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Новости за 09.02.2018

The Seattle Times 

Bear wakes ornery from winter slumber to attack dog, owner

DEDHAM, Maine (AP) — Bear attacks are unusual and even rarer in the winter when bears are supposed to be hibernating. But a Maine man said that’s just what happened. Twenty-nine-year-old Dustin Gray said a black bear lunged at him and his 11-month-old puppy on Monday. The 6-foot-5 man tells the Bangor Daily News that […]

The Seattle Times 

Rhode Island lawmaker pushes to expand overdose immunity law

PROVIDENCE, R.I. (AP) — A state legislator is pushing to expand Rhode Island’s overdose immunity law to cover teens reporting alcohol-related emergencies. WPRI-TV reports Rep. Kenneth Marshall recently introduced a bill that would expand the Good Samaritan Overdose Protection Act. The current law only applies to drug-related overdoses. The Democrat says teenagers who witness an […]

The Seattle Times 

Albuquerque museum to open large da Vinci exhibit

ALBUQUERQUE, N.M. (AP) — The New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science is getting ready to unveil a long-awaited Leonardo da Vinci exhibit. The Albuquerque Journal reports the exhibit, which opens to the public Saturday, will be the Albuquerque museum’s largest in five years. The Da Vinci —The Genius exhibit will cover the entire […]

The Seattle Times 

Boston woman warns of electrocution dangers for pets

BOSTON (AP) — A Boston woman says she wants to warn fellow dog owners about the dangers of possible electrocution. Mary Beth Begley tells WHDH-TV that her dog, Bob, was recently electrocuted and killed by a stray voltage under Southampton Street. The woman says she and her dog were approaching a light control box when […]

The Seattle Times 

Attorney calls for sanctions in Dakota Access pipeline suit

BISMARCK, N.D. (AP) — Attorneys for a Florida-based environmental publication want a federal judge in North Dakota to sanction the Texas-based developer of the Dakota Access oil pipeline in a dispute over whether the publication can be sued. Earth First Journal maintains Energy Transfer Partners attorneys aren’t acting in good faith by associating the publication […]

The Seattle Times 

Eastern Michigan OKs plan to build campus health center

YPSILANTI, Mich. (AP) — Eastern Michigan University officials have approved a plan to build a new campus health center with a major health care system and its affiliated physicians’ group. The Ypsilanti school announced Friday the $6.6 million center is tentatively set to open in summer 2019. Eastern Michigan will share the facility with Integrated […]

The Seattle Times 

Father pleads guilty to fatally stabbing 6-year-old daughter

ASHEVILLE, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina man will end his life in prison after pleading guilty to fatally stabbing his 6-year-old daughter as national park rangers approached rather than give up custody of the girl. Federal prosecutors said Seth Pickering pleaded guilty Friday to first-degree murder for killing his daughter in September 2016. Two […]

The Seattle Times 

Vermont Department of Health finds lead in school taps

BURLINGTON, Vt. (AP) — The Vermont Department of Health has discovered unsafe lead levels in some of the state’s older schools. Vermont Public Radio reports the state has tested 14 out of the 16 schools it identified for potential risks. Three of the eight schools that have available reports had unsafe lead levels. All 16 […]

The Seattle Times 

Petition calls for safety upgrades at Eaton train crossing

GREELEY, Colo. (AP) — An online petition calling for safety improvements at a railroad crossing in the town of Eaton has collected more than 10,000 signatures days after a Colorado high school student was killed at the crossing. The Greeley Tribune reports the petition was created following the death of 18-year-old Kennedi Ingram, who was […]

The Seattle Times 

House fire adds more heartache for family of UW lineman Kaleb McGary

About six years ago, when Huskies senior offensive lineman Kaleb McGary was in high school, his family was nearing bankruptcy and eventually forced off its 5.75-acre farm in southern Washington. The family of five relocated to Fife, where Kaleb’s parents, Justin and Cassandra, had grown up. There, they lived in two RVs while restoring Cassandra’s […]

The Seattle Times 

Idaho lawmakers introduce bill that will allow car booting

IDAHO FALLS, Idaho (AP) — Idaho lawmakers have introduced a bill that will allow vehicle booting operations to continue in the state. Senate Pro Tem Brent Hill says the bill introduced Thursday will clarify the legality of the procedure that is unpopular with students at Brigham Young University-Idaho in Rexburg. The Post Register reports last […]

The Seattle Times 

Carbon monoxide believed to have killed 3 in Tennessee home

MEMPHIS, Tenn. (AP) — Officials say carbon monoxide poisoning is believed to have killed three people, including an infant, in a home in Tennessee. Shelby County Sheriff’s Office spokesman Earle Farrell said two male adults and an infant in diapers were found Friday morning in a home in Memphis. Farrell said the home’s electricity had […]

