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Новости за 26.03.2018

The Seattle Times 

South Dakota men’s basketball coach headed for Utah State

VERMILLION, S.D. (AP) — University of South Dakota men’s basketball head coach Craig Smith has accepted the same position at Utah State in the Mountain West Conference. Smith spent four seasons with South Dakota tallying a 79-55 record, including a record 26 wins this season. The Coyotes captured the 2016-2017 Summit League Championship and have […]

The Seattle Times 

Underground tunnels proposed for Houston flooding

HOUSTON (AP) — The flood control district in the Houston area is considering a proposal to build massive underground tunnels to drain floodwaters from bayous across the county. Harris County Flood Control District officials say the idea could be a bold answer following Hurricane Harvey to dramatically improve Houston’s defenses against deadly floods. The Houston […]

The Seattle Times 

Study: Rising Utah housing prices a problem for economy

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A recent study says Utah housing prices have risen faster than almost anywhere in the country for a generation and the trend seems likely to continue. The Salt Lake Tribune reports the University of Utah’s Kem C. Gardner Policy Institute released a preliminary study Wednesday warning that rising interest rates […]

The Seattle Times 

Feds: ‘Dreamer’ tried to smuggle immigrants into US

LORDSBURG, N.M. (AP) — An immigrant with temporary protective status may lose that protection after the U.S. Border Patrol says he tried smuggling immigrants into the country near Rodeo, New Mexico. The U.S. Border Patrol said the man was arrested March 19 after agents found three immigrants suspected of being in the country illegally inside […]

The Seattle Times 

Minnesota bill would slow efforts to grow muskie population

ST. PAUL, Minn. (AP) — A group of Minnesota lawmakers are proposing a bill that would slow a yearslong state effort to expand muskie stocking. The St. Paul Pioneer Press reports that the bill would put a moratorium on the Department of Natural Resources’ fish stocking plans to slowly increase the number of lakes where […]

The Seattle Times 

Walker signs school safety legislation

KAUKAUNA, Wis. (AP) — Gov. Scott Walker has signed a school safety bill that would provide money to help district make building improvements, but places no limits on guns. The governor signed the $100 million measure at a Kaukauna elementary school Monday morning. The legislation comes at a time when young people have stood up, […]

The Seattle Times 

Firefighter trainee arrested after hitting police car

GAITHERSBURG, Md. (AP) — An aspiring firefighter in Maryland has been arrested for allegedly driving drunk, racing past a state trooper at 126 miles per hour, then smashing into the back of another state trooper’s vehicle. Devin Robinson was enrolled in the training academy for firefighters in Montgomery County. The Washington Post reports that allegations […]

The Seattle Times 

Body of missing West Virginia man found in Ohio River

WINFIELD, W.Va. (AP) — Police say the body of a West Virginia man who had been missing since Christmas has been found in the Ohio River. Putnam County Sheriff Steve Deweese says in a statement on Facebook that a fisherman found the body of 44-year-old Jason Kirkpatrick in the river last week near Gallipolis, Ohio. […]

The Seattle Times 

Arkansas judge sets aside billboard ruling after AG objects

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — An Arkansas judge set aside part of her ruling that voided the state law regulating billboards after learning the attorney general’s office had objected. The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that Judge Mary McGowan’s case questions the constitutionality of Act 573, which limits the assessment methods a county can use to tax […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge quashes New Mexico congresswoman’s restraining order

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — A state district judge has quashed a restraining order obtained by New Mexico Congresswoman and Democratic gubernatorial candidate Michelle Lujan Grisham against a former intern. Lujan Grisham applied for the restraining order after Riley Del Rey disrupted her speeches at the recent state Democratic Party’s preprimary convention and another event. In […]

The Seattle Times 

2nd Amendment supporters rally against gun bills in NJ

TRENTON, N.J. (AP) — Second Amendment advocates rallied at New Jersey’s state capital in opposition to a half-dozen gun control bills expected to get a vote in the Assembly. Many of the dozens of people wore National Rifle Association hats and carried signs that read “NRA Stand and Fight” at Monday’s rally outside the War […]

The Seattle Times 

Missoula man gets 5 years with DOC for wrong-way fatal crash

MISSOULA, Mont. (AP) — A 24-year-old Missoula man has been sentenced to five years in the custody of the Department of Corrections after pleading guilty to driving drunk and traveling the wrong way on Interstate 90, causing a fatal crash. The Missoulian reports Eduardo Lopez was sentenced Friday to 40 years with the department with […]

The Seattle Times 

Indictment: Priest groped teen girl, told her she was ‘sexy’

MORRISTOWN, N.J. (AP) — A recently ordained Roman Catholic priest accused of groping a 13-year-old girl under her skirt last summer has been indicted on criminal sexual contact and child endangerment charges. Morris County prosecutors say the Rev. Marcin Nurek touched the girl’s buttocks over her underwear and told her she was “sexy.” The indictment […]

