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Новости за 22.06.2016


Obama administration decries judge’s fracking ruling

WASHINGTON — The Obama administration on Wednesday decried a ruling by a federal judge that blocks rules for hydraulic fracturing, saying the decision prevents regulators from using “21st-century standards” to ensure that oil and gas operations are conducted safely on public lands. Jessica Kershaw, a spokeswoman for the Interior Department, said “modernized fracking requirements” imposed


Volunteers in UAE stock 90 ‘Ramadan fridges’ for workers

DUBAI, United Arab Emirates — Volunteers in the United Arab Emirates have set up more than 90 outdoor refrigerators where laborers and others can pick up food and bottled water, a charity initiative in honor of the Muslim fasting month of Ramadan. On a recent day in Dubai, blue-collar workers, laborers and drivers stopped by


Bryan Cranston signs on for ‘Power Rangers’ reboot

LOS ANGELES — Bryan Cranston is teaming up with the Power Rangers for a film reboot of the franchise. The “Breaking Bad” star says on Twitter that he’ll play Power Rangers creator Zordon in the 2017 film. Cranston, as Zordon, will use his team of teenage superheroes to square off against Elizabeth Banks’ alien villain


State Patrol: 5 killed in head-on crash west of Savannah

SAVANNAH, Ga. — Five people died early Wednesday in a head-on crash between two cars on Interstate 16 west of Savannah. Investigators were trying to determine what caused a Ford Mustang traveling west to cross the median and smash into an oncoming Kia Soul in the eastbound lanes shortly before 6 a.m., just ahead of


Nearly 1 in 3 on Medicare got commonly abused opioids

CHICAGO — Nearly 12 million Medicare beneficiaries received at least one prescription for an opioid painkiller last year at a cost of $4.1 billion, according to a federal report that shows how common the addictive drugs are in many older Americans’ medicine cabinets. With an overdose epidemic worsening, nearly one-third of Medicare beneficiaries received at


Cracked windshield forces flight back to Boston

BOSTON — A Pittsburgh-bound JetBlue Airways flight had to return to Boston because of a cracked windshield. The Federal Aviation Administration is investigating the Wednesday morning incident in which no one was hurt. JetBlue tells The Boston Globe that flight 1285 left Logan International Airport at around 6:25 a.m. and returned to Boston at 7:35


Blue or green? U.K. split over swatch’s color

CUMBERNAULD, Scotland — A survey from a Scottish eye care company could be sparking a controversy similar to last year’s debate over the color of a dress. Optical Express said on its website that it conducted a survey in the United Kingdom asking whether a swatch of a teal-type color was blue or green. Sixty-four


Spielberg praises the late Anton Yelchin as ‘so good’

NEW YORK — Steven Spielberg has praised the late actor Anton Yelchin, whom he cast as a boy in the 2002 miniseries “Taken.” In an interview, Spielberg said he was impressed by Yelchin from dailies of his performance in a 2000 episode of the medical drama “ER.” “And he kept impressing people because he was


Downtown Lansing restaurant in former train station closing

LANSING, Mich. — A downtown Lansing restaurant built inside a former train station is set to close after more than 37 years. The Lansing State Journal (http://on.lsj.com/28N9MB3 ) reports that Clara’s Lansing Station is closing Sunday. Peter Jubeck bought Union Station, formerly the Michigan Central Railroad Depot, in 1978 and transformed it into a restaurant.


Asian stocks mixed ahead of Britain’s referendum

TOKYO — Asian shares were mixed Thursday ahead of a vote on whether Britain will opt to remain in the European Union. KEEPING SCORE: Japan’s benchmark Nikkei 225 gained 0.4 percent to 16,122.53 in early trading. Hong Kong’s Hang Seng inched up 0.1 percent to 20,819.97, The Shanghai Composite edged down 0.3 percent to 2,896.12.


3 dead, 1 hurt in shooting in Washington state; meth found

LACEY, Wash. — Three people are dead and another is recovering from a gunshot wound following a shooting in Washington state, authorities said Wednesday. Thurston County Chief Deputy Dave Pearsall said that investigators found half a pound of methamphetamine, heroin, thousands of dollars in cash and about half a dozen firearms in a travel trailer


The Latest: Conte still surprised by Italy facing Spain

PARIS — The Latest at the European Championship (all times local): 1:30 a.m. A day after the fixture was lined up, Italy coach Antonio Conte still finds it strange that his side has to play two-time defending champion Spain in the last 16 of the Euro 2016 draw. “With regards to the draw, it’s definitely


3 inmates escape from county jail in Mississippi

MENDENHALL, Miss. — A search is underway in Mississippi for three inmates who escaped from a county jail southeast of Jackson. Simpson County Sheriff Don O’Cain says it appears the men broke through a skyline and made their way to the roof late Tuesday night or early Wednesday morning. O’Cain identified the inmates as 33-year-old


