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Новости за 15.02.2018

The Seattle Times 

Police seek help finding missing Vermont teen

RUTLAND, Vt. (AP) — Police are seeking the public’s help in finding a missing teenager from Rutland, Vermont. Rutland City Police tell the Rutland Herald Aliyatt Rodgers may be in the Castleton area. Rodgers is described as being 5 feet tall, weighing 130 pounds and having brown hair and brown eyes. Anyone with information is […]

The Seattle Times 

Malloy attempts to delay deportation of Connecticut couple

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) — Connecticut Gov. Dannel P. Malloy says he asked federal authorities to delay the planned deportation of a couple who’ve been in the U.S. for nearly 20 years but has received no assurances they can stay. Malloy says he received only a “perfunctory” answer on Thursday from the three officials and “nothing […]

The Seattle Times 

Part of I-94 in Michigan named for chief killed in crash

LANSING, Mich. (AP) — A portion of Interstate 94 in southern Michigan will be named in honor of a fire chief who was struck and killed by a vehicle while he was responding to an accident. Legislation signed by Gov. Rick Snyder honors Edward Switalski. He died in June 2017, when he was fire chief […]

The Seattle Times 

Sex tapes, politics, cigarettes: a conversation with Fran Lebowitz

When author and social commentarian Fran Lebowitz comes to Seattle Feb. 18, she’ll spend most of her visit taking questions from the audience. Since the election, she said, 90 percent of the questions people ask her are about politics.

The Seattle Times 

Bacteria prompts Wisconsin shelter to euthanize 2 dogs

SAUKVILLE, Wis. (AP) — The Wisconsin Humane Society has stopped accepting dogs from the public and is transferring animals to other shelters while investigating the source of bacteria that caused staff to euthanize two dogs. An 11-year-old Pomeranian and a 1-year-old Shepherd mix were euthanized Wednesday after testing positive for “strep zoo” at the humane […]

The Seattle Times 

Suspect arrested 3 months after man set on fire in Ballard

When a driver gave a Mountlake Terrace police officer a fake name, the officer became suspicious and arrested him. After finding the man’s ID, police realized he was wanted in Seattle for attempted first-degree murder.

The Seattle Times 

Broadcaster Warner Wolf sues Don Imus for age discrimination

NEW YORK (AP) — The sportscaster who popularized the phrase “Let’s go to the videotape!” has filed an age discrimination lawsuit over his firing from shock jock Don Imus’ radio show. The now 80-year-old Warner Wolf charges in the lawsuit filed Thursday that he was illegally fired in 2016 because of his age. The lawsuit […]

The Seattle Times 

Former Indianapolis youth minister faces federal sex charges

INDIANAPOLIS (AP) — Federal prosecutors say a registered sex offender who worked as an Indianapolis youth minister sexually abused a 14-year-old girl 15-20 times and exchanged sexually explicit photos with her. An indictment Thursday charged 51-year-old Maurice Frazier with coercion and enticement, sexual exploitation of a child, six counts of receipt of child pornography, possession […]

The Seattle Times 

Venezuela’s President Maduro taking new title: Party crasher

CARACAS, Venezuela (AP) — Venezuela’s President Nicolas Maduro says he isn’t above crashing a party after his invitation was yanked. He told international journalists Thursday that he’s determined to show up for the Summit of the Americas, a meeting of regional leaders. President Donald Trump is also invited to attend. Maduro says he’ll go by […]

The Seattle Times 

Treasury cuts fees in Pennsylvania’s college-savings program

HARRISBURG, Pa. (AP) — The Pennsylvania Treasury Department is cutting fees for its state-sponsored program to help families save for college. Democratic state Treasurer Joe Torsella said Thursday that asset-based fees for its PA 529 Investment Plan account will drop, saving account holders about $17 million over five years. The agency says lower costs are […]

The Seattle Times 

Maryland to close drawbridge on Eastern Shore for repairs

CAMBRIDGE, Md. (AP) — State highway officials are closing a drawbridge on Maryland’s Eastern Shore for repairs for two weeks beginning next month. The 80-year-old drawbridge in Cambridge carries Md. 795 over Cambridge Creek. The Maryland State Highway Administration says more than 12,000 vehicles cross the bridge each day. The drawbridge opens 8,000 times a […]

The Seattle Times 

Michigan tax tribunal sees case on solar energy systems

ANN ARBOR, Mich. (AP) — A Michigan resident is at the center of a solar energy taxation debate that could affect property owners statewide. The dispute revolves around how much value Mark Clevey’s residential solar energy system adds to his home and if that value should be taxed, the Ann Arbor News reported . Clevey […]

