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Новости за 20.04.2017

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Tech companies giving time off for protests

Fauna, a San Francisco database startup, recently began allowing its 13 employees to take unlimited paid leave to participate in rallies, vote, write letters to elected officials and take part in other civic activities. [...] the political climate — and polarization — following President Trump’s inauguration called for more defined measures, said Amna Pervez, director of recruiting and retention. The new policies come as technology firms and other companies take a stand against the Trump administration’s... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Resplendent Queen Anne Victorian in Alameda

Twice a week, The Chronicle features a home on the market that caught our eye for its architecture, history or character. Ceiling medallions, stained-glass windows and original hardware highlight the traditional finishes found throughout the home. The interior includes vibrant color schemes and handsome woodwork complements the wallpaper and window treatments. A deck stretches behind the home, providing an ideal space for container gardening, and a stone pathway leads through a garden to the front door. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Hans Zimmer’s joyful presentation of music from film

San Francisco’s Bill Graham Civic Auditorium was filled with a rapt audience on Wednesday, April 19, all reliving their favorite movie scenes in their minds as the genius behind those film scores conducted a large ensemble onstage. Composer Hans Zimmer, who stunned young music lovers with a dynamic set just days ago during the first weekend of the Coachella Valley Music & Arts Festival, shared with fans his most cherished memories from his years producing some of the industry’s best soundtracks. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Jack Nicholson Turns 80: All of His Major Roles, Ranked (Photos)

Jack Nicholson has had a long career playing brooding rebels, crazed villains and sneering charmers on screen. “Man Trouble” is a ridiculous screwball crime comedy in which Nicholson and Ellen Barkin get upstaged by horny dogs. Nicholson and Morgan Freeman are purely saccharine in this cornball comedy about two cancer patients trying to live out their dying wishes. Nicholson’s first ever movie was a sensationalized B-movie about how new music is making kids run wild on killing sprees. Nicholson has only a minor role in this lavish... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

James Woods Says ‘Age Discrimination’ Was Reason for Bill O’Reilly ‘Purge’

Actor also says that Fox News is becoming the “sister network” of rival CNN Actor and vocal conservative Woods tore into Fox on Thursday, saying that the channel is “becoming the sister network” to CNN. Woods also tweeted a link to a story about O’Reilly’s exit and asked, “Is it possible big corporations use ‘sexual harassment’ charges as a way to avoid lucrative contract obligations?” Fox News announced the departure of the “O’Reilly Factor” host on Wednesday morning, following a bombshell New... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Introducing Toke Back Mountain, Black Hammer Brewing's CBD-infused IPA

Weed beer: It was bound to happen sooner or later.

SoMa's Black Hammer Brewing today releases a new brew, Toke Back Mountain, which it believes is the first cannabis beer commercially released in California. The IPA is brewed with some familiar ingredients -- Amarillo, Centennial, Mosaic and Simcoe hops -- and some less-familiar ones: hemp-derived cannabidiol and essence of Red Hindu Kush, and indica-dominant cannabis strain.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

New format for S.F. 4/20 celebration disappoints some

Angry shouts of “It’s everybody’s park” and “It’s 9:30 already” echoed from the line. In the past, revelers had free reign of Golden Gate Park’s Hippie Hill on the unofficial pot holiday of April 20. Some said the oversight was welcome, given safety issues and crime in past years. “It’s probably for the best,” said Mike Loskutoff, 63, a Bay Area native who estimated that he’s been celebrating 4/20 in Golden Gate Park for a decade. “We were there when the Haight Street gang flipped the tables... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

TV Land Renews ‘Younger’ and ‘Teachers’ for Additional Seasons

“We’re absolutely thrilled to be bringing back ‘Younger’ and ‘Teachers’ for more seasons and double down on our dedication to creating smart, funny, honest and compelling originals,” Frank Tanki, General Manager of TV Land, said in a statement. Last month, Viacom’s Kevin Kay announced that the Kyle Richards series “American Woman” and the “Heathers” reboot — both of which were originally in development at TV Land — had been moved over to Paramount Network ahead of the network’s 2018 launch. In an interview with TheWrap last month... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Brown: Climate change is looming catastrophe for California

Global warming is a looming catastrophe for California, the nation and the world, but few people — politicians and the general public alike — want to talk about it, Gov. Jerry Brown told a San Francisco conference on climate change Thursday. While no one can say when —or even if — a worst-case environmental disaster could occur, that’s no reason to avoid the discussion, he added. “If it’s possible, we need to talk about it,” the governor told the standing-room-only crowd at the opening session... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Carlton Cuse’s ‘Locke & Key’ Gets Pilot Order at Hulu

Hulu has picked up the pilot “Locke & Key” from executive producer Carlton Cuse and writer Joe Hill, TheWrap has learned. “Locke & Key” follows three siblings who, after the gruesome murder of their father, move to their ancestral home in Maine only to find the house has magical keys that give them a vast array of powers and abilities. The pilot pickup comes as Cuse’s A&E drama “Bates Motel” is set to air its series finale on Monday, April 24.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Poll finds black teens are most active on social media apps

