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Новости за 26.03.2018

The Seattle Times 

Idaho’s Medicaid gap population drops

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — The Idaho Department of Health and Welfare says the estimated number of Idahoans who earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but too little to qualify for insurance subsidies has dropped slightly. A 2014 study showed that 78,000 Idahoans were in the so-called Medicaid gap. However, the state’s health and welfare […]

The Seattle Times 

Hospital knowingly hired nursing officer without a license

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — The New Hampshire attorney general’s office says a hospital has agreed to pay $40,000 for knowingly hiring a chief nursing officer who didn’t have a license in the state. The office says Lakes Region General Hospital hired Patricia Strohla, of Brownsville, Vermont, in 2016. The office says the hospital improperly modified […]

The Seattle Times 

Suspect charged in San Antonio parking lot shootings, 3 hurt

SAN ANTONIO (AP) — Investigators say a man suspected of shooting three people at a San Antonio parking lot during a traffic dispute has been arrested on assault charges. Bexar (bayr) County jail records show 22-year-old Mario Omar Guerra Jr. of San Antonio was charged Sunday with three counts of aggravated assault with a deadly […]

The Seattle Times 

We must close college-graduation gap

This gap makes the United States a less fair country. Thousands of students who work hard, overcome tough neighborhoods or family situations and do well in school are nonetheless falling by the wayside. They’re not failing so much as the rest of society is failing them.

The Seattle Times 

Man pulls knife, threatens to kill pastor, parishioner

MIAMI (AP) — Authorities say a man pulled a knife on a Florida pastor and parishioner and threatened to kill them after they prayed with him. Thirty-year-old Ramon Ortiz Felipe was arrested Sunday and charged with burglary, aggravated assault at a religious institution and criminal mischief in a place of worship. According to an arrest […]

The Seattle Times 

4 arrested in shooting that killed 1 teen, injured another

HEIDELBERG, Miss. (AP) — Four people are charged in connection with a Mississippi shooting that left one teenage girl dead and another one injured. WDAM-TV reports that 25-year-old Quaddarris Margun Sumlin, 25-year-old Travis Kentrell Bunch, 21-year-old Keyshad Donnell Arrington and Jeremy Oshea McKenzie were arrested in connection with the early Saturday shooting in which 18-year-old […]

The Seattle Times 

Hair stylist sentenced for stealing $300K from Tucson woman

TUCSON, Ariz. (AP) — A Tucson hair stylist accused of stealing more than $300,000 from a 94-year-old woman with dementia has been sentenced to 6 ½ years in prison. State prosecutors say a judge also ordered Supranom “Addy” Klos to pay full restitution to the victim. They say Klos was the victim’s hair stylist and […]

The Seattle Times 

Utility regulators criticize National Grid’s storm response

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — State utility regulators say National Grid’s “deficient” response to an October storm delayed power restoration in Rhode Island by 36 hours. Rhode Island’s Division of Public Utilities and Carriers said Monday National Grid didn’t adapt to the changing nature of the storm or acquire additional resources promptly. It’s recommending the utility, […]

The Seattle Times 

Immigration officials “aware” immigrant couple in sanctuary

OLD LYME, Conn. (AP) — Immigration officials say they are aware of a Pakistani couple seeking sanctuary in a Connecticut church. Malik Nayeed bin Rehman and Zahida Atlaf are in sanctuary at First Congregational Church of Old Lyme after not complying with a U.S. Customs and Immigration Enforcement order of removal. The couple is living […]

The Seattle Times 

Baby sitter accused of abusing child charged with murder

HAMILTON, Ohio (AP) — A southwestern Ohio baby sitter accused of abusing a 3-year-old girl who died last week has been charged with murder. Butler County’s prosecutor said Monday that the grand jury on Friday also indicted Lindsay Partin on charges of involuntary manslaughter and felony child endangering in Hannah Wesche’s death. The 36-year-old Partin […]

The Seattle Times 

Cook County sues Facebook, Cambridge Analytica for fraud

CHICAGO (AP) — Cook County is suing Facebook and Cambridge Analytica for fraud after revelations that the latter obtained data on millions of Facebook users. The lawsuit filed Friday in Cook County Circuit Court alleges Trump-affiliated political consulting firm Cambridge Analytica deceived the millions of Illinois Facebook users whose information it collected. It says Facebook […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge: Less mining must be studied for No. 1 US coal region

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — A judge has ruled U.S. government officials engaged in regional planning for an area that supplies 40 percent of the nation’s coal must consider reducing coal mining to fight climate change. Friday’s ruling by U.S. District Judge Brian Morris in Great Falls, Montana, applies to the Powder River Basin of Wyoming […]

