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Новости за 26.09.2016


170 bodies recovered so far in migrant boat disaster

CAIRO — President Abdel-Fattah el-Sissi said on Monday that Egyptians must join hands with his government to prevent a repeat of the tragedy that struck last week when a Europe-bound boat carrying hundreds of migrants sank in the Mediterranean off the Egyptian coast, with the loss of at least 170 lives. In his first public


Britain’s Boris Johnson visits Syrian refugee camp in Turkey

ANKARA, Turkey — Turkey’s state-run news agency says British Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson has arrived near Turkey’s border with Syria where he is scheduled to visit a camp for Syrian refugees. Anadolu Agency says Johnson arrived in the Turkish city of Gaziantep Monday and will continue to the nearby town of Nizip where he will


Spain: Protesters jeer ex-IMF boss as bank card trial starts

MADRID — Protesters shouted insults at Rodrigo Rato, the former head of the International Monetary Fund, as he and 64 others entered court for a trial over the alleged misuse of corporate credit cards at a Spanish bank. Prosecutors are seeking a 4 ½ year jail term for Rato, 67, who headed Bankia group between


The Latest: Obama says Palmer was the American dream

NEW YORK — The Latest on the death of Arnold Palmer (all times local): 10:25 a.m. President Barack Obama says Arnold Palmer was “the American dream come to life.” Obama praised the late golfer’s rise from a humble start in Pennsylvania to “superstardom” around the world. He says Palmer did it with a grin that


Tropical Storm Roslyn forms in the Pacific

MIAMI — Tropical Storm Roslyn has formed in the Pacific far off Mexico’s coast. The storm’s maximum sustained winds early Monday are near 40 mph (64 kph) with little change in strength expected during the next two days. Roslyn is centered about 750 miles (1,207 kilometers) west-southwest of the southern tip of Mexico’s Baja California


South Korean farmer injured in Nov. protest dies in hospital

SEOUL, South Korea — Dozens of activists Monday were commemorating a South Korean farmer who died in a hospital almost a year after being knocked unconscious by water cannons during anti-government protests. Baek Nam-gi had been at Seoul National University Hospital since he fell and injured his head during the demonstration last November protesting President


Spain: Political wrangling continues after regional votes

MADRID — Spain’s political quagmire showed no signs of being resolved Monday after a regional election gave a small boost to Prime Minister Mariano Rajoy’s conservative Popular Party, but failed to dissipate doubts over whether he can form a new national government. Rajoy has been running a caretaker government for almost a year after two


Nigeria military: 8 soldiers killed in attacks by extremists

MAIDUGURI, Nigeria — Islamic extremists have killed eight soldiers and wounded 17 in two attacks in northeastern Nigeria, the country’s military said Monday. The attacks bring the official toll to 10 troops killed and 24 wounded this past week after a lull during which the extremists confronted a leadership struggle. The Islamic State group’s West


British Open organizers pay tribute to Arnold Palmer

ST. ANDREWS, Scotland — Organizers of the British Open paid tribute to Arnold Palmer on Monday for his “immeasurable” contribution to golf’s oldest major, a tournament that he won twice in the early 1960s and helped bring to international prominence. Martin Slumbers, chief executive of the Royal & Ancient, called Palmer “a true gentleman, one


Iran issues local credit cards for the first time in decades

TEHRAN, Iran — Iranian banks have begun issuing credit cards for the first time in decades, local media reported on Monday. The report by several newspapers, including the daily Donya-e-Eqtesad or World of Economy in Farsi, said the cards will be for domestic use only and do not involve any sort of partnership with a


Thai police seek ID on dismembered body found in freezer

BANGKOK — Thai police are seeking to identify a dismembered body found in a freezer when they raided an apartment and arrested two Americans and a Briton suspected of trafficking in forged passports. Police spokeswoman Krisana Pattanacharoen said Monday that the name, gender and nationality of the corpse found in the raid Friday were unknown


Bosnian Serbs overwhelmingly vote to keep disputed holiday

SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegovina — Bosnian Serbs have voted overwhelmingly in favor of keeping a disputed holiday that a constitutional court had said discriminates against non-Serbs. The referendum organized by the local government in the Serb region of Republika Srpska defied a ban on the vote by Bosnia’s constitutional court. It asked whether to keep Jan. 9


Japan’s leader vows to accelerate economic measures, TPP

TOKYO — Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has pledged to accelerate his mix of policies to prop up Japan’s economic recovery and speed up parliamentary approval of the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade pact. In his policy statement Monday opening the 66-day parliamentary session, Abe outlined an extra set of stimulus measures to help the economic recovery


