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Новости за 09.03.2018

The Seattle Times 

West Virginia food worker tests positive for hepatitis A

NITRO, W.Va. (AP) — A West Virginia health department says a food service worker has tested positive for hepatitis A. The Kanawha-Charleston Health Department said in a Friday release the department investigated food-handling practices at the Cold Spot in Nitro and determined there’s no indication restaurant patrons need to be immunized for possible exposure. The […]

The Seattle Times 

Denver based think tank big recipient of NRA grants

DENVER (AP) — One of the recipients of the largest amount of charitable donations from the National Rifle Association is based in Denver. The conservative think tank known as the Independence Institute received $241,000 from the NRA’s foundation in 2016. That almost single-handedly made Colorado the state that received the 4th-most funds from the NRA […]

The Seattle Times 

Parole possible for man convicted of killing wife

LA CROSSE, Wis. (AP) — A western Wisconsin man convicted of killing his wife and trying to make her death look like an accident won’t be eligible for parole for at least 30 years. La Crosse County Judge Todd Bjerke sentenced Todd Kendhammer to the mandatory life prison term for first-degree intentional homicide and set […]

The Seattle Times 

Ski resort increasing wages, quarterly dividends

VAIL, Colo. (AP) — Vail Resorts is raising the minimum wage at its United States and Canadian resorts thanks to the new U.S. tax law. The Vail Daily reports wages at Vail Resorts in the U.S. will increase from $11 per hour to $12.25 per hour. Vail Resorts CEO Rob Katz said in an earnings […]

The Seattle Times 

Another $1 million in veterans ads coming in Baldwin race

MADISON, Wis. (AP) — For the second time in a month, a liberal veterans group is responding to a million-dollar advertising push targeting Democratic Sen. Tammy Baldwin. VoteVets.org said Friday it was spending $1 million on a new ad to run statewide on television and digitally through the end of March defending Baldwin. That comes […]

The Seattle Times 

Northam signs utility backed legislation

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Gov. Ralph Northam has approved legislation that could lead to substantial new additions to most Virginians’ electric bills while making it easier for utilities to build renewable energy projects and improve the electric grid. Northam signed into law Friday legislation that was shepherded through the General Assembly by Dominion Energy, the […]

The Seattle Times 

East Lansing’s Jaida Hampton is Miss Basketball

DETROIT (AP) — Jaida Hampton is Miss Basketball. The award honoring Michigan’s top senior on a girls’ basketball team was announced Friday by the Basketball Coaches Association of Michigan and the Detroit Free Press. Hampton, an East Lansing High School standout, signed with Wichita State. She received 353 of 976 first-place votes, earning 2,688 points. […]

The Seattle Times 

New commander: All troopers to have body cameras this year

MIDDLETOWN, Conn. (AP) — The new commander of the Connecticut State Police expects all troopers to be using body cameras by the end of the year, two years after they were supposed to begin using the devices under state law. Col. George Battle began his new job March 1, succeeding Col. Alaric Fox, who left […]

The Seattle Times 

Texas Public Safety to start tracking troopers’ weight

DALLAS (AP) — The Texas Department of Public Safety will begin recording the height, weight and waistlines of its more than 4,000 troopers during their routine physical readiness tests. The Dallas Morning News reports that the measurement recording starting this month is part of the department’s new obesity data collection program. Department official Skylor Hearn […]

The Seattle Times 

Suburban man accused of biting police officer’s face

WOODRIDGE, Ill. (AP) — A suburban Chicago man is in jail after he allegedly bit a police officer in the face, shoved his head onto the ground and attempted to take his gun. The (Arlington Heights) Daily Herald reports that 50-year-old Antonio Romo of Woodridge is charged with aggravated battery to a police officer, resisting […]

The Seattle Times 

Kosovo deputy PM acquitted of war crime charges

PRISTINA, Kosovo (AP) — Kosovo’s deputy prime minister has been acquitted of charges that resulted from two slayings during the 1998-99 Kosovo War. Fatmir Limaj was accused in 2016 of failing to prevent the killings of two Albanians in 1998, when he was a commander in the Kosovo Liberation Army. He also was accused of […]

The Seattle Times 

Groups supporting, opposing Northern Pass weigh on hearing

CONCORD, N.H. (AP) — Groups supporting and opposing the Northern Pass hydropower project in New Hampshire have filed statements in advance of a committee’s meeting next week on whether it should rehear the project. The Site Evaluation Committee is scheduled to deliberate Monday on Eversource’s request for a rehearing. The committee rejected the project last […]

