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Новости за 15.02.2017

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Benedict Cumberbatch to Star in BBC Adaptation of ‘The Child in Time’

“Doctor Strange” star will also executive produce TV film based on Ian McEwan novel In their first television commission, Pinewood Television and Cumberbatch’s SunnyMarch TV will produce the 90-minute one-off film for BBC One, with Masterpiece co-producing. Executive Producers are Helen Gregory for Pinewood Television, Cumberbatch, Adam Ackland and David Boulter for SunnyMarch TV, Lucy Richer for the BBC, Rebecca Eaton for Masterpiece and Stephen Butchard.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

2017 James Beard Awards semifinalists announced

Image 1of/13 CaptionClose Image 1 of 13 Best New Restaurant: Tartine Manufactory Best New Restaurant: Tartine Manufactory Image 2 of 13 Best New Restaurant: In Situ Best New Restaurant: In Situ Image 3 of 13 Best New Restaurant: Single Thread Best New Restaurant: Single Thread Image 4 of 13 Best Chef: West: Dominique Crenn, Atelier Crenn Best Chef: West: Dominique Crenn, Atelier Crenn Image 5 of 13 Best Chef: West: Anthony Mangieri, Una Pizza Best Chef: West: Anthony Mangieri, Una Pizza Image 6 of 13 Best Chef... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Seth Meyers Roasts Michael Flynn With World’s Shortest Highlight Reel (Video)

According to the Washington Post, he set a record with his resignation as the White house national security adviser, no one in the 64-year history of the role had a shorter tenure than his. “Now that Michael Flynn’s historic tenure is over, I think it’s only appropriate that we take a few minutes to look back on his many highlights as America’s national security adviser,” he continued. The move came after Flynn admitted he gave “incomplete information” about a call he had with the Russian ambassador... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Ohio college student wins title as best grocery bagger

Ohio college student wins title as best grocery bagger The Medina (meh-DY'-nuh) Gazette (http://bit.ly/2lOUoJ0 ) reports Brady Long returns to Wadsworth with a $10,000 prize after winning the National Grocers Association's Best Bagger championship.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

SF 1st stop for exhibition of Lawrence Halprin photos

An exhibition of contemporary photographs that trace the 60-year career of legendary Bay Area landscape architect Lawrence Halprin will go on a national tour — with San Francisco as the first stop. “The Landscape Architecture of Lawrence Halprin” will open May 24 at the Palace of Fine Arts, with 56 photographs of 30 projects that include private homes along with such enduring destinations as Ghirardelli Square, Levi’s Plaza and Sea Ranch along the Sonoma County coast. “Our goal is to inspire viewers... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Governor's races in 2 states echo the White House contest

Both races are wide open, with Republican Gov. Chris Christie in New Jersey and Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe in Virginia leaving office because of term limits. The two contests are the highest-profile elections this year and are seen by the Democrats as a potential referendum on Trump and an important early test of the party's strength less than a year into his presidency. John Fredericks, a conservative radio host who helped run Trump's campaign in Virginia, said the Democratic tilt of both states puts the pressure on the Democrats... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

‘Morning Joe’ Declares Moratorium on Booking Kellyanne Conway: ‘She’s Not Credible Anymore’

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski doesn’t want Donald Trump’s senior adviser Kellyanne Conway appearing on her show, citing her “as not credible anymore.” Brzezinski explained that Conway often gets herself booked for her frequent television appearances, saying, We know for a fact that she tries to get herself booked on this show. Co-host Joe Scarborough chimed in: “She’s out of the loop, she’s in none of the key meetings, she goes out and books herself often… she doesn’t know, she doesn’t have the information.” On Monday... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Katy Perry, Ed Sheeran to play iHeartRadio Music Awards

NEW YORK (AP) — Katy Perry, Ed Sheeran and The Chainsmokers will perform at the iHeartRadio Music Awards in Los Angeles. Additional performers announced Wednesday include Shawn Mendes, Thomas Rhett, Noah Cyrus and Big Sean. Bruno Mars has also been previously announced as a performer. Drake leads all nominees with 12 nominations, including male artist of the year, at the fourth annual awards show. The show will air live on TBS, TNT and truTV on Sunday, March 5. ___ Online: http://news.iheart.com/features/iheartradio-music-awards-15/

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

French president calls for more cybersecurity for election

Hollande asked top security officials Wednesday to present electoral security measures next week "including in the cyber domain." Mounir Mahjoubi, head of digital campaigning for Macron, told The Associated Press that his team identified thousands of hacking attempts originating from Ukraine in recent weeks.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Michael Flynn’s (Fake) Valentine’s Day Cards Rival Hallmark’s Best Work (Video)

Michael Flynn’s (Fake) Valentine’s Day Cards Rival Hallmark’s Best Work (Video) Lots of people fell out of love with Michael Flynn just before Valentine’s Day, when President Trump’s National Security Adviser resigned over not providing his bosses with a complete snapshot of his communication with Russia. According to Stephen Colbert’s Tuesday cold open, Flynn tried to make amends with some thoughtful Valentine’s Day cards to Trump, Vice President Mike Pence and Vladimir Putin. Read original story... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Niña dona 1.300 libros a hospital infantil en Nueva Jersey

