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Новости за 29.06.2016


N. Korean parliament convenes to follow up on party congress

PYONGYANG, North Korea — North Korea convened a meeting of its national parliament on Wednesday to bestow yet another title on leader Kim Jong Un and follow up on the first congress of its ruling Workers’ Party in 36 years, which was held last month. The Supreme People’s Assembly, which is the legislative branch of


Crowdfunding Olympic dreams has its limits

PORTLAND, Ore. — Like a lot of Olympic hopefuls, Korey Thieleke needed a way to pay help for his training. Things as basic as shoes add up for track athletes who don’t have endorsement deals. Thieleke, a promising sprinter who wanted a shot at the 400 meters at the U.S. Olympic Trials, figured he’d try


The Latest: Trudeau pokes fun at Obama’s retirement

OTTAWA, Ontario — The Latest on U.S. President Barack Obama’s summit Wednesday with Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau and Mexican President Enrique Pena Nieto (all times local): 3:25 p.m. Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is poking fun at President Barack Obama’s “pending retirement,” eliciting a big smile and a thumbs-up from Obama. Opening a news


Beyond fast food: New franchising ideas draw entrepreneurs

NEW YORK — They’re not household names like McDonald’s or The UPS Store, but small franchises beyond the usual restaurant groups and retailers are attracting buyers who want something new or different and see greater challenges and opportunities with lesser-known businesses. Franchise buyers are taking chances on ideas like a nursing service, a personal assistant


Time of the essence as EU clamors for UK to get on with it

BRUSSELS — With markets jittery and the pound down, time is of the essence when it comes to Britain’s formal departure from the European Union. Here are some key potential dates ahead: SEPTEMBER British Prime Minister David Cameron says his successor will have to trigger the all-important exit clause that would set the clock ticking


Pending US home sales slumped in May amid supply shortage

WASHINGTON — Fewer Americans signed contracts to buy homes in May, with the year-over-year pace of pending sales sliding for the first time in nearly two years. The National Association of Realtors said Wednesday that its seasonally adjusted pending home sales index fell 3.7 percent last month to 110.8, slightly below its May 2015 reading


NY-based explorers find 1868 schooner wreck in Lake Ontario

ALBANY, N.Y. — The shipwreck of a Canadian schooner that sank off Lake Ontario’s central New York shore nearly 150 years ago has been discovered, a team of underwater explorers announced Wednesday. Jim Kennard, Roger Pawlowski and Roland Stevens said they recently found the wreck of the Royal Albert in deep water off Fair Haven,


Official: Over 50 people killed in new South Sudan fighting

JUBA, South Sudan — More than 50 people have been killed in fighting between a new rebel group and government troops in a remote town in South Sudan, and the “smell of dead bodies” is in residential areas, a church official said Wednesday. Moses Peter, humanitarian coordinator of the Caritas Diocese of Wau, said he


Documentary turns Disney-loving autistic man into a star

NEW YORK — Owen Suskind had largely retreated into silence in the years after his autism began to manifest, around age 3. Three painfully mute years later, and after countless rapt hours spent watching Disney animated movies, a word broke through. “Juicervose!” His parents, Ron (a Pulitzer Prize winning journalist) and Cornelia, initially thought he


US gives Iraq $2.7B credit to buy military equipment

BAGHDAD — The United States has extended a $2.7-billion credit facility to Iraq for the purchase of military equipment amid the ongoing fight against the Islamic State group. The U.S. Embassy in Baghdad said Wednesday that the deal gives Iraq a one-year grace period and eight and a half years total to pay for its


Pair black beans with sweet potatoes for a glorious salad

The upcoming summer Olympics have me dreaming of a bucket-list trip to Brazil, and because my dreams usually feature food, I’m also hankering for some black beans made in my incredibly heavy stone bean pot a dear friend of mine lugged all the way back from his Brazilian vacation years ago. Note: If you ever


Undefeated Iceland basking in underdog status at Euro 2016

ANNECY, France — Iceland’s players will go into Sunday’s quarterfinal against France with exactly the same approach they had when sensationally eliminating England from the European Championship. They have nothing to lose. As the smallest nation to appear at a European Championship, Iceland was not burdened by the expectations heaped on England in Monday’s round


Influential Malaysian opposition politician accused of graft

KUALA LUMPUR, Malaysia — An influential Malaysian opposition politician who has strongly criticized financial scandals involving Prime Minister Najib Razak was arrested Wednesday on allegations of corruption. The arrest of Lim Guan Eng, chief minister of northern Penang state, is likely to provoke accusations of a witch hunt by the government, which itself faces allegations


