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Новости за 10.03.2017

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Vientos fuertes hacen volar a una niñita en Cleveland

Brittany Gardner subió un video a Facebook donde se ve a su hija de 4 años, Madison, abriendo la puerta auxiliar de su casa y verse elevada por la fuerza de los vientos del miércoles. Cuando subió el video a Facebook puso de fondo la canción de Frank Sinatra "Come Fly With Me" ("Ven y buena conmigo").

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Dystopian fiction is selling like there's no tomorrow

Gloomy classics depicting societies gone terribly wrong have shot to the top of best-seller lists like Amazon's in recent months, including George Orwell's "1984" and Margaret Atwood's "The Handmaid's Tale," prompting publishers to ramp up production decades after the books were first released. Longtime staples in English literature courses, dystopian works are attracting new attention from casual readers and social book clubs. Dozens of U.S. movie theaters are screening a film version of "1984"... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Personal Shopper’ Review: Kristen Stewart Sees Ghosts in Captivating Arthouse Thriller

Here, her daily trips to Paris’s most legendary couture houses might make the gig seem exciting to outsiders, but picking up shoes and accessories for the rich and famous no more guarantees fulfillment than death promises eternal peace. (The new owners would like any ghosts to be busted before they start renovations.) And while the charmingly ramshackle country house seems suitable for a haunting, Paris doesn’t lack for poltergeists either, with strange presences manifesting and anonymous messages turning up on Maureen’s phone. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Prosecutors gone from jobs after AP report on church abuse

A North Carolina district attorney said Friday that two assistant prosecutors no longer work for him after The Associated Press reported ex-members of a church said the men, who belong to the sect, derailed criminal investigations into possible abuse by church leaders. David Learner's announcement came two days after he asked the State Bureau of Investigation to look into allegations from former Word of Faith members against Frank Webster and Chris Back and four days after the AP story cited nine people who said the men provided legal advice... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Dani Weinstein Hired as Focus Features New EVP of Publicity

Dani Weinstein has been named the executive vice president of publicity at Focus Features, the company announced Friday. Weinstein, who left her former position of head of publicity at The Weinstein Company last August, will replace Adriene Bowles, who left earlier this week and was announced the president of Megan Ellison’s Annapurna Pictures. “Dani is a consummate professional who has an incredible track record for spearheading breakthrough publicity campaigns for specialty titles,” said Cassidy. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’ Sequels Delayed Again, Says Director

James Cameron’s ‘Avatar’ Sequels Delayed Again, Says Director James Cameron’s “Avatar” sequels have been delayed again due to plans of making the four follow-up films simultaneously. In January 2016, TheWrap exclusively reported that “Avatar 2,” the first of three sequels to Cameron‘s 2009 3D sci-fi blockbuster, would not be ready in time for its planned Christmas 2017 release. First Look at Disney World's 'Avatar' Land: “Avatar” remains the highest-grossing movie of all time worldwide, having earned $2.8 billion since its release in 2009... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Senator Arnold Schwarzenegger? Not if His New Q Score Is Any Indication (Exclusive)

One-and-done “Celebrity Apprentice” host fell out of favor with many after taking over Trump’s NBC series If Arnold Schwarzenegger wants to become a U.S. Senator, he’d better hope those casting their ballots in the election weren’t also recently polled by the Q Scores Company. The consumer appeal measurement group’s latest results show Schwarzenegger’s Positive Q Scores are down from a year ago. Company executive vice president Henry Schafer believes that his numbers can make or break a career — and his clients agree. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Police say couple staged murder with ketchup, texted photos

SANDUSKY, Ohio (AP) — Police say a couple in Ohio staged a murder scene in a bathtub in which they poured ketchup over her and he then sent pictures to friends, saying he did it. Sandusky officers showed up after getting calls Thursday night from three people police say were "hysterical."

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Oakland police officer rear-ends drivers, transported to hospital

A police officer was injured Friday morning when his patrol car slammed into the rear of a vehicle in Oakland, officials said. The officer was alone in the patrol car when the crash happened and was transported to a hospital with moderate injuries, police said. The police car sustained “major damage” to the front end, police said.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Alien: Covenant': See How Michael Fassbender’s Robot Walter Is Made (Video)

Horror starring Katherine Waterston and Danny McBride arrives in theaters May 19 The character, played by Michael Fassbender, is Weyland-Yutani’s most advanced synthetic companion, “designed to help you achieve a better human experience.” Covenant by also playing David in the film, an android who was the sole survivor of the doomed Prometheus expedition, chronicled in Scott’s “Alien” prequel, “Prometheus.” Covenant' Poster Pays Eerie Homage to Ridley Scott's Original Classic

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Officer involved shooting in Santa Clara kills man in mid 20s

A man in his mid-20s was fatally shot by a police officer in Santa Clara Thursday evening after his parents called 911 to report he was acting “erratically,” officials said Friday. The incident was caught on vest cameras worn by the officers and the footage is being reviewed by the Santa Clara County district attorney’s office, officials said. The son wasn’t at the house when police arrived, but officers fanned out in the area and found him nearby around some railroad tracks that run under an overpass. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Salvan a tortuga que se tragó más de 900 monedas

