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Новости за 09.03.2018

The Seattle Times 

Ore. sergeant, not chief, accused of unprofessional comments

SPRINGFIELD, Ore. (AP) — Springfield police Chief Rick Lewis has been criticized for comments on the department’s Facebook page that he didn’t make. The Register-Guard reports a concerned citizen contacted the mayor and city council about the comments posted by the username “RA Louie.” The comments included calling those critical of a recent arrest as […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Tip results in woman’s arrest in 2016 hit-and-run

MESA, Ariz. (AP) — Mesa police say a tip has resulted in the arrest of a 34-year-old woman in a fatal hit-and-run that occurred almost exactly two years ago. Police say Felicia Marie Hernandez was arrested Wednesday on suspicion of leaving the scene of a fatal accident. William Hawkins Jr. was killed March 6, 2016, […]

The Seattle Times 

Hippo roaming loose for months in southern Mexico

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Authorities say they’re worried about a hippopotamus that is roaming loose in a swampy area of southern Mexico. Nobody knows where the animal came from, but hippos are not native to the country. The hippo appears to have been living in a pair of ponds near Las Chopas, in the Gulf […]

The Seattle Times 

Man charged with manslaughter for crash during police chase

GROTON, Conn. (AP) — A man police say was driving a vehicle stolen out of Vermont when he caused a fatal crash during a high-speed police chase in Connecticut is now facing a manslaughter charge. Connecticut State Police say 27-year-old Valery Labossiere, of Medford, Massachusetts, ran a red light and hit another vehicle in Groton […]

The Seattle Times 

Virginia police charge 44 people on drug, cash, gun crimes

NORFOLK, Va. (AP) — Police in Norfolk, Virginia have made 44 arrests for drug, cash and gun crimes after an 8-month investigation into a gang-related drug ring. And police spokesman Cpl. Will Pickering tells The Virginian-Pilot they’re not done yet, since these arrests will help them target more dealers and traffickers. The department says officers […]

The Seattle Times 

NY Gov. Cuomo, Gore blast Trump’s offshore drilling plan

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — Former Vice President Al Gore and New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo are denouncing the Trump administration’s proposal to open up new areas to offshore drilling. The two Democrats spoke Friday morning in Manhattan at an event focused on the proposal. Gore said it makes no sense to drill for more oil […]

The Seattle Times 

Arkansas lawmakers approve $5.6B budget

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas lawmakers have approved the state’s $5.6 billion budget for the coming year, wrapping up this year’s fiscal session in four weeks. The House and Senate on Friday approved identical versions of the proposed Revenue Stabilization Act, which calls for increasing state spending by about $173 million for the fiscal […]

The Seattle Times 

Palestinian killed in West Bank clashes with Israeli forces

JERUSALEM (AP) — The Palestinian Health Ministry says a 24-year-old man has been killed in clashes with Israeli forces in the West Bank. It said he was shot in the chest Friday and declared dead at a Hebron hospital. Israel’s military said Palestinians hurled fire bombs at troops during a protest. It said forces shot […]

The Seattle Times 

Beluga calf rescued off Alaska moved to SeaWorld San Antonio

ORLANDO, Fla. (AP) — An endangered beluga whale calf rescued off Alaska’s coast is now swimming in his new home at a SeaWorld theme park. The 5-month-old whale named Tyonek made a 4,000-mile (6,500-kilometer) journey to SeaWorld San Antonio on Thursday. Tyonek was less than a month old when he became stranded in Alaska’s Cook […]

The Seattle Times 

Prosecutors want life sentence for killing of German student

BERLIN (AP) — Prosecutors are demanding a life sentence for an Afghan migrant on trial in Germany for the rape and killing of a 19-year-old medical student in October 2016. Chief prosecutor Eckart Berger told Freiburg’s regional court Friday that the defendant should also be imprisoned beyond the usual 15-year life term in Germany. Hussein […]

The Seattle Times 

Arkansas schools worry transfer law may spark ‘white flight’

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — The Arkansas Board of Education is requiring four school districts to participate in interdistrict student transfers despite worries that students crossing district lines will result in “white flight.” The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette reports that the board decided Thursday to uphold a decision made earlier this year to deny Public School Choice […]

The Seattle Times 

Suspect from 2015 Paris attacks speaks to judge for 1st time

PARIS (AP) — The sole surviving suspect from the November 2015 Paris extremist attacks has agreed for the first time to answer questions about others accused of involvement. A source close to the case told The Associated Press that Salah Abdeslam was in a judge’s office on Friday for a joint hearing with Ali Oulkadi, […]

The Seattle Times 

Video of woman’s immigration arrest draws criticism

SAN DIEGO (AP) — Video of a woman being pulled away from her weeping daughters on a California street and shoved into a U.S. Customs and Border Protection vehicle is drawing criticism of the manner in which federal agents are enforcing immigration laws. The incident occurred March 3 in National City, a community south of […]

