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Новости за 29.06.2016


After overcoming injuries, Trayvon Bromell doesn’t fear Bolt

EUGENE, Ore. — Trayvon Bromell swore off sprinting — all sports, really — after taking his third ride to the hospital in as many years. Among his injuries: — Severely injured left knee on a back flip gone wrong in eighth grade. — Damaged right knee while grabbing a rebound during a basketball tournament in


DC schools chief Kaya Henderson to step down

WASHINGTON — Kaya Henderson is stepping down after more than five years as chancellor of the District of Columbia’s public schools. Henderson succeeded the polarizing Michelle Rhee and continued her predecessor’s education-reform policies. But she had a more low-key style and better relationships with parents, teachers and elected officials. Henderson has fired hundreds of teachers


Yankees to dedicate Rivera’s Monument Park plaque on Aug 14

NEW YORK — The Yankees will dedicate a plaque to retired reliever Mariano Rivera in Monument Park during a ceremony before their game against Tampa Bay on Aug. 14. Rivera helped the Yankees win five World Series titles and set big league records with 652 regular-season saves and 42 postseason saves during a career that


Lead in water at US House office prompts questions

WASHINGTON — Congressional officials have found lead in the drinking water of a House office building, and a Florida lawmaker is demanding answers. The office of the Architect of the Capitol informed lawmakers Tuesday that lead levels in the drinking water of the historic Cannon Building “are slightly above the (Environmental Protection Agency) standard.” Republican


Lawsuit in traffic collision to go to state Supreme Court

WASECA, Minn. — The family of a high school football coach killed in a collision in Waseca is taking its wrongful death lawsuit against the Minnesota Department of Transportation to the state Supreme Court. The Mankato Free Press (http://bit.ly/299Jefw ) reports that an attorney representing Fred Statz’s family filed a petition for further review after


Catchings scores 26 after death of former coach Pat Summitt

ROSEMONT, Ill. — Tamika Catchings scored 26 points a day after the death of her former Tennessee coach, Pat Summitt, and the Indiana Fever beat the Chicago Sky 95-83 on Wednesday. Catchings hit a 3-pointer with 7:33 left in the first quarter and immediately pointed toward the sky in a tribute to Summitt, who died


Moore outpitches Price, Rays shut down Red Sox 4-0

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. — Matt Moore pitched seven spotless innings and Brandon Guyer homered and drove in two runs in his return from a three-week stint on the disabled list, leading the Tampa Bay Rays to a 4-0 victory over David Price and the Boston Red Sox on Wednesday. Moore (4-5) allowed three singles, walked


Tulsa elects G.T. Bynum as new mayor

TULSA, Okla. — City Council member G.T. Bynum has defeated incumbent Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett by a wide margin. The Tulsa World (http://bit.ly/295QFRU ) reports that Bynum won Tuesday with 56 percent, or about 33,040 votes, to Bartlett’s 22,576 votes. With about 205,000 registered voters, Tuesday’s 58,000 ballots equals about 28 percent voter turnout. Tuesday’s


‘Rainbows’ on Vermont mountain bring message of light, love

MOUNT TABOR, Vt. — People are crossing the country to attend this year’s Rainbow Family of Living Light and connect with others they feel share their goal of peace, love and illumination. But hosting up to 10,000 people in primitive campsites on a Vermont mountainside is straining the resources of the U.S. Forest Service and


5 Portugal players to watch

MARSEILLE, France — Portugal is facing Poland in a European Championship quarterfinal on Thursday. Here are five Portugal players to watch: CRISTIANO RONALDO Who else? Cristiano Ronaldo arrived at the European Championship as its undisputed star. However, he has hit both highs and lows so far. Some unflattering comments on fan-favorite Iceland were followed by


5 Poland players to watch

MARSEILLE, France — Poland is facing Portugal in a European Championship quarterfinal on Thursday. Here are five Poland players to watch: ROBERT LEWANDOWSKI The star striker is making headlines for the wrong reasons in France. After scoring 13 times in qualification — more than any other player in the competition — Lewandowski is goalless at


Jessica Williams leaving as ‘Daily Show’ correspondent

NEW YORK — Jessica Williams is leaving as a correspondent on Comedy Central’s “The Daily Show” this week after four years. But she’s not straying far. The network said Wednesday that Williams will be concentrating on a new scripted show that she’s developing for Comedy Central. That development deal had been announced this spring, for


Eureka Springs places moratorium on bread-and-breakfast inns

EUREKA SPRINGS, Ark. — Eureka Springs has imposed a moratorium on new bed-and-breakfast inns in residential areas. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette (http://bit.ly/292TJNz ) reports that Alderman James DeVito proposed the six-month moratorium at the Eureka Springs City Council meeting on Monday. DeVito says the B&Bs are displacing rental property in the city. The moratorium gives the


