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Новости за 22.06.2016


Camp teaches video game design skills

BLOOMINGTON, Ind. — Seamus Cherry loves playing Slime Rancher. The object of the computer game is to feed slimes the proper foods so they will produce “plorts,” which can be exchanged for gold. Seamus can then use that gold to upgrade his ranching equipment. It may seem like a waste of the 12-year-old’s time, but


Knollbrook Farm recognized for dairy farming

GOSHEN, Ind. — John Adam’s parents lived in the city of Wakarusa, but city life wasn’t his speed. He moved out as a teenager to live with his aunt and uncle on their dairy farm. When he got married in 1986, Adam and his new bride, Cynthia, moved out to a plot of farmland on


Diners at Michelin-starred Japan eatery get food poisoning

TOKYO — A Michelin-starred restaurant in Japan closed temporarily after 14 people got food-poisoning on a fancy Japanese-style meal there, and an investigation into the cause is continuing. The Kanagawa prefectural government said six men and eight women complained of diarrhea and stomach pains after eating at Kita Kamakura Saryo Gentoan on June 11. Their


Grieving father’s anti-drug mission paused at end of tunnel

JERSEY CITY, N.J. — Anguished over his daughter’s overdose death, John Cramsey became a crusader against the heroin crisis in Pennsylvania’s Lehigh Valley, starting a group for concerned parents and recovering addicts and going on self-described missions to save young people from the scourge of addiction. “I have yet to grieve like I should as


Wildfires rage across Western US, but homes mostly spared

LOS ANGELES — For days, wildfires have raged amid spiking heat across Southern California and much of the West, driving hundreds of people from their homes. Yet homes have overwhelmingly remained safe so far, after aggressive and strategic firefighting and a dose of luck. In the foothill suburbs northeast of Los Angeles, a major wildfire


Pope invites refugees to join him on stage for audience

VATICAN CITY — Pope Francis has invited a dozen refugees to join him on the steps of St. Peter’s Basilica for his general audience to press his demand for Europe to welcome more migrants. A dozen men ascended the steps with Francis on Wednesday and sat in front of him on the ground as he


Wayne Jackson of the Memphis Horns duo dies at 74

MEMPHIS, Tenn. — Trumpet player Wayne Jackson, who played standout horn lines on rock ‘n’ roll, soul, R&B and pop mainstays along with Memphis Horns partner and tenor saxophonist Andrew Love, has died. He was 74. His wife, Amy, said her husband died of congestive heart failure Tuesday night at a hospital with her by


Singer Judith Hill recalls Prince plane emergency landing

NEW YORK — Singer and Prince protege Judith Hill says she was on a plane with Prince when it made an emergency landing in Illinois after the superstar lost consciousness less than a week before his death. Hill told The New York Times (http://nyti.ms/28NJCRf ) for a story posted online Tuesday that she was “very


Obama signs major overhaul of toxic chemicals rules into law

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama signed the first major overhaul of toxic chemicals rules in 40 years into law on Wednesday, calling it proof that Washington can function despite intense polarization. In a White House signing ceremony, Obama praised both chemicals industry groups and environmentalists alike for finding consensus despite their usual differences of opinion.


Accusations in officer’s trial tax officials’ relationship

BALTIMORE — A judge gave himself until Thursday to decide the fate of an officer in whose van the neck of a young black arrestee was somehow broken. It could take much longer to repair the tense and uneasy relationship between Baltimore’s prosecutors and police, now that they’ve traded accusations of sabotage, misconduct and dirty


Global shares up as investors remain wary of Brexit

MANILA, Philippines — Global shares mostly rose Wednesday as investors remained wary ahead of the vote on Britain’s possible exit from the European Union, but relieved that U.S. Federal Reserve Chair Janet Yellen said the Fed will remain cautious in raising interest rates. KEEPING SCORE: Britain’s FTSE 100 rose 0.1 percent to 6,232.87 in early


Jury could rewrite history of Led Zeppelin’s epic ‘Stairway’

LOS ANGELES — A key chapter of rock ‘n’ roll history could be rewritten by a jury that began deliberating Wednesday over whether Led Zeppelin ripped off a riff for its epic “Stairway to Heaven.” A lawyer representing the trust of a deceased songwriter criticized members of Led Zeppelin for “selective” memories and “convenient” truths


Selma Blair apologizes for airplane outburst

LOS ANGELES — Selma Blair is apologizing for her outburst on a flight. The actress says in a statement to Vanity Fair that she mixed alcohol with medication which caused her to black out and make statements that she regrets on a Monday flight from Cancun to Los Angeles. TMZ reported Blair was crying and


