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Новости за 21.05.2020

Raw Story 

22 killed as ‘super cyclone’ ravages Bangladesh, India

Satkhira (Bangladesh) (AFP) – At least 22 people died as the fiercest cyclone to hit parts of Bangladesh and eastern India this century sent trees flying and flattened houses, with millions crammed into shelters despite the risk of coronavirus.Millions were left without power after Cyclone Amphan, packing winds of around 150 kilometres per hour (95 […]

Raw Story 

Overwhelmed and losing, Trump is melting down in a narcissistic rage: reports

Reports of Trump flying into a rage behind closed doors–shouting at aides, turning on former allies and at one point threatening to sue his campaign manager for failing to deliver good polling numbers–have been ubiquitous over the last three years. But this past week feels qualitatively and quantitatively different, as has fired a series of […]

Raw Story 

A world redrawn: Legendary photographer captures the way that coronavirus creating a ‘genocide’ threat in the Amazon

Legendary photographer Sebastiao Salgado has warned of a “genocide” of the Amazon’s indigenous peoples if the Brazilian government does not do more to protect them from the coronavirus. The country’s far-right president, Jair Bolsonaro — who has dismissed the virus as a “little flu” — has long been accused of encouraging loggers and farmers to […]

Raw Story 

Korean football club get record fine over fully clothed sex dolls in stands

South Korea’s FC Seoul were fined a record 100 million won ($81,000) for using sex dolls to fill seats at a match held behind closed doors, with K-League officials saying the football club had “deeply humiliated women fans”. With spectators barred because of the coronavirus, FC Seoul came under fire after dozens of dolls wearing […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s vaccine czar under fire for his relationship with drug companies he’ll be overseeing

On Wednesday, The New York Times published an analysis of the extensive industry ties — and potential conflicts of interest — of President Donald Trump’s new top vaccine official. “The scientist, Moncef Slaoui, is a venture capitalist and a former longtime executive at GlaxoSmithKline,” reported Sheila Kaplan, Matthew Goldstein, and Alexandra Stevenson. “Most recently, he sat […]

Raw Story 

Chris Cuomo’s CNN interview with his brother the governor takes a bizarre turn

CNN’s Chris Cuomo has turned his interviews with his brother, Gov. Andrew Cuomo (D-NY) beyond the question and answer for some momentary levity amid the heartbreak and loss Americans are experiencing in the COVID-19 crisis. The comedic questions have helped draw attention to important issues couched between chuckles. Speaking Wednesday, the younger Cuomo inquired about […]

Raw Story 

Internet mocks upcoming pro-Trump version of ‘The View’: ‘Hard pass for those grifters’

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump’s campaign unveiled a new pro-Trump talk show that will be called “The Right View” — essentially, “The View” except all the hosts support Trump. The show will be hosted by the president’s daughter-in-law Lara Trump, Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend Kimberly Guilfoyle, Trump campaign strategist Mercedes Schlapp, and 2016 Trump campaign […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s ambiguity on Obamagate is so his followers can make it whatever conspiracy they want: columnist

Washington Post columnist Molly Roberts captured the reason that President Donald Trump doesn’t want to “define” what actual crime is contained in what he calls Obamagate. During a press conference, The Post’s Phil Rucker asked the president to define what exactly Obamagate was. The president attacked the question saying that everyone knows it and if […]

Raw Story 

Pompeo disregarded warnings of intel officials to push Saudi arms deal under investigation by fired IG: report

On Wednesday, Politico reported that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo ignored warnings from senior administration officials against a controversial Saudi arms deal at the center of an inspector general investigation. “Secretary of State Mike Pompeo disregarded the advice of high-level officials at the State Department, Pentagon and within the intelligence community in invoking an emergency […]

Raw Story 

White House’s COVID-19 testing is so inadequate it’s like ‘giving squirt guns to the Secret Service’: Expert

On CNN Wednesday, Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy Director Michael Osterholm warned that the White House’s current testing protocols will not be effective in protecting senior White House officials from coronavirus outbreaks. “You have to understand that a test is not just a single thing that happens,” said Osterholm. “You have to be […]

Raw Story 

FEMA under investigation by DHS inspector general over how it has distributed medical supplies: report

