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Новости за 16.12.2017

Times of Malta 

Banners demanding the 'whole truth' put up two months since Caruana Galizia murder

New banners were erected across the island overnight demanding for "the whole truth" to emerge in the wake of the Daphne Caruana Galizia assassination. The banners on a red background, which simply said: "We want the truth, the whole truth", were put up across strategic places like the top of the Santa Venera tunnels. Ms Caruana Galizia was killed in a brutal car bomb on October 16. Three men have since been arrested and charged with her killing but campaigners have demanded that the police also go after the masterminds. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

'We want the whole truth' banners put up two months after Caruana Galizia's murder

New banners were erected across the island overnight demanding for "the whole truth" to emerge in the wake of the Daphne Caruana Galizia assassination. The banners on a red background, which simply said: "We want the truth, the whole truth", were put up across strategic places like the top of the Santa Venera tunnels. Ms Caruana Galizia was killed in a brutal car bomb on October 16. Three men have since been arrested and charged with her killing but campaigners have demanded that the police also go after the masterminds. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Impact of domestic violence

Women and children are not the only victims of domestic violence even if they are the most exposed to this abuse. Men also suffer from intimate partner violence that can take various forms including physical, sexual, emotional and financial abuse. Accepting this reality will help to define the best strategies to deal with it. Local statistics on domestic violence are scarce and not updated enough to confirm the extent of this problem. The US government Centre for Disease Control proves that in the... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Austria becomes first western European country with far-right party in government

Austrian conservatives led by Sebastian Kurz reached a coalition deal with the anti-immigration Freedom Party on Friday, paving the way for Austria to become the only western European country with a far-right party in government. The agreement, two months after a parliamentary election dominated by Europe's migration crisis, ends more than a decade in opposition for the Freedom Party (FPO), which last entered government in 2000 with the People's Party (OVP) that Kurz now leads. Kurz's party won the Oct. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Five talking points in the Premier League this weekend

Leaders Manchester City face Tottenham in the 18th round of Premier League fixtures as the season nears the halfway stage this weekend. Here Press Association Sport looks at five of the major talking points. Spoiler Spurs? It was Tottenham who halted Chelsea's 13-match winning streak on January 4, but the run propelled Chelsea to the title. Can Mauricio Pochettino's men end Manchester City's 15-match run almost 12 months later? Pep Guardiola's side have 49 points, sit 11 points clear at the summit and have dropped two points all season... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Maltese authorities 'may have helped' traffickers

A Ukrainian organised crime syndicate has been discovered trafficking Eastern Europeans into Malta, and investigators believe Maltese authorities could have played a role in “facilitating” the racket. Police sources yesterday said that the criminal gang had been uncovered following weeks of investigation, but this was just the first step in what they believed would be a long and complicated investigation. “One of the big questions we have to ask now is, how were they getting away with this? How was... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Two months after... - Francis Zammit Dimech

It has been two months since Daphne Caruana Galizia’s life was brought to an abrupt end. That three persons have been arraigned and accused of her assassination is certainly welcome. Due process will determine their guilt or otherwise. And if guilty, our laws will determine what punishment they deserve. The people also need to know who commissioned this crime. Reports of a presidential pardon being offered to the alleged executors of the crime indicate that the investigators must be aware that whether... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

13-storey proposal for Jerma site endorsed by council

The Marsascala council will be inviting residents for a presentation on a proposed mixed-use complex at the former Jerma Palace Hotel site, even though it has already declared its backing for the project. Furthermore, the council's endorsement of the project – a 13-storey hotel and a seven-storey residential block – came at the earliest possible stage, as no development application has yet been submitted. Facing the historic St Thomas Tower in the area known as Is-Siberja, this prime Marsascala site... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Today's front pages - December 16, 2017

These are the main stories featured in Saturday's newspapers: Times of Malta reports that a Ukranian organised crime syndicate has been discovered trafficking Eastern Europeans into Malta and investigators believe the Maltese authorities could have played a role in “facilitating” the racket. It also reports that the provider of the new fast-ferry service to Gozo will have to take over the traditional channel crossing too. L-Orizzont says the Prime Minister has adopted a wait-and-see approach before... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Question time: Mental healthcare

