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Новости за 15.04.2020

Raw Story 

Trump supporters are willing to die to reopen economy: ‘When it’s my time to go, God’s going to call me home’

Supporters of President Donald Trump are getting antsy about stay-at-home orders — and they’re encouraging one another to openly rebel against strict measures aimed at slowing the spread of the coronavirus. The Daily Beast reports that Trump supporters are sparking a “protest movement” against social distancing restrictions aimed at forcing governors to reopen their economies […]

Raw Story 

People with COVID-19 may be infectious days before symptoms: study

People infected with the new coronavirus may start spreading the virus several days before they have any noticeable symptoms, according to a new modelling study published Wednesday. The study comes as nations have broadened restrictions aimed at curbing the epidemic, amid concerns over patients who may be infectious despite not showing signs of ill health. […]

Raw Story 

Trump and his allies have made a dark calculation — ‘reopening’ at any price is his only path to re-election

It seems like only yesterday that everyone was lamenting the lack of COVID-19 tests and vital medical equipment, and now we are supposedly ready to “reopen the country.” That’s because it was only yesterday — and it will be the same tomorrow. There are still not enough tests and not enough medical equipment. But because the worst hotspots, including New […]

Raw Story 

Stacey Abrams says she’s ‘ready to serve’ as VP: ‘I would be an excellent running mate’

Former Georgia gubernatorial candidate Stacey Abrams recently touted her qualifications for vice president. In an interview with Elle, Abrams explained that she would be “an excellent runningmate” for presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden. “Yes. I would be honored,” Abrams said. “I would be an excellent running mate. I have the capacity to attract voters […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s CDC director calls WHO a ‘great partner’ even after president freezes their funding

President Donald Trump this week ordered a freeze on funding to the World Health Organization over its supposed deference to the Chinese government. However, Trump-appointed Centers for Disease Control and Prevention Director Robert Redfield told “CBS This Morning” on Wednesday that he still wants to work with the WHO despite the president cutting off its […]

Raw Story 

Now we know the horrible truth about Trump’s so-called ‘stimulus’

A gold-plated tax giveaway infected the coronavirus relief bill that Donald Trