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Новости за 17.03.2018

The Seattle Times 

Judge rejects bond for teen charged in mother’s killing

FARMINGTON HILLS, Mich. (AP) — A judge has denied bond for a suburban Detroit teenager charged with first-degree murder in his mother’s slaying. Oakland Circuit Judge Martha Anderson rejected bond Friday for the 16-year-old boy, who’s accused of suffocating his 35-year-old mother last August and throwing her body from a third-floor window in their Farmington […]

The Seattle Times 

Sound familiar? Sons of big leaguers fill Blue Jays’ lineup

DUNEDIN, Fla. (AP) — It could have been called the “Legacy Game” when a Toronto Blue Jays split squad played the Canadian Junior National Team. The Blue Jays’ starting infield Saturday was Clemens, Biggio, Bichette and Guerrero, with a Grudzielanek as the designated hitter and a Smith in left field. Talk about bloodlines for a […]

The Seattle Times 

UMBC’s 16-over-1 upset highlights shifts in college hoops

The rumblings were there before March Madness kicked off — that this could be the year for a No. 16 seed in the NCAA Tournament. Not pinpointing Maryland-Baltimore County to stun top overall seed Virginia , and certainly not by 20 points. But the win by the Retrievers — who needed a buzzer-beater to upset […]

The Seattle Times 

Vandal tags mural created by British graffiti artist Banksy

NEW YORK (AP) — British graffiti artist Banksy is drawing crowds to his New York City mural but for an unfortunate reason. It seems somebody has added a signature tag to his artful protest of the imprisonment of a Turkish artist and journalist. Plenty of pedestrians were getting a look Saturday at the signings scrawled […]

The Seattle Times 

Baltimore fire department misses goal for smoke alarms

BALTIMORE (AP) — A new audit shows that the Baltimore fire department failed to meet its goals for installing smoke alarms and then retroactively altered the goals in budget books to look better. The Baltimore Sun reports that the audit found the department’s goal for installing free smoke alarms for city residents was 19,000 in […]

The Seattle Times 

Colorado firefighters “rescue” clutch of baby foxes

COLORADO SPRINGS, Colo. (AP) — Firefighters in Colorado plucked eight animals they thought were puppies from a storm drain, only to find out later they were young red foxes. Video of the would-be rescue showed a Colorado Springs firefighter lifting the squirming foxes one by one from the storm drain and placing them on a […]

The Seattle Times 

Maine official: Bridges designed by firm are safe

AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — The Maine Department of Transportation is reassuring the public that it’s safe to travel bridges designed by a company involved in the design of a Miami pedestrian bridge that collapsed in a deadly accident that killed at least six people. The Bangor Daily News reports that Maine transportation department spokesman Ted […]

The Seattle Times 

Ski resort hosting US Freestyle Championships

WATERVILLE VALLEY, N.H. (AP) — New Hampshire’s Waterville Valley Resort will welcome the nation’s best mogul skiers for the 2018 U.S. Freestyle Championships. The resort from March 20-24 will host athletes from around the country, including 18 members of the 2018 U.S. Olympic Team, as they compete for national titles in ladies’ and men’s mogul […]

The Seattle Times 

Former senator’s Wyoming ranch purchased for national forest

JACKSON, Wyo. (AP) — The Bridger-Teton National Forest has acquired a 990-acre ranch that had been the largest remaining private inholding along the Upper Gros Ventre River valley. The $3 million purchase of the property once owned by former U.S. Sen. Herb Kohl of Wisconsin was recently announced by the U.S. Forest Service and The […]

The Seattle Times 

Barbra Streisand says no #MeToo moment marred her life

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Barbra Streisand says she’s never suffered sexual harassment in her long career. Streisand made the comment when she was asked about the #MeToo movement during a tribute to her Saturday in Los Angeles. But she acknowledged the power of protests against gender inequality sweeping through Hollywood. Streisand was honored for her […]

The Seattle Times 

Donations to man who tried to attack Nassar go to 4 groups

CHARLOTTE, Mich. (AP) — A Michigan man who tried to attack disgraced former sports doctor Larry Nassar in a courtroom is sending thousands of dollars donated to him to charities that help survivors of sexual assault. Randall Margraves’ three daughters were among Nassar’s sexual abuse victims. The Bath Township, Michigan, man tried to attack Nassar […]

The Seattle Times 

Feds: Judge admitted taking bribes from indicted lobbyist

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Federal prosecutors say an Arkansas judge admitted last month to taking $100,000 in bribes from an indicted lobbyist while the judge was a state lawmaker. Assistant U.S. Attorney Steven Mohlhenrich said Jefferson County Judge Henry “Hank” Wilkins IV admitted to taking bribes in a Feb. 22 statement to the FBI. […]

