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Новости за 17.01.2018

The Seattle Times 

Lawyer for convicted AG: Investigator had too much power

PHILADELPHIA (AP) — A lawyer for the former Pennsylvania attorney general convicted of leaking secret information then lying about it says the special prosecutor who investigated her had too much power. Kathleen Kane’s attorney told a panel of appeals judges in Philadelphia on Wednesday that the decision to give the special prosecutor grand jury authority […]

The Seattle Times 

Judges, employees file suit to reclaim courthouse recordings

FARMINGTON, N.M. (AP) — Judges and employees of a court in northwest New Mexico have filed a lawsuit against the state in an effort to reclaim secret audio recordings made in the courthouse by a former judge. The Daily Times reports the four Aztec Magistrate Court judges and employees are asking the New Mexico Judicial […]

The Seattle Times 

North Carolina man wanted in fatal shooting arrested

WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) — A North Carolina man wanted in connection with a fatal shooting in South Carolina has been arrested. The Horry County Police Department posted to its Facebook page that 20-year-old Quotase Jenrette of Clarendon was wanted in the shooting death of 27-year-old Kendal Ray of Loris on Jan. 6. Horry County Deputy […]

The Seattle Times 

Most of ACLU’s lawsuit against Nebraska prisons advances

LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) — A federal judge has dismissed portions of a lawsuit that says Nebraska’s overcrowded prisons give inadequate health care, overuse solitary confinement and discriminate against disabled inmates. The American Civil Liberties Union of Nebraska filed the lawsuit in August on behalf of disabled inmates against the Nebraska Department of Correctional Services, the […]

The Seattle Times 

Apple to build 2nd campus, hire 20,000 in $350B pledge

SAN FRANCISCO (AP) — Apple is planning to build another corporate campus and hire 20,000 workers during the next five years as part of a $350 billion commitment to the U.S. economy. The pledge announced Wednesday is an offshoot from the sweeping overhaul of the U.S. tax code championed by President Donald Trump and approved […]

The Seattle Times 

Coalition denounces proposed ICE detention center in Indiana

ELKHART, Ind. (AP) — A coalition is accelerating opposition efforts against a proposed U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility in northern Indiana ahead of a county rezoning decision. The proposed detention center would have up to 1,200 beds for ICE detainees about 10 miles (16 kilometers) east of South Bend in Elkhart County. County commissioners […]

The Seattle Times 

Iowa dad takes deal for fatal beating of 38-year-old son

CLINTON, Iowa (AP) — A man accused of fatally beating his 38-year-old son has taken a plea deal in eastern Iowa. The Clinton Herald reports that 63-year-old Glenn Plummer III, of Camanche (kuh-MANCH’), pleaded guilty Tuesday to voluntary manslaughter. Prosecutors had lowered the charge from second-degree murder and dropped a domestic abuse count. Prosecutors will […]

The Seattle Times 

North Carolina gerrymander suit plaintiffs want new map now

RALEIGH, N.C. (AP) — Voter advocacy groups and Democratic voters want the U.S. Supreme Court to force North Carolina Republicans to redraw the state’s congressional districts by next week because they say it’s clear the lines are tainted by over-the-top political bias. The plaintiffs in North Carolina’s partisan gerrymandering lawsuit filed briefs Wednesday with Chief […]

The Seattle Times 

Goldman Sachs exec’s employee charged in $1M wine theft

NEW YORK (AP) — A former domestic employee of Goldman Sachs President David Solomon has been arrested in Los Angeles on charges he stole over $1 million of rare wine from his boss. Charges against Nicolas DeMeyer are in a federal indictment unsealed Wednesday in Manhattan. The indictment says DeMeyer stole hundreds of bottles of […]

The Seattle Times 

Fort Collins restaurant closing after 39 years in business

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) — A Fort Collins Italian-themed restaurant is closing after 39 years in business. The Coloradoan reports Bisetti’s Ristorante announced Tuesday that will close its doors at the end of the month. Co-owner Heather Bisetti said in a statement that she and her husband, Robert, are ready to retire from the restaurant […]

The Seattle Times 

Missouri House passes bill for fewer rules on hair braiding

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Professional hair braiders would face fewer regulations under a bill passed by the Missouri House. House lawmakers voted 131-17 Wednesday to pass the bill and send it to the Senate. If made law, the bill would repeal a requirement that braiders be licensed by the state Board of Cosmetology and […]

