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Новости за 26.09.2016


Rutgers loses Janarion Grant, Quanzell Lambert to injuries

PISCATAWAY, N.J. — Rutgers says offensive catalyst Janarion Grant and defensive end Quanzell Lambert suffered season-ending injuries during Saturday’s loss to Iowa. Coach Chris Ash confirmed Monday that both seniors won’t play again without disclosing the nature of their injuries. Grant was hurt late in the second quarter after a 76-yard catch and run to


Elevator trouble closes Washington Monument indefinitely

WASHINGTON — The Washington Monument is closing indefinitely because of ongoing problems with its elevator, the latest in a series of woes for one of the city’s most enduring tourist attractions. The National Park Service announced Monday that the monument, which draws 600,000 visitors a year, will remain closed until its elevator control system can


Springsteen’s ‘Born to Run’ takes readers on riveting ride

“Born to Run” (Simon & Schuster), by Bruce Springsteen Bruce Springsteen’s life is now officially an open book. The autobiography “Born to Run” takes readers on a riveting ride through the everyman rock star’s deeply lived existence. Springsteen, who scrawled his story in longhand over seven years, begins with an exquisitely detailed child’s-eye view of


Diplomats: Portugal’s Guterres tops fifth poll for UN chief

UNITED NATIONS — Portugal’s former Prime Minister Antonio Guterres kept his spot as the first choice to succeed Ban Ki-moon as the next U.N. secretary-general, and was the only candidate to get the minimum nine required “yes” votes in the Security Council’s fifth informal poll on Monday, U.N. diplomats said. Guterres, who was the U.N.


Brazil arrests Silva’s ex-finance minister in graft probe

RIO DE JANEIRO — Brazilian authorities arrested a former finance minister Monday for his alleged role in a massive kickback scheme, the latest high-level politician to be snared in a corruption probe roiling Latin America’s largest nation. Antonio Palocci, who was both a finance minister and chief of staff in the 2003-2010 government of former


Chicago teachers vote to authorize strike in contract talks

CHICAGO — Teachers in the nation’s third-largest school district announced Monday that they have overwhelming support for a strike, but several steps remain before a possible walkout could take place next month. About 95 percent of the Chicago Teachers Union’s voting members favored the strike authorization after several days of high-turnout voting last week. The


Ex-Verizon worker accused of selling customer phone records

ATLANTA — A former Verizon Wireless technician is accused of using the company’s computers to obtain customers’ private call records — plus data showing where customers’ phones were — and then selling them to an unnamed private investigator, federal prosecutors said. Daniel Eugene Traeger, who worked in Alabama, sold the confidential information for more than


Molly Ringwald eyes return to stage in a classic title

NEW YORK — “The Breakfast Club” star Molly Ringwald will return to a New York stage in an adaptation of another classic 1980s film — “Terms of Endearment.” 59E59 Theaters said Monday that Ringwald will star in the bittersweet story of a mother and daughter that was turned into an Oscar-winning film by James L.


Catholic Church alleges smear campaign against slain priests

MEXICO CITY — Mexico’s Roman Catholic Church on Monday harshly criticized what it called a campaign to smear three priests murdered in less than a week by suggesting the victims had been involved in questionable behavior. The outrage came in response to a state prosecutor’s allegations that two of the dead clerics had been drinking


Bruins sign Marchand for 8 years, $49 million

BOSTON — The Boston Bruins have signed forward Brad Marchand to an eight-year, $49 million contract extension. The team announced the deal on Monday as Marchand prepares to play for Canada in the finals of the hockey World Cup. The 28-year-old Marchand, who could have become an unrestricted free agent next summer, had a career-high


Oklahoma prison doctors vetted for past disciplinary issues

OKLAHOMA CITY — An investigation by The Oklahoman shows that more than a third of all doctors in the Oklahoma Department of Corrections have been disciplined at some point during their medical careers. The newspaper (http://bit.ly/2dkR745 ) reports that the doctors have been disciplined for insurance fraud, alcohol and drug abuse and medication prescribing issues,


Forever with Fido: NY to allow people to be buried with pets

ALBANY, N.Y. — New York state will now allow people to be buried with the cremated remains of their pet. Gov. Andrew Cuomo signed the measure into law on Monday. Cemeteries wouldn’t have to offer the option, and religious cemeteries would be specifically forbidden from doing so. Cuomo, a Democrat, says many New Yorkers consider


Business owner, 2 firms face visa fraud charges

NEWARK, N.J. — Federal prosecutors in New Jersey said Monday the part-owner of two information technology firms and an employee fraudulently used a visa program to reduce skilled labor costs. Prosecutors filed conspiracy charges against Sowrabh Sharma, of New York; his two firms, Jersey City-based SCM Data and MMC Systems, of Ashburn, Virginia; and Shikha


Pair of friends piloted planes that crashed in NY, killing 3

NORTH COLLINS, N.Y. — Authorities say two small airplanes that collided and crashed in western New York were piloted by friends who’d taken off with four other planes for their usual weekend outing. Both pilots and one passenger were killed in the crash in North Collins on Sunday morning. Erie County authorities identified the victims


Will boom in loans at retailers, manufacturers turn to bust?

