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Новости за 16.05.2020

Raw Story 

‘This is a pandemic’: Trump blasted for fixation on his debunked #Obamagate conspiracy theory

President Donald Trump interrupted his vacation at Camp David to push a debunked conspiracy theory. “OBAMAGATE!” Trump tweeted, in all-caps on Saturday. The nonsensical conspiracy theory has been repeatedly pushed by Trump, even though he’s struggled to explain what it is. Nonetheless, Trump has repeatedly pushed the conspiracy theory, in all capital letters. OBAMAGATE! — […]

Raw Story 

Rick Wilson taunts Mitch McConnell to obey Trump and go after Obama — then watch it blow up in his face

Longtime Republican strategist Rick Wilson explained why it would be disastrous for the Republican-controlled Senate to investigate former President Barack Obama. Trump has been publicly pressuring Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) to investigate the conspiracy theory that Trump calls “Obamagate.” Mitch, I love you, but this is 100% true. Time is running out. Get […]

Raw Story 

Popular character actor Fred Willard dead at 86

According to a report from TMZ, popular character actor and comedian Fred Willard has passed away at age 86. “The veteran comedic actor passed away late Friday night,” TMZ reported, adding that his daughter Hope told them, “My father passed away very peacefully last night at the fantastic age of 86 years old. He kept […]

Raw Story 

Five USS Theodore Roosevelt sailors test positive for COVID-19 a second time: report

On Saturday, The Washington Post reported that five sailors onboard the U.S.S. Theodore Roosevelt have tested positive for COVID-19 for a second time. “Pentagon spokesman Jonathan Hoffman said that it is ‘a learning process’ to understand how to best adapt to the virus,” said the report. “Hoffman said the sailors were removed from the ship […]

Raw Story 

‘Slow moving coup’: Outrage after Trump quietly fires State Department inspector general

Democratic lawmakers and progressives erupted with anger after President Donald Trump on Friday night quietly removed the State Department’s Inspector general from his post, the latest example of the White House’s hostility to oversight and investigation. “What checks and balances do we have left?” wondered journalist Andrew Kimmel. “The slow-moving coup continues to successfully—and quite […]

Raw Story 

Trump regulators are using pandemic as an excuse to let banks and creditors prey on consumers: report

On Saturday, Politico reported that President Donald Trump’s officials at the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) are using the coronavirus pandemic as an excuse to suspend rules and oversight that require transparency from banks, credit card issuers, and credit bureaus. “The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau is relaxing rules designed to shield Americans from abuse during […]

Raw Story 

Internet stunned by ‘Mad King’ Trump’s ‘Mitch, I love you’ plea to McConnell to go after Russia collusion hoaxers

In a bizarre retweet of a Federalist editor’s claim that Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) has been ignoring “the Russian collusion hoax,” Donald Trump professed his love for the Senate majority leader and said it was true and could cost him the Senate in November. According to Sean Davis, “Mitch McConnell has spent years pretending as […]

Raw Story 

Former Republican Justin Amash announces he won’t run for president after all

On Saturday, Rep. Justin Amash (I-MI) announced that he would not be mounting a bid for president after all. After much reflection, I’ve concluded that circumstances don’t lend themselves to my success as a candidate for president this year, and therefore I will not be a candidate. — Justin Amash (@justinamash) May 16, 2020 In […]

Raw Story 

GOP lawmaker seeking Rep. Doug Collins’ House seat linked to white supremacists: report

On Saturday, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reported that a photo is circulating of Rep. Matt Gurtler, the GOP state representative running for the seat held by Rep. Doug Collins, with a white supremacist leader. “The photo shows Rep. Matt Gurtler, R-Tiger, with Chester Doles, a Georgia man with longstanding ties to numerous white supremacist organizations, including […]

Raw Story 

Trump administration accused of ‘seizing’ 50,000 N95 respirators intended for medical workers by Masks for America founder

On Saturday, writing for USA TODAY, Women’s March official and manufacturing expert Bob Bland accused the Trump administration of diverting medical supplies her Masks for America organization had intended for medical workers. “One month ago, as COVID-19 spread across the county and critical personal protective equipment (PPE) like masks, gloves, surgical gowns and face shields […]

Raw Story 

America’s indifference to death is nothing new — but it’s made this crisis much worse

American culture has always demonstrated a callous indifference to death. At our nation’s inception, its triumphant rhetoric of equality and democratic revolution excluded any acknowledgment of slavery, or the genocide conducted against its Native population. Over the past two centuries, America’s history of uninterrupted war, conquest and exploitation bred into the public too much comfort with the […]

Raw Story 

Trump cheers on anti-lockdown protestors for attacking a journalist covering their event