The Seattle Times 

Reno County records its largest quake

HUTCHINSON, Kan. (AP) — The recent magnitude 3.4 earthquake Reno County is the largest one to rattle Reno County yet. The Hutchinson News reports the temblor at 4:48 a.m. Thursday and shook beds, rattled china cabinets and toppled piles of book. No structural damage was reported. By Thursday afternoon, 203 people had logged into the […]

The Seattle Times 

High court rules in separation of church and state case

BOSTON (AP) — The highest court in Massachusetts has issued a split decision in a case about whether it’s constitutionally appropriate for an active church to receive public money. A group of Acton residents, represented by a national organization that advocates for the separation of church and state, had sued the town over about $100,000 […]

The Seattle Times 

As rail tunnel effort teeters, a smaller win for New Jersey

NORTH BERGEN, N.J. (AP) — As a multibillion-dollar rail tunnel project languishes amid political squabbling, New Jersey is celebrating a smaller infrastructure victory. Officials on Friday announced an $18 million grant to rebuild a crumbling highway bridge near the Lincoln Tunnel. The bridge is not far from the spot where a new rail tunnel would […]

The Seattle Times 

AWAY IS HOME | When your itinerary goes sideways, have a backup plan

AWAY IS HOME | If you don’t have a backup plan for your next trip, you need to read this. Seriously. Itineraries go sideways all the time. I ought to know. I love to ski. I grew up in Europe, where a few weeks on the slopes is every child’s birthright. So this year, I […]

The Seattle Times 

Concordia University accused of neglecting abuse by coach

RIVER FOREST, Ill. (AP) — A former student at Concordia University Chicago has filed an updated lawsuit accusing the school of negligence and failing to protect its student athletes from sex abuse by a head baseball coach. The Chicago Tribune reports that the 28-year-old former Concordia pitcher filed the lawsuit Thursday against the university and […]

The Seattle Times 

Ethiopia deports British journalist over accreditation issue

ADDIS ABABA, Ethiopia (AP) — Ethiopian immigration officials have deported a British journalist over an accreditation row that both sides are disputing. William Davison, who was a Bloomberg reporter for seven years before he started writing for The Guardian, said he was expelled from Ethiopia on Wednesday after being detained at a police station for […]

The Seattle Times 

House fire victim identified as 57-year-old woman

EUGENE, Mo. (AP) — A body found in the rubble of a mid-Missouri farm house after a fire has been identified as that of a 57-year-old woman. Miller County Sheriff Louie Gregorie said Thursday that the cause of death for Sandra Bush hasn’t been determined but that the fire isn’t believed to be suspicious. The […]

The Seattle Times 

DNA on gloves leads to Indiana robbery suspect’s arrest

PORTER, Ind. (AP) — Northern Indiana police say DNA on latex gloves used in a convenience store robbery led them to a second suspect in that crime. Porter police charged 24-year-old David Graham with robbery shortly after last June’s heist in the Porter County town. Capt. John Lane says Graham told officers about a second […]

The Seattle Times 

31 charged in drug ring in 2 states, foreign country

TOMS RIVER, N.J. (AP) — What started out as a street corner drug deal at the Jersey shore has led authorities to narcotics rings allegedly operating in two states and a foreign country. Authorities in Ocean County say 31 people have been charged as part of the rings that dealt opioids and other drugs throughout […]

The Seattle Times 

Frat brother says pledge who died knew danger of drinking

TALLAHASSEE, Fla. (AP) — A Florida State University fraternity member charged in a pledge’s death says the 20-year-old knew the danger of drinking and attending the off campus party where he died. The Tallahassee Democrat reports that attorneys for Conner Ravelo filed a response this week to a civil lawsuit filed last month by the […]

The Seattle Times 

NRA gives $237,000 in grants to Pennsylvania schools

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — The National Rifle Association has awarded more than $237,000 in grants to 25 Pennsylvania schools in recent years, according to an Associated Press analysis. The NRA Foundation grants went to school programs including the Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps and rifle teams. More than 80 percent of the grants were provided as […]

The Seattle Times 

State lost jobs in January but unemployment rate unchanged

BOSTON (AP) — The unemployment rate in Massachusetts held steady at 3.5 percent in January while preliminary estimates show the state lost more than 6,000 jobs during the month. That’s according to the latest figures released Friday by the state office of Labor and Workforce Development and the federal Bureau of Labor Statistics. The overall […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об усилении совместных усилий России и Китая по борьбе с загрязнением пластиковым мусором

Путин в России и мире

Путин: РФ придает большое значение союзническому взаимодействию с Азербайджаном

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Белорусская филармония и хор готовы приехать на гастроли в Алтайский край — Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Адвокатам Навального продлили арест

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Московский джазовый оркестр Игоря Бутмана выступит на площадке у Великой Китайской стены


Два турпроекта из Клина стали победителями областного этапа Russian Event Awards

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