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Новости за 20.03.2018

The Seattle Times 

Jury awards $2.3M to former MLB pitcher in hand injury suit

HALF MOON BAY, Calif. (AP) — A Northern California jury has awarded $2.3 million to a former Major League Baseball pitcher injured after confronting a man high on LSD trying to break into his home. Greg Reynold’s attorney, Niall McCarthy, says a San Mateo County jury on Monday awarded Reynolds the money after finding Domenic […]

The Seattle Times 

Kentucky trooper fatally shoots armed suspect in car theft

OWENSBORO, Ky. (AP) — Authorities say a Kentucky trooper fatally shot an armed suspect after a chase with a stolen vehicle. Kentucky State Police announced Daviess County Sheriff’s deputies and a trooper responding to a report of a Jeep performing “donuts” Monday evening found the vehicle was stolen. As they approached the home where the […]

The Seattle Times 

Ex-Iowa coach accused of kissing, touching 13-year-old girl

GLIDDEN, Iowa (AP) — A former western Iowa assistant junior high football and track coach has been arrested and charged with sexual exploitation by a school employee. The Des Moines Register reports that 28-year-old Evan Michael Genter, of Glidden, was arrested Sunday. He is accused of kissing and groping a 13-year-old girl over her clothes. […]

The Seattle Times 

Lawmakers uphold veto of Bar Harbor port authority bill

BAR HARBOR, Maine (AP) — The Maine Legislature is sustaining a veto of a bill to create a port authority in a popular coastal tourism community. Opponents of the bill, which would’ve created the authority in Bar Harbor, feared the possibility of large cruise ship pier coming to the area. Republican Gov. Paul LePage vetoed […]

The Seattle Times 

Ex-officer’s wife gets ½ to 4 years in murder plot case

STROUDSBURG, Pa. (AP) — The wife of a former Pennsylvania police officer has been sentenced to 1½ to four years in prison for plotting to kill her husband after he threatened to tell authorities she had sex with a 14-year-old boy. LehighValleyLive.com reports that Robin Transue was sentenced Tuesday on solicitation to commit aggravated assault […]

The Seattle Times 

Police fatally shoot armed man who broke into ex-wife’s home

GEORGETOWN, Ky. (AP) — A police officer fatally shot an armed man who authorities say broke into his ex-wife’s Kentucky home. Georgetown Police Chief Mike Bosse tells news outlets the intruder was armed with two handguns early Tuesday and raised his arm during a confrontation with responding officers, which led to the shooting. Bosse says […]

The Seattle Times 

Roberts says Turner’s broken wrist won’t need surgery

GLENDALE, Ariz. (AP) — Los Angeles third baseman Justin Turner’s broken left wrist is expected to heal without surgery, according to Los Angeles manager Dave Roberts. Turner was hurt Monday when hit by a pitch from Oakland’s Kendall Graveman. Turner arrived at the Dodgers spring training facility with a cast over his wrist Tuesday morning […]

The Seattle Times 

2 dozen dogs, rats, snakes rescued from Rhode Island home

SMITHFIELD, R.I. (AP) — Animal welfare authorities say they have rescued more than two dozen dogs as well as snakes and rats from a Rhode Island home. The Rhode Island Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and animal control officers from several communities removed the animals from a Smithfield home on Tuesday. They […]

The Seattle Times 

Cougar euthanized after several sightings in Oregon town

SILVERTON, Ore. (AP) — Oregon wildlife officials were forced to trap and euthanize a cougar in response to several sightings of the animals in and around the town of Silverton. The Statesman Journal reports Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife spokeswoman Michelle Dennehy says the cougar was euthanized because it was considered a “public safety […]

The Seattle Times 

2017 a record-setting year for tourists in Florida

ST. PETERSBURG, Fla. (AP) — Florida hit a record number of tourists in 2017, even though Hurricane Irma slammed the state. Gov. Rick Scott announced in a news release Tuesday that 116.5 million people visited Florida. That’s a 3.6 percent increase over the 112.4 million visitors in 2016. Visit Florida, the state’s tourism marketing agency, […]

The Seattle Times 

Search underway for missing North Carolina fisherman

MAYSVILLE, N.C. (AP) — Authorities are searching for a missing fisherman whose boat was found partially submerged in a North Carolina river. WITN in Greenville reports personnel from N.C. Wildlife Resources, the N.C. Marine Patrol, several volunteer fire departments and a dive team have joined the search for the man in Jones County. Officials haven’t […]

The Seattle Times 

Detroit police commander suspended after man injured in bar

DETROIT (AP) — A Detroit police command officer has been suspended with pay following an incident at a bar that left another man hospitalized with head injuries. Chief James Craig told reporters Tuesday that 11th Precinct Cmdr. Timothy Leach was off-duty and in an “unauthorized outside employment capacity” on March 11 when 41-year-old Michael Karpovich […]

