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Новости за 26.09.2016


Hundreds of Romanian couples cash in on lasting love

BUCHAREST, Romania — A district of the Romanian capital on Monday celebrated hundreds of couples who have been married for at least half a century by handing out cash awards and inviting them to a joint lunch. Bucharest’s fifth district town hall says it has given each golden anniversary couple 1,000 lei ($255) to honor


Prosecutor weighs retrial in Indiana triple murder case

INDIANAPOLIS — A northern Indiana prosecutor plans to speak to relatives of three people slain in 1998 and review evidence before deciding if he’ll retry a man whose second triple-murder conviction was thrown out last week, his office said Monday. The 7th Circuit Court of Appeals in Chicago on Friday reversed Wayne Kubsch’s 2005 convictions


Sheridan school district switches buildings to solar power

SHERIDAN, Ind. — A rural central Indiana school district said it expects to save millions of dollars over the next 20 years by getting all of its electricity from solar power. The Indianapolis Business Journal (http://bit.ly/2ddQubh ) reported that Sheridan Community Schools now has an array of about 5,900 solar panels between its elementary, middle


Memorial to confront South’s troubled history of lynchings

MONTGOMERY, Ala. — Southern states have long welcomed tourists retracing the footsteps of the late Martin Luther King Jr. and others who opposed segregation. Now the Alabama city that was the first capital of the Confederacy is set to become home to a privately funded museum and monument that could make some visitors wince: a


Bridge over Arkansas River to close, be replaced

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. — Thousands of people must find alternate routes in and out of downtown Little Rock and North Little Rock due to the upcoming closure of a 93-year-old bridge. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (http://bit.ly/2dlZ7ST) reports that the Broadway Bridge will close Wednesday to the 25,000 vehicles that use it to cross the Arkansas River


Liz Weston: Your Money Secrets Are Killing You

Writer Neal Gabler broke the don’t-talk-about-money taboo this spring with an Atlantic article, “The Secret Shame of Middle-Class Americans.” Now he wants everyone to start talking. “The idea of not being successful financially in America is such a stigma,” says Gabler, who revealed in the article that he was among the millions of adults who


India says Pakistan believes terror will bring territory

UNITED NATIONS — India’s foreign minister says Pakistan continues to believe terrorist attacks will allow it to obtain territory it covets in Jammu and Kashmir. In her speech before the U.N. General Assembly on Monday, Sushma Swaraj also rebutted accusations made by Pakistan’s prime minister from the same podium last week charging that India violates


CSKA coach: Tottenham fans have nothing to fear in Russia

MOSCOW — CSKA Moscow coach Leonid Slutsky says Tottenham fans have nothing to fear in Russia despite the violence between English and Russian supporters at the European Championship. About 300 Tottenham fans are expected to attend Tuesday’s Champions League game against CSKA, the first visit to Russia by an English club since the clashes in


Oklahoma City Zoo to buy machine to test for elephant virus

OKLAHOMA CITY — The Oklahoma City Zoo says it hopes new testing procedures will help prevent elephant deaths associated with a deadly strain of the elephant herpes virus. The Oklahoman (http://bit.ly/2dvY5mb ) reports that in October, a 4-year-old Asian elephant died before results of a blood test confirming that it had the virus (EEHV1A) arrived.


2 wounded in shooting at Paris-area supermarket

PARIS — A police official says two people have been seriously wounded in a shooting outside a supermarket west of Paris. The shooter, a man in his 70s, holed up in his apartment after the shooting at a Super U store in the town of Le Port-Marly, the official said. Special police intervention units surrounded


Dustin Hoffman & Judi Dench receive Int’l Emmy nominations

NEW YORK — Dustin Hoffman and Judi Dench received International Emmy nominations Monday for their roles in the BBC One TV movie “Roald Dahl’s Esio Trot.” Brazil had a leading seven nominations, followed by Britain with six, including best actor and actress for Hoffman and Dench. The two Oscar-winning acting veterans were honored for their


A new look: Greener grass coming to Spanish league

MANCHESTER, England — The grass is getting greener in Spanish soccer. In an attempt to catch up with the financially dominant Premier League, Spain’s top teams are coming up with new ways to promote the sport in their country and improve its global audience share. And it’s all about the look, beyond the silky skills


Iowa State president says he will stop flying school plane

AMES, Iowa — The president of Iowa State University said Monday he will no longer pilot a university airplane he has used for trips that have mixed business and personal affairs. President Steven Leath also said he and his wife will make a donation to the university’s scholarship fund in the amount of costs associated