Ivory Coast: Gay men attacked over event for Orlando victims

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast — Gay men in Ivory Coast say they’ve been assaulted and forced to flee their homes after the U.S. Embassy published a photo of them signing a condolence book for victims of this month’s killings at a gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. The photo, published on the embassy’s website, shows the faces


Cops: Man, 80, killed 81-year-old by graves over unpaid loan

TIVERTON, R.I. — Police say a dispute over an unpaid loan was the motive for an 80-year-old man to kill an 81-year-old man in a Rhode Island cemetery. Tiverton Police Chief Thomas Blakey tells The Newport Daily News this week that Edward Acquisto had taken out a “significant” loan in 2011 from a church in


New cameras keep electronic eye on Western wildfires

ELDORADO NATIONAL FOREST, Calif. — As the summer wildfire season heats up in the West, a growing network of online cameras installed on forested mountaintops is changing the way crews fight fires by allowing early detection that triggers quicker, cheaper and more tactical suppression. The network of roughly 20 high-definition cameras being installed around the


Markets Right Now: US stocks move broadly higher

NEW YORK — The latest on developments in global financial markets (all times local): 11:45 a.m. Stocks are moving broadly higher on Wall Street as global markets continue to recover following Britain’s vote to make a break with the European Union. Banks, materials stocks and energy companies all posted gains in midday trading Wednesday. Chevron


Operatic baritone killed in Ukraine fighting

MOSCOW — A Ukrainian baritone who performed in French opera productions for nearly two decades before joining a volunteer battalion in warring eastern Ukraine has been killed in the fighting. Ukrainian news reports cited the nationalist group Pravy Sektor as saying Wassyl Slipak was killed on Wednesday by a sniper. The reports said Slipak had


The Latest: Authorities say 3 train workers presumed dead

AMARILLO, Texas — The Latest on Tuesday’s freight train crash in West Texas (all times local): 11 a.m. Authorities say the three missing crew members aboard two freight trains that collided head-on in the Texas Panhandle are presumed dead. Texas Department of Public Safety Sgt. Dan Buesing said Wednesday that emergency personnel have moved from


Monsanto 3Q profit sinks 37 percent as seed sales fall

ST. LOUIS — Monsanto said Wednesday that its profit sank 37 percent in the most recent quarter as sales of its seeds and weed control products fell. The agriculture products company also said Wednesday that it is still in discussions with German drug and chemicals company Bayer AG about its $62 billion takeover bid, which


Centuries-old winemaking in Bordeaux gets a modern twist

BORDEAUX, France — For centuries Bordeaux has been the corporate center of French winemaking, known for luscious wines, elegant chateaus and shrewd wine-sellers. Now there’s a new twist: More consumers want vineyards to use organic or sustainably farmed grapes, and so wineries are responding by mixing tradition with high-tech quality control. The vineyards at Chateau


FDA has a few questions for makers of hand sanitizer

WASHINGTON — Federal health officials want to know whether hand sanitizers used by millions of Americans work as well as manufacturers claim — and whether there are any health risks to their growing use. The Food and Drug Administration is asking for new studies on how the antiseptic gels and rubs fight germs and get


Serenity Now: Israel’s northern tip offers peaceful hike

METULLA, Israel — A frontier town that juts into a hostile neighboring country and has a long history of militants firing upon it doesn’t seem like a typical place to seek serenity. But that’s exactly what you will find in Metulla, Israel’s most northerly point, which is engulfed by Lebanon on three sides but which


After Fire flop, Amazon returns with special edition phones

NEW YORK — Amazon is back in the phone business — sort of. After its own Fire phone flopped, Amazon is selling special editions of other manufacturers’ phones at a $50 discount. They’ll come with ads on the lock screen and lots of Amazon apps on the home screen. You can hide those apps, but


Exhibit unfolds origami’s beauty as large-scale art

LOS ANGELES — Remember those origami cranes you meticulously folded out of tiny slips of paper in elementary school? Imagine them 100 times larger, as a massive swan made out of corrugated board, its swooping wings stretching the length of a room. That piece, “Ruga Swan” by Chinese artist and designer Jiangmei Wu, is one

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Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

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Экология в России и мире

Глава СК России поручил возбудить дело после нападения на защитников деревьев в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Жена Джигана Оксана Самойлова опубликовала фото в легинсах и топе


Опрос: Две трети российских подростков негативно относятся к вредным привычкам

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