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Новости за 10.07.2016


Head of UK opposition party urges challenger to think again

LONDON — The leader of Britain’s Labour Party urged a lawmaker challenging him for the job to “think for a moment” about her decision as turmoil roils the opposition party in the wake of the country’s decision to leave the European Union. Jeremy Corbyn told the BBC that he was disappointed that Angela Eagle, the


Sauber’s Marcus Ericsson passed fit to race in British GP

SILVERSTONE, England — Marcus Ericsson was passed fit to race in the British Grand Prix following a medical examination on Sunday morning. The Sauber driver crashed heavily during final practice on Saturday morning and was taken to hospital in Oxford for checks. He returned to the circuit late Saturday and, following his medical examination by


British agency probing claims 4 athletes doped in Kenya

The UK anti-doping agency has sent investigators to Kenya to probe allegations that four British athletes used the banned blood-booster EPO in a well-known high-altitude training region, claims that could increase the scope of the problem in the East African nation and show foreign runners are also doping there. The allegations, made using secretly filmed


Britain may be yearning for a country that never was

GREAT YARMOUTH, England — Across Britain, from dilapidated Welsh coal mining towns to English beach resorts frozen in time, people say they voted to leave the European Union and plunge into the unknown to get their country back. But which country is that, exactly? Could their stinging blow to the European project have stemmed from


Froome wearing yellow during 9th stage of Tour de France

ARCALIS, Andorra — Defending champion Chris Froome is wearing the yellow jersey in the ninth stage of the Tour de France. It’s the first time in this year’s race that Froome has the overall lead, following his downhill attack and stage win a day earlier. Sunday’s route is a 184.5-kilometer leg from Vielha d’Aran, Spain,


Migrants face torture, rape in journey from Libya to Europe

ABOARD THE AQUARIUS ON THE MEDITERRANEAN SEA — The young Liberian man went through hell, but when he reached Libya he hoped that there he’d be able to make a living and get an education. Instead, he entered another hell of imprisonment, then near death at sea. The ordeal of Laye Donzo is a cautionary


Indian Prime Minister Modi plays drums in Tanzania

DAR ES SALAAM, Tanzania — Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi beat large African drums with Tanzanian President John Pombe Magufuli during a ceremony to welcome Modi to the East African country Sunday. Modi spoke to a press conference after inspecting a guard of honor at State House, the official residence of the Tanzanian leader. Modi


Typhoon Nepartak batters China’s coast, killing at least 2

BEIJING — At least two people were dead and 17 others missing after Typhoon Nepartak battered China’s coast with heavy rain and strong winds that toppled homes and triggered landslides, officials in southeastern Fujian province said Sunday. Fujian’s water resources department said that more than 438,000 people had been relocated. Hundreds of flights and trains


The Latest: Global audience of 300M for Euro 2016 final

SAINT-DENIS, France — The Latest from the European Championship (all times local): 2:05 p.m. UEFA expects a global audience of 300 million television viewers for the European Championship final. The predicted figure for the France vs. Portugal game is an industry-standard audit for in-home viewers averaged throughout the match. For the 2014 World Cup final,


Renewed fighting breaks out across South Sudan capital

JUBA, South Sudan — Renewed gunfights broke out across South Sudan’s capital Sunday between forces loyal to the president and those of the vice president, officials said Sunday, causing widespread casualties and raising fears that the country is returning to civil war. The fighting hit a U.N. camp for displaced people hit by the violence,


France seeks healing final victory vs underachiever Portugal

SAINT-DENIS, France — France puts its formidable record in finals on the line when the European Championship hosts try to deny Cristiano Ronaldo’s Portugal a first major football title on Sunday. French players have lifted the trophy in three of four finals over 32 years: Euro ’84 and the 1998 World Cup on home soil,


Australian leader claims election win, but questions remain

SYDNEY — Eight days after Australia’s general election ended in uncertainty, the prime minister finally claimed victory Sunday for his conservative coalition, bringing an end to the country’s political paralysis — at least for the moment. Though the question of who won the July 2 election was answered, the question of exactly how the conservatives


Portraits of loss: Victims of the Baghdad bombing

BAGHDAD — Taha Abbas recites the names of the dead– Hassan, Ali, Issa, Mustafa — and flips through pictures on his phone of smartly dressed young men with coiffed hair striking poses. Nearly a dozen of his friends were killed last Sunday when the Islamic State group carried out the worst single bombing Iraq has


The Latest: Obama meets with Spain’s acting prime minister

MADRID — The Latest on U.S. President Barack Obama’s visit to Spain: (all times local): 2 p.m. President Barack Obama has arrived for a meeting with Spain’s acting prime minister, Mariano Rajoy (mah-ree-AH’-noh rah-HOY’). The leaders are sitting down at Moncloa Palace, the prime minister’s official residence in Madrid. Obama met earlier Sunday with King