Denmark finds man guilty of traveling to Syria to join IS

COPENHAGEN, Denmark — A Danish court on Wednesday convicted a 24-year-old pizzeria owner of joining Islamic State militants in Syria, dismissing his claims that he had gone there to work as a cook. The Copenhagen suburban Glostrup City Court found Hamza Cakan, who has dual Danish and Turkish citizenships, guilty of enrolling in the radical


Florida karate teacher accused of seeking sex from boy, 11

ORLANDO, Fla. — A 21-year-old female karate instructor from Florida is accused of soliciting an 11-year-old boy for sex. Orlando police told news outlets Stephannie Figueroa was arrested last week after the child’s mother told officers she saw messages from the karate instructor on his cellphone. A police report said the boy and Figueroa were


Trustees: Tiny rise in Social Security benefits next year

WASHINGTON — Millions of Social Security beneficiaries would get a tiny increase in monthly payments next year — less than $2.50, about enough to buy a gallon of gas. Meanwhile, Medicare is expected to go bankrupt sooner than expected — 12 years from now. And some beneficiaries could face higher monthly premiums next year. The


AP Interview: NATO head says Europe safer with Britain in EU

BRUSSELS — Britain’s remaining in the European Union is key for trans-Atlantic security and common efforts to fight violent extremism, the chief of the NATO alliance said Wednesday. “It’s up to the people of Great Britain to decide whether to remain or leave,” NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told The Associated Press. “But what I can


Tajik man arrested in Germany, accused of joining IS

BERLIN — German prosecutors say they have arrested a 30-year-old Tajik man who is suspected of joining the Islamic State group in Syria. Prosecutors said in a statement Wednesday that Mukhamadsaid S., whose full name wasn’t given in line with German privacy rules, was arrested in the western state of North Rhine-Westphalia. He was arrested


Marinating salmon in juice can make a delicious difference

I try to get fish on my family’s table two or three times a week. The research describing the incredible heart and brain benefits to eating fish, especially fatty fish like salmon, is compelling. An extra bonus? Fatty fish is more filling, too, which means I’m less hungry for late night snacks a few hours


Judges consider verdicts in trial of Spain’s princess

MADRID — A near six-month tax fraud and embezzlement trial involving Spain’s Princess Cristina, her husband and 15 other defendants ended Wednesday as the judges retired to consider their verdict. Defense lawyers and the accused wrapped up their final arguments before the court adjourned. The verdicts could take months to come. Both the princess and


Michigan sues companies that ‘botched,’ worsened Flint water

FLINT, Michigan — Michigan’s attorney general filed a civil lawsuit Wednesday against two water engineering companies, saying their negligence caused and exacerbated Flint’s lead-tainted water crisis and demanding what could total hundreds of millions of dollars in damages. Veolia and Lockwood, Andrews & Newnam, also known as LAN, were sued in Genesee County Circuit Court.


Omaha elementary school overhauled in area revival

OMAHA, Neb. — A struggling Omaha elementary school is being overhauled as part of a project to revive the surrounding Highlander neighborhood. The Omaha World-Herald (http://bit.ly/28TgDY6 ) reports that Howard Kennedy Elementary will have a new principal and project-based curriculum heavily focused on science, technology, engineering, art and math, when school opens in August. Students


Gaza slum growth illustrates economic plight, bleak future

EL-ZOHOR, Gaza Strip — The expansion of Gaza’s el-Zohor slum, where barefoot children play in the rusty skeletons of discarded vehicles surrounded by mountains of garbage, is a sign of the times in Gaza, where poverty is growing and there is little hope for the future. While Gaza has always been poor, conditions for the


Actress Helen Mirren rejects efforts to boycott Israel

JERUSALEM — Oscar-winning actress Helen Mirren said Wednesday she was a “believer” in Israel and rejected efforts to boycott it. Mirren showered Israeli artists with praise and said she opposed both the efforts by pro-Palestinian groups to boycott them and the decision of some international artists to shun Israel. “I think that art is an


The Latest: Most fire evacuations lifted near Santa Barbara

LOS ANGELES — The Latest on wildfires burning in the West (all times local): 7:15 a.m. Moisture has moved in along much of the Southern California coast, and most mandatory evacuation areas near a wildfire in Santa Barbara County have been lifted. Fog arrived overnight on the rugged coast west of Santa Barbara, where a

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Экология в России и мире

Утиные выводки направились из гнезд в водоемы столицы

Путин в России и мире

Посол Антонов назвал недопустимым очередное оскорбление Байдена в адрес Путина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

И драники, и сало: Лукашенко угостил Путина в Минске национальными белорусскими блюдами

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бондаренко: отказ Байдена от поездки на саммит в Швейцарии отрезвит Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Лоза

Певец Лоза: Пугачева проигрывает Долиной в вокальном мастерстве


Москвича отправили в СИЗО за призывы к терактам в соцсетях

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