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Новости за 17.05.2020

Raw Story 

Trump interrupts PGA to blame Obama for the COVID-19 crisis

Former President Barack Obama may have been out of office for three years, but the 2019 coronavirus was somehow made worse by him, according to President Donald Trump. Interrupting the PGA on Sunday, NBC interviewed Trump over the phone, where he name-dropped golfers claiming that he knew them. Then he quickly turned from hoping to […]

Raw Story 

Tennessee software exec loses job after meme suggests pay-per-view lynching of Obama: report

A Tennessee software executive is reportedly out of a job over images circulating on social media that suggest he wanted to see a pay-per-view lynching of former President Barack Obama. The Chatanooga Times Free Press reported on Sunday that Transcard, a software company in based in Chatanooga, had removed an employee who posted offensive content. […]

Raw Story 

Laura Ingraham, working from home: Democrats pushing ‘panic porn’ because they ‘don’t like you’

Fox News prime-time host Laura Ingraham, who has no medical or scientific expertise, mocked public health concerns about vaccines, testing and contact tracing programs on her show Friday, accusing Democrats of pushing “panic porn” because “they don’t even like you.” This article first appeared in Salon. Ingraham offered fulsome praise of President Trump’s Friday afternoon […]

Raw Story 

‘90,000 Americans dead’: Eric Trump slammed for calling COVID-19 crisis a Democratic hoax that will ‘magically disappear’

President Donald Trump’s younger adult son is being criticized for falsely claiming on national television that the COVID-19  crisis is a Democratic hoax that will “disappear” after the November presidential election. Eric Trump said that Democrats are hyping the COVID-19 pandemic to prevent conservatives from attending his father’s campaign re-election rallies. “Listen, Biden loves this,” […]

Raw Story 

Bill Clinton polling guru pinpoints surprising states Biden can lock down to derail Trump’s re-election bid

According to former President Bill Clinton’s political director, the path to the White House for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden is becoming clearer as polling shows that Donald Trump is hurting in some normally reliable Republican-leaning or pivotal swing states. In the report, obtained by Axios, Doug Sosnik said the Rust Belt states already […]

Raw Story 

Trump buried in derision for calling Obama ‘grossly incompetent’ after inspiring TV appearance: ‘Somebody’s jealous’

Arriving back a the White House after spending the weekend at Camp David, Donald Trump was asked about comments made by former President  Barack Obama who told a national television audience on Saturday night that there are members of the administration who aren’t even trying to solve the coronavirus pandemic — without mentioning Trump. According […]

Raw Story 

Putin’s Russia is handling the COVID-19 outbreak much like Trump’s America — badly

For obvious reasons, the word “Russia” has dominated American headlines since the beginning of Donald Trump’s presidency. Many who opposed Trump believed that Russia’s election interference helped Trump win the 2016 presidential election; whereas many Trump supporters believed that Democrats were using a half-baked scandal as an excuse to delegitimize their opponent and lick their wounds after an unexpected electoral defeat. […]

Raw Story 

Black columnist to Mitch McConnell: ‘Why don’t you just go ahead and call Barack Obama the n-word?’

Columnist Leonard Pitts Jr. on Sunday asserted that Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell’s (R-KY) recent attack on former President Barack Obama is just a substitute for calling him a racial epithet. “I think President Obama should have kept his mouth shut,” McConnell said after Obama criticized President Donald Trump’s pandemic response last week. “Why don’t […]

Raw Story 

HHS secretary says Trump’s ‘Warp Speed’ vaccine ‘may not be safe and effective but we’ll have it’

Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar on Sunday admitted that the Trump administration’s so-called “Warp Speed” vaccine effort could produce hundreds of millions of doses that are neither safe nor effective. Azar made the remarks during an appearance on Face the Nation with host Margaret Brennan. “Is the pledge 300 million Americans will be […]

Raw Story 

Chuck Todd repeatedly allows Trump adviser Peter Navarro to call pandemic the ‘China virus’