The Seattle Times 

Attorney: City’s $5k offer to drop cops’ charges ‘extortion’

EAST CLEVELAND, Ohio (AP) — A defense attorney says a city law director’s offer to have five Cleveland police supervisors each pay $5,000 in exchange for not pursuing dereliction of duty charges against them is “extortion.” Henry Hilow, an attorney for one of the supervisors, says East Cleveland Law Director Willa Hemmons made the offer […]

The Seattle Times 

Donations to Ferguson library after Brown shooting ending

FERGUSON, Mo. (AP) — Ferguson voters will decide next month whether to raise property taxes to continue funding programs at the city’s small library downtown. Prior to 2014, the Ferguson Municipal Public Library had few offerings. Then, national attention turned to the city after the shooting death of Michael Brown by a police officer on […]

The Seattle Times 

Effort aims to develop forest at old lead mining site

FREDERICKTOWN, Mo. (AP) — A portion of Missouri’s Old Lead Belt region could soon be turned back into a forest. St. Louis Public Radio reports that the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the Missouri Department of Natural Resources are working together to restore a part of the Madison County Miles Superfund Site. The area […]

The Seattle Times 

Missouri lawmakers, health agency fight over Bourbon virus

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Missouri lawmakers frustrated about lack of information about a sometimes deadly virus have slashed the state health department’s budget. The House Budget Committee this past week approved eliminating 10 staffers in the Department of Health and Senior Services’ director’s office and cutting the administration’s budget roughly in half. The budgeters […]

The Seattle Times 

Montana Green Party denounces candidate over remarks

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — The Montana Green Party is denouncing one of its candidates for state Legislature in response to comments he made in 2016 about immigrants and former President Barack Obama. Green Party Coordinator Danielle Breck said Saturday that House District 85 candidate John Gibney of Hamilton doesn’t represent the progressive party’s values and […]

The Seattle Times 

Superintendent apologizes after school shooting audio aired

MOUNTAINTOP, Pa. (AP) — A Pennsylvania school district is apologizing after audio clips of the school shooting in Florida were played during a tribute to its victims. Officials said the tribute was broadcast Wednesday during a walkout protest at the Crestwood School District that was part of nationwide demonstrations following the shooting at Parkland’s Marjory […]

The Seattle Times 

Nonprofit considers expanding Davenport marsh

DAVENPORT, Iowa (AP) — A nonprofit overseeing Davenport’s Nahant Marsh wants to ensure it can protect and preserve the natural resources already under its watch before buying 40 more acres of adjoining land. Nahant Marsh has seen a sharp increase in the number of visitors within the past 10 years from about 2,500 annually to […]

The Seattle Times 

Plot thickens, but Purdue’s Painter still says Haas unlikely

DETROIT (AP) — There’s now a bit of mystery surrounding the status of Purdue center Isaac Haas. That could be encouraging news for the second-seeded Boilermakers, who announced Friday that Haas would miss the rest of the NCAA Tournament with a broken elbow. On Saturday, a CBS reporter tweeted that Haas had practiced with the […]

The Seattle Times 

Nebraska to use new computer-adaptive tests

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — A state official says Nebraska’s new academic assessments may eventually reduce the time students spend in state testing and get scores back to districts quicker. The Omaha World-Herald reports that the state Department of Education’s Nebraska Student-Centered Assessment System tests will replace the Nebraska State Accountability tests. The new tests, which […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge orders evaluation for mom accused of killing daughter

BELFAST, Maine (AP) — A judge has ordered a mental health evaluation for a woman accused of beating her 10-year-old daughter to death. WGME-TV reports that Stockton Springs resident Sharon Carrillo will be examined at Riverview Psychiatric Facility. She is scheduled to be arraigned April 2. Carrillo’s lawyer Chris MacLean says that his client has […]

The Seattle Times 

North Dakota Sen. Heitkamp: Democratic Party far from dead

GRAND FORKS, N.D. (AP) — U.S. Sen. Heidi Heitkamp is telling fellow Democrats in her home state of North Dakota to have hope for their party. Heitkamp is North Dakota’s only Democratic statewide officeholder and is facing a tough re-election fight from GOP Rep. Kevin Cramer in a conservative-leaning state. North Dakota delegates endorsed Heitkamp […]

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Экология в России и мире

"Экобас" не для Невы: стильные электросуда для Москвы делают в Ленобласти

Путин в России и мире

Дугин в интервью Такеру Карлсону: "Путин — это традиционный лидер"

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




«Смотреть было брезгливо»: мама Тимати отреагировала на интервью Алены Шишковой


Бедность Севастополю не к лицу, а что в Крыму?

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