This morning President Donald Trump issued two tweets in support of anti-lockdown protestors in Commack, Long Island, New York who lashed out at News 12 Long Island reporter Kevin Vesey as he covered their event. While the majority of white Trump-supporting demonstrators peacefully picketed the roadside, four minutes into covering the event, several protestors started […]

Raw Story 

To stay afloat in the pandemic, doctors forced to turn to GoFundMe

A few weeks ago, I received an unsettling email. The staff at my daughter’s pediatrician’s office — a family-run private practice in Brooklyn that serves more than 3,800 patients — was shifting to part time. The practice had applied for the Small Business Administration’s Paycheck Protection Program, meant to help small businesses weather the economic […]

Raw Story 

Mitch McConnell’s push to shield companies from COVID-19 lawsuits dismantled by NYT editorial board

On Saturday, The New York Times editorial board excoriated the demand of Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) that any new coronavirus relief bill include liability protections for corporations that get their employees infected. “The biggest obstacle, as [McConnell] sees it, is not a deadly disease but rapacious trial lawyers, capitalizing on the virus to […]

Raw Story 

Trump rails at MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell and ‘Psycho Cold Case Joe Scarborough’ in Twitter rant

Donald Trump continued his Twitter flurry on Saturday afternoon with an attack on MSNBC’s Lawrence O’Donnell — also getting in a jab at fellow MSNBC host Joe Scarborough — over an interview O’Donnell did with former Vice President Joe Biden. Referring to his previous reality show, the president wrote, “Really sad, but even ‘sadder’, watch […]

Raw Story 

As millions lose insurance, states cut Medicaid in response to the coronavirus crisis

States are announcing deep Medicaid cuts due to budget shortfalls stemming from the coronavirus pandemic, at the same time that millions of people lose their employer-based health coverage.This article first appeared on Salon.During the Great Recession, state Medicaid programs slashed coverage for services like dentistry, podiatry, and insulin pumps amid steep budget cutbacks. The current crisis […]

Raw Story 

CDC officials are complaining about Dr. Birx’s failure to push back on Trump’s lies: report

On CNN Saturday, correspondent Kristen Holmes revealed that officials at the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta are frustrated with coronavirus task force official Dr. Deborah Birx, because of her unwillingness to correct false claims made by President Donald Trump. “Nick Valencia reporting with me, talking to CDC officials in Atlanta, who said they’ve been […]

Raw Story 

GOP lawmakers denial of aid to blue states will come back to haunt them in the worst way: columnist

According to a column from Nicole Gelinas, Republican lawmakers who have been complaining about sending coronavirus aid to predominately Democratic-run states may want to dial it back because it could come back to haunt them in the very near future. As Gelkinas explained, “A long-simmering uneasiness between densely populated Democratic states and more sprawling Republican […]

Raw Story 

Trump slammed for praising his ‘GREAT job on COVID response’ as death toll climbs

Donald Trump kept up his tweet barrage on Saturday morning, attacking Democrats and the media, and then turning around and praising himself for the job he is doing battling the coronavirus pandemic. According to the president: “We’ve done a GREAT job on Covid response, making all Governors look good, some fantastic (and that’s OK), but […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s latest IG purge trashed by ex-national security official: He wants ‘fraud and abuse to run rampant’

On Saturday, former national security official Samantha Vinograd tore into President Donald Trump for the firing of the State Department inspector general. “The timing could not be worse, when you think of how IG to IG transmission is supposed to happen,” said Vinograd. “The U.S. government is under increased pressure right now because of the […]

Raw Story 

Giving private schools federal emergency funds slated for low-income students will shortchange at-risk kids

Public schools have faced three distinct challenges since the coronavirus pandemic began – scrambling to make sure that low-income children don’t go hungry, teaching students remotely who lack internet access and bracing for dramatically smaller budgets. Congress tried to help in the US$2 trillion economic relief package known as the Coronavirus Aid, Relief and Economic […]

Raw Story 

Obamacare’s insurance safety net protects many of the millions losing their employer-provided health insurance – but not all

The loss of 31 million jobs due to coronvirus has an added downside: 27 million have lost job-based health insurance. The worst may still lie ahead. One study estimated that 25 to 43 million people could lose coverage from their employer. The situation for many Americans feels dramatic. Fortunately, the limited U.S. safety net will […]

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Экология в России и мире


Путин в России и мире

Активам прописали превентивные меры // Какое имущество США в России может быть изъято в качестве ответного шага

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Посол Белоруссии: Лукашенко и Путин обсудят учения с тактическим ядерным оружием

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бортник: Киев ждёт общий провал, если ВСУ останется без успехов до осени

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Comedy Club

«Жуки» возвращаются: телеканал ТНТ и Comedy Club Production объявляют о продолжении народного хита про трех айтишников в деревне


Мещанский суд арестовал 4 фигурантов дела о хищении у юрлица в ПАО «Россети»

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