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Новости за 30.05.2018


Mother of G League player who died sues NBA, Pistons

DETROIT — The mother of a G League basketball player who died in March after collapsing on the court during a game has filed a lawsuit accusing the NBA and the Detroit Pistons of negligence. Zeke Upshaw played for the Grand Rapids Drive, a G League affiliate of the Pistons. He collapsed during a game


Journalist joins ranks of stranger-than-fiction faked deaths

LONDON — In a twist straight out of a spy thriller, Russian journalist Arkady Babchenko showed up at a news conference in Kiev on Wednesday — a day after he was reportedly shot dead in the Ukrainian capital. Babchenko explained that his death had been faked as part of sting by Ukrainian security services to


Indiana man upset over vehicle restrictions in wilderness

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — An Indiana man is upset that he’ll now have limited access to part of the Hoosier National Forest that includes a cemetery where his family is buried. The Herald Times reports that 81-year-old Kenneth Hays wants access to the Charles C. Deam Wilderness, particularly the Hays 2 Cemetery. The wilderness area borders


Brewers recall Arcia, place Saladino on DL

MILWAUKEE — Shortstop Tyler Saladino has a sprained left ankle and has been put on the 10-day disabled list by the Milwaukee Brewers, who recalled shortstop Orlando Arcia from Triple-A Colorado Springs before Wednesday’s game against the St. Louis Cardinals. Saladino jammed his ankle into second base as he took a throw from second baseman


Setback for outgoing Paraguay president’s Senate aspirations

ASUNCION, Paraguay — Paraguay’s President Horacio Cartes has suffered at least a temporary a setback in his effort to take up a Senate seat once his term ends in August. Opponents both outside his own party and within it boycotted a congressional session on Wednesday. The lack of a quorum blocked a vote on his


Packers sign OL Byron Bell, add versatility up front

GREEN BAY, Wis. — The Green Bay Packers have signed free agent offensive lineman Byron Bell, adding a versatile veteran to beef up depth. The 29-year-old Bell played last season with the Dallas Cowboys, appearing in 12 games and making two starts at left tackle. He missed the entire 2016 season after injuring his ankle


Kittens found in ‘steaming hot’ carrier on highway saved

WRENTHAM, Mass. — Police have found a carrier full of kittens they say were “steaming hot” on the side of a Massachusetts highway. WCVB-TV reports two drivers called police and animal control Tuesday when they noticed a cat carrier on the side of Interstate 495. Police said the five kittens inside were brought to King


Review: American Aquarium singer BJ Barham gets personal

American Aquarium, “Things Change” (New West) American Aquarium is a most appropriate name for the band that made “Things Change,” because frontman BJ Barham presents his life for all to see. Earnest and intense, the North Carolina native sings about marriage, parenthood and divorcing his former band. He quotes his wife, his father and Tom


Ammunition found in home of man who shot inside restaurant

OKLAHOMA CITY — Police recovered ammunition among other items from the home of a man who shot and wounded patrons inside an Oklahoma restaurant last week. The warrant to search the apartment of 28-year-old Alexander Tilghman was issued just more than four hours after police say Tilghman wounded three people about 6:30 p.m. last Thursday


The Latest: Reward for suspect’s arrest in deputy shooting

DICKSON, Tenn. — The Latest on the fatal shooting of a Tennessee sheriff’s deputy (all times local): 12:10 p.m. Tennessee authorities are offering a monetary reward for information leading to the arrest of a suspect in the fatal shooting of a Tennessee sheriff’s deputy. The Tennessee Bureau of Investigation tweeted Wednesday that it has placed


Review: Roger Daltrey aces set of soulful covers, originals

Roger Daltrey, “As Long As I Have You” (Republic Records) It may seem paradoxical to begin a review of a Roger Daltrey album by mentioning Pete Townshend, but The Who vocalist himself credits his bandmate for encouragement in getting “As Long As I Have You” finished. “I’d lost confidence in it, due to a long


Indians still working out treatment plan for Miller’s knee

CLEVELAND — The Indians are working on a treatment plan for All-Star reliever Andrew Miller’s sore right knee. Miller, on the disabled list for the second time this season, visited a specialist on Tuesday in New York. Manager Terry Francona said Wednesday he intends to meet with Miller, the team’s medical staff and president Chris


Distilling company plans bottling plant in southern Indiana

NEW ALBANY, Ind. — A distilling company plans to establish a new bottling plant at the site of a former Pillsbury plant in southern Indiana. The $66 million project from Metairie, Louisiana-based Sazerac Co. was announced Wednesday. Officials say the development in Floyd County is expected to create up to 110 jobs by 2021. The


