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Новости за 04.05.2020

Raw Story 

Is the $600 unemployment benefit taxable?

Q. I am receiving unemployment benefits due to COVID-19. I also am receiving an additional $600 weekly until July 31 as a result of the CARES Act. Is the $600 taxable federally?— Out of workA. Yes, the extra $600 that the unemployed can receive as part of the expanded federal benefits is taxed by the […]

Raw Story 

‘You’re not well’: MSNBC’s Morning Joe calls on Trump to let Mike Pence act as president until his sanity improves

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough called on President Donald Trump to step aside and let Vice President Mike Pence to manage the coronavirus crisis. The president smeared the “Morning Joe” host by dredging up the 2001 death of one of Scarborough’s congressional staffers, which he’s done before, and the broadcaster questioned Trump’s sanity. “He’s denying that a […]

Raw Story 

Sorry, French press users — but study says you should filter your coffee

Coffee fuels early risers and night owls, and during coronavirus isolation many people are brewing their own drinks at home.A recent study shows only one problem with that: If you use a French press, you aren’t filtering your coffee well enough.“Our study provides strong and convincing evidence of a link between coffee brewing methods, heart […]

Raw Story 

Theme parks’ post-pandemic world: 5 changes to expect

ORLANDO, Fla. — Change is barreling toward Orlando’s theme parks and attractions, thanks to the coronavirus pandemic. Adjustments will be made in many ways — perhaps in every way — experts and analysts say.Visitors should brace themselves for alterations, for example, in how to buy admission tickets, for spread-out seating arrangements aboard park rides and […]

Raw Story 

Universal child care was provided during World War II. We need it again during this pandemic — and beyond

Historically, times of crisis have brought out the best in U.S. policymaking. The Great Depression ushered in the New Deal. The Cuyahoga River burning due to industrial pollution in 1969 gave us the Environmental Protection Agency. What might the coronavirus-fueled public health and economic emergencies lead to? If we follow another example from history, the […]

Raw Story 

What to do with all those potatoes you stockpiled

Merriam-Webster defines the potato pancake as a “lobe-finned fish known chiefly from Paleozoic and Mesozoic fossils.”Sorry. That’s a coelacanth.Regardless, while both the potato pancake and the coelacanth go great with sour cream and applesauce, that’s where the similarities end. In fact, I’m not even sure why we’re talking about coelacanths in the first place. This […]

Raw Story 

Presidential historian torches Trump’s claim that he’s been treated worse than Abe Lincoln

President Donald Trump over the weekend claimed that he has been treated worse than former President Abraham Lincoln, who was assassinated by pro-Confederacy actor John Wilkes Booth in 1865. Presidential historian Doris Kearns Goodwin appeared on CNN Monday morning and tore apart Trump’s claim that even a president who died after being shot in the […]

Raw Story 

MSNBC’s Mika explains how coronavirus has finally revealed ugly truth about Trump

MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski busted President Donald Trump for wrecking his re-election chances with constant lies about the coronavirus crisis. The “Morning Joe” co-host said his handling of the pandemic has been scandalous, and she said the stakes were too high for his usual strategies to work. “This virus is really different than other presidential scandals […]

Raw Story 

‘Blowhard’ Trump now a laughingstock in China for ongoing coronavirus bumbling: report

According to a report from Politico, message boards in China are now littered with comments ridiculing Donald Trump for his widely-noted bumbling as he tries to rally the United States during the coronavirus pandemic that has stopped the country in its tracks by causing Americans to huddle in their homes while the economy crashes. The […]

Raw Story 

COVID-plagued California nursing homes often had problems in the past

When Jorge Newbery finally got through to his 95-year-old mother, Jennifer, on a video call April 18, she could barely talk or move and her eyes couldn’t focus.It was the first time he had seen her since California nursing homes shut their doors to visitors a month earlier. Immediately after the video chat, Newbery called […]

Raw Story 

As COVID-19 lurks, families are locked out of nursing homes. Is it safe inside?

Families are beset by fear and anxiety as COVID-19 makes inroads at nursing homes across the country, threatening the lives of vulnerable older adults.Alarmingly more than 10,000 residents and staff at long-term care facilities have died from COVID infections, according to an April 23 analysis of state databy the Kaiser Family Foundation.But often facilities won’t […]

Raw Story 

Testing in California still a frustrating patchwork of haves and have-nots

Months into the spread of the coronavirus in the United States, widespread diagnostic testing still isn’t available, and California offers a sobering view of the dysfunction blocking the way.It’s hard to overstate how uneven the access to critical test kits remains in the nation’s largest state. Even as some Southern California counties are opening drive-thru […]

Raw Story 

Not every lawmaker in California agrees on COVID-only agenda

SACRAMENTO — California lawmakers return to the Capitol this week to begin what they describe as necessary but painful negotiations to keep the state running and redirect dwindling funds to the costly coronavirus pandemic.Leaders of the state Senate and Assembly have asked them to pursue only COVID-related or “essential” bills.But many legislators say they aren’t […]

Raw Story 

Former Pope Benedict complains of attempts to ‘silence’ him

Traditionalist former Pope Benedict XVI accuses opponents of wanting to “silence” him while attacking gay marriage in vehement terms in a new authorised biography published Monday in Germany. The 93-year-old, whose original name is Joseph Ratzinger, claims in “Benedict XVI – A Life” that he has fallen victim to a “malignant distortion of reality” in […]

Raw Story 

Trump says he won’t approve COVID-19 package without tax cut that offers zero relief for 30 million newly unemployed

“‘Payroll tax cut’ is code for ‘gut Social Security and Medicare’s dedicated funding, then demand benefit cuts.’ Democrats must stand strong and continue blocking Trump’s terrible idea.” President Donald Trump on Sunday said he will not approve another badly needed Covid-19 stimulus package if it doesn’t include a payroll tax cut, a policy that would strike a […]

Raw Story 

Trump relaunches campaign with vaccine promise, vision of ‘incredible’ future

President Donald Trump relaunched his election campaign Sunday with a live television event inside the iconic Lincoln Memorial, promising an early coronavirus vaccine and urging Americans to put the pandemic behind them to embrace an “incredible” future. With the two-hour long Fox News “town hall,” Trump sought to wrap himself in the mantle of America’s […]

Raw Story 

Equities tumble as Trump revives trade war fears

Stock markets suffered steep losses Monday, tracking a selloff in New York after Donald Trump sparked fears of a renewed trade war with China over its role in the coronavirus pandemic. Claims by the US president and Secretary of State Mike Pompeo that the disease started in a lab in Wuhan, and that those responsible […]

Raw Story 

Trump erupts at ‘Psycho Joe Scarborough’ after Morning Joe host delivers bad news on polling

President Donald Trump on Monday uncorked a crazed rant against MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough shortly after the “Morning Joe” host reported on bad polling news for the president. “‘Concast’ should open up a long overdue Florida Cold Case against Psycho Joe Scarborough,” the president wrote on Twitter. “I know him and Crazy Mika well, used them […]

Raw Story 

MSNBC’s Morning Joe destroys Trump for ‘lying’ about COVID-19 death toll

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough blasted President Donald Trump for moving the goalposts on coronavirus deaths. The president started by claiming the virus would disappear on its own, but his projections have shifted as the death toll mounts — and the “Morning Joe” host said Trump still didn’t have a strategy for managing the crisis. “He, again, […]

Raw Story 

Venezuela says it foiled an incursion by ‘mercenaries’

Venezuela’s leftist government said Sunday it foiled an incursion from the sea, killing eight members of a group of alleged mercenaries bent on “terrorist acts” aimed at overthrowing President Nicolas Maduro. Interior Minister Nestor Reverol said the group, which he said originated in Colombia, tried to land aboard fast boats before dawn in the northern […]

Raw Story 

Australia, New Zealand weigh trans-Tasman virus ‘bubble’

New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern will join an Australian leaders’ meeting on Tuesday to discuss establishing a “trans-Tasman bubble” that allows the neighbours to lift bilateral coronavirus travel bans. With both nations seeing significant drops in new infections, Ardern accepted Australian counterpart Scott Morrison’s invitation to join a virtual meeting of the National Cabinet, […]

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Экология в России и мире

Жара — только начало: Человечеству предрекли волну катаклизмов, от которой не спастись

Путин в России и мире

Ответный удар: у Москвы есть способ причинить Западу непоправимый ущерб

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

123ru.netмеждународная интерактивная информационная сеть (ежеминутные новости с ежедневным интелектуальным архивом). Только у нас — все главные новости дня без политической цензуры. "123 Новости" — абсолютно все точки зрения, трезвая аналитика, цивилизованные споры и обсуждения без взаимных обвинений и оскорблений. Помните, что не у всех точка зрения совпадает с Вашей. Уважайте мнение других, даже если Вы отстаиваете свой взгляд и свою позицию. Smi24.net — облегчённая версия старейшего обозревателя новостей 123ru.net.

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Глава МИД Польши попытался оправдаться за свои слова про Крым

Навальный в России и мире

Иван Дроботов: «Молоток — неподходящий инструмент решения политических конфликтов»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Иоганн Себастьян Бах

Бах, Вивальди и Реджо


Ищенко объяснил, как отразится увеличение Армии РФ на экономике

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