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Новости за 22.06.2016


Alabama deputy shoots driver after car chase near Birmingham

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. — A sheriff’s deputy shot and wounded the driver of a stolen vehicle who they say led officers on a car chase early Wednesday morning in metro Birmingham, Alabama, authorities said. The deputy opened fire on the driver at the end of the chase, after the vehicle left Interstate 20 at an exit,


Uber, Lyft battle governments over driver fingerprint checks

DETROIT — Hailing a ride with a smartphone app in many U.S. cities is coming down to a fight over fingerprints. Following incidents where Uber drivers were found to have criminal records, a number of state and local officials have proposed fingerprint background checks for ride-hailing drivers — often with the support of local taxi


Uma Thurman suffers broken bones in fall from horse

NEW YORK — Uma Thurman has suffered several broken bones after she was thrown from a horse she was riding. The Oscar-nominated actress’ publicist tells The Associated Press that Thurman was “training on a young thoroughbred who got spooked.” She says Thurman was thrown from the horse and broke a few bones. Sloane didn’t offer


The Latest: South Pole rescue flight lands at British post

WASHINGTON — The Latest on the rescue of two ailing workers from the U.S. research station at the South Pole (all times EDT): 1:45 p.m. Federal officials say a small plane with two sick workers has arrived at a British station in Antarctica, the first leg in a daring rescue mission from a remote U.S.


It’s ‘Bonjour Paris’ as the spring men’s fashion shows begin

PARIS — The world’s fashion watchers cried “Bonjour Paris” Wednesday as they bid good-bye to Milan and headed to the City of Light for the last installment of menswear shows for spring-summer 2017. Here are some highlights: VALENTINO’S UNFINISHED BUSINESS Twenty-four-year-old Chinese superstar actor Yang Yang hit the front row for Valentino, alongside “American Psycho”


Jimmy, Rosalynn Carter mark 70 years ‘even closer together’

ATLANTA — As they prepare to celebrate their 70th wedding anniversary, Jimmy and Rosalynn Carter say his recent treatment for cancer has drawn them even closer together. The former president and first lady told The Associated Press on Wednesday that they will spend their July 7 anniversary together in their hometown of Plains, Georgia. The


Sufi singer shot dead by extremists in Pakistan

KARACHI, Pakistan — A famous Sufi singer was shot dead in Pakistan on Wednesday in an attack claimed by Islamic extremists. Two attackers on a motorcycle opened fire on Amjad Sabri’s car while he was on his way to a local TV appearance in the southern port city of Karachi, police officer Arif Mahar said.


Ex-Cheap Trick drummer Bun E. Carlos serves up covers disc

Bun E. Carlos, “Greetings from Bunezuela!” (Entertainment One) Bun E. Carlos’ drumming introduced some of Cheap Trick’s biggest hits; his sticks were the first sound audiences heard on “I Want You to Want Me” and “Ain’t That a Shame,” among others. Now six years removed from the Rockford, Illinois quartet that was inducted into this


The Latest: Allentown mayor met with man stopped at tunnel

JERSEY CITY, N.J. — The Latest on three people arrested with a cache of guns at the Holland Tunnel (all times local): 2 p.m. The mayor of Pennsylvania’s third-largest city says that he recently met with a man stopped this week at the Holland Tunnel with a cache of weapons. Allentown Mayor Ed Pawlowski said


Click here when I die: Sites lay out plans for loved ones

NEW YORK — Several websites are trying to make death easier — for the people left behind. Everplans, Everest Funeral, My Life & Wishes and other companies are helping with end-of-life planning. Users can upload digital copies of their wills, plan their funeral or name the person who will take care of the dog when


Officials ban backpacks on Las Vegas Strip on New Year’s Eve

LAS VEGAS — Backpacks, bulky purses and coolers are being banned on the Las Vegas Strip as a security measure during an annual New Year’s Eve fireworks show that attracts hundreds of thousands of people. A law unanimously approved Tuesday by the Clark County Commission also prohibits briefcases, computer and camera bags, luggage, fanny packs,


Singer Birdy finds freedom on 3rd album, ‘Beautiful Lies’

NEW YORK — U.K. singer Birdy burst on the music scene at 15 with a knack for making cover songs sound like her own with her broody, gloomy vocals. Now, she’s finding her own voice — with her own lyrics — on her new album. Birdy moved to London from Lymington in Hampshire, United Kingdom,


20 co-workers win lottery, will split $5M prize

CRANSTON, R.I. — Twenty co-workers in Rhode Island will be taking home $250,000 each after winning $5 million as part of a joint lottery-playing effort. The Providence Journal reports (http://bit.ly/28MLBjl ) the men, who work together at a medical supply manufacturing company, play either Powerball or Mega Millions every week. They bought the ticket in