The Seattle Times 

Women march in Polish cities to demand abortion rights

WARSAW, Poland (AP) — Polish abortion rights proponents, most of them women, are marching in Warsaw and elsewhere in Poland to express their opposition to a proposal in parliament to further tighten the country’s already restrictive abortion law. Hundreds took part in a march in Warsaw on Wednesday but it wasn’t immediately clear how many […]

The Seattle Times 

Detroit man awarded $1 million for wrongful conviction

DETROIT (AP) — A Detroit man who spent 25 years in prison for murder before proving he was the victim of police misconduct was awarded $1 million on Wednesday under a state program that compensates the wrongly convicted. Desmond Ricks was released from prison last May when new tests showed that bullets recovered from the […]

The Seattle Times 

State opens 10th emergency stockpile for disaster response

ALBANY, N.Y. (AP) — State officials say New York’s 10th and final emergency stockpile of disaster response supplies is now operational in western New York. Gov. Andrew Cuomo announced Wednesday that the latest Division of Homeland Security and Emergency Services stockpile is located in a 35,000-square-foot facility in the Erie County town of Hamburg, just […]

The Seattle Times 

City of Oroville to sue over losses due to dam emergency

OROVILLE, Calif. (AP) — The city of Oroville plans to sue state water officials for damages caused when thousands of its residents had to be evacuated last year after the Oroville Dam spillways failed. Oroville City Attorney Scott Huber says the city will file the lawsuit Wednesday, when officials also plan to hold a news […]

The Seattle Times 

Virginia teen indicted in homicide, shootout with officer

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — A Virginia grand jury has charged a teen with killing a man and then exchanging gunfire with a police officer. Richmond police said in a release Tuesday that a grand jury indicted 18-year-old James E. Williams Jr. last week in the Dec. 14 shooting death of 24-year-old Antoine L. Smith Jr. […]

The Seattle Times 

Jewish group: Spy case shows Germany must act against Iran

BERLIN (AP) — Germany’s Jewish community says raids against suspected Iranian agents show Berlin needs to take a tougher line toward Tehran. German authorities have searched premises linked to 10 people suspected of conducting espionage activity on behalf of Iranian intelligence. Prosecutors, however, have refused to confirm reports the suspects are linked to the elite […]

The Seattle Times 

Website to help victims track sexual assault kits’ progress

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Utah officials says a new federal grant will allow the state to offer more resources to victims waiting as their sexual assault kits are going through the testing process. Sexual Assault Kit Initiative Coordinator Krystal Hazlett said Tuesday that Utah’s Commission on Criminal and Juvenile Justice received $2.2 million grant […]

The Seattle Times 

Idaho group fights dismissal of children’s book lawsuit

BOISE, Idaho (AP) — A group that aims to preserve and promote the work of a deaf, self-taught Idaho artist whose creations appear in museums around the world is fighting an attempt to dismiss its copyright infringement lawsuit against an Oregon children’s book author. The Boise, Idaho,-based James Castle Collection and Archive in a document […]

The Seattle Times 

Detroit church offers sanctuary to man facing deportation

DETROIT (AP) — A Detroit church is giving sanctuary to a Michigan man who is facing deportation to Albania. Central United Methodist Church is offering sanctuary to 48-year-old Ded Rranxburgaj of Southgate, who is scheduled to be deported Jan. 25. The church declared itself a sanctuary church in 2017. Rranxburgaj came to the U.S. with […]

The Seattle Times 

R.J. Rico named AP Georgia legislative relief staffer

ATLANTA (AP) — R.J. Rico, an industrious reporter with strong news judgment, has been hired by The Associated Press for the Atlanta legislative relief position. The 12-week assignment was announced Wednesday by South Region News Director Ravi Nessman and Deep South Editor Jim Van Anglen. The 28-year-old has previously worked in a variety of positions […]

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Экология в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге об усилении совместных усилий России и Китая по борьбе с загрязнением пластиковым мусором

Путин в России и мире

Президент Путин вернулся в Москву и встретился в Кремле с главой Ингушетии

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Белорусская филармония и хор готовы приехать на гастроли в Алтайский край — Лукашенко

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Столтенберг решил не встречаться с Зеленским в Брюсселе

Навальный в России и мире

Адвокатам Навального продлили арест

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Элвис Пресли

Родстер BMW Z4 попытались сделать похожим на BMW 507 Элвиса Пресли


Комлесхоз Подмосковья провел мероприятие «Путь в мастера» для любителей природы

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