The Seattle Times 

Live fire training started fire at Colorado’s Fort Carson

FORT CARSON, Colo. (AP) — The Army says a wildfire that destroyed at least two homes in southern Colorado was sparked by live fire training at Fort Carson. Monday’s announcement came over a week after the 3,300-acre (1,335 hectare) fire started on a day when a fire warning was issued because of high winds and […]

The Seattle Times 

Rhode Island mourns death of respected judge

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — Rhode Island’s justice system is mourning the loss of highly-respected District Court Judge William Clifton. A judiciary spokesman said Clifton died over the weekend of an undisclosed illness. He was 75. District Court Chief Judge Jeanne LaFazia told The Providence Journal that Clifton “was loved and respected by everyone” and “was […]

The Seattle Times 

Jury will decide case against Missouri governor, judge rules

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens’ request that a judge, not a jury, determine his fate in a criminal case has been rejected. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Circuit Judge Rex Burlison denied the request for a bench trial after a hearing Monday. Greitens was indicted in February on felony fourth-degree invasion […]

The Seattle Times 

More than 17K Detroit households could see water shutoffs

DETROIT — More than 17,000 Detroit households could face water shutoffs next month as the city’s water department resumes its program to manage delinquent accounts. Local activists oppose the potential shutoffs, saying the city should craft a comprehensive affordability plan to help prevent service interruptions altogether. Water and Sewerage Director Gary Brown tells the Detroit […]

The Seattle Times 

Scores of neglected horses seized from Oregon property

TERREBONNE, Ore. (AP) — Sheriff’s deputies and volunteers seized 83 horses from a property in Central Oregon. Deschutes County officials tell KTVZ that many of the animals had signs of hoof neglect. They were moved from the property in Terrebonne, just north of Redmond, to an animal-rescue ranch in southeast Bend. A requested welfare check […]

The Seattle Times 

Anchorage police release name of suspect killed by officer

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Anchorage police have released the name of a 20-year-old knife-wielding assault suspect who charged an officer and was fatally shot. Zander Clark died Saturday night. Police say Clark and woman were walking home shortly before 6:30 p.m. when they got into a fight in the parking lot of a Home Depot […]

The Seattle Times 

Woman who helped officer subdue man among 18 Carnegie Heroes

PITTSBURGH (AP) — A Louisiana school cafeteria worker who saw a police officer struggling with a suspect and helped the officer subdue him is one of 18 people being honored with Carnegie medals for heroism. The Pittsburgh-based Carnegie Hero Fund Commission announced the award winners on Monday. Vickie Tillman stopped her car last year when […]

The Seattle Times 

Police ID 56-year-old woman charged in fatal Oregon shooting

SANDY, Ore. (AP) — Authorities have identified the victim and suspect in a fatal shooting in Sandy, Oregon. The Clackamas County Sheriff’s Office said Monday that 56-year-old Roxanne Martin is charged with murder in the death of 67-year-old Norman Terrill. She has been booked into the county jail. The sheriff’s office says deputies responded Saturday […]

The Seattle Times 

Romania considers legislation to allow same-sex partnership

BUCHAREST, Romania (AP) — A top Romanian politician says the country’s ruling party is considering legalizing civil partnerships between same-sex couples. Liviu Dragnea, leader of the ruling Social Democratic Party, said Monday the country shouldn’t “fail to examine the situation of a minority in Romania,” adding “we can’t pretend we don’t see it or it […]

The Seattle Times 

Woman dies when SUV plunges down embankment onto highway

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A woman died after crashing at high speed off an entrance to the Seward Highway in Anchorage. Police say the woman shortly after 8 p.m. Sunday was driving a sport utility vehicle west on Tudor Road and approached the northbound highway entrance. The SUV missed the turn, sped down an embankment […]

The Seattle Times 

Utah Highway Patrol recovering after being struck by a car

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — A Utah Highway Patrol trooper is recovering after being struck by a car during a snowstorm in Sardine Canyon in northern Utah. Utah Highway Patrol Lt. Lee Perry says Sgt. Cade Brenchley suffered some broken bones during the Sunday incident but is expected to make a full recovery. Brenchley was […]

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Экология в России и мире

Северо-Западный банк СберСтрахование объединила защиту от кибератак и экорисков в одном полисе

Путин в России и мире

В этот день ровно 30 лет назад будущий президент Российской Федерации был гидом будущего короля Великобритании в экскурсии по Ленинграду

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Шесть городов Белоруссии и Азербайджана стали побратимами

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Europe1: Запад готовится убедить Зеленского принять принцип переговоров

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Мама Тимати объяснила, почему внуки Ратмир и Алиса могут не сблизиться


Сбежавшая из дома чеченка Лия Заурбекова записала видеообращение. Она утверждает, что находится в безопасности, и просит оставить ее в покое

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