Fernandez dazzled from the moment he joined the majors

From the moment he arrived in the big leagues as a hard-throwing 20-year-old with an effortless delivery and a devastating curveball , Jose Fernandez was special. The shock and heartache will linger for a while after Fernandez died early Sunday in a boating accident at age 24. The Miami ace was one of the game’s


Cuban ballplayers mourn the loss of Fernandez

CHICAGO — Chicago Cubs outfielder Jorge Soler played with Miami Marlins pitcher Jose Fernandez when the two were growing up in Cuba. They traveled together to Venezuela for a youth tournament. Soler said Fernandez’s ability was obvious, right from the start. “Since he was a child, since we were kids, I knew he had something,”


Ref Hussey makes good move in toning down Beckham-Norman

EAST RUTHERFORD, N.J. — John Hussey had an idea. Turned out to be a good one. The referee and his field judge, Rick Patterson, called over Odell Beckham Jr., then Josh Norman, to warn them that anything close to the shenanigans the receiver and cornerback were involved in last December simply won’t be allowed Sunday.


Boater missing for a week found alive; mother still missing

BOSTON — One of two boaters missing for a week has been found alive, drifting on an inflatable life raft off the coast of Massachusetts, but his mother remains missing, U.S. Coast Guard authorities said Monday. The Coast Guard had suspended its search Friday for Linda Carman, 54, of Middletown, Connecticut, and her son, Nathan


McIlroy finally gets it done in FedEx Cup

ATLANTA — Hardly anything ever goes right for Rory McIlroy in the FedEx Cup. McIlroy won two straight FedEx Cup playoff events in 2012 and was the best player in golf only to watch Brandt Snedeker win the Tour Championship to beat him out of the $10 million bonus. Two years ago, he again was


Evansville gym offer ‘Curious George’ yoga class for kids

EVANSVILLE, Ind. — Eleven kids sat on yoga mats with one leg straight behind them, and the other bent in toward their body. “It’s pigeon pose, but we’re going to call it a swan today,” Amy Stephen told the kids. The Tri-State Athletic Club offered its first kids yoga class Sept. 18 – Curious Adventure


South Bend man reaches milestone after organ transplants

SOUTH BEND, Ind. — When 27-year-old Ransom Muston reaches a milestone, the word miracle is often used to describe it. Consider his next milestone — the 10-year anniversary of his rare multi-visceral transplant surgery where he received a new small intestine, liver and pancreas. Or, the remission news Ransom received in 2014 after doctors found


AP Top 25 Heat Check: Fallout and falling out at LSU

The firings have begun. That’s what happens when a preseason top-10 team finds itself out of the AP Top 25 at the end of September. LSU took the first opportunity to do what it wanted to do — and probably should have done — last season and fired coach Les Miles on Sunday . Miles


Mother uncovers lasting impact of son’s organ donation

WASHINGTON — An ultrasound showed one of Sarah Gray’s unborn twins was missing part of his brain, a fatal birth defect. His brother was born healthy but Thomas lived just six days. Latching onto hope for something positive to come from heartache, Gray donated some of Thomas’ tissue for scientific research — his eyes, his


ICYMI in NFL’s Week 3: Rookies Wentz, Prescott stay INT-free

There’s never been quite the sort of clean, composed rookie quarterbacking that Carson Wentz of the Philadelphia Eagles and Dak Prescott of the Dallas Cowboys are producing week after week after week. Wentz, drafted No. 2 overall out of North Dakota State, is the first rookie QB since 1970 to open a season 3-0 with


Suspects, victims in California killings were ‘furries’

FULLERTON, Calif. — Two men arrested in the killings of a California couple were friends with the victims’ teenage daughter and all attended “furry” events where some participants dress up in colorful animal costumes, according to friends and their social media pages. Jennifer Yost, 39, and her husband, Christopher Yost, 34, were found dead in


3 held, including teen, in triple killings in California

FULLERTON, Calif. — Police arrested three people, including a 17-year-old girl, on suspicion of killing a couple and their friend inside a Southern California home over the weekend. Fullerton police Sgt. Jon Radus would not say if the arrested teen was Katlynn Goodwill Yost, whom they had identified earlier as the missing daughter of two

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Экология в России и мире

Доля жилья класса «делюкс» на элитном рынке выросла до 45%

Путин в России и мире

Владимир Путин направил приветствие участникам и гостям Международного форума «Российская энергетическая неделя — 2024»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил, что не видит тенденций к развязыванию войны против Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский провалил презентацию "плана победы" в США: союзники Киева захотели поговорить с Путиным

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Рахманинов

В Тамбове пройдут конные бега под музыку Рахманинова


Агуланып үлгән 4 балага аталары дару бирмәгән, әниләре даруны үзе эчмәгән

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