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Новости за 19.03.2017

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

UM surveying faculty about early retirement

(AP) — The University of Montana is surveying faculty and staff about their interest in early retirement as the university seeks to cut spending due to decreasing enrollment. UM spokeswoman Paula Short says the university is still exploring a buyout and is asking potentially eligible employees what they see as the possible benefits and barriers of such a program.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Jimmy Breslin, columnist who chronicled wise guys and underdogs, dies

Jimmy Breslin, columnist who chronicled wise guys and underdogs, dies NEW YORK — Jimmy Breslin, the New York City newspaper columnist and best-selling author who leveled the powerful and elevated the powerless for more than 50 years with brick-hard words and a jagged-glass wit, died Sunday at his home in Manhattan. With prose that was savagely funny, deceptively simple and poorly imitated, Mr. Breslin created his own distinct rhythm in the hurly-burly music of newspapers. Here, for example, is how he described Clifton Pollard... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Idaho of Idaho law school in Boise on track

MOSCOW, Idaho (AP) — The University of Idaho College of Law's efforts to begin a first-year law program in Boise have come to fruition, after the American Bar Association gave the plan its seal of approval this week, the UI announced Wednesday. Adams said that process included "working with various stakeholders, with the state board, key members of the legislature, the governor's office, the university, the faculty." [...] all indicators are pointing to a boost in enrollment. Boise is surrounded by the business and legal community... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Tim Allen: Being a Hollywood Conservative Is Like Living in ’30s Germany.’

Tim Allen thinks Hollywood conservatives are getting a taste of life in Nazi Germany. The Last Man Standing actor said on “Jimmy Kimmel Live” on Friday: You gotta be real careful around here, you know. Allen has been very vocal about his conservative political beliefs, but when Kimmel asked him if it was true that he attended the presidential inauguration, the comedian got a little defensive. Tim Allen's 'Last Man Standing' Rips 'Microaggressions' on College Campuses (Video) Kellyanne Conway Defends Spy 'Microwave' Claim... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Sexual assault reported on Virginia Tech campus

BLACKSBURG, Va. (AP) — Virginia Tech police are investigating a report of a sexual assault that happened inside a campus residence hall. The Roanoke Times (http://bit.ly/2nT5MUs ) reports police received a report of a sexual assault Saturday that happened sometime during the early morning hours at Lee Hall on Washington Street. The school's website says the dorm is a co-ed residence hall for about 800 students. Police say the victim and offender were both Virginia Tech students who were previously acquainted. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Intel documents offer no evidence of spying on Trump Tower

WASHINGTON (AP) — The top two lawmakers on the House intelligence committee said Sunday that documents the Justice Department and FBI delivered late last week offered no evidence that the Obama administration had wiretapped Trump Tower, but the panel's ranking Democrat says the material offers circumstantial evidence that American citizens colluded with Russians in Moscow's efforts to interfere in the presidential election. The House intelligence committee is to begin hearings Monday into Russia's... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Beauty and the Beast’ Is a Hit in Russia Despite Gay LeFou

The news that Disney’s remake of “Beauty and the Beast” would turn Gaston’s sidekick LeFou into a gay character made waves in Russia, but not enough to stop them from heading to the theater to see it. Despite calls for a ban because of its “gay propaganda” and being hit with a 16+ rating by the country’s film board, Bill Condon’s remake had a strong opening weekend in Russia, making an estimated $6 million as part of the film’s $180 million international box office start. The film’s cast played a big role... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Woman who looks like Beyonce faces down haters

Every girl is a queen in their own right, but when you look just like Beyonce and your name starts with "B", it's only natural to have your nickname be Queen B (not Queen Bey, though).

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Lawmakers pile on new bills, pitch for student loan aid

(AP) — The Nevada Legislature will jump-start the week with dozens of new bills and a debate on whether the state should pitch in to help people pay down student loans. Senate Majority Leader Aaron Ford, a Las Vegas Democrat, wants Nevada to sell bonds for college students to refinance their loans. Members of Congress and state legislatures across the country are pursuing different ways to help people afford the climbing cost of postsecondary education — from financial literacy programs to a bill... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Political events in the Bay Area: how to get involved, protests

Political events in the Bay Area: how to get involved, protests Political events Rallies and protest events are a part of political life in the Bay Area. Political discussion: Panel talk on how to be involved at the local, state and federal level, hosted by the United Democratic Club. Occupy Sonoma County asks, “Is Global Climate Disruption Happening to Us or For Us?” The event is free and will focus on how humans impact climate change. The Bay Area Resistance is calling for a boycott of banks... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘T2 Trainspotting’ Scores $180,000 at SXSW Week Indie Box Office