Cambodian government critic shot dead over money, police say

PHNOM PENH, Cambodia — A well-known critic of Cambodia’s government who was a known voice in the country’s independent media was shot dead Sunday morning in what police said was a personal dispute over money. Kem Ley, 45, was killed at a gas station mini-mart complex in Phnom Penh and his attacker was arrested shortly


Algeria officialdom threatens nation’s noisy, tell-all media

ALGIERS, Algeria — Algeria’s independent media is noisy, unsparing and often acerbic — and authorities think that’s a problem. Algerian officials are going after the independent media for unnecessarily “setting off alarms” and “darkening” the image of the North African country, which is struggling with lost oil revenues and political uncertainty surrounding an ailing president.


Turkish military strikes Islamic State, PKK targets

ISTANBUL — The Turkish military says that jets and artillery struck 10 Islamic State targets as they were preparing to fire on Turkey. The Turkish General Staff said that U.S.-led coalition jets and Turkish howitzers hit IS rocket and mortar batteries stationed in north Syria’s Dabik region late Saturday night. Eight IS militants were reportedly


G20 ministers call for rolling back of anti-trade measures

SHANGHAI — Trade ministers from the G20 nations called on their governments on Sunday to roll back anti-trade measures that have become more pervasive than any time since 2009. Following a two-day meeting in Shanghai, the ministers said in a joint statement that they’re “concerned” about rising protectionism around the world and “significantly slowed” trade


Israel find may help solve mystery of biblical Philistines

ASHKELON, Israel — An archaeological discovery announced on Sunday in Israel may help solve an enduring biblical mystery: where did the ancient Philistines come from? The Philistines left behind plenty of pottery. But part of the mystery surrounding the ancient people was that very little biological trace of them had been found — until 2013.


Rangers starter struggles again in 8-6 loss to Twins

ARLINGTON, Texas — Progress for the Texas Rangers’ injury-riddled starting rotation on Saturday night meant getting at least five innings, which had not happened since July 1. Kyle Lohse lasted exactly five innings in his Rangers debut but took the loss as the Minnesota Twins won 8-6. Eddie Rosario homered, tied a career record with


16 dead in Indian Kashmir protests after top rebel killed

SRINAGAR, India — The death toll in Kashmir rose to 16 on Sunday as clashes between Indian troops and protesters continued despite a curfew imposed in the disputed Himalayan region to suppress anti-India anger following the killing of a popular rebel commander. The dead included 15 civilians killed in two days of clashes between angry,


Spanish matador fatally gored, first time since 1985

MADRID — A bullfighter was fatally gored in Spain in an eastern town — the first professional matador to be killed in the ring in more than three decades. Victor Barrio, 29, was pronounced dead late Saturday by a surgeon at the Teruel bullring. Barrio was first gored in the thigh by the 1,166-pound (530-kilogram)


Indian rapper targets US chemical giant in bid for damages

NEW DELHI — An Indian rapper is targeting Dow Chemical with rhymes — demanding the U.S. company pay more in victims’ compensation and environmental damages stemming from a horrific chemical gas leak that killed thousands of people and sickened countless others. Sofia Ashraf debuted “Dow vs. Bhopal: a Toxic Rap Battle” last month, calling the


Obama’s first presidential stop in Spain turns hurried

SEVILLE, Spain — It took the White House more than seven years to lock in Spain on President Barack Obama’s foreign travel schedule. But events beyond Obama’s control are ensuring that his first and only visit to Spain, the largest European country that had yet to welcome the president, will be a rushed one. Instead


The Latest: Dallas judge calls attack ‘crime of opportunity’

DALLAS — The Latest on the shooting of police officers in Dallas (all times local): 5:45 p.m. A top elected official in Dallas says it appears Thursday’s attack on a protest march was a “crime of opportunity.” Dallas County Judge Clay Jenkins says authorities believe the gunman, Micah Johnson, had been practicing and training for

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Экология в России и мире

Первый в России электромобиль Tesla Cybertruck заметили на Москве

Путин в России и мире

Фестиваль “Спасская башня” пройдёт в Москве на Красной площади с 23 августа по 1 сентября

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко заявил о желании построить в Белоруссии вторую АЭС

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Цинизм зашкалил: Елена Зеленская повеселилась в Киеве с герцогиней Эдинбургской

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




МакSим о выступлении Трусовой под песню «Отпускаю»: «Как же мне приятно! Какой номер! Какой характер у этой девочки!»


Диана Шурыгина и криптобизнесмен Святослав Гусев задержаны в Москве

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