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Новости за 05.02.2018

The Seattle Times 

Woman who accused Trump of forced kiss running for Ohio seat

FREMONT, Ohio (AP) — A woman who during the 2016 election accused President Donald Trump of sexually harassing her more than a decade ago is running for a seat in Ohio’s legislature. Former Trump Tower receptionist Rachel Crooks filed paperwork Monday to run as a Democrat in Ohio’s 88th House District, which covers a largely […]

The Seattle Times 

Report: Lawsuits cost Missouri taxpayers $23 million

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — A new report from Missouri Attorney General Josh Hawley says lawsuits against the state cost taxpayers at least $23 million last year. The St. Louis Post-Dispatch reports that a year-end report from Hawley, a Republican, showed that 16 of the 45 major payouts were related to employee discrimination, including six […]

The Seattle Times 

Mesa police ID woman found fatally stabbed at a nail salon

MESA, Ariz. (AP) — Authorities have identified a woman who was found fatally stabbed at a Mesa nail salon. Mesa police say the victim was 30-year-old Lindsey Eastridge. Officers responded to a call of a stabbing around 7:30 p.m. Friday. They discovered a woman dead inside the nail salon. Most Read StoriesWhat you need to […]

The Seattle Times 

Gymnastics doctor scandal goes beyond prison sentences

DETROIT (AP) — Larry Nassar’s final sentence for serial sexual assault now turns the scandal’s spotlight toward major institutions, including Michigan State University, where many of his abuses occurred. The former sports doctor was sentenced Monday to 40 to 125 years in prison, his third punishment since early December. Nassar admits penetrating young girls and […]

The Seattle Times 

Partner of Colorado immigrant in sanctuary is released

DENVER (AP) — The partner of a Peruvian immigrant who is living in a Colorado church to avoid deportation has been released from an immigration detention center. The Denver Post reports that Eliseo Jurado Fernandez posted a $2,500 bond Monday. While Ingrid Encalada Latorre has taken refuge in three Colorado churches over the last year, […]

The Seattle Times 

Judge rejects Hong Kong businessman’s bail request

NEW YORK (AP) — A New York judge has rejected a bail request for a Hong Kong businessman charged in a United Nations-linked bribery scandal, saying he was too great a risk to flee. Federal Judge Katherine Forrest listened to over an hour of arguments Monday before saying no bail conditions could guarantee Dr. Chi […]

The Seattle Times 

Russia: Caucasus region officials arrested for alleged fraud

MOSCOW (AP) — Russia’s top investigative agency says several regional officials in the volatile North Caucasus have been arrested on embezzlement charges. The Investigative Committee said Abdusamad Gamidov, the acting Cabinet head in Dagestan province, was arrested Monday along with two of his deputies and several other senior officials. They were accused of embezzlement and […]

The Seattle Times 

Gas prices rise 4 cents per gallon to $2.61 in Rhode Island

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — The price of gasoline in Rhode Island is up four cents this week. AAA Northeast said Monday in its weekly survey that self-serve regular is averaging $2.61 per gallon. That’s the same as the national average. The average price of gasoline in Rhode Island is 38 cents higher than it was […]

The Seattle Times 

After decade of delays, rail safety system still not ready

CAYCE, S.C. (AP) — As they begin to probe the circumstances of the fatal wreck in South Carolina, officials have already settled on one thing: that the crash between a passenger train and a freight car could have been prevented with technology already installed in parts of the U.S. It’s been a decade since Congress […]

The Seattle Times 

SpaceX bucks launch tradition in 1st flight of new rocket

CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — SpaceX is bucking decades of launch tradition for the first test flight of its new megarocket. The Falcon Heavy is set to become the world’s most powerful rocket in use today when it blasts off from Florida’s Kennedy Space Center. None of the usual, no-big-deal-if-it’s-destroyed launch ballast — like steel […]

The Seattle Times 

Virginia gov announces compromise on electric rate overhaul

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Virginia’s governor is endorsing a major overhaul of electricity regulations sought by utilities in the state, despite warnings from the state’s attorney general and others that customers will end up paying more than they should. Gov. Ralph Northam issued a statement Monday saying he supports legislation imposing new limits on the […]

The Seattle Times 

Man gets 30-year term for killing teen found in vacant home

CAPE MAY COURT HOUSE, N.J. (AP) — A man who admitted killing a teenage girl whose remains were found in the crawl space of a vacant New Jersey home has been sentenced to 30 years in prison. Charles Mosley had pleaded guilty last December to aggravated manslaughter in the death of 15-year-old Nicole Angstadt. He […]