Poll finds black teens are most active on social media apps Teenagers and their technology are inseparable, but a new poll shows black teens are the most likely to have access to smartphones — which could explain why they’re the biggest and most frequent users of mobile-friendly social media apps Snapchat and Instagram. A survey released Thursday by the Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research explored teens’ social media use and its relationship to race and class. “They’re first-movers... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Peter Mattei: Onegin one of ‘my trickiest parts to establish’

NEW YORK — Peter Mattei has been portraying the title character in “Eugene Onegin” for more than a decade, but he still finds him “one of my trickiest parts to establish.” “Something with him is like an old portrait,” the Swedish baritone said in an interview at the Metropolitan Opera, where he is performing the role. Tchaikovsky’s opera, adapted from a novel in verse by Alexander Pushkin, tells of a bored and cynical gentleman who rejects the advances of the love-struck Tatyana, only to realize... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Raiders exercise option on Mack

In the easiest decision that general manager Reggie McKenzie has made, the Raiders exercised their option for the fifth year of defensive end Khalil Mack’s contract in 2018. McKenzie is first focused on new deals for quarterback Derek Carr and guard Gabe Jackson, who unlike Mack were not first-round picks and are entering the last year of their contracts. The Raiders have $28 million in salary-cap space and plan to resume talks with Carr after next week’s NFL Draft.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Henrietta Lacks’ story gains greater immortality in HBO film

The story of Henrietta Lacks and the long and ultimately successful campaign to identify her posthumous contributions to medical science is so emotionally compelling, it would take complete incompetence not to tell it well in a TV film. “The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks,” the HBO film based on the book by Rebecca Skloot and airing Saturday, April 22, has been created with more than competent direction, writing and performances. When Lacks died in 1951 of cervical cancer, cells from her body... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Sightseeing via the new SMART train

When the first phase of the long-awaited Sonoma-Marin Area Rail Transit line opens this spring, commuters will be able to travel from northern Santa Rosa only as far south as San Rafael. [...] the sleek two-car trains — and the new bike-pedestrian path along or near their tracks — could offer day-trippers a novel way to explore attractions close to the six inaugural Sonoma County stations. Paying SMART line fares requires Clipper cards, which can be bought online (www.clippercard.com), at various retail outlets and... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Tight-knit Petaluma boasts thriving music scene

“People choose to live here because it’s a tight-knit community,” Eveland says, and they demonstrate that by showing up to support one another, whether as volunteers at the music festival or at open mike night at a local coffeehouse or bar. Petaluma does seem to boast an unusually high concentration of talented musicians from which to draw, both for the music festival and to fill its stages. Charles Cowles, owner of Tall Toad Music, which has operated in the heart of Petaluma’s historical downtown since 1988... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Dodge whips up a batch of 808-hp Challengers for 2018

V8/four-speed coupe that was quick and not too porky - at least by the standards of that Jurassic muscle car era. Besides the dusted-off name, a V8 that's just 36 cubic inches larger, rear-wheel-drive and two doors, the 2018 Dodge Challenger SRT Demon has little in common with its ancestor. While the coupe will still require (for now) a giddy human to keep the front wheels pointed straight ahead, microprocessors, sensors and digital directives are just as vital as the supercharger, plus-sized hood... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Mitsubishi's 2017 Outlander crossover has room for up to seven

The Outlander also is offered with all-wheel drive, starting at $24,995 for the ES version, followed by the SE ($26,495); SEL ($27,495); and the top-of-the-line GT ($31,695), which is offered only with all-wheel drive and a V-6 engine; all others have the base four-cylinder engine. ES, SE and SEL models all come with a 2.4-liter inline four-cylinder engine rated at 166 horsepower and 162 foot-pounds of torque, coupled with a continuously variable automatic transmission. Inside, there is a redesigned steering wheel... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A-List Women Directors, Actors, Executives Join Filmmaking Competition From Glamour, GirlGaze

An army of powerful Hollywood women have signed on to judge a female filmmaker competition led by Conde Nast’s Glamour magazine and the digital network GirlGaze. Titled “#NewView,” the competition seeks to boost the poor representation of women behind the camera and offer branded content opportunities for fledgling filmmakers. Shonda Rimes, Dee Rees, Netflix Vice President of Content Acquisition Bela Bajaria, Geena Davis, HBO Documentary chief Sheila Nevins, Tracee Ellis Ross, YouTube star Lilly Singh... Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Крылатчан попросили с пониманием отнестись к спортивному ориентированию

Путин в России и мире

Си отказал Макрону в просьбе, связанной с Путиным. В Москву прибыл лидер Кубы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко высоко оценил организацию парада Победы в Москве

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

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«По своей натуре девочка интеллигентная»: какой растет дочь Тимати с особенностями развития


Певец Лоза заявил, что Влада Листьева убили из-за денег

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