On Wednesday, Axios reported that the Homeland Security inspector general has opened an investigation into how the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has distributed medical supplies in the coronavirus pandemic. “FEMA is leading federal operations in response to the outbreak and is tasked with distributing vital medical supplies and protective equipment across the U.S.,” wrote […]

Raw Story 

‘They hate the truth’: Chuck Schumer criticizes Trump for ‘outrageous’ watchdog firing spree

On CNN Wednesday, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) excoriated President Donald Trump over the firing spree of inspectors general. “Do you think Secretary Pompeo broke the law by doing what he did?” asked host Erin Burnett. “We don’t know enough facts,” said Schumer. “That’s why the inspector general should have been allowed to pursue […]

Raw Story 

Woman who held racist sign at reopening protest begs for forgiveness after she’s outed online

A California woman is begging for forgiveness after she was photographed holding a sign suggesting that animals and Black people should be “muzzled.” “Demonstrators convened at the Humboldt County Courthouse in rural Northern California on May 16 to protest the state’s COVID-19 policies. Gretha Stenger was among them, and a picture of her at the […]

Raw Story 

Conservative blasts GOP’s Ron Johnson: He’s doing ‘what the president of Ukraine would not do’ for Trump

On MSNBC Wednesday, conservative commentator Charlie Sykes slammed Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) for failing to do anything to investigate the scandals surrounding Secretary of State Mike Pompeo, who urged President Donald Trump to fire an inspector general who was investigating him. His dereliction of duty, Sykes suggested, was a gift for Trump on par with […]

Raw Story 

Illinois Republican ejected from legislative session for refusing to wear mask

On Wednesday, the Effingham Daily News reported that Rep. Darren Bailey, a Republican state lawmaker in Illinois, was removed from a House session after he refused to wear a mask, as part of the new coronavirus rules that passed the chamber 97-12. “Prior to reconvening the session after caucus, House Republican Leader Jim Durkin, of […]

Raw Story 

Mike Flynn’s case could ultimately uncover why Bill Barr dropped the case: analysis

CNN’s Jeff Toobin explained in a New Yorker column Wednesday that if there’s one thing Judge Emmet Sullivan hates its prosecutorial misconduct. That could give clues to the future of Lt. Gen. Michael Flynn’s Hail Mary to stay out of jail. Flynn already pleaded guilty to lying to FBI agents, but the Department of Justice […]

Raw Story 

Florida knew a COVID-19 pandemic was likely — but state leaders didn’t warn the public

MIAMI — Three months ago, Floridians were celebrating Valentine’s Day unaware that the novel coronavirus posed any real threat to their lives, or that it was likely already spreading through the state. No one had told them to be worried.While the public was kept in the dark, top Florida health officials were scrambling to come […]

Raw Story 

US births hit 35-year low, part of larger ‘baby bust’

US births hit a 35-year low last year, US officials announced Wednesday, part of an ongoing “baby bust” that is not predicted to get better under the coronavirus pandemic. Mothers gave birth to some 3.75 million babies in 2019, down one percent from the previous year and the lowest number since 1985, according to the […]

Raw Story 

Police officer: It’s ‘unfortunate’ not all Black people were killed by coronavirus

On Wednesday, The Olympian reported that a police officer in Kaplan, Louisiana was terminated after a racist social media comment. During a live stream of a COVID-19 press conference by Gov. John Bel Edwards, another commenter wrote, “virus that was created to kill all the BLACKS is death.” In response, Ofc. Steven Aucoin wrote “Well […]

Raw Story 

Trump mocked after saying he’ll stop taking hydroxychloroquine in two days

On Wednesday, President Donald Trump announced that he would finish his hydroxycholoroquine regimen in two days — bringing an end to a prophylactic treatment that is not backed by medical evidence. Commenters on social media mocked the president at the news. He also said he took “an original dose” of azithromycin as a preventative. But […]

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Экология в России и мире

Бастрыкин поручил возбудить дело против рубщиков леса в Хорошево-Мневниках

Путин в России и мире

Путин и глава Туркменистана обсудили подготовку к саммитам СНГ и БРИКС

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Николай Лукашенко рассказал, как готовился к выступлению на «Минск-Арене»

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский хочет вступить в НАТО до завершения полномочий Байдена

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Пётр Чайковский

8 и 9 октября в Петербурге выступит Большой симфонический оркестр имени П.И. Чайковского


Самолет совершил жесткую посадку в российском регионе

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