Charlotte Olson dijo al diario Courier-Post que su objetivo original era reunir 1.000 libros infantiles para su ciudad de Voorhees e inició la campaña antes de Navidad por medio de las redes sociales, su familia y su iglesia para difundir el pedido. El martes fue con varias cajas llenas al Hospital Regional de Niños en Voorhees.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Cadets fly over Terre Haute during orientation

Walsh, a Cadet Lieutenant Colonel and group commander with the Terre Haute North Vigo High School Air Force JROTC, was one of about a dozen students to get hands-on experience Saturday during orientation flights at the Hulman Field main terminal. Orientation flights are just part of the education cadets get in the JROTC program, Joshua Hall, Chief Master Sergeant and instructor at North Vigo, said. "In our curriculum we also talk about aviation and aviation principles and things of that nature," Hall said. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Report: More than 55,000 US bridges structurally deficient

WASHINGTON (AP) — A new report says the Brooklyn Bridge and Washington's Arlington Memorial Bridge are among thousands of spans considered structurally deficient. The term is applied when spans need rehabilitation or replacement because at least one major component has advanced deterioration or other problems.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Millions to fight food industry sway, from a snack bar CEO

NEW YORK (AP) — A $25 million pledge to fight the food industry's influence on public health is coming from a surprising source — the CEO of a snack bar maker. Kind founder Daniel Lubetzky says he's pledging his own money to create a group called "Feed the Truth" dedicated to revealing corporate influence in the nutrition field, with activities like education campaigns and investigative journalism. Since Kind was launched in 2004, the company's annual revenue has grown to $673.4 million, according to market researcher Euromonitor. Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Few good alternatives to Palestinian state

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Trump Administration appears to be easing away from longstanding U.S. support for Palestinian statehood as the preferred outcome of Middle East peace efforts, which may please some allies of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in Israel. [...] over two decades of peace talks have failed to produce agreement on the details, and many on both sides consider it impossible without a major change in circumstances — massive global pressure on Israel, more upheaval in the Arab neighborhoods... Читать дальше...

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Lufthansa in deal to end lengthy, bitter dispute with pilots

BERLIN (AP) — German airline Lufthansa has struck a deal to solve a bitter labor dispute with pilots that over five years has cost it an estimated half a billion dollars and more than a dozen strikes. Despite agreeing upon the arbitrator's wage proposal, dpa reported several other labor issues remain open, such as pensions and transitional payments for employees and that more strikes remain possible.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Ambulance crash kills passenger en route to nursing home

DUNKIRK, N.Y. (AP) — Authorities say a 77-year-old western New York man has died after the ambulance transporting him from a Pennsylvania hospital to a nursing home crashed into a ditch. New York State Police say an EmergyCare ambulance left the road at about 5:40 p.m. Tuesday, entered a ditch and hit a culvert in the Chautauqua (shuh-TAW'-kwuh) County town of Dunkirk, 35 miles southwest of Buffalo.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Arkansas Senate panel advances tort-reform amendment

(AP) — An Arkansas Senate committee has advanced a proposed constitutional amendment that would ask voters to limit some attorneys' fees and punitive damages in court cases. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports (http://bit.ly/2kxbaur ) that the resolution's sponsor, Republican Sen. Missy Irvin of Mountain View, says she will ask the Senate to vote on her proposal Thursday.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

Police: Indiana troopers fatally shot man trying to flee

State police say 35-year-old David Zimmerman of Princeton died at a hospital where he was taken after the shooting about 9 p.m. Tuesday in the parking lot of a Vincennes gas station. State police Sgt. Todd Ringle says Zimmerman was being sought on a felony parole warrant stemming from a manslaughter conviction and troopers were told he was possibly at the gas station.

«SFGate» (sfgate.com) 

White House: Mideast peace may not be 2-state solution

WASHINGTON (AP) — As Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu visits the White House, the Trump administration has suggested that peace between the Israelis and Palestinians may not come in the form of a two-state solution — a position that could represent a dramatic shift from 20 years of U.S. policy. [...] two senior Palestinian officials say CIA chief Mike Pompeo secretly held talks in the West Bank with Mahmoud Abbas, the first high-level meeting between the Palestinian leader and a Trump administration official. Читать дальше...

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Экология в России и мире

Ежемесячную денежную выплату получают более 1,6 млн пострадавших от радиации

Путин в России и мире

Валентин Коновалов Хакасии примет участие в церемонии инаугурации Владимира Путина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья Шмидт попросил защиты у Лукашенко и политического убежища в Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

«Синий троллейбус» будет курсировать по улицам Иркутска 9 и 10 мая под песни Булата Окуджавы


Артистка шапито "Радуга" из Москвы сообщила, что 15 собак из цирка могут стать бездомными

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