No women need apply: Yacht club’s men-only policy rankles

WESTERLY, R.I. — Taylor Swift has a home in this seaside community. But even one of the world’s most famous women wouldn’t be able to join the Westerly Yacht Club, which bestows full membership only on men. A vote to change the policy at the nearly century-old club in the Ocean State, where the love


Goal of owning home still strong, and 8 other housing trends

WASHINGTON — Americans still want to own homes — if they can afford to. That’s the finding of a report being released Wednesday by the Harvard University Joint Center for Housing Studies. The pressures of student debt, rising rents and the leftover wreckage from the nearly decade-old housing bust have restrained people’s ability to buy,


Sentencing planned in Ohio for trail-hiking fugitive

CINCINNATI — A Kentucky accountant who spent most of six years as a fugitive in an embezzlement case roaming the Appalachian Trail will soon learn how many more years he will spend behind bars. Fifty-four-year-old James Hammes (HAM’-ehs) is to be sentenced Wednesday in federal court in Cincinnati. The judge has said she’s weighing factors


American Kennel Club’s newest breed: Meet the lively pumi

NEW YORK — A high-energy Hungarian herding dog is the latest new breed headed to the Westminster Kennel Club and many other U.S. dog shows. The American Kennel Club is announcing Wednesday that it is recognizing the pumi, the 190th breed to join the roster of the nation’s oldest purebred dog registry. That means the


New for-profit medical schools springing up across US

BOISE, Idaho — For-profit medical schools are starting to pop up around the country, promising to create new family doctors for underserved rural regions. Rural states like Idaho need more general practitioners, with the baby boom generation aging and expanded insurance coverage under the Affordable Care Act making health care more accessible. But critics of


Tribes hail shield’s halted sale; collectors ask what’s next

PUEBLO OF ACOMA, N.M. — The laws of a rural New Mexico Native American tribe require that the ceremonial shield stay within the boundaries of its reservation, which covers miles of mountains and rolling desert. And for generations, the sacred object did just that, remaining safely in a home atop a mesa. So when a


House Republicans offering proposals for health care changes

WASHINGTON — House Republicans are unveiling new proposals to repeal and replace President Barack Obama’s health care law, as Speaker Paul Ryan sought to showcase a GOP governing agenda amid the tumult of the presidential campaign. The plan, revealed Wednesday, relies on individual tax credits to allow people to buy coverage from private insurers, and


Judge: US agency lacks authority to set rules on fracking

CHEYENNE, Wyo. — A judge ruled Tuesday that federal regulators lack the authority to set rules for hydraulic fracturing, dealing another setback to the Obama administration’s efforts to tighten how fossil fuels are mined. U.S. District Judge Scott Skavdahl said the Bureau of Land Management can’t set the rules because Congress has not authorized it


Medical organizations issue new opiate prescription rules

INDIANAPOLIS — Indiana’s leading medical authorities have adopted new guidelines intended to more stringently regulate prescriptions written for opiates. Gov. Mike Pence’s office announced the new guidelines Tuesday, which were developed by the Indiana Hospital Association, the Indiana State Medical Association and endorsed by Pence’s drug abuse task force. They urge emergency room doctors to


Dutchman Manufacturing buys building, plans to add 150 jobs

ELKHART, Ind. — A northern Indiana manufacturing company plans to buy the facility of a recreational vehicle maker that closed two weeks ago and plans to use the space to help increase production and create 150 jobs. The Elkhart Truth reports (http://bit.ly/28LsFkQ ) Dutchmen Manufacturing Inc. has purchased a facility formerly owned by EverGreen RV.


Indiana county warns against jumping off abandoned bridge

YORKTOWN, Ind. — Officials in a central Indiana county are warning people not to jump off an abandoned rural bridge where a man recently broke his back leaping into the White River. Delaware County’s commissioners agreed Monday to ask conservation officers to issue citations to people who ignore “No Trespassing” signs posted on the bridge


Fox TV anchor Neil Cavuto recovering from open heart surgery

NEW YORK, N.Y. — Neil Cavuto, an anchor for Fox News Channel and Fox Business Network, is recovering from open heart surgery. In a statement, Fox News said that Cavuto had the operation Monday at a New York City hospital and came through with “flying colors.” The journalist was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis in 1997.

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве рядом с бульваром Генерала Карбышева и улицей Генерала Глаголева появится станция метро

Путин в России и мире

Аргентинский посол допустил встречу Путина и Милея на полях G20

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Трамп назвал Зеленского "лучшим торгашом в истории"

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Радио Jazz представило Игоря Бутмана в составе жюри премии «Все цвета джаза»


На похороны погибшего в "Крокус Сити Холле" новосибирца сестра потратила 650 тысяч рублей

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