Pat Riley says Chris Bosh likely played last game with Heat

MIAMI — Chris Bosh has more than likely played his final game for Miami, with the All-Star forward’s latest health setback apparently convincing the team that a return from multiple bouts of blood clots is no longer feasible. Bosh failed a physical last week, keeping him from getting clearance to return to the court. “Chris


Lawyer for Mexico drug lord ‘El Chapo’ Guzman claims torture

MEXICO CITY — A lawyer for Mexican drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman said Monday he will argue that his client has been the victim of torture. Attorney Jose Refugio Rodriguez said the convicted Sinaloa cartel boss’ legal team has submitted evidence of alleged abusive treatment of Guzman in prison. “Cruel and unusual treatment is


California wildfire forces geothermal plant evacuation

CLOVERDALE, Calif. — A wildfire that erupted amid hot, dry conditions and gusty winds in Sonoma County north of San Francisco was burning close a massive geothermal power producing facility on Monday, forcing the evacuation of one of its 14 plants, officials said Monday. Brett Kerr, a spokesman for Calpine, which operates The Geysers geothermal


Iran releases Canadian-Iranian professor held since June

TEHRAN, Iran — A Canadian-Iranian retired professor was released from prison on “humanitarian grounds” and flown out of Iran on Monday, state media reported, ending her months of detention alongside other dual nationals swept up by hard-liners in the security services. Homa Hoodfar returned to Canada via Oman, a brief report on the state-run IRNA


Shell Nigeria refuses to confirm oil militants’ attack

WARRI, Nigeria — Shell Nigeria refused Monday to confirm a report by the Niger Delta Avengers militant group that it has bombed the company’s Bonny oil pipeline and again crippled its exports. Friday night’s bombing breaks a month-long ceasefire between militant groups and the government and comes days after repairs from an earlier attack had


Old graves being exhumed in effort to ID homicide victims

WILKES-BARRE, Pa. — Working with state police, an anthropologist is leading a team exhuming the bodies of four unidentified homicide victims in northeastern Pennsylvania, including a woman who’d been doused in sulfuric acid and a newborn boy. The hope is that scientists will be able to give the victims a name — and lead police


Health care and bank stocks pull US indexes lower

NEW YORK — U.S. stocks are slumping in Monday morning trading as health care companies and banks take the biggest losses. Energy companies are inching higher as oil prices rise. Major indexes in Europe and Asia are also starting the week on a steep skid. KEEPING SCORE: The Dow Jones industrial average lost 108 points,


The Latest: Boater found alive was object of 2011 search

BOSTON — The Latest on one of two boaters who was found alive after being missing for a week: 9:45 a.m. A boater who was found alive on an inflatable life raft off the coast of Massachusetts after being missing for a week was also the object of a massive search when he was a


The Latest: Tight security ahead of Colombia peace ceremony

CARTAGENA, Colombia — 9:15 a.m. There’s tight security and a festive mood in the air in the Colombian city of Cartagena as leftist guerrillas and the government are set to sign a historic peace deal. More than 2,700 troops have been deployed to guarantee the security of 15 Latin American heads of state at Monday’s


Florida-bound airliner makes emergency landing in New York

BUFFALO, N.Y. — A Florida-bound Spirit Airlines jet with 142 people aboard has made a safe emergency landing in New York after a reported mechanical problem. The pilot shut down the affected engine and landed safely early Monday at Buffalo Niagara International Airport. The airline says none of the 136 passengers and six crew members


Research finds talc doesn’t cause cancer; juries disagree

TRENTON, N.J. — Two lawsuits ended in jury verdicts worth $127 million. Two others were tossed out by a judge who said there wasn’t reliable evidence that the talc in Johnson & Johnson’s iconic baby powder causes ovarian cancer. So who’s right? And is baby powder safe? Most research finds no link or a weak


The Latest: Names released in Jose Fernandez boat crash

MIAMI — The Latest on baseball ace Jose Fernandez’s death in a boating accident (all times local): 10:25 a.m. The Miami-Dade County Medical Examiner’s Office is releasing the names of the two men who died in a boat crash that also killed Miami Marlins pitcher Jose Fernandez. Director of Operations Darren Caprara said Monday that

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Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

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Экология в России и мире

В Подмосковье призвали отказаться от запуска воздушных шаров ради экологии

Путин в России и мире

Путин разорвал договор с олигархами, заключённый в конце 90-х, считает Хазин

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Побывавший с визитом в Белоруссии Путин пригласил Лукашенко в гости

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

"Он такое любит". В Киеве рассказали, как генералы обманывают Зеленского

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певец SHAMAN приедет в Дзержинск: цены на билеты шокировали зрителей


Латвия оказалась на пороге транспортного коллапса из-за разрыва с Россией. Железнодорожники просят русские детали

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