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Новости за 21.02.2018

The Seattle Times 

Montana high school student charged in school threat

HAMILTON, Mont. (AP) — An 18-year-old western Montana high school student is charged with intimidation and assault with a weapon after reportedly making numerous threats to “shoot up the school.” Maclean William Kayser of Darby was charged Tuesday in Ravalli County Justice Court. His bail was set at $50,000. He has not entered a plea. […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Officer shot, killed intervening in domestic dispute

BRANDYWINE, Md. (AP) — Authorities say a police officer has been fatally shot while intervening in a domestic dispute in Maryland. The Prince George’s County Police Department said in a tweet that officers responding to the initial shooting shot and killed the suspect. The department says the shooting occurred Wednesday morning in the Brandywine area, […]

The Seattle Times 

Skier dead after being found at Poconos ski resort

TANNERSVILLE, Pa. (AP) — State police say a Canadian man was pronounced dead after he was found unresponsive in a wooded area of a Poconos ski resort in what authorities believe was a skiing accident. Police said a ranger at Camelback Ski Resort found 26-year-old Lincoln Kuwabara of Ontario, who had been reported missing by […]

The Seattle Times 

Murder, battery charges dropped in Arkansas shooting

JONESBORO, Ark. (AP) — Prosecutors have decided to drop murder and battery charges against a suspect in last year’s shooting in northeast Arkansas after deciding the case didn’t implicate him. The Jonesboro Sun reports that 19-year-old Chauncey Thomas and 20-year-old Kalius Lane were charged with first-degree murder and first-degree battery in connection to the May […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: More than 150 people bought fake Super Bowl tickets

MINNEAPOLIS (AP) — Minneapolis police say 154 people didn’t learn that they bought counterfeit Super Bowl tickets until they arrived at U.S. Bank Stadium Feb. 4. Minneapolis police Lt. Kim Lund tells the Pioneer Press that the number of fake tickets this year was seven times more than discovered at Houston’s game last year. People […]

The Seattle Times 

Flights canceled in Oklahoma City due to wintry weather

OKLAHOMA CITY (AP) — At least eight flights have been canceled at Will Rogers World Airport in Oklahoma City and dozens of schools have canceled classes due to wintry weather. Airport spokeswoman Karen Carney said both arrivals and departures were canceled as of late Wednesday morning as a storm with possible ice, sleet and freezing […]

The Seattle Times 

Milwaukee to bid for 2020 Democratic National Convention

MILWAUKEE (AP) — City leaders say Milwaukee will make a bid for the 2020 Democratic National Convention. Congresswoman Gwen Moore says the national convention has quite an economic impact on the host city. Moore says two years ago, the DNC Convention brought 54,000 people and $231 million in economic activity to Philadelphia. Milwaukee Metropolitan Chamber […]

The Seattle Times 

University of South Carolina adds context to its history

COLUMBIA, S.C. (AP) — As some Southern universities grapple with uncomfortable truths about their histories, struggling with calls to rename or remove memorials and monuments to figures related to slavery and the Confederacy, the University of South Carolina is taking a different approach. On Wednesday, the school unveils its tribute to Richard T. Greener, its […]

The Seattle Times 

Breezy Johnson takes 7th place in Olympic downhill

JACKSON, Wyo. (AP) — Wyoming native Breezy Johnson skied to a seventh-place finish in the downhill race at the Olympics in South Korea. The 22-year-old Johnson recorded a time of 1 minute and 40.34 seconds in the race Tuesday night. Johnson’s time was 1.12 seconds back of gold medalist Sofia Goggia, of Italy, and 0.65 […]

The Seattle Times 

Volunteer license plates petitions approved for circulation

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Supporters of providing specialized vehicle license plates at no charge for volunteer firefighters and other emergency responders can begin circulating petitions to try to bring the issue to voters. Secretary of State Al Jaeger approved the format of the petition on Wednesday. Supporters need to gather and submit at least 13,452 […]

The Seattle Times 

LA fire chief addresses ‘divisive’ workplace incidents

LOS ANGELES (AP) — The Los Angeles fire chief said his department has experienced a series of recent “divisive” workplace incidents, including at least one debate between firefighters over protests by NFL players. In a letter posted last week on the LAFD’s internal messaging system, Chief Ralph Terrazas wrote that he expects all firefighters to […]

The Seattle Times 

Utah House votes to repeal sales tax on food

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — The Utah House has voted to repeal the statewide sales tax on food and raise the rate slightly on other purchases. The Deseret News reports lawmakers sent the measure to the Senate Tuesday on a vote of 42-27. It would remove the 1.75 percent tax on food, excluding candy. Sales […]

The Seattle Times 

Google’s digital assistant branches out to Nest camera

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Google’s voice-activated assistant is branching out to Nest’s deluxe security camera in an expansion that may amplify the privacy concerns surrounding internet-connected microphones. The virtual assistant is being offered to owners of the Nest Cam IQ in a free update rolling out Wednesday. The move comes just two weeks after Nest […]