Belgium plots on how to break down obdurate Wales

BORDEAUX, France — Containing Gareth Bale doesn’t appear to be Belgium’s top priority heading into its European Championship quarterfinal against Wales. Recent experience shows that Belgium has found it difficult breaking down the Wales defense. Drawn in the same qualifying group for the 2014 World Cup and Euro 2016, Belgium has struggled against Wales. In


Transit agency ends audio recording on light rail vehicles

NEWARK, N.J. — The state’s transit agency said Wednesday it’s ending its use of audio surveillance systems on some of its trains. Audio and video recording have been in use on New Jersey Transit’s River Line between Trenton and Camden, and the agency had said it was planning to use the system on light rail


Turkey attacks raise familiar question on airport security

LONDON — The deadly terror attack at Turkey’s largest airport has posed an all-too-familiar question to security officials: how to protect passengers and bystanders from such carnage? The attackers arrived via taxi like many other passengers to Istanbul’s busy Ataturk Airport on Tuesday night. Unlike others, however, their journeys ended in a wave of bloodshed


Group sues to force pollution disclosure at Washington dam

SEATTLE — An environmental group sued the federal agency that operates the nation’s largest hydropower producer Wednesday, saying operations at the Grand Coulee Dam in Washington state are polluting the Columbia River in violation of federal clean-water laws. The nonprofit Columbia Riverkeeper says the Bureau of Reclamation should get a pollution permit and be required


Egypt parliament passes budget aiming for 5.2 percent growth

CAIRO — Egypt’s parliament approved a draft budget on Wednesday projecting 5.2 percent growth for the coming year and a slightly lower deficit, despite a lingering economic crisis and a downturn in the vital tourism sector. The 2016-2017 budget anticipates a deficit of 9.8 percent, compared to 11 percent this year. Egypt’s economy is still


Floyd County approves sale of hospital to Baptist Health

NEW ALBANY, Ind. — Officials in Floyd County have voted nearly unanimously to sell Floyd Memorial hospital to Baptist Health for more than $130 million and about $140 million in improvements. The county commissioners, the County Council and hospital board of trustees passed a joint resolution 18-1 Tuesday to approve the deal with Louisville, Kentucky-based


Large snake eats beaver, swims across river where kids play

WESTBROOK, Maine — The hunt for a large snake seen feasting on a beaver in Maine has residents atwitter. Police in Westbrook say the 10-foot-long snake finished its meal early Wednesday and then swam across the Presumpscot River and disappeared into brush on the other side. Residents are alarmed because children swim and feed ducks


Delta Queen closer to cruising after Senate committee vote

ST. LOUIS — An effort to get the legendary Delta Queen riverboat back afloat on the Mississippi River and its tributaries got a boost Wednesday when the U.S. Senate Commerce Committee agreed to reinstate an exemption for the 89-year-old vessel. The Delta Queen is expected to move to the small St. Louis-area town of Kimmswick,


TV reporters charged after cocaine found in baby’s system

ORO VALLEY, Ariz. — Two Tucson, Arizona, TV reporters pleaded not guilty to drug and child abuse charges after tests revealed there was cocaine in their baby’s system. The couple were in court on Monday. Police said they were indicted on charges of possession of a dangerous drug, drug paraphernalia and child abuse on June


17 Angola activists ordered from jail into house arrest

JOHANNESBURG — Angola’s Supreme Court on Wednesday ordered the conditional release of 17 political activists, known as the Luanda Book Club, who had been convicted of plotting to overthrow the government of the oil-rich southern African country. The court order published by news website Rede Angola says the release warrants, issued under terms of house


Judge gives ex-Islanders co-owner a 5-year prison reduction

NEW YORK — A former New York Islanders co-owner who received a 10-year prison term for a fraud conviction has gotten his sentence cut in half. Judge Loretta Preska on Wednesday announced the new five-year sentence for Paul Greenwood in Manhattan federal court. A federal appeals court this year ordered the resentencing. The 2nd U.S.


Dennis Quaid’s wife files for divorce after 12 years

LOS ANGELES — Actor Dennis Quaid’s nearly 12-year marriage is coming to an end. Quaid’s wife, Kimberly, filed for divorce Monday in Los Angeles Superior Court, citing irreconcilable differences. Her filing seeks joint legal custody of their 8-year-old twins as well as spousal support. The Quaids were married on July 4, 2004, and the filing

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Экология в России и мире

МТС Банк стал победителем премии FINAWARD 2024

Путин в России и мире

Путин раскрыл общую задачу РФ и Белоруссии

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Россия и Белоруссия будут тесно сотрудничать в сфере оборонной безопасности

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

"Зеленскому приготовиться". В Киеве раскрыли, что задумал Порошенко

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Премьера спектакля Игоря Бутмана и Константина Хабенского "Петя и Волк"


Более 2,5 млрд руб потратят на программу по развитию МСП в Подмосковье в 2024 г

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