The Seattle Times 

Southern California may see rain after more Santa Ana winds

LOS ANGELES (AP) — Southern California’s warm, dry winter is expected to whipsaw from another round of fire weather to potentially showery and unsettled conditions. The National Weather Service says a moderate to strong Santa Ana wind condition is expected to rapidly develop Saturday night and continue through Sunday night. Red flag warnings will be […]

The Seattle Times 

Vegas police officer held on kidnapping, sex assault charges

LAS VEGAS (AP) — Bail is set at $1 million for a veteran Las Vegas police officer accused of more than two dozen kidnapping and sexual assault charges. Las Vegas police say 38-year-old Bret Theil will be relieved of duty and placed on unpaid leave. He reportedly was suicidal before his arrest early Thursday during […]

The Seattle Times 

State appeals adding ‘pain’ as medical marijuana qualifier

CHICAGO (AP) — The Illinois Department of Public Health has appealed a decision adding severe pain as a qualifying condition for medical marijuana. The paperwork filed Thursday in Cook County comes weeks after a judge ordered “intractable pain,” or severe and constant pain with no cure, be added to over 40 qualifying medical conditions. The […]

The Seattle Times 

Oregon to decide on more protections for rare seabird

PORTLAND, Ore. (AP) — Environmental officials in Oregon are deciding whether to increase protections for a rare kind of seabird that nests far inland in old-growth forests. The Oregon Commission on Fish and Wildlife is expected to vote Friday on whether to change the listing of the marbled murrelet to “endangered” from “threatened.” The species […]

The Seattle Times 

Kansas youth camp for muscular dystrophy moves to Missouri

LINWOOD, Kan. (AP) — A summer camp for children with muscular dystrophy is moving from Kansas to Missouri, causing confusion for families on both sides of the state line. The Wichita Eagle reports that the Muscular Dystrophy Association announced Feb. 1 it’s merging its annual camps in Linwood, Kansas, and its camp in Springfield, Missouri. […]

The Seattle Times 

Nantucket seals will have rescuers for first time in 4 years

NANTUCKET, Mass. (AP) — Federal authorities say they have enlisted a marine mammal rescue agency to help fill a gap in responding to seal and whale strandings on Nantucket. The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration says it hasn’t had stranding coverage on Nantucket and the outer islands for four years. But the agency says it […]

The Seattle Times 

Agreement reached in ex-anchor’s suit over her race comments

PITTSBURGH (AP) — A Pittsburgh newscaster whose online comments about a shooting were deemed racially insensitive and got her fired has reached a settlement in her lawsuit against her former employer. In a federal lawsuit filed in 2016, Wendy Bell says WTAE fired her because she’s white, in violation of her civil rights. She was […]

The Seattle Times 

Authorities: SUV hits home after crash; 6 seriously injured

UNION, N.J. (AP) — Authorities say an SUV went into a New Jersey home following a crash, seriously injuring six people in the SUV. The accident in Union occurred around 7:15 a.m. Friday. Authorities say the SUV and a car attempting to make a left turn collided. The SUV then struck two other vehicles before […]

The Seattle Times 

Palin’s son set for trial in assault case

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — Sarah Palin’s oldest son is scheduled for trial in a case accusing him of assaulting his father at the family’s Alaska home. A judge on Friday pushed the trial back to the week of March 27 for Track Palin at the request his lawyer. Palin dialed in to the proceeding from […]

The Seattle Times 

Autopsy: 2 whose remains found in West Texas pit were killed

MIDLAND, Texas (AP) — An autopsy on the skeletal remains of two people discovered in a West Texas trash pit has determined they were homicide victims who suffered gunshot wounds to the head. The Midland County sheriff’s office released the preliminary autopsy findings Friday on remains found last weekend and another set found the week […]

The Seattle Times 

Carolina Herrera hands creative director role to Wes Gordon

NEW YORK (AP) — Designer Carolina Herrera is stepping down as creative director of her fashion label, and handing the reins to young American designer Wes Gordon. Herrera founded her label in 1981. The Venezuelan-born designer will present her final New York Fashion Week collection next week, and then will transition to a new role […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о повышении экологического статуса целлюлозно-бумажных технологий в России

Путин в России и мире

Президент Путин вернулся в Москву и встретился в Кремле с главой Ингушетии

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Белорусская филармония и хор готовы приехать на гастроли в Алтайский край — Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Адвокатам Навального продлили арест

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт Элджея в Новосибирске требуют запретить


В Маньжурии открывается российско-китайский ночной клуб Felicity Port

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