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Новости за 29.06.2016


New laws on abortion set to take effect around the country

New laws targeting abortion are set to take effect Friday in about one-fifth of the states, initiating another wave of restrictions just days after the U.S. Supreme Court struck down a Texas measure that led several clinics to close. Some of the laws limit when and how the procedure can be performed. Others restrict what


Arbitration panel to rule July 12 in South China Sea dispute

THE HAGUE, Netherlands — The Permanent Court of Arbitration said Wednesday it will deliver an eagerly awaited ruling on July 12 in a case filed by the Philippines contesting Beijing’s sweeping claims to most of the South China Sea. Beijing has rejected the international arbitration and says it will ignore the panel’s decision. In an


Media use in America up a full hour over just last year

NEW YORK — The typical American adult is using media for a full hour a day more than just last year, with smartphones accounting for most of the increase. People spent an average of 10 hours, 39 minutes each day with smartphones, tablets, TV, radio, computers and video games during the first three months of


Fire chief: Man saved from blaze by son’s cackling chickens

CREEKSIDE, Pa. — A Pennsylvania fire chief says some cackling chickens turned out to be cock-a-doodle-do-gooders. Creekside Fire Chief Pete Yacovone says David Wells escaped from his burning Indiana County home at around 3:30 a.m. Wednesday after his son was awakened by his chickens. The chief says the chickens might have been startled by the


Texas hires Tulane’s David Pierce as next baseball coach

AUSTIN, Texas — Tulane baseball coach David Pierce, who led the Green Wave to the American Athletic Conference regular-season title this past season, was announced Wednesday as the new coach at Texas. Pierce replaces Augie Garrido, the winningest coach in college baseball history, who was forced out after 20 years after the Longhorns had a


Hundreds attend funeral of music legend Ralph Stanley

MCCLURE, Va. — Legendary bluegrass musician Ralph Stanley has been laid to rest in his hometown of McClure, Virginia. Media outlets report that hundreds of friends, neighbors and music fans turned out for Stanley’s funeral Tuesday evening. Stanley died Thursday at the age of 89 after battling skin cancer. Stanley began playing music in 1946


LeBron a free agent after declining option on contract

CLEVELAND — LeBron James is about to hit the free-agency market and stay right at home. James declined his player option for next season with the NBA champion Cavaliers, but the finals MVP has made it clear he has no intention of leaving Cleveland anytime soon. He had until midnight Wednesday to pick up the


Laura Benanti looking forward to broadcast of ‘She Loves Me’

NEW YORK — If you can’t make it to see Laura Benanti in the charming Broadway revival of “She Loves Me,” don’t worry. Just fire up your computer or TV. Online theater streaming service BroadwayHD plans to livestream the show Thursday night, marking the first time a Broadway show has been broadcast live. Benanti, who


4 siblings in Miami shot in separate incidents in June

MIAMI GARDENS, Fla. — A 16-year-old male shot dead in a car was the fourth member of a Miami family to be shot this month. Miami Gardens Police Maj. Ralph Suarez tells The Miami Herald (http://hrld.us/29oU7H9 ) that Jemelle Raymond’s death early Tuesday appeared “like a gang retaliation shooting.” Also killed was an 18-year-old man,


Ab Fab: Patsy and Edina talk Brexit

LONDON — Jennifer Saunders and Joanna Lumley will be hoping to lift the spirits of a post-Brexit Britain when they attend the world premiere of “Absolutely Fabulous: The Movie” Wednesday. Saunders insisted that the event will be “more fabulous” now that the decision has been made to leave the European Union. “It is going to


It sucks – startups look to redesign the breast pump

NEW YORK — Ask many mothers and they’ll tell you, pumping sucks in more than one sense of the word. “It feels like you are a cow. You are hooked up to a machine — it’s the opposite of breastfeeding,” says Nina Emlen, who works full-time in college admissions and pumps milk twice a day


Airport attack hammers Istanbul’s once-lofty ambitions

In 2012, a glistening tower of shops, offices and residences opened in Istanbul, an emblem of the brash attitude of an ancient city that prided itself as an international gateway between Asia and Europe. Those ambitions, increasingly dampened by internal conflict and spillover from the tumult in neighboring countries, were dealt another blow in the


Unattended bag causes brief Kennedy airport terminal closure

NEW YORK — Authorities say a terminal at John F. Kennedy International Airport was briefly evacuated after a police dog flagged an unattended bag. A spokesman for airport police says Wednesday morning that roads in and out of JFK’s Terminal 5 were closed for about an hour. Spokesman Joe Pentangelo says bomb squad officers from