Turkey close to restoring diplomatic ties with Israel

ISTANBUL — Turkey is close to reaching a deal with Israel to normalize diplomatic ties, a senior Turkish official said Wednesday. Israel and Turkey were traditionally close allies, but ties broke down in 2010 over Israeli commandos’ deadly storming of a Gaza-bound Turkish aid ship. Relations declined further over Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s often


Breyer book royalties top $100K in 2015

WASHINGTON — Supreme Court Justice Stephen Breyer received around $120,000 last year from the publisher of his latest book about the high court and the world. Breyer’s extra income was contained in the justices’ annual financial reports that were released Wednesday by the federal judiciary. Penguin Random House Inc. published “The Court and the World”


Nielsen hopes to bring science to TV casting

NEW YORK — Ashton Kutcher as a television morning show host? Aaron Paul as an advertising spokesman for hybrid automobiles? Those are two of the ideas suggested by a new analytics tool unveiled by the Nielsen company Wednesday, one that it believes can provide scientific rigor to decisions on how to deploy talent. Nielsen hopes


NATO-Russia Council may not meet before alliance summit

BRUSSELS — NATO’s chief said Wednesday the alliance may not get its wish of meeting with Russian government representatives before NATO’s July 8-9 summit in Warsaw. NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg told The Associated Press that the alliance wants the meeting “to prevent misunderstandings, miscalculations and try to reduce tensions” with Moscow. In April, NATO foreign


Francis lauds Benedict’s prayerful life in book forward

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis is paying homage to his predecessor in the forward of a new book, saying Pope Benedict XVI’s decision to retire to a life of prayer is a lesson to all priests that their main job is to pray for others. The book, “Teach and Learn the Love of God,” is


Palestinians get life sentences for killing Israeli couple

JERUSALEM — An Israeli military court on Wednesday handed life sentences to four Palestinians who gunned down an Israeli couple in front of their children in the West Bank last year. The military said four members of the Islamic militant group Hamas shot dead Eitam and Naama Henkin as they drove through the West Bank


Car quality improves even as new technology is introduced

DETROIT — Despite adding sophisticated electronic safety features and touch screens that once were prone to glitches, most automakers improved their reliability scores this year in an annual survey of new-car buyers. The latest survey by the J.D. Power consulting firm determined that quality improved for 21 of 33 auto brands in the survey. This


Zambia: Government shuts largest independent newspaper

LUSAKA, Zambia — Zambia’s government has closed the country’s largest privately owned newspaper over unpaid taxes, but the paper’s owner says the move is meant to shut him up before elections in August. The Post Newspaper has been a staunch critic of the government since its founding over 25 years ago. The Zambia Revenue Authority


UNESCO leader condemns killing of Texas freelance journalist

DALLAS — The head of a United Nations agency on Wednesday condemned the death of a freelance journalist in Texas whose body was found with a gunshot wound in the back yard of a home. UNESCO Director-General Irina Bokova said from Paris that authorities must determine the motive for the killing of Spanish-language journalist Jacinto


Nonprofit organization to end shelter services in Waterloo

WATERLOO, Iowa — A nonprofit organization has decided it will no longer provide emergency shelter services, supervised apartment living and child welfare services in Waterloo. Quakerdale Executive Director Rob Talbot said Tuesday that the facilities will close by July 1. The Waterloo-Cedar Falls Courier (http://bit.ly/28WGhfV ) reports that about 20 children and 30 employees at


Thousands worldwide commemorate killed British lawmaker

LONDON — Thousands of people gathered in London and cities around the world Wednesday to commemorate British lawmaker Jo Cox, whose killing last week shocked the country amid a fiercely contested campaign over the future of Britain’s place in Europe. Artists, friends and family members took to the stage in Trafalgar Square, a mile from


A new vision for video game consoles

LOS ANGELES — The next generation of console gaming is coming — or is it? At last week’s Electronic Entertainment Expo, the video game industry forecast a future where Xboxes and PlayStations are updated almost as frequently as smartphones. The move to release more consoles with varying features may mark the end of the traditional

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Экология в России и мире

Санкт-Петербург не смог обойти Москву в рейтинге жизни населения

Путин в России и мире

Кадыров заявил, что встретился с Путиным в Москве и пригласил его в Чечню

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко в Минске проведет переговоры с Путиным, который 23-24 мая совершит официальный визит в Беларусь

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Сергей Шнуров

Любовь Аксенова, Олег Трофим, Сергей Шнуров и другие на премьере фильма «Майор Гром: Игра»


Росгвардейцы примут участие в обеспечении общественного правопорядка при проведении последнего звонка в школах Пензы

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