The Seattle Times 

Idaho lawmakers introduce last-minute tax proposal

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho lawmakers have introduced a last-minute tax cut proposal designed to provide more relief to Idaho’s families. Earlier this year, Idaho lawmakers passed a $200 million tax cut plan that critics argued was flawed because families with multiple children were likely going to end up paying more taxes under the deal. […]

The Seattle Times 

Authorities: 2 die in fire at home with hoarding conditions

FORT WASHINGTON, Md. (AP) — Two people have died in a house fire in a suburb of Washington, D.C. The Washington Post reported Friday that the home in Fort Washington, Maryland, had what authorities considered to be hoarding conditions. The fire broke out about 11:30 p.m. Thursday. A neighbor called 911. When firefighters arrived, authorities […]

The Seattle Times 

Nebraska city considers banning bump stocks

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — Lincoln City Council is expected to consider a proposal to ban gun bump stocks. The Lincoln Journal Star reports that the proposal by Democratic Councilwomen Leirion Gaylor Baird and Jane Raybould would make it unlawful for anyone to sell, give away, furnish or possess a multi-burst trigger activator within city limits. […]

The Seattle Times 

Omaha agencies work to improve domestic violence resources

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — Omaha agencies are expanding domestic violence education and prevention efforts as recent national events have encouraged more survivors to report abuse. The Omaha World-Herald reports that Omaha Police Department handled nearly 3,200 cases of domestic violence assaults in 2017, a nearly 7 percent increase from the previous year. Reports of sexual […]

The Seattle Times 

Let there be light, an hour longer into the evening sky

WASHINGTON (AP) — Time to set your clocks and watches one hour ahead. And maybe save some time to grouse about losing an hour’s sleep Saturday night. The shift from standard to daylight saving time officially comes at 2 a.m. Sunday across much of the country. Daylight will last longer into the evening but take […]

The Seattle Times 

First musher to the Yukon River feted with gourmet meal

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A native of France has been treated to a gourmet meal in the middle of the Alaska wilderness after he became the first musher in the Iditarod Trail Sled Dog race to reach the Yukon River. Race leader Nicolas Petit pulled into the checkpoint in Anvik, Alaska, just after 5 a.m. […]

The Seattle Times 

AP Analysis: NRA gave $7 million to hundreds of schools

The National Rifle Association has given more than $7 million in grants to hundreds of U.S. schools in recent years, according to an Associated Press analysis, but few have shown any indication that they’ll follow the lead of businesses that are cutting ties with the group following last month’s massacre at a Florida high school. […]

The Seattle Times 

Police make 2 arrests in spray-and-run heist at Elko casino

ELKO, Nev. (AP) — Police in Elko say two men have been arrested and an investigation is continuing after a storefront gambling parlor robbery last week in which patrons and employees were disabled with a noxious substance like pepper spray. The Elko Daily Free Press reports that 36-year-old Tony Pressler of Spring Creek was arrested […]

The Seattle Times 

More lane closures on Interstate 40-B in North Carolina

KERNERSVILLE, N.C. (AP) — There are more lane closures planned as work continues on Interstate 40 Business in North Carolina. The state transportation department said in a news release that an inside lane on the road west of Kernersville be closed through early April. The agency says it’s part of the work on the Winston-Salem […]

The Seattle Times 

Wisconsin Rep. Jarchow calls Capitol Police ‘bozo operation’

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — A Wisconsin state representative unhappy that an investigation into a potentially threatening social media post led to no charges says he’s “embarrassed” by Capitol Police and calls it a “bozo operation.” The Wisconsin State Journal reported Friday on the comments tweeted by Republican state Rep. Adam Jarchow, of Balsam Lake. Capitol […]

The Seattle Times 

Santa Fe couple donates $4M for new art museum facility

SANTA FE, N.M. (AP) — Officials say they are one step closer to a $10 million project that would convert a 1917 warehouse facility into a contemporary annex of a Santa Fe art museum after receiving a huge donation. Officials shared designs for the new contemporary annex of the New Mexico Museum of Art on […]

The Seattle Times 

Sheriff: Lower speed limit in ‘deadliest’ stretch in Keys

ISLAMORADA, Fla. (AP) — A sheriff is asking state transportation officials to lower the speed limit along a stretch of U.S. 1 where four Spanish tourists were crushed when their SUV collided with a motor home in the Florida Keys. Monroe County Sheriff Rick Ramsey said the area where the crash happened Monday is “the […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о повышении экологического статуса целлюлозно-бумажных технологий в России

Путин в России и мире

Путин указал на важность союзнического взаимодействия с Азербайджаном

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко назвал рецепт своего фирменного салата "Молодость", которым угощал Путина в Минске

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Адвокатам Навального продлили арест

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Оркестр Бутмана даст концерты в 25 городах в честь 25-летия коллектива


В Кишинёве задержали лидера партии "Шанс". Лунгу проверили на запрещённые предметы

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