The Seattle Times 

Melendi family starts petition to deny killer’s parole

MIAMI (AP) — A man convicted of raping and strangling a college student in 1994 is up for parole next year and the victim’s family is starting a petition to deny it. A year after his conviction, Colvin Hinton gave a two-hour confession in 2006 to the murder of Emory University student Shannon Melendi. The […]

The Seattle Times 

Mayor vetoes measure to

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — The Providence mayor has vetoed a measure to reduce single-use plastic bags. Mayor Jorge Elorza vetoed an ordinance Monday, which would require retailers to charge at least 10 cents for replacement paper bags or more durable plastic bags. He says that while he applauds the environmental effort, he is requesting more […]

The Seattle Times 

Man guilty of animal cruelty charges in ‘Puppy Doe’ case

DEDHAM, Mass. (AP) — A Massachusetts man accused of abusing a dog so severely that it had to be euthanized has been convicted on animal cruelty charges. Radoslaw Czerkawski (RAD’-oh-slaw zehr-KAW’-skee) was found guilty on numerous animal cruelty charges on Monday. WBZ-TV reports he was cleared of a witness intimidation charge. The starving female pit […]

The Seattle Times 

Michigan agency OKs more support anchors for oil pipelines

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — State officials have given Enbridge Inc. permission to install 22 more anchor supports along twin pipelines at the bottom of the waterway linking Lakes Michigan and Huron. The Michigan Department of Environmental Quality issued a permit last week allowing the supports for Line 5 in the Straits of Mackinac. Enbridge says […]

The Seattle Times 

Tractor hit by semi-truck, then pickup on Georgia highway

WARWICK, Ga. (AP) — Authorities say three people were injured when a tractor being driven without lights on a darkened Georgia highway was struck by a semi-truck, then hit again by a pickup truck. WALB-TV reports the crash happened before dawn Monday on Georgia Highway 300 in rural southwest Georgia. The Georgia State Patrol said […]

The Seattle Times 

Man convicted of teen’s murder sentenced to death penalty

CLEVELAND (AP) — A registered sex offender convicted of raping and killing a 14-year-old Ohio girl has been sentenced to death. A judge Monday followed the jury’s recommendation in sentencing 45-year-old Christopher Whitaker. The judge could have opted for life in prison. Whitaker was found guilty March 13 of aggravated murder and charges including kidnapping […]

The Seattle Times 

Mexican navy says it didn’t shoot civilians in border city

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico’s navy says a helicopter called to support marines during weekend operations in the border city of Nuevo Laredo didn’t kill the bystanders who died during confrontations. The navy did not say how many civilians died in the clashes, but local media reported Monday that a mother and two children were […]

The Seattle Times 

Wolf proposes improvement to Pennsylvania’s elections system

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — Pennsylvania’s Democratic governor wants to let people register to vote on the day of elections and loosen the state’s strict rules for absentee ballots. Gov. Tom Wolf said Monday everyone who gets a license from the state Department of Transportation or signs up for a public service should be automatically registered […]

The Seattle Times 

Eagles DE Bennett surrenders on charge of injury to elderly

HOUSTON (AP) — Philadelphia Eagles All-Pro defensive end Michael Bennett has surrendered to authorities in Houston on a charge that he injured a paraplegic woman as he tried to get onto the field after last year’s Super Bowl to celebrate with his brother. Bennett made a brief court appearance Monday where the judge set his […]

The Seattle Times 

Man convicted in deadly nightclub brawl gets 52-year term

ELIZABETH, N.J. (AP) — A man convicted in a deadly stabbing outside a New Jersey nightclub has been sentenced to 52 years in prison. Union County prosecutors say Rosendo Salomon Gomez-Serpas and Mario Ortiz started fighting inside the Elizabeth club in April 2016. The brawl soon spilled out into the parking lot, where the 25-year-old […]

The Seattle Times 

Conservation groups: Logging project threatens trout stream

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn. (AP) — Conservation groups are suing the U.S. Forest Service over the approval of a logging project they say is endangering a sparkling trout stream in Tennessee. The Chattanooga Times Free Press reports that the lawsuit filed March 15 by the Sierra Club and Tennessee Heartwood seeks an injunction on the 534-acre (216-hectare) […]

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Экология в России и мире

Северо-Западный банк СберСтрахование объединила защиту от кибератак и экорисков в одном полисе

Путин в России и мире

Титов о визите Путина в Китай: Можно говорить о настоящем повороте на Восток

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Шесть городов Белоруссии и Азербайджана стали побратимами

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Europe1: Запад готовится убедить Зеленского принять принцип переговоров

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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