The Seattle Times 

Mandated study of Dakota Access line to miss completion goal

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — More time is needed to finish additional court-ordered environmental study of the Dakota Access oil pipeline due to difficulties in getting needed information from American Indian tribes fighting the project in court, according to federal officials. The delay won’t impact the $3.8 billion pipeline, which has been operating since last June, […]

The Seattle Times 

Greitens attorneys: No evidence photo was transmitted

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Attorneys for Missouri Gov. Eric Greitens say in a court filing that a grand jury has not been presented with evidence indicating that Greitens transmitted a compromising cellphone photo of a woman with whom he had an affair — a key element in determining if he committed a felony. The St. […]

The Seattle Times 

Des Moines police officer with history of trouble sued again

DES MOINES, Iowa (AP) — A fired and then reinstated Des Moines police officer, who once shot at a television cameraman, attacked a groom at a wedding and assaulted his girlfriend, has been sued in federal court for attacking a man who called police for help. The lawsuit filed Monday in Des Moines by Charles […]

The Seattle Times 

Transit riders warned of disruptions due to storm

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — Transportation officials in the Philadelphia region are warning transit passengers of possible disruptions and service changes with a storm expected to bring heavy snow to the region. The Southeastern Pennsylvania Transportation Authority is urging people to plan ahead and avoid unnecessary travel if possible late Tuesday afternoon through Wednesday. SEPTA General Manager […]

The Seattle Times 

Planned Parenthood speaks against Title X budget provision

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Planned Parenthood officials are reiterating their opposition to Gov. Pete Ricketts’ proposed budget because of a controversial provision that would prevent health clinics that offer abortions from receiving federal Title X funding. Meg Mikolajczyk of Planned Parenthood of the Heartland said in a news conference call Tuesday that 28,000 low-income women […]

The Seattle Times 

Residents protest poultry producers headquarter plans

MILLSBORO, Del. (AP) — Some Millsboro-area residents are opposing poultry producer Allen Harim’s plans to move its corporate headquarters into a former pickle plant. The News Journal reports that opponents asked Sussex County officials at a public hearing Monday not to approve the company’s plans for the former Vlasic pickle plant. In addition to its […]

The Seattle Times 

Italian fashion chamber working toward sustainability goals

MILAN (AP) — The head of the Italian Fashion Chamber says the body is working toward creating clear criteria of what it means for the fashion industry to be environmentally sustainable. Noting that fashion is the second-largest polluting industry behind oil production, Carlo Capasa said part of the challenge is communicating to consumers because “they […]

The Seattle Times 

Germany returns 3,000-year-old wooden Olmec busts to Mexico

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Mexico says German authorities have returned two rare, wooden Olmec sculptures over 3,000 years old. Mexico’s National Institute of Anthropology and History said Tuesday the sculptures had been held at the Bavarian State Archaeological Collection. The objects were the source of a nearly decade-long legal case involving Costa Rican artifact dealer […]

The Seattle Times 

Man sentenced for 2014 killing

BOSTON (AP) — A New York man has been sentenced to 17 years in state prison for the murder of a Boston woman in Suffolk Superior Court. Twenty-five-year-old Richter Baez was arrested in 2015 in connection to the death of 39-year-old Pippin Roe. Roe’s body was discovered near a wooded construction site on July 13, […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Utah man fatally stabs father

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Police say a 38-year-old Utah man stabbed his father to death following “some type of domestic issue.” South Salt Lake police spokesman Gary Keller says the son called police to the suburban Salt lake City apartment on Monday evening where authorities found the father dead. Officers then arrested the adult […]

The Seattle Times 

Oregon jobless rate holds steady at 4.1 percent

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Oregon’s unemployment rate did not budge in February. The state Employment Department said Tuesday the jobless rate was 4.1 percent — the same as in December and January. The month saw strong job gains in retail, construction and health care. Payroll employment has grown by 43,700 jobs over the past year, […]

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Экология в России и мире

Руководство Краснодара посетило китайский Харбин. Рассказываем подробности

Путин в России и мире

Путин оценил идею создания в Москве памятника из советских монет к юбилею Победы

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Путин и Лукашенко обсудили по телефону предстоящий саммит ШОС

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

НАТО оказалась не готова к войне с Россией. Тайное соглашение США и Киева: Враг нацелился на Белгород - источники

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Мариинский театр обзавелся четвертой сценой на 800 мест


Риск высокий: Врач предупредил о распространении в России "клещей-монстров" из Европы

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