Trump administration trade adviser Peter Navarro repeatedly referred to COVID-19 as the “China virus” during an interview with NBC’s Chuck Todd on Sunday. During an appearance on Meet the Press, Todd asked Navarro if he had a “good explanation” for why the national stockpiles were not replenished by the Trump administration before the current pandemic. […]

Raw Story 

‘Not that articulate’: Fox News attacks Obama for slamming Trump’s pandemic response

The hosts of Fox & Friends on Sunday lashed out at former President Barack Obama after he criticized President Donald Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Obama made the remarks while delivering a commencement address by video to 78 historically black colleges on Saturday. “This pandemic has fully, finally torn back the curtain on the […]

Raw Story 

CNN’s Tapper uses opening comments to slam Trump for his ‘deranged and indecent’ smears of his opponents

CNN’s Jake Tapper used his opening comments on Sunday’s “State of the Union” to criticize Donald Trump and his team for “smearing” his critics, saying the attacks are “deranged” and “unmoored from reality” among other criticisms. After first noting how the coronavirus was still pummeling the country and approaching 90,000 U.S. deaths, Tapper praised former […]

Raw Story 

House passes $3 trillion new coronavirus stimulus bill: What does it mean?

The House of Representatives passed the massive$3 trillion coronavirusstimulus bill on Friday evening. This new bill, called the HEROES (Health and Economic Recovery Omnibus Emergency Solution) Act, promises hazard pay for frontline healthcare workers, aid to state and local governments, stimulus checks to all, student loan relief, and more.New coronavirus stimulus bill: what next?Even though […]

Raw Story 

Trump loyalist secretly slams president behind his back over ‘botched’ handling of pandemic

According to a report from the Daily Beast, billionaire Donald Trump backer Peter Thiel has become disenchanted with the president over his handling of the coronavirus pandemic and is currently keeping his distance from Trump’s 2020 re-election efforts. The report from the Beast’s Lachlan Cartwright, Asawin Suebsaeng and Lachlan Markay states, “During the last presidential […]

Raw Story 

America’s 53 million caregivers: More than 1 in 5 Americans are taking care of their elderly, ill and disabled relatives and friends

Immunocompromised people, seniors with dementia and anyone with a chronic disease are more likely to experience the most severe COVID-19 symptoms. Caregivers face new worries due to the coronavirus, including whether they can they still assist their vulnerable relatives and friends and what they should do if they themselves or someone they live with gets […]

Raw Story 

Remote work worsens inequality by mostly helping high-income earners

The importance of remote work, also known as telecommuting, is evident during the current COVID-19 crisis. During a period of confinement and physical distancing, telecommuting has enabled some workers to carry out their usual tasks from home. But remote work can also be a source of socioeconomic inequality for workers in many different ways. These […]

Raw Story 

An inmate’s love for math leads to new discoveries

There are many examples of mathematical breakthroughs achieved in prison. Maybe the most famous is from the French mathematician Andre Weil, who came up with his hugely influential conjectures while in a military prison in Rouen, France. Another mathematical giant, Srinivasan Ramanujan, started off with no formal training in mathematics and produced most of his […]

Raw Story 

Hamster tests show masks reduce coronavirus spread: scientists

Hong Kong (AFP) – Tests on hamsters reveal the widespread use of facemasks reduces transmission of the deadly coronavirus, a team of leading experts in Hong Kong said Sunday.The research by the University of Hong Kong is some of the first to specifically investigate whether masks can stop symptomatic and asymptomatic COVID-19 carriers from infecting […]

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Экология в России и мире

Забирает энергию, наводит порчу, вызывает слепоту: почему нельзя смотреть на северное сияние

Путин в России и мире

Король Бахрейна прибыл с миром // Он обсудит с Владимиром Путиным арабский план по Газе

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский пожаловался, что западная помощь опаздывает

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



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