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Новости за 20.03.2018

The Seattle Times 

Police: woman hit with stray bullet outside school

PORTSMOUTH, Va. (AP) — Police say a stray bullet hit a woman who was picking up a child at a Virginia elementary school. Portsmouth Police said Tuesday that detectives do not believe the woman was targeted intentionally when she was shot outside Douglass Park Elementary School Monday afternoon. Police said the woman was hit in […]

The Seattle Times 

Alexandria man guilty of stealing from elderly mother

ALEXANDRIA, S.D. (AP) — An Alexandria man has been found guilty of stealing from his ailing mother. Kenneth Hauge will be sentenced in May after a jury found him guilty of theft by exploitation for stealing $35,000 from his mother’s bank accounts while she received care at Firesteel Healthcare Community in Mitchell. The Daily Republic […]

The Seattle Times 

WHO says tainted food outbreak threatens 16 African nations

JOHANNESBURG (AP) — The World Health Organization says a deadly outbreak linked to tainted food in South Africa is now threatening other African nations, with neighboring Namibia reporting a confirmed case that might be connected. A statement on Tuesday says WHO has reached out to 16 countries to help with preparedness and response to the […]

The Seattle Times 

Idaho extends financial adviser contract on land dealings

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho officials have approved extending the contract of a financial adviser guiding the state through the process of reinvesting millions of dollars from the sale of commercial and residential real estate. The Idaho Land Board voted 5-0 Tuesday to retain Callan Associates through June 2019 at an annual cost of about […]

The Seattle Times 

Petitioners hope to end Kansas town’s pit bull ban, free dog

SALINA, Kan. (AP) — Petitioners are rallying to lift a ban on pit bulls in a north-central Kansas town. The Wichita Eagle reports that the online petition calling for an end to Salina’s ban has more than 85,000 signatures as of Tuesday afternoon. The petition was created by Joshua Allen, whose pit bull Lyha and […]

The Seattle Times 

Yemeni man seeks Guantanamo release after 16 years

WASHINGTON — Lawyers for a longtime Guantanamo detainee are asking a court to intervene after the Trump administration disregarded a review board’s decision clearing the man for release. In a federal appeals court hearing Tuesday, attorneys for Moath al-Alwi asked the court to order his release. The Yemeni native has been held for more than […]

The Seattle Times 

Legal technicality is latest twist in infant killing case

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — The case of a man accused of murdering his infant daughter took another unusual turn when North Carolina’s appeals court ruled a judge shouldn’t have bypassed a jury to convict him. Todd Boderick of Charlotte represented himself in 2016 when he and prosecutors agreed to go to trial without a jury […]

The Seattle Times 

Amid harassment claims, Louisiana elections chief re-emerges

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — Louisiana Secretary of State Tom Schedler has returned to the state capitol for the first time since a lawsuit alleged he sexually harassed one of his employees for a decade. Schedler, Louisiana’s top elections official, appeared before the House Appropriations Committee for a budget hearing Tuesday. His attendance came less […]

The Seattle Times 

Western-themed town seeks museum to showcase rugged history

BEND, Ore. (AP) — Before it became a Western-themed tourist destination, Sisters was considered a rugged outpost. It was a remote crossroads for wagon travel in the 1800s, and grew into a supply station for sheepherders on their way from Shaniko to grazing pastures in the Cascades. Through the 1900s, Sisters transformed into a busy […]

The Seattle Times 

Minneapolis officer who shot Australian woman turns self in

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — A Minneapolis police officer who shot and killed an Australian woman in July has turned himself in after a warrant was issued for his arrest, and a news conference was scheduled later Tuesday to announce charges in the case. Tom Plunkett, an attorney for Officer Mohamed Noor, says he turned himself in […]

The Seattle Times 

Kentucky Senate reveals its two-year spending proposal

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — Judges and circuit court clerks could get their first raises in more than a decade, but only if lawmakers pass an overhaul to the public pension system that has prompted fierce opposition from public workers. The Republican-controlled state Senate unveiled the first part of its two-year spending proposal Tuesday. It would […]

The Seattle Times 

Replacement of high school ISTEP exam delayed another year

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Indiana’s high school sophomores likely will take the much-maligned ISTEP standardized exams for two more years even as it’s being replaced for younger students. State education officials are preparing a new test starting in spring 2019 for elementary and middle-school students named ILEARN, or Indiana’s Learning Evaluation Readiness Network. The Indianapolis Star […]