The Seattle Times 

Missouri lawmaker wants House intern program suspended

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — A Missouri lawmaker wants the House to suspend its intern program and further strengthen its policies about sexual harassment. Democratic Rep. Courtney Allen Curtis, of Ferguson, said Monday that the House culture hasn’t improved enough since former House Speaker John Diehl Jr. resigned in May 2015 while admitting to sending […]

The Seattle Times 

Prosecutor: Teacher was accidental victim in love triangle

NORFOLK, Va. (AP) — A prosecutor says a schoolteacher shot and killed in Virginia on New Year’s Eve was the accidental victim of a love triangle involving three other people. Fifty-year-old Caroline Hendrix was shot and killed outside a home where she had been housesitting. According to news outlets, a prosecutor said Monday at a […]

The Seattle Times 

Campaign launched for Montana wilderness study areas

BILLINGS, Mont. (AP) — Public lands advocates in Montana have launched a campaign to protect wilderness study areas in response to a Republican lawmaker’s push to remove the federal designation from five sites. Organizers of the Our Land, Our Legacy campaign announced Monday that they will be running newspaper advertisements across the state as they […]

The Seattle Times 

Little-noticed fund at heart of new Kennedy, Edwards dispute

BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — The latest quarrel between Louisiana’s Democratic governor and the Republican U.S. senator who may run against him centers on a little-noticed pot of unclaimed money the state collects on behalf of residents who are owed the cash. U.S. Sen. John Kennedy wants to use $150 million from the unclaimed property […]

The Seattle Times 

Officer accused of sharing alleged white supremacist posts

CHICAGO (AP) — Federal prosecutors have reached a last minute plea bargain with a black man after his attorneys discovered alleged white supremacist social media posts involving a potential key witness, who is a veteran Chicago police officer. The Chicago Tribune reports that Sean Najm is among the officers who arrested 25-year-old Edwin Brown for […]

The Seattle Times 

Former Casper employee pleads not guilty to taking money

CASPER, Wyo. (AP) — A 38-year-old former public employee in Wyoming has pleaded not guilty to stealing nearly $20,000 from the city of Casper. Heather M. Kirkendall entered her plea last week to a single felony count of larceny before Natrona County District Judge Thomas Forgey. Kirkendall worked in the city of Casper’s Community Development […]

The Seattle Times 

The Latest: Lawyer says former Maldives dictator arrested

MALE, Maldives (AP) — The Latest on turmoil in the Maldives after the Supreme Court ordered the release of a group of political prisoners (all times local): 12:45 a.m. The lawyer for the Maldives’ former dictator says the now-opposition leader has been arrested. Maumoon Hameed, the lawyer for Maumoon Abdul Gayoom, said on Twitter that […]

The Seattle Times 

Sledgehammered police cars raise concerns for officer safety

DALLAS (AP) — A Dallas man is accused of walking into a Dallas police substation parking lot and damaging 12 police cars with a sledgehammer. Police arrested 58-year-old Gregory Simpson early Sunday. He’s charged him with criminal mischief causing damage of more than $2,500 and less than $30,000. An arrest affidavit was not posted in […]

The Seattle Times 

$300M health system cost to comply with religious rights

WASHINGTON (AP) — A new effort under President Donald Trump to protect the rights of health workers who object to abortions and other procedures will cost the health care system more than $300 million to implement, the government is estimating. Hospitals and other service providers will have to meet new federal requirements for posting notices […]

The Seattle Times 

North Dakota tribe extends suspension of alcohol taxes

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — An American Indian tribe has extended its suspension of new alcohol taxes and rules on the reservation located in the heart of North Dakota’s oil patch. The Three Affiliated Tribes in November imposed a 7 percent tax on alcohol on the Fort Berthold Reservation. The tribe has said it needs higher […]

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Экология в России и мире

«Биржа грузоперевозок ATI.SU» запустила сервис «Выгодные направления»

Путин в России и мире

Путин: РФ и КНР наладят более тесное взаимодействие в инновационных отраслях

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Блинкен и Зеленский обсудят ситуацию на фронте и обязательства США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Эдит Пиаф

В театре «Модерн» состоялась премьера моноспектакля «Исповедь счастливой женщины. Эдит Пиаф»


Москва и москвичи в марте 1984 года

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