Nebraska plan for dementia, Alzheimer’s care released

LINCOLN, Neb. — A Nebraska care plan for residents living with dementia and Alzheimer’s disease has been released. Clayton Freeman, regional director of programs for the Alzheimer’s Association, says the plan’s goals include identifying in the next two years a standard assessment for state doctors to use at annual Medicare wellness visits, and to educate


Kosovo hands 13-year prison sentence to man plotting attacks

TIRANA, Albania — A Kosovo court has sentenced a man to 13 years in prison for preparing terrorist attacks. The Pristina Basic Court on Wednesday said that the ethnic Serb man, identified only by his initials S.B., was plotting a terrorist attack in December 2014. Police found 23 explosive devices weighing 12 kilograms (26 pounds)


Strike by casino workers looms in crisis-weary Atlantic City

ATLANTIC CITY, N.J. — It’s been a rough two years for Atlantic City. This seaside gambling resort has seen a third of its casinos vanish; come close to bankruptcy; and lost tens of millions in tax court to casinos that appealed their assessments. The state wants to take over its finances and decision-making power, and


Audit: About $1M in missing funds in Attica school district

ATTICA, Ind. — A state audit has found nearly $1 million in federal funds unaccounted for from a western Indiana school district’s financial books. According to the Lafayette Journal & Courier (http://on.jconline.com/292u86S ), the State Board of Accounts audit found flaws in Attica Consolidated School Corp.’s ledgers from July 1, 2013, to June 30, 2015.


Gunmen kill 8 security forces in Pakistan’s Quetta

QUETTA, Pakistan — Gunmen have ambushed army and police patrols in the Pakistani city of Quetta, killing eight security forces, officials said Wednesday. Two gunmen on a motorcycle attacked an army vehicle in a market on Wednesday, killing the four soldiers and wounding a civilian, paramilitary spokesman Khan Wasey said. The four police were shot


GE Capital wins approval to drop ‘too big to fail’ label

NEW YORK — GE Capital is no longer “too big to fail.” The financing unit of General Electric Co. won approval from federal regulators Tuesday to drop its designation as a “systematically important financial institution,” a title that comes with added scrutiny and stricter rules. GE and the Financial Stability Oversight Council — a group


TV fundraiser planned for West Virginia flood relief efforts

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — Celebrities including singer Billy Ray Cyrus and “America’s Got Talent” winner Landau Eugene Murphy Jr. will gather for a TV fundraiser to benefit flood recovery efforts in West Virginia, where at least 23 people died. Murphy publicist Burke Allen says in a news release the two-hour “Rebuild West Virginia” telethon will be


British chaos means interest rates will stay low for longer

FRANKFURT, Germany — Savers will suffer longer with zero returns on their accounts. Home buyers, companies and governments will keep on borrowing cheaply. And questions will grow further about whether central banks are creating bubbles in financial markets by keeping interest rates near or below zero. The British vote to leave the European Union shook


The Latest: Southern Utah wildfire grows

FORESTHILL, Calif. — The Latest on a wildfires burning in the U.S. West (all times local): 10:10 a.m. A southern Utah wildfire continues to grow, more than two weeks after it was started by lightning. The blaze near Pine Valley has so far torched about 2.4 square miles of rugged terrain. It had previously forced


US stocks claw back half of ground lost post-British vote

U.S. stocks were on track to close sharply higher in late-afternoon trading Wednesday, echoing strong gains in global markets as investor worries about Britain’s vote to leave the European Union eased. Traders also got encouraging data on U.S. consumer spending. Energy companies led the rally as the price of crude oil closed higher. Health care,


Polar bear stretches her legs at new Detroit-area home

ROYAL OAK, Mich. — An elderly polar bear that spent years at an Indianapolis zoo is roaming around her new home at the Detroit Zoo. The zoo says Tundra, a 29-year-old female, arrived last weekend and began exploring for the first time Tuesday. She joins two 11-year-old bears, a male and female, as well as


Supplies run out in southern Mexico amid teachers’ protests

MEXICO CITY — Business leaders and government officials said Wednesday that supplies of gasoline, food and other goods are running out in southern Mexico because protesting teachers have blockaded key highways. Tourism is one of the key economic activities in the southern states of Oaxaca and Chiapas and it’s been hit severely by the protests.

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Экология в России и мире

Анализ российского рынка одноразовой биоразлагаемой посуды: итоги 2023 г., прогноз до 2027 г.

Путин в России и мире

Путин встретился с патриархом Кириллом

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко подчеркнул роль патриарха Кирилла в укреплении связей Москвы и Минска

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бортник: Киев ждёт общий провал, если ВСУ останется без успехов до осени

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Пётр Чайковский

В Якутии фестиваль классического балета «Стерх» откроется бессмертной классикой Петра Чайковского «Лебединое озеро»


Порядка 144 км дорог и 17 мостов приведут к нормативам по БКД в Поморье

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