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Новости за 24.02.2018

The Seattle Times 

Public school teacher indicted on charge of enticing minor

BALTIMORE (AP) — A federal grand jury has indicted a public school teacher in Carroll County on a charge of attempted enticement of a minor. The 39-year-old teacher has been identified as Kenneth Brian Fischer of Westminster. The indictment was announced Friday by the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Baltimore. They say the teacher allegedly used […]

The Seattle Times 

Wyoming delegation opposes calls for stricter gun control

CHEYENNE, Wyo. (AP) — Wyoming’s delegation to Congress is opposing calls for more gun control after the fallout from the latest school shooting. The Wyoming Tribune Eagle reports spokespeople for the all-Republican delegation indicate the officials are against measures that would lead to restricting Second Amendment rights. Calls for stricter gun policy have spread across […]

The Seattle Times 

Michigan lawmakers want study of water-tainting chemicals

TRAVERSE CITY, Mich. (AP) — Members of Congress from Michigan are seeking money for a study of the health effects of chemicals that have turned up at many military installations. The chemicals are known as PFAS, which stands for per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. Unsafe levels have been detected in lakes and drinking water in Michigan. […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Man who crashed car into water charged with DUI

CRANSTON, R.I. (AP) — Authorities say a Massachusetts man who drove his pickup truck over a seawall and into the water in Rhode Island has been charged with driving under the influence. Police say the truck crashed into the water late Friday near the Rhode Island Yacht Club. Police identified the driver as 42-year-old Tom […]

The Seattle Times 

Man charged in university student slaying accused of rape

PITTSBURGH (AP) — A man awaiting trial on charges of having killed a University of Pittsburgh student in her off-campus apartment last year is now accused of having raped a teenager days before the slaying. Twenty-one-year-old Matthew Darby is accused of having used a claw hammer and two knives in October to kill 20-year-old Alina […]

The Seattle Times 

Kasich issues emergency declaration over Ohio flooding

COLUMBUS, Ohio (AP) — Concerns about continued flooding and forecasts of more rain have prompted Ohio Gov. John Kasich (KAY-sik) to issue an emergency declaration for 17 counties in the southern and eastern parts of the state. The declaration made Saturday afternoon allows for the National Guard to be activated if needed. Counties included in […]

The Seattle Times 

Toyota, Hyundai recall roughly 110,000 vehicles

NEW YORK (AP) — Toyota and Hyundai have recalled roughly a combined 110,000 trucks and sport utility vehicles, including the 2018 Toyota Tundra and Sequoia, and the 2018 Hyundai Santa Fe and Santa Fe Sport. In its recall announced Saturday, Hyundai says some of Santa Fe vehicles are at risk for the steering wheel breaking […]

The Seattle Times 

Toyota, Hyundai recalls roughly 110,000 vehicles

NEW YORK (AP) — Toyota and Hyundai are recalling roughly a combined 110,000 trucks and sport utility vehicles, including the 2018 Toyota Tundra and Sequoia, and the 2018 Hyundai Santa Fe and Santa Fe Sport. In its recall, Hyundai says some of Santa Fe vehicles are at risk for the steering wheel breaking away from […]

The Seattle Times 

KanCare leaves seniors struggling with Medicaid coverage

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — Advocates for seniors in Kansas say that several changes made to streamline the Medicaid application and renewal process have actually made it difficult for the state’s elderly population. Kansas moved to a new computer system in 2015 for applying for Kansas Medicaid, otherwise known as KanCare. The state then funneled applications […]

The Seattle Times 

Changes to state criminal registry being considered

TOPEKA, Kan. (AP) — The Kansas Sentencing Commission is discussing deleting hundreds of names on a public criminal registry that allows Kansans to know if people who committed a wide range of crimes live or work near them. The commission said Kansas has expanded uses for the registry so much that it now is nearly […]

The Seattle Times 

Tenacious mom, surveillance video clear brothers of crime

ST. LOUIS (AP) — Two St. Louis men are cleared of criminal wrongdoing, thanks to their tenacious mother and surveillance video. Meanwhile, the man who told police that the brothers tried to rob him last summer is now charged as the real culprit. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that 29-year-old Patrick John Owens was charged […]

The Seattle Times 

Human remains found after shed fire at mobile home park

PLAINS, Pa. (AP) — Authorities say human remains have been found after an early morning fire in a shed at a northeastern Pennsylvania mobile home park. State police say Plains Township firefighters were called to the Pocono Trailer Park at about 5 a.m. Saturday. Police say unidentified human remains were later found inside the shed. […]

