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Новости за 17.01.2018

The Seattle Times 

Interior official blasts resignation of parks advisory board

ANCHORAGE, Alaska (AP) — A U.S. Interior Department official has reacted harshly to the resignation of most members of a board that advises it on national parks. Associate Deputy Secretary Todd Willens said Wednesday that members of the National Park System Advisory Board ignored sexual harassment at national parks and praised a former parks official […]

The Seattle Times 

Macedonia president vetoes Albanian language bill

SKOPJE, Macedonia (AP) — Macedonia’s president on Wednesday vetoed a law making Albanian the country’s second official language, describing the legislation as unnecessary and unconstitutional. Macedonian lawmakers approved the bill last week in a parliamentary vote boycotted by the main opposition party. But conservative President Gjorge Ivanov said the law would introduce a “very expensive […]

The Seattle Times 

Virginians likely to pay more in state taxes this year

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — The recent federal tax overhaul probably means more state taxes will be paid in Virginia next year — but exactly by whom and how much are still unknown. Secretary of Finance Aubrey Layne told lawmakers Wednesday that the impact of the federal tax changes is so complicated that the state needs […]

The Seattle Times 

Oroville sues state of California over 2017 dam crisis

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A city at the base of the nation’s tallest dam is suing the state of California over a crisis that forced authorities to order 188,000 people to flee last year. The City of Oroville filed suit in Butte County Wednesday alleging the California Department of Water Resources mismanaged Oroville Dam for […]

The Seattle Times 

Pickup, train collision in Mexico kills 5, injures 10

MEXICO CITY (AP) — Authorities in central Mexico say a crash involving a pickup truck and a train has killed five people and injured 10 more, including six children. The Jalisco state Civil Defense Department reports via Twitter that Wednesday’s accident took place in Lagos de Moreno in the northeastern part of the state. It […]

The Seattle Times 

Suspect in California deputies’ deaths barred from courtroom

SACRAMENTO, Calif. (AP) — A suspect standing trial in the slayings of two Northern California sheriff’s deputies was removed from the courtroom after his latest outburst threatening jurors and deputies. The Sacramento Bee reports that Luis Enrique Monroy Bracamontes began shouting profane threats in English and Spanish moments after the second day of his trial […]

The Seattle Times 

Brady misses news conference to meet with medical staff

FOXBOROUGH, Mass. (AP) — The Patriots say quarterback Tom Brady did not attend a scheduled AFC championship news conference Wednesday because he was meeting with the team medical staff. Team spokesman Stacey James didn’t say why Brady was with medical personnel, but said he will be listed on the team’s first injury report for the […]

The Seattle Times 

Police charge Boone woman with fatal stabbing of man

BOONE, Iowa (AP) — A Boone woman has been charged with murder after police found a man stabbed to death in the house they shared. The Des Moines Register reports police charged 59-year-old Mary Myers with first-degree murder after she came to the Boone police station on Tuesday night and said she’d stabbed 65-year-old Joe […]

The Seattle Times 

Money flowing into race to replace term-limited LePage

AUGUSTA, Maine (AP) — Candidates vying to succeed Maine’s term-limited Gov. Paul LePage are reporting at least $2.2 million in contributions ahead of the June primary. About two dozen candidates are currently registered to run for governor this year. Candidates faced a Tuesday campaign finance deadline. The biggest money-getters include Democratic Maine National Guard veteran […]

The Seattle Times 

Child death review recommends treatment for addicted mothers

HELENA, Mont. (AP) — A Department of Justice review suggests the state could prevent child deaths by offering more treatment services for pregnant women and new mothers who are battling drug and alcohol addiction. The Office of the Child and Family Ombudsman reviewed the deaths last year of 14 children whose cases had been reported […]

The Seattle Times 

Senate panel advances Trump health secretary pick

WASHINGTON (AP) — A Senate committee has signed off on President Donald Trump’s pick for health secretary, clearing the way for final confirmation of Alex Azar. The Finance Committee voted 15-12 on Wednesday to send Azar’s nomination to the full Senate. Although the panel’s vote was largely along party lines, Azar’s confirmation hearings weren’t nearly […]

The Seattle Times 

Law would ban tethering pets in freezing weather

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — As temperatures across Virginia plunged to the single digits, many pets no doubt have been left in the cold. The frigid weather in recent weeks prompted Assistant Attorney General Michelle Welch to send a memo instructing animal control officers how to respond to calls regarding animals left outside. Pet owners have […]