NEW YORK — They sell diamond rings in malls and used cars at dealerships, make wrench sets for mechanics and giant combines for farmers. Not one has “bank” in its name, but they are all big lenders, and getting bigger by the day. If you’re wondering how companies can get people to buy things when


Oman court orders journalists jailed, newspaper shut down

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — An Oman court on Monday ruled in favor of a government decision to shut down al-Zaman daily newspaper and jail three of its journalists, including its editor-in-chief, for reporting on alleged corruption within the judiciary. The director of the Gulf Center for Human Rights, Khalid Ibrahim, told The Associated Press


Lucky few leave Greece under refugee relocation plan

ATHENS, Greece — The bus winding its way through the pre-dawn darkness of Athens’ empty streets marks the end of months of danger, hardship and uncertainty. After surviving war, smugglers and perilous sea crossings, its 31 passengers are finally about to start new lives in Europe. The 27 Syrians and four Iraqis, all families with


Russian suspected of flying drone over Polish govt buildings

WARSAW, Poland — A Russian citizen suspected of flying a drone over Polish government buildings has been detained for questioning, Polish security officials said Monday. Warsaw police spokesman Mariusz Mrozek said the man was detained on allegations he violated Poland’s law that bans flying drones in cities and near airports without permission, for safety reasons.


Variety to host diversity conference, Pharrell to speak

NEW YORK — Variety will host a conference of film executives and stars to discuss solutions to Hollywood’s lagging record in diversity. The conference, which Variety is to announce Monday, will include keynote conversations with Donna Langley, chairman of Universal Studios, and Pharrell Williams. The singer-producer is co-composing the score for the upcoming “Hidden Figures,”


Young man gets 30 years for killing father in Tennessee

GREENEVILLE, Tenn. — A young man has pleaded guilty to killing his father as jury selection was set to begin for his trial in East Tennessee. The Greeneville Sun (http://bit.ly/2dl5hSA) reports 18-year-old Zachary Thomas Blanchard was sentenced to 30 years in prison Monday after pleading guilty to second-degree murder. Blanchard was 16 when police said


Rights group says Pakistan’s police commit widespread abuse

ISLAMABAD — Human Rights Watch said Monday that Pakistan’s corrupt and ill-equipped police system encouraged serious rights violations, including arbitrary arrests, torture and “encounter killings,” in which police stage shootouts to kill individuals in custody. In a 102-page report based on dozens of interviews, the New York-based rights group accuses Pakistani police of beating some


US not on track to meet 2025 carbon pollution cutting goal

WASHINGTON — Unless it does more, the United States probably will fall short of goals set under last year’s Paris agreement to dramatically reduce emissions of heat-trapping gases, according to a new study. The U.S. pledged to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions in 2025 by 26 to 28 percent below 2005 levels. But taking into


California heat wave brings gusty winds, high wildfire risk

LOS ANGELES — Soaring temperatures and dry, gusty winds led forecasters to warn again about potential wildfires as California sweltered under an autumn heat wave Monday. “Humidity is dropping below 10 percent. That is very critical when it comes to fire danger,” said meteorologist Eric Boldt at the National Weather Service in Oxnard. Across Southern


Kurdish rebel attacks on soldiers in Turkey kill 10

ANKARA, Turkey — Kurdish rebels staged two attacks against security forces in southeastern Turkey on Monday, killing 10 security force members and wounding eight others, the country’s state-run news agency reported. Anadolu Agency said militants belonging to the Kurdistan Workers’ Party, or PKK, launched an attack in the afternoon against soldiers providing security along the


Philippines’ Duterte to forge closer ties with China, Russia

MANILA, Philippines — Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte said Monday he has decided to “cross the Rubicon” in his ties with the United States and will open trade alliances and offer long-term land leases to “the other side of the ideological barrier,” China and Russia. The U.S. State Department responded that it wouldn’t stand in Manila’s

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Экология в России и мире

Из гнезд в водоемы столицы: утиные выводки начали свою миграцию

Путин в России и мире

Силуанов предупредил о зеркальном ответе на незаконное использование активов РФ

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Побывавший с визитом в Белоруссии Путин пригласил Лукашенко в гости

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бортник: Киев ждёт общий провал, если ВСУ останется без успехов до осени

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Певица Алена Апина пришла на съемки сериала про группу "Комбинация"


Театр «Куклы и люди» в Лобне отметил юбилей

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