Trainspotting, the sequel to Danny Boyle’s 1996 cult classic film about a group of heroin addicts in Scotland, made $180,000 from five theaters on an indie box office weekend that saw other indie films like “Raw,” “The Sense of an Ending” and “The Orchard” expanded to more screens. “T2 Trainspotting” takes place 21 years after the first film, with Mark Renton (Ewan McGregor) and his fellow addicts now deep into middle age and struggling with their relationships to their wives and kids. “Raw,” Julia Ducournau’s coming-of-age cannibal movie... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

A talk with Jimmy Breslin, New York's "New Yorkiest" writer

NEW YORK (AP) — In May 2002, Associated Press National Writer Jerry Schwartz interviewed the famously blunt-yet-lyric author and columnist Jimmy Breslin about his life and work. Thirty-nine years after his first story appeared in the New York Herald Tribune — a Page One piece on the Mets, their four-game winning streak and their bungling first baseman, Marvelous Marvin Throneberry — he's still writing columns, three a week, but now for Newsday. [...] he writes of pedophile priests, and of cardinals who "will say anything... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

4 Reasons Why ‘Beauty and the Beast’ Killed It at the Box Office

Disney is well on its way to scoring another billion-dollar hit with Bill Condon’s “Beauty and the Beast,” breaking box office records by hauling in an estimated $350 million worldwide its opening weekend. Beauty,” the fifth in Disney’s live-action remake series that began in 2010 with “Alice in Wonderland” (not counting the direct sequel, “Alice Through the Looking Glass”), sets a new record for March openers, passing the $166 million set last year by “Batman v Superman” and nabbing the biggest domestic opening by a PG-rated film... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Garbage truck driver charges in Kentucky interstate wrecks

(AP) — Police in Kentucky say at least six people were injured and a garbage truck driver was arrested after the truck traveled the wrong way on an interstate highway and struck several vehicles. The statement says 23-year-old truck driver Dalton M. Lampley of Calvert City was arrested on multiple counts including driving under the influence, possession of a controlled substance, fleeing or evading police and resisting arrest.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Winning numbers drawn in 'Pick 4 Midday' game

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) _ The winning numbers in Sunday afternoon's drawing of the Iowa Lottery's "Pick 4 Midday" game were: 0-9-1-8 (zero, nine, one, eight)

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Winning numbers drawn in 'Pick 3 Midday' game

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) _ The winning numbers in Sunday afternoon's drawing of the Iowa Lottery's "Pick 3 Midday" game were: 4-2-6 (four, two, six)

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Winning numbers drawn in 'All or Nothing Midday' game

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) _ The winning numbers in Sunday afternoon's drawing of the Iowa Lottery's "All or Nothing Midday" game were: 01-02-03-04-06-07-11-12-15-20-23-24 (one, two, three, four, six, seven, eleven, twelve, fifteen, twenty, twenty-three, twenty-four)

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Maine girl, pet duck flown to LA for television program

Morse Street Elementary School student Kylie Brown and her pet duck, Snowflake, took the internet by storm last year when a video of them was featured on TV. On Sunday, 6-year-old Kylie and Snowflake were appearing on TV again courtesy of Steve Harvey's "Little Big Shots" show on NBC.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Man shot multiple times at house near Providence College

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Providence police say a 20-year-old man was shot multiple times near Providence College in house where nearly 300 people were fleeing as officers arrived. The Providence Journal reports the victim is Joshua Mendez, whose address was not listed in a police report.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Louisiana sheriff's deputy shot, killed while on-duty

(AP) — A sheriff's deputy in Louisiana is dead after being shot near a movie theater in Baton Rouge, police said Sunday. The East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office deputy was rushed to the hospital after being shot while on duty late Saturday, Louisiana State Police spokesman Bryan Lee told local media outlets. The New Orleans Advocate (http://bit.ly/2nzNuM0 ) quoted East Baton Rouge Sheriff's Office spokeswoman Casey Rayborn Hicks as saying the Louisiana State Police would conduct the investigation.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Winning numbers drawn in 'Play4 Day' game

ROCKY HILL, Conn. (AP) _ The winning numbers in Sunday afternoon's drawing of the Connecticut Lottery's "Play4 Day" game were: 9-3-0-5 (nine, three, zero, five)

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Winning numbers drawn in 'Play3 Day' game

ROCKY HILL, Conn. (AP) _ The winning numbers in Sunday afternoon's drawing of the Connecticut Lottery's "Play3 Day" game were: 3-0-2 (three, zero, two)

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Winning numbers drawn in 'Lucky Links Day' game

ROCKY HILL, Conn. (AP) _ The winning numbers in Sunday afternoon's drawing of the Connecticut Lottery's "Lucky Links Day" game were: 01-04-09-12-15-16-17-19 (one, four, nine, twelve, fifteen, sixteen, seventeen, nineteen)

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Экология в России и мире

Шашлыки и дача отменяются: аномальная погода на майские праздники в Москве, Питере и регионах

Путин в России и мире

Первый пуск «Ангары-А5М» с Восточного запланирован в 2027 году

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Очередные кадровые назначения объявлены в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: Западу неинтересны планы Киева по атаке на Крымский мост

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