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Новости за 05.07.2016


Book Review: Transition from McCarthy aide to fierce liberal

“Bobby Kennedy: The Making of a Liberal Icon” (Random House), by Larry Tye It seemed an unlikely start for the career of a man who would become one of the nation’s most fierce liberal heroes. One of Bobby Kennedy’s first assignments in Washington was to assist Sen. Joe McCarthy’s investigation into communists in the U.S.


BlackBerry will stop producing its Classic smartphone

WATERLOO, Ontario — BlackBerry said Tuesday that it will stop making its Classic smartphone, less than two years after launching it with much fanfare. Ralph Pini, the company’s chief operating officer and general manager for devices, said the Classic has long surpassed the average lifespan for a smartphone in today’s market. “We are ready for


AP Interview: Libya PM says UN-backed unity deal unworkable

CAIRO — Libya’s prime minister says the United Nations is trying to impose an unworkable agreement on the country’s various factions that is “screwing up” the political process and will never be accepted by parliament. Abdullah al-Thinni is the head of an interim government based in eastern Libya that answers to its internationally recognized parliament.


Round 1: Froome aims for yellow jersey in 1st mountain leg

LIMOGES, France — Chris Froome’s team principal likened it to the first round of a boxing match. Froome himself is expecting time gaps. The overall contenders are expected to spring into action in Wednesday’s opening mountain stage of the Tour de France. The 216-kilometer (134-mile) route from Limoges to Le Lioran in the Massif Central


France, Canada start Olympic qualifying event with victories

MANILA, Philippines — France rallied from a 10-point deficit to beat host the Philippines 93-84, and Canada defeated Turkey 77-69 Tuesday on the opening day of one of the final qualifying tournaments for men’s basketball at the Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Nando De Colo scored 11 points in the third quarter and 27 overall


Finnish court jails 6 Cuban volleyball players in rape case

HELSINKI — A regional court in Finland on Tuesday ordered the detention of six members of Cuba’s national men’s volleyball team on suspicion of aggravated rape. The Pirkanmaa District Court said that all six men could be held in police custody for further questioning until Aug. 26, when police should file charges or release them.


Guns, immigration and Zika top agenda as Congress returns

WASHINGTON — Gun control, immigration and money to combat the Zika virus top the congressional agenda as lawmakers sprint toward the political conventions this month and a seven-week summer recess. Amid all that, Republicans plan to squeeze in a meeting with Donald Trump on Thursday. The House and Senate have just eight legislative days before


Attorney hired for mom charged with stabbing 4 kids to death

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — An attorney has been hired to represent a Tennessee woman charged with fatally stabbing four of her children, but he declined to discuss the case outside a courthouse Tuesday. Craig Morton said he is representing 29-year-old Shanynthia Gardner, who has been charged with first-degree murder, child abuse and child neglect in the


Computers, not humans to scan carry-on bags in TSA test

Federal officials said Tuesday that they are expanding tests to speed up airport lines and improve security. In a first in the U.S., the Transportation Security Administration said Tuesday that it plans to begin using computed-tomography or CT scanners to inspect carry-on bags at one checkpoint in the Phoenix airport by the end of the


‘The Birth of a Nation’ film inspires library lectures

NEW YORK — Nate Parker’s “The Birth of a Nation” isn’t out until October, but some libraries will be teaching about the slave rebellion that it’s based on later this summer. “The Birth of a Nation: Slavery, Resistance & Abolition” will be offered in libraries, museums and other institutions from Aug. 21 through Oct. 30.


Berlin aims to lure British startups fearful over Brexit

BERLIN — When Cornelia Yzer woke to the news that Britain had voted to leave the European Union her initial reaction was disappointed. As an anglophile she was saddened by the thought of Britain leaving the club. Then Berlin’s economy minister reached for the phone and got busy luring companies from Britain to the Germany


Plane evacuated at German airport after phone tip

BERLIN — Police evacuated a plane bound for Turkey at the Kassel airport in central Germany on Tuesday after an anonymous caller told authorities that a potentially dangerous piece of luggage was on board. The caller informed airport officials Tuesday afternoon that there was a suitcase on board “which could pose a danger,” Kassel police


Refugees mark end of Ramadan in Germany with mixed feelings

BERLIN — It’s the first time that Syrian refugee Moustafa Shikh Habib is celebrating the end of the fasting month of Ramadan in Germany and he has bittersweet feelings about it. The 36-year-old Kurd lives with his wife and four children in two little cramped rooms at a huge asylum center in Berlin and says