Stephen Spiteri, Shadow Minister for Health If there is a sector that contradicts the loud narrative of a country in full blossom, it is mental healthcare. The pictures that surfaced recently showing the appalling neglect at Mount Carmel Hospital are a sad but accurate representation of the state of affairs, not just of the hospital structure but of mental healthcare in general. Those pictures of emergency scaffolding holding up the ceilings in wards are alarming and, no doubt, reveal the frustration of staff and patients at Mount Carmel. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Announcements - 16 December, 2017

CAMILLERI. On December 15, NOEL, aged 53, passed away peacefully comforted by the rites of Holy Church, following a long illness borne with great Christian fortitude. Deeply mourned by his beloved wife Marthese and adored children Isaac and Benjamin, his mother Tessie, his brother Joseph and his wife Daniela, his sister Maria and her husband Bernard Gafa, nephews and niece, his father-in-law Thomas Cini and his numerous friends locally and abroad. Mass will be celebrated today, Saturday, December... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Uber Eats to offer couriers insurance in Europe

Uber’s food delivery business will begin offering an insurance package to its couriers in Europe. Riders for food-delivery companies such as Uber Eats and Deliveroo are typically self-employed and the firms have come under fire for how they treat their workers. Uber Eats said yesterday it would start offering all its couriers in Europe an insurance package with AXA with coverage for personal accidents, cash benefits for hospitalisation, property damage and cover for third-party injury. “Uber Eats... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

The Azerbaijani laundromat - Denis Tanti

The Azerbaijani Laundromat is a term used for the complex money-laundering scheme that operated between 2012 and 2014, where $2.9 billion was siphoned out of Azerbaijan through a secret slush fund by members of the country’s ruling elite. Part of the money went towards an international lobbying operation to deflect criticism of Azeri President Ilham Aliyev and to promote a positive image of his country, through payments to Azerbaijan lobbyists and apologists, European politicians and journalists. Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

A vision for Gozo

As Parliamentary Secretary for EU funds I was excited to launch the public consultation on the Gozo strategy, a fair funding deal for the island alongside the Minister for Gozo last week. Economic growth, social prosperity, accessibility and the creation of new and better jobs in Gozo will remain a key priority. The objective is to contribute towards improving the quality of life of Gozitans. New impetus will aim to foster both private and public sector investment in relevant key areas of the economy... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

EU agrees to bitcoin clampdown to tackle money laundering

European Union Member States and legislators agreed yesterday on stricter rules to prevent money laundering and terrorism financing on exchange platforms for bitcoin and other virtual currencies, the EU said in a statement. The agreement is part of a broader set of measures to tackle financial crimes and tax evasion. EU legislators also backed stricter controls on pre-paid cards, and raised transparency requirements for the owners of trusts and companies. “Today’s agreement will bring more transparency... Читать дальше...

Times of Malta 

Crib opposite parliament

I wish to draw the attention to whoever set up the life-size Christmas crib opposite parliament. It is a pity that while Republic Street has been extravagantly lit up the mentioned crib has been left unlit. We left in the dark He who came to bring light to humanity. Hope this will be remedied asap.

Times of Malta 

Concert in aid of Id-Dar Tal-Providenza

An annual Christmas concert by The Amadeus Chamber Choir, in collaboration with the Police Band under the direction of Mro Brian Cefai, will be held at the Mdina Cathedral today at 7.30pm. Tickets can be bought from E. Maistre Stationers in Valletta and Qronfla in Mosta. For more information, call 7928 1260.

Times of Malta 

One important statistic

Martin Scicluna has again regaled us with his opinion. This time with ‘Women’s rights’ (December 13). In an article with numerous facts and statistics he has unfortunately omitted a rather important fact. That every abortion involves the killing of a defenceless human being, i.e. killing a baby.

Times of Malta 

Number under wraps

I read that the number of “students” at the so-called American University of Malta, has to be kept secret and confidential. Good for starters. Now can anyone tell me if there is any university in the world that keeps its number of students under wraps? If I might add, a university should boast of  the number of its student body. Perhaps our energetic Minister of Education can give some sort of explanation on this absurd statement.

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Бато Багдаев

Театрально-кукольные вести из Бурятского театра "Ульгэр": Россия, Культура, Театр, Дети - Серебряные звездочки засветились в буддийском дацане в Иволге


В Сочи трех кайтсерферов унесло в море

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