Man kills self, roommate by running car in their garage

TAMARAC, Fla. — Florida deputies say a man meant to kill himself — and accidentally killed his roommate and their dog as well — by running his car in their garage. Broward Sheriff’s spokeswoman Gina Carter told reporters that the first man was found dead with a suicide note in the garage Wednesday morning. They


Businesses seek to expand opportunities for disabled workers

NEW YORK — On any weekday morning, Miles Thornback is working on marketing campaigns for real estate agents or dealing with tricky tech issues at the office. Thornback, who has cerebral palsy, got hired three years ago at the RE/MAX Prestige real estate agency in Costa Mesa, California, after the owners heard that he’d spent


The Latest: White House says Trump is not defending Barr

NEW YORK — The Latest on Roseanne Barr (all times local): 3:20 p.m. The White House says President Donald Trump isn’t defending Roseanne Barr’s racist tweet about a former Obama adviser. Spokeswoman Sarah Huckabee Sanders says Trump’s tweet Wednesday was intended to point out media bias against him. Trump tweeted that the CEO of ABC’s


The Latest: Trump weighs in on cancellation of ‘Roseanne’

NEW YORK — The Latest on Roseanne Barr (all times local): 11:50 a.m. President Donald Trump has broken his silence on the cancellation of “Roseanne.” In a tweet, Trump noted that Robert Iger, who is chief executive of ABC’s parent Walt Disney Co., called Valerie Jarrett to say the network wouldn’t tolerate Roseanne Barr’s racist


Wisconsin property owners appeal ruling in Foxconn lawsuit

MOUNT PLEASANT, Wis. — Property owners in southeastern Wisconsin who believe they won’t be fully compensated for land Foxconn Technology Group needs to build a $10 billion plant are appealing a ruling dismissing their case. A dozen property owners filed a federal lawsuit in January alleging the village of Mount Pleasant’s use of eminent domain


‘No mercy for the thieves’ in Kenya graft scandal: President

NAIROBI, Kenya — Kenya’s president says his government will spare no effort to recover all of the millions of dollars lost to a corruption scandal as diplomats representing 18 Western countries including the United States urge strong action against graft. President Uhuru Kenyatta says “there will be no mercy for the thieves.” Kenyatta spoke a


If you get bumped off a flight, make it worthwhile

DALLAS — Allison Preiss became a hero to airline passengers this spring when she scored a $10,000 travel voucher for losing her seat on an oversold flight. Negotiating skill mixed with a bit of luck helped Preiss land the elusive payoff. With the peak summer travel season right around the corner, other passengers can learn


NBA Finals Preview Capsule

Capsule preview for the NBA Finals between the Cleveland Cavaliers and Golden State Warriors: NBA FINALS No. 4 CLEVELAND CAVALIERS (50-32, 12-6) vs. No. 2 GOLDEN STATE WARRIORS (58-24, 12-5) Season series: Warriors, 2-0. Story line: The fourth consecutive Cavaliers-Warriors matchup in the NBA Finals, the eighth straight trip to the title series for Cleveland


FIFA drops Saudi referee from World Cup after fixing ban

ZURICH — FIFA has dropped referee Fahad Al Mirdasi from the World Cup after he was banned from football for life in Saudi Arabia over match fixing. The Saudi Arabian Football Federation said two weeks ago that Fahad Al Mirdasi asked for money to help a team win a cup final. Now FIFA says its


The Latest: Judge orders privilege search to end by June 15

NEW YORK — The Latest on a court hearing on the FBI investigation of Michael Cohen (all times local): 11:45 a.m. A New York judge says lawyers for President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer and Trump have until June 15 to make attorney-client privilege claims over data seized in April raids. U.S. District Judge Kimba Wood


The Latest: Michael Cohen’s lawyer blasts Avenatti

NEW YORK — The Latest on a court hearing on the FBI investigation of Michael Cohen (all times local): 11:30 a.m. An attorney for President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer is accusing porn actress Stormy Daniels’ attorney of leaking secret banking records to deliberately harm his client. The attorney for Michael Cohen, Stephen Ryan, blasted Michael


Romania: court tells president to fire anti-graft prosecutor

BUCHAREST, Romania — Romania’s top court has told the president to fire the country’s chief anti-corruption prosecutor, widely praised for her efforts to root out high-level graft, but a thorn in the side of some politicians. The constitutional court ruled Wednesday in a 6-3 vote that there had been an institutional conflict after President Klaus

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Экология в России и мире

Минэкологии требует возместить ущерб в 19 млн руб от свалки в Ленинском округе

Путин в России и мире

Уполномоченный по защите прав предпринимателей в Челябинской области: Бизнес ожидает укрепление, рост и предсказуемые условия

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

В Минске одобрен проект соглашения о системе таможенного транзита ЕАЭС

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Двух фигурантов по делу экс-главы проекта «Гостех» Демченко арестовали в Москве

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