The Seattle Times 

White House says US could reach 3 percent growth rate

WASHINGTON (AP) — The White House top economist says the U.S. could achieve annual growth rates of 3 percent through the next decade if President Donald Trump’s policies on regulations and infrastructure are enacted. Kevin Hassett of the Council of Economic Advisers released the annual economic report. It praises the effects of the tax cuts […]

The Seattle Times 

Attempted convenience store robbery suspect charged

FARGO, N.D. (AP) — A Fargo man who was arrested after struggling with a citizen who tried to take a rifle from him during an attempted armed robbery at a convenience store has been criminally charged. Eighteen-year-old John Holeton is charged with robbery, theft and felony assault. Holeton was arrested shortly after the attempted robbery […]

The Seattle Times 

Arkansas panel endorses change to college savings plans

LITTLE ROCK, Ark. (AP) — Arkansas lawmakers have advanced a proposal to allow taxpayers with tax-deductible 529 college savings plans to withdraw funds for tuition at public, private and religious K-12 schools. A legislative subcommittee on Wednesday recommended including the change in a budget bill for the state treasurer’s office. The proposal now heads to […]

The Seattle Times 

Bill to update guardianship laws cleared Senate panel

FRANKFORT, Ky. (AP) — A bill to update Kentucky’s guardianship laws for the first time in decades has cleared another hurdle with bipartisanship support from lawmakers. The bill advanced by a Senate committee Wednesday comes as the state struggles with growing caseloads of vulnerable elderly and disabled people who are wards of the state. The […]

The Seattle Times 

Gun stances of Ohio governor candidates run the gamut

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Want a governor who’s all-in on gun rights? How about one who supports a complete ban on assault-type weapons? In politically diverse Ohio, candidates’ responses to the deadly Florida school shooting have run the gamut. Republican Lt. Gov. Mary Taylor reasserted her support for the 2nd Amendment and said more “trained, […]

The Seattle Times 

Plumber placed on probation in 2015 trench collapse death

PITTSBURGH (AP) — A western Pennsylvania plumber who pleaded guilty to violating federal workplace regulations before a trench collapse that killed a man has been placed on probation for two years. The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reports that 67-year-old Wayne George apologized in court Wednesday, saying “I’ve said from the beginning, if I could trade places with […]

The Seattle Times 

Illinois megadonor jumps into Missouri right-to-work fight

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — An Illinois megadonor is contributing $500,000 to the effort to make Missouri a right-to-work state. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that Richard Uihlein donated the money Tuesday to a political action committee named “Freedom to Work.” It’s raising cash to fend off a union-led attempt to kill efforts to change […]

The Seattle Times 

Supreme Court rules against prisoner in lawyer fee case

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Supreme Court ruling will mean that prisoners who win civil rights lawsuits against their jailers will generally be handing over more of their winnings to their lawyers. Lower courts had been split over how much federal law requires prisoners to pay their lawyers after winning money in those cases. The Supreme […]

The Seattle Times 

Roads icy, schools closed after Pacific Northwest snowstorm

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Major highways in the Portland metro area are passable after a storm that dropped 3 inches of snow on Oregon’s largest city. But many roads, particularly those in neighborhoods, remain icy after a night in which temperatures dipped into the 20s. Many drivers decided not to take any chances, with traffic […]

The Seattle Times 

Detroit-area school on morning lockdown during search

GARDEN CITY, Mich. (AP) — A lockdown has been lifted at a high school in suburban Detroit where police searched the building. Police spent much of Wednesday morning at Garden City High School. State police say they brought dogs to the school to search for ammunition. School officials didn’t disclose the reason for the lockdown. […]

The Seattle Times 

Man convicted in 2013 New Haven slaying

NEW HAVEN, Conn. (AP) — A Connecticut man has been convicted of killing another man during a botched robbery. The New Haven Register reports that a jury Tuesday found Bobby Griffin Jr. guilty of charges including murder and attempted first-degree robbery in the 2013 shooting of 36-year-old Nathaniel Bradley. Nathan Johnson testified that Griffin wanted […]

The Seattle Times 

2 Republicans set for runoff in House special election

BRANDON, Miss. (AP) — Two candidates will contend in a March 13 runoff election for a vacant seat in the Mississippi House of Representatives after leading a four-candidate field. Fred Shanks won 43 percent of the vote in Tuesday’s election for House District 60 in parts of Rankin County, while Bob Morrow won 39 percent. […]

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Экология в России и мире

Четыре города ЦФО вошли в федеральный топ-10 по качеству жизни

Путин в России и мире

Глава МИД КНР Ван И заявил, что Пекин ценит позицию Москвы по Тайваню

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский объяснил, почему не хочет приглашать РФ на «саммит мира»

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Наталья Сергунина

Сергунина: в Москве появилась собственная платформа по разработке моделей ИИ


Москву назвали лидером по производству мороженого в России

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