American folk art show opens at Crystal Bridges Museum

BENTONVILLE, Ark. — Since its debut five years ago, Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art has showcased works by well-known American artists like Georgia O’Keeffe and Andy Warhol. Now the Arkansas museum founded by a Wal-Mart heiress is turning its attention to ordinary objects made by unsung craftsmen, quilters and painters. The new show, “American


Friend says suspect and US student scuffled after a robbery

ROME — Rome police detained a homeless man on suspicion he pushed a 19-year-old American student into the Tiber River after a fight, as details emerged about Beau Solomon’s final hours in the thick of Rome’s summertime nightlife. Police took suspect Massimo Galioto, 40, into custody Tuesday, saying he was “seriously suspected of aggravated homicide”


Israel approves hundreds of settlement homes

JERUSALEM — Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has authorized construction of hundreds of new homes in Jewish settlements in the West Bank and east Jerusalem, an Israeli official confirmed Tuesday. The government has presented the move as a response to a series of deadly Palestinian attacks against Jewish settlers. The Palestinians have long viewed settlement construction


Court rules against White House science office in email case

WASHINGTON — A federal appeals court ruled Tuesday that work-related emails on a private account used by the White House’s top science adviser are subject to disclosure under federal open records laws. The three judge panel sided with a conservative think tank that had filed a lawsuit seeking emails from John Holdren, director of the


Man accused of shooting father, Ohio deputy is indicted

LEBANON, Ohio — A man accused of shooting and injuring his father and an Ohio sheriff’s deputy has been indicted on charges including attempted aggravated murder and attempted murder. Warren County’s prosecutor says 19-year-old Mohammed Abdou Laghaoui was indicted Tuesday. Prosecutor David Fornshell says charges against the Warren County man also include felonious assault and


Review: Mortensen flirts with utopia in ‘Captain Fantastic’

“Captain Fantastic ” is about the fantasy of being able to create a perfect world for your children, and the crushing realization that such control is ultimately impossible. Ben (Viggo Mortensen) pursues this ideal in a particularly extreme way — by removing his family from society altogether and creating his own little utopia in the


Identical twin sisters give birth on same day, at same time

Identical twin sisters have given birth on the same day, at the same time, in their respective time zones. Today.com reports Sarah Mariuz and Leah Rodgers delivered their babies at 1:18 a.m. Thursday. Rodgers’ son, Reid Joseph, was born first, on Mountain time in Denver. An hour later, Mariuz delivered her daughter, Samantha Lynne, on


Roscoe Brown Jr., Tuskegee Airman and educator, dies at 94

NEW YORK — Roscoe Brown Jr., who served with the all-black Tuskegee Airmen during World War II and was a longtime New York City educator, has died. Brown died Saturday at a hospital in the Bronx after breaking his hip in a recent fall, his granddaughter Lisa Bodine said. He was 94. In 2007, Brown


You might be overpaying for streaming music

LOS ANGELES — When Lauren Higgins tried to sign up for Spotify’s premium plan on her iPhone, she was irked that the music service asked for $13 a month, $3 more than the gift subscription she had given her boyfriend. “I was pissed and I wasn’t going to do it,” said Higgins, a 25-year-old public-relations


Review: Serious security lapses at Boston transit money room

BOSTON — The facility that handles cash for Boston’s transit system is riddled with security weaknesses that pose risks of theft and physical danger to employees, according to an outside review made public Tuesday. Known as the money room, the facility in Boston’s Charlestown neighborhood collects and counts an estimated $119 million a year in


Czechs to face France without Berdych in Davis Cup quarters

PRAGUE — The Czech Republic will be without Tomas Berdych in next week’s Davis Cup quarterfinal against France. Berdych, the country’s top player who contributed to the 2012-13 Davis Cup titles, reached the quarterfinals at Wimbledon on Tuesday by beating fellow Czech Jiri Vesely 4-6, 6-3, 7-6 (8), 6-7 (9), 6-3. Czech captain Jaroslav Navratil


Chipotle executive arrested on charges he possessed cocaine

NEW YORK — The Chipotle marketing executive leading the chain’s efforts to rebound after an E. coli outbreak turned himself in Tuesday to face cocaine-possession charges, his lawyer said. New York Police Department Sgt. Lee Jones said Mark Crumpacker was arrested at 9 a.m. Tuesday on seven counts of possession of a controlled substance. Crumpacker,

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Экология в России и мире

Практически все животные Москвы вышли из зимней спячки до начала майских холодов

Путин в России и мире

IRNA: Путин провел встречу с послом Ирана после крушения вертолета Раиси

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Президент Камеруна получил послание от Президента Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




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