Los veterinarios en Bangkok regresaron a la hembra al agua por primera vez desde que la operaron hace cuatro días para ver qué tan bien se movía. Está respondiendo muy bien, dijo la doctora Nantarika Chansue, quien encabeza el equipo de la Escuela de Veterinaria de la Universidad Chulalongkorn. Durante años, las monedas sueltas se quedaron atrapadas en el tracto digestivo del animal, dañaron su concha abdominal y le causaron una infección que puso en riesgo su vida.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Kong: Skull Island’ Is King at Thursday Box Office With $3.7 Million

Heading into the weekend, independent trackers estimated that “Kong” will make between $45-50 million in its opening weekend. Skull Island puts a new spin on the tale of how humans discovered the mysterious Skull Island and the ape who rules over it. [...] the team finds a WWII lieutenant (John C. Reilly), who has been living on the island with natives for 28 years and knows about the unending battle between Kong and the “skull crawlers,” a race of hostile giant reptiles who wiped out Kong’s species. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Watch Professor Get Upstaged by His Kids in Live BBC Interview (Video)

Robert Kelly, a professor of political science and diplomacy at Pusan National University in South Korea, was talking live to a BBC interviewer on Friday when his two young children gatecrashed the scene and upstaged him with their adorableness. “My apologies,” Kelly repeated multiple times as he struggled to maintain his composure and discuss the ramifications of the impeachment of South Korean president Park Geun-hye. [...] his kids were having none of it — first a daughter in a yellow top and a distinct dancing style... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Pelosi urges FBI director to dispute wiretapping claim

WASHINGTON (AP) — House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is suggesting the FBI director should come forward to dispute President Donald Trump's baseless claim that he was wiretapped by former President Barack Obama. Asked Friday about James Comey's responsibility in the matter, Pelosi responded: Theoretically do I think that a director of the FBI who knows for a fact that something is mythology but misleading to the American people, and he should set the record straight?

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Kristen Stewart Brushes Off Donald Trump’s Nasty Tweets About Her (Video)

Kristen Stewart Brushes Off Donald Trump’s Nasty Tweets About Her (Video) “That’s cool, you know, whatever,” the “Twilight” actress said about the then-“Celebrity Apprentice” host’s initial shot fired. Read original story Kristen Stewart Brushes Off Donald Trump’s Nasty Tweets About Her (Video) At TheWrap

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Trump administration dismissing congressional budget experts

WASHINGTON (AP) — Health and Human Services Secretary Tom Price is warning against relying too much on the Congressional Budget Office's upcoming report on the Republican health care bill. In an interview Friday on Fox News' "Fox & Friends," Price noted that the office had previously overestimated the number of people who would purchase insurance in state and federal marketplaces under "Obamacare."

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Rookie docs can work longer, 24-hour shifts under new rules

A Chicago-based group that establishes work standards for U.S. medical school graduates has voted to eliminate a 16-hour cap for first-year residents. The Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education announced the move Friday as part of revisions that include reinstating the longer limit for rookies — the same maximum allowed for advanced residents. To stay awake while driving home after work, she sometimes rolls down the window to let the freezing air blast her in the face. Harrington... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Time to change time again: Daylight saving time returns

Daylight saving time returns this weekend in the United States. Advance your clocks by 60 minutes before tucking in, so you're not caught off-guard Sunday morning. No time change is observed in Hawaii, most of Arizona, Puerto Rico, the Virgin Islands, American Samoa, Guam and the Northern Marianas.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Charlie Rose returning to CBS after heart surgery

NEW YORK (AP) — Charlie Rose returns to television on Monday, following a recovery from heart surgery he says his doctors told him has been "exemplary." The 5-year-old CBS morning show has been getting closer to market leaders "Good Morning America" of ABC and NBC's "Today" show in the ratings, emphasizing a newsier approach. Rose said he has no intention of cutting back on a schedule that has him rising at 4:30 a.m. on weekdays for a two-hour news show and taping his PBS interviews in the late afternoon... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Beach resort island police refile charges in golf cart case

Beach resort island police refile charges in golf cart case BALD HEAD ISLAND, N.C. (AP) — Police in North Carolina have refiled charges against a Charlotte woman originally charged with resisting arrest and public intoxication after she allowed her 11-year-old son to drive a golf cart during a family vacation on a North Carolina beach resort island.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Cholera reaches South Sudan's second-largest city, UN says

NAIROBI, Kenya (AP) — The United Nations says South Sudan's cholera outbreak has reached the country's second-largest city, as the number of cases nationwide rises beyond 5,500. The U.N. humanitarian agency said Friday that cases of the sometimes fatal gastrointestinal disease have been confirmed in Malakal, which has been ravaged by the country's three-year civil war.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Gun laws get traction in open-carry New Mexico Capitol

Prospects for approval have dimmed for requiring background checks on private gun sales where no licensed dealer is involved, amid intense lobbying by gun-control advocacy groups and the firearms industry.

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Экология в России и мире

Подмосковье примет участие во всероссийском экологическом форуме

Путин в России и мире

Путин приехал в храм Христа Спасителя на пасхальную службу

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Виктор Цой

Движение «Рок-Петроград» хочет восстановить поминальную площадку Цоя


Деменко считает, что «Динамо» не собиралось жертвовать Кубком России ради победы в РПЛ

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