinks already included in the price, but most adults-only versions also offer stunning settings and luxurious amenities. 

We teamed up with Hotels.com to find the 14 best adults-only, all-inclusive hotels in the Caribbean and Mexico, based on guest reviews that had an... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

В Московской области сотрудники Росгвардии приняли участие в экологической акции

Путин в России и мире

Песков: Путин выступит на Российской энергетической неделе

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании разочаровать международных наблюдателей на выборах

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Глава МИД Польши попытался оправдаться за свои слова про Крым

Навальный в России и мире

Иван Дроботов: «Молоток — неподходящий инструмент решения политических конфликтов»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Рэпер ST

Рэпер ST рассказал о знакомстве с Ларисой Долиной и записи совместной песни


В Самаре в Музее Модерна состоится открытие выставки «Новый символизм: Гиперборея и киберпространство»

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