The Seattle Times 

Hogan set to post big lead in governor’s race fundraising

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) — Gov. Larry Hogan is expected to file that he has more than $9 million in campaign funds for his re-election bid. A campaign memo says the Republican’s ticket has raised more than $5.4 million over the past year. Campaigns have a midnight Wednesday deadline to file fundraising reports. Some Democrats in […]

The Seattle Times 

Amended lawsuit seeks to overturn Vandeven’s firing

JEFFERSON CITY, Mo. (AP) — Citing new testimony from a state school board member, a Springfield teacher is asking a judge to overturn the Missouri Board of Education’s controversial removal of the state education commissioner. Teacher Laurie Sullivan filed a lawsuit in November accusing the board of violating the state’s open meetings law before it […]

The Seattle Times 

Arizona News Coverage Advisory

PHOENIX (AP) — Good morning. Here’s a look at how AP’s general news coverage is shaping up in Arizona. Questions about coverage plans are welcome and should be directed to the AP-Phoenix bureau at 602-258-8934 or aparizona@ap.org. This information is not for publication or broadcast, and these coverage plans are subject to change. Expected stories […]

The Seattle Times 

Police say man facing eviction killed Texas landlady, self

IRVING, Texas (AP) — Investigators say a man facing eviction from a Dallas-area home for delinquent rent was found dead a day after being sought in the slaying of his landlady. Police in Irving on Wednesday announced investigators believe 50-year-old Mark Leonard Kincer killed the homeowner, traveled 350 miles to Monahans and then took his […]

The Seattle Times 

Pittsburgh to pay $5.5 million in suit over police shooting

PITTSBURGH (AP) — The city of Pittsburgh has agreed to pay $5.5 million to resolve a federal lawsuit filed by a black man paralyzed when he was shot by a police officer during a traffic stop. Mayor William Peduto and Leon Ford said in a joint statement released by the city that “after five years […]

The Seattle Times 

Oklahoma county jail inmates found unresponsive, dies

NORMAN, Okla. (AP) — Authorities say a man arrested for trespassing when he refused to leave a Norman hospital has died after being found unresponsive in the Cleveland County jail. Sheriff Todd Gibson says the man was found unresponsive in his cell shortly before 10 p.m. Tuesday and was taken to a hospital where he […]

The Seattle Times 

2nd case of measles confirmed in person who was at O’Hare

SPRINGFIELD, Ill. (AP) — Illinois public health officials are reporting a second case of measles in a person who was at Chicago’s O’Hare International Airport. The Illinois Department of Public Health on Wednesday said this case is unrelated to a case reported last week at the airport. The department says there isn’t a measles outbreak […]

The Seattle Times 

What to watch: The fight over Virginia’s electric rates

RICHMOND, Va. (AP) — Virginia’s General Assembly is in the middle of a contentious fight over electric rates that could impact monthly utility bills for most businesses and residents. A bipartisan group of lawmakers led by Republican Sen. Frank Wagner and Democratic Sen. Dick Saslaw is set to unveil utility-backed legislation tomorrow overhauling how the […]

The Seattle Times 

Organizers revise sexual misconduct policies for Sundance

SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Organizers of the Sundance Film Festival are rolling out guidelines aimed at preventing and reporting sexual misconduct. Organizers say they revised the festival’s code of conduct and partnered with Park City police and the Utah Attorney General’s Office for guidance. The state office is providing a 24-hour live hotline for […]

The Seattle Times 

Northern Virginia man charged with threat to bomb police car

FAIRFAX, Va. (AP) — A northern Virginia man has been charged with threatening to blow up a police car. Fairfax County Police announced Wednesday that 46-year-old Virgil Snyder of Woodbridge is facing a charge of threatening to bomb a means of transportation. Police say they received a call shortly after 5 a.m. on Jan. 2 […]

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Экология в России и мире

Бестопливные Neutrinovoltaic электромобили проектируются в Индии

Путин в России и мире

Президент России утвердил Основы государственной политики РФ в области исторического просвещения: комментарий экспертов Президентской академии в СЗФО

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Последняя ставка. Киев в отчаянии из-за успехов российских сил. Зеленский прибегает к немыслимому способу спастись

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Игорь Бутман об Ирине Отиевой: “Жаль, что человека нету”


Какой сегодня праздник: 15 мая – Международный день семьи

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