The Seattle Times 

Nebraska city prepares for second solar farm project

FREMONT, Neb. (AP) — An eastern Nebraska city has started seeking a contractor for a second community solar farm before its first project has even produced a kilowatt of energy because of high demand. Troy Schaben is Fremont’s assistant city administrator of utilities. He tells the Fremont Tribune that the first farm is filled to […]

The Seattle Times 

Overtime costs add up for Salt Lake City homelessness push

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Law enforcement and corrections agencies have paid about $320,000 a month in overtime for a push aimed at tackling problems related to homelessness in Salt Lake City. The Salt Lake Tribune reports that police agencies spent a total of over $600,000 on overtime for Operation Rio Grande from Aug. 14 […]

The Seattle Times 

Greitens declares a state of emergency for southern Missouri

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Gov. Eric Greitens has signed an executive order declaring a state of emergency in anticipation of storms and flooding in parts southern Missouri. Greitens signed the order Saturday as the National Weather Service issued a flood warnings and watches for much of southeastern Missouri. The order activates the resources of […]

The Seattle Times 

Montana woman sentenced to 40 years for Great Falls robbery

GREAT FALLS, Mont. (AP) — A Montana woman accused of orchestrating a marijuana robbery that led to the stabbing death of a Great Falls high school student was sentenced to 40 years in prison. The Great Falls Tribune reports Brianna Coombs was sentenced Friday after pleading guilty to a felony robbery charge last year. Authorities […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Man injured in stabbing near Hartford restaurant

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Officials say a man was stabbed repeatedly near a Hartford restaurant. The Hartford Courant reports that police responded early Saturday to a report of a man at the hospital who had suffered numerous stab wounds. Police say witnesses said the stabbing happened outside 451 Restaurant & Lounge. Police say the victim […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge dismisses coal company suit against HBO’s John Oliver

MOUNDSVILLE, W.Va. (AP) — A West Virginia judge has dismissed a lawsuit brought by coal company Murray Energy against HBO host John Oliver. A segment of Oliver’s Sunday show “Last Week Tonight” in June poked fun at Murray Energy CEO Robert Murray, who blames regulatory efforts by the Obama administration for damaging the coal industry. […]

The Seattle Times 

Governors skeptical of Congress, but welcome new gun debate

WASHINGTON (AP) — Governors say the debate over gun control has changed after the Florida school shooting — a shift helped driven by public outrage and student activists. Republican Gov. Bill Haslam of Tennessee puts it this way: “There’s no question we’re in a different environment.” But governors are skeptical that Congress can seize the […]

The Seattle Times 

Ore. man accused of threatening Trump will have mental exams

EUGENE, Ore. (AP) — An Oregon man charged with making online threats to kill President Trump will undergo a mental competency evaluation before he returns to U.S. District Court in Eugene. The Register-Guard reports U.S. Magistrate Judge Jolie Russo issued the order Friday at the government’s request. Also Friday, the public defender for Thomas Murphy […]

The Seattle Times 

2 apply to lead Jefferson Parish school system

GRETNA, La. (AP) — Desoto Parish Schools Superintendent Cade Brumley and former Jefferson school administrator Glenn Mayeaux are the only two people who have applied to lead the state’s largest school district. Friday marked the deadline for postmarking applications. Superintendent Isaac Joseph has agreed to a buyout of his contract. His last day is Feb. […]

The Seattle Times 

State plans new home for Utah artifacts stored in basement

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Utah’s first state flag and an 1843 wedding dress from one of the first female state pioneers are among the more than $100 million in historical artifacts that are stored in the basement of Salt Lake City’s Rio Grande Depot. The Salt Lake Tribune reports the artifacts are crowded into […]

The Seattle Times 

Trump says arming teachers in schools ‘Up to States’

WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump says arming teachers as a deterrent against school shootings is “Up to States.” Trump has promoted the idea of putting “gun-adept” teachers and staff in schools with concealed firearms to protect students after this month’s shooting at a Florida high school killed 17 people. But neither Trump nor the […]

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Экология в России и мире

Вокруг парка на электромобиле: что будет доступно напрокат в Москве

Путин в России и мире

Президент России Владимир Путин подтвердил проведение XVI Международного военно-музыкального фестиваля «Спасская башня»

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Генсек НАТО прибыл в Киев: главные заявления Столтенберга и Зеленского

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Здоровье в России и мире

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Шпагаты, но уже без нижнего белья: хакеры взломали аккаунт Волочковой


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