The Seattle Times 

Medical examiner: Jail inmate died of natural causes

BURLINGTON, N.C. (AP) — The state Office of the Chief Medical Examiner in North Carolina says in a report that a man died in a North Carolina jail of natural causes. The report cited by local media outlets says 49-year-old Daryl Augustus Carter, of Savannah, Georgia, had several existing conditions, including evidence of an enlarged […]

The Seattle Times 

More than 150 animals seized from Phoenix boarding facility

PHOENIX (AP) — Dozens of animals have been seized from a Phoenix pet boarding facility after an alert from the nearby Arizona Humane Society. Phoenix police Sgt. Alan Pfohl says around 150 dogs, cats and other animals were removed Thursday morning from Planet Petopia Doggie Dude Ranch. Authorities previously removed more than 50 animals last […]

The Seattle Times 

Prison time for Las Vegas man who faked theft of his car

LAS VEGAS (AP) — A 66-year-old Las Vegas man who reported his car had been stolen after arranging to have it destroyed has been sentenced to one to three years in prison for insurance fraud. Daniel Harris was convicted earlier of filing false claims with American Banker’s Insurance and Hartford Insurance. Harris reported in 2015 […]

The Seattle Times 

‘Unseen’ museum exhibit to depict glow-in-the-dark creatures

NEW YORK (AP) — Feel as though you’re in the dark when it comes to the underwater world? New York’s American Museum of Natural History is working on just the solution: a floor-to-ceiling installation depicting creatures that glow. Photographers got a sneak peek on Thursday as one of the centerpieces was installed for an exhibition […]

The Seattle Times 

Former Kansas deputy charged with official misconduct

WICHITA, Kan. (AP) — A former Sedgwick County sheriff’s deputy who’s accused of not turning over evidence during a narcotics investigation has been charged with official misconduct. The Wichita Eagle reports that the charge was filed Tuesday against Justin Price, whose four-year tenure with the department ended a couple weeks ago. Sheriff Jeff Easter says […]

The Seattle Times 

Idaho lawmakers confirm new tax commissioner

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — Idaho lawmakers have confirmed a new member to the state tax commission despite raising concerns her marriage to an influential lawmaker may be a conflict of interest. The Senate confirmed Janet Moyle on Thursday to the Idaho State Tax Commission in a voice vote. An unknown small number of senators voted […]

The Seattle Times 

Third person charged in Omaha shooting death of Army soldier

OMAHA, Neb. (AP) — A third man has been charged in the early January shooting death of a U.S. Army soldier who was visiting Omaha relatives for the holidays. The Omaha World-Herald reports that 20-year-old Shydale Glass has been charged with being an accessory to a felony and possession of a firearm by a prohibited […]

The Seattle Times 

Illinois schools say pension shift would be financial burden

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Illinois school administrators say they cannot afford to pay teachers’ pension costs as part of Gov. Bruce Rauner’s plan to balance the state budget. The Republican governor said Wednesday he wants to save $700 million a year by shifting the employer portion of teacher pensions from the state to schools. Tony […]

The Seattle Times 

Police: Man crashed while high on PCP, blamed dead passenger

STAMFORD, Conn. (AP) — Police say a Connecticut man crashed his car while high on PCP and falsely claimed it was being driven by his passenger, who died in the wreck. The Stamford Advocate reports that 41-year-old Donell Alston, of Bridgeport, told investigators he was sleeping as the car careened off a road in Westport […]

The Seattle Times 

2 firms paid $50 million by Trump inaugural committee

WASHINGTON (AP) — Newly-filed federal tax documents show President Donald Trump’s inauguration committee paid two private companies more than $50 million while donating $5 million to charitable causes after the January 2017 event in Washington. The Trump committee paid nearly $26 million to an event planning firm started by Stephanie Winston-Wolkoff, an adviser to first […]

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Экология в России и мире

Передовые разработки. Названы номинанты II этапа «ЭКОТЕХ-ЛИДЕР 2024»

Путин в России и мире

В мире могут закрыть поставки из Китая. «Святой Ленин» на встрече В.В. Путина и Си Цзиньпина повышает качество жизни народам России, Китая, всего мира.

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Шесть городов Белоруссии и Азербайджана стали побратимами

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

ABC: Зеленский недоволен результатами визита Блинкена в Киев

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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Mash: певец Сергей Шнуров задолжал ФНС больше 4,5 млн рублей


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