The Seattle Times 

3 convicted in Utah on charges tied to Vegas lingerie thefts

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Utah court records show three people have pleaded guilty to charges related to the theft of more than $500,000 in underwear and other merchandise from Victoria’s Secret stores in Las Vegas. Records show 41-year-old William Orlando Pinzon Galindo and 22-year-old Francisco Ugarte Garcia pleaded guilty to receiving stolen property, while […]

The Seattle Times 

Decision expected on fatal Wisconsin police shooting

RACINE, Wis. (AP) — A Wisconsin prosecutor is deciding whether two police officers were justified when they fatally shot a man they say ran from a traffic stop and brandished a firearm. Racine County District Attorney Tricia Hanson is expected to release her decision Tuesday evening after meeting with the family of 26-year-old Donte’ Devel […]

The Seattle Times 

‘The Crown’ producers say sorry to stars over pay discrepancy

LONDON (AP) — Producers of the Netflix drama “The Crown” have apologized to actors Claire Foy and Matt Smith over the revelation that Foy was paid less than her male co-star. A producer disclosed last week that Foy, who starred as Britain’s Queen Elizabeth II, was paid less than Smith, who played Prince Philip. Since […]

The Seattle Times 

Armed man holed up in restaurant near Princeton University

PRINCETON, N.J. (AP) — Authorities in New Jersey say an armed man is holed up in a restaurant across the street from Princeton University’s campus. Police say there are “no known hostages” in the Panera Bread, but it’s not clear what sparked the standoff that began around 10 a.m. Tuesday. Authorities had shut down Princeton’s […]

The Seattle Times 

IQ results push back criminal proceedings for Oklahoma teen

TULSA, Okla. (AP) — An attorney for an Oklahoma teenager facing murder and rape charges says there are concerns about the teen’s competency to stand trial. The Tulsa World reports that Assistant Public Defender Marny Hill had a Monday arraignment on two cases for 16-year-old Deonte James Green taken off the schedule after she became […]

The Seattle Times 

Senators back bill for ‘reckless disregard’ hazing lawsuits

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — A bill that would give people more room to sue when someone dies from hazing is heading to the full Louisiana Senate for debate. Sen. Dan Claitor’s bill passed a Senate judiciary committee Tuesday. The proposal would allow people to claim additional legal damages if a hazing death is determined […]

The Seattle Times 

Review expands Montpelier Historic District, adds new sites

MONTPELIER, Vt. (AP) — A number of sites in the Vermont capital of Montpelier have been added to the National Register of Historic Places, including Hubbard Park’s Observation Tower. Montpelier Historic Preservation Commission Chair Eric Gilbertson says he is happy at the outcome, saying the new designations make the Montpelier Historic District the largest historic […]

The Seattle Times 

Trump says he wants to meet with Russia’s Putin soon

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump says he wants to meet with Russia’s Vladimir Putin in the “not too distant future” to discuss the “arms race” between Russia and the U.S. Trump says he also wants to discuss Ukraine, North Korea, and Syria with the Russian leader. Trumps comments in the Oval Office come after […]

The Seattle Times 

Vermont resort for ‘Bachelor Winter Games’ ordered to close

WILMINGTON, Vt. (AP) — A private Vermont ski resort that was the setting for ABC’s “The Bachelor Winter Games” has been shut down for failing to pay taxes. A spokeswoman for the Hermitage Club said Monday that the resort missed a required payment to the state and was ordered to close until it is paid. […]

The Seattle Times 

3 jail inmates charged in attack on guard in South Carolina

YORK, S.C. (AP) — Three inmates have been arrested after a guard was attacked at a South Carolina jail. A police report says a guard at the York County jail was shoved and threatened about 7:30 p.m. Saturday. The report says 41-year-old David Easter of Rock Hill shoved the guard. The guard and another officer […]

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Экология в России и мире

«Восход», Тинькофф Банк и Альфа объявили о совместном pre-IPO фонде в секторе tech на 4 млрд рублей

Путин в России и мире

Лучшие фото недели // Запоминающиеся кадры 27–31 мая

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

БЕЛТА: Лукашенко и Путин обсудили представительство России на параде в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

НАТО оказалась не готова к войне с Россией. Тайное соглашение США и Киева: Враг нацелился на Белгород - источники

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Анастасия Волочкова

Маленький Душанбе под крылышком щедрой балерины: загородный особняк Анастасии Волочковой наводнили особенные таджики


В Чехове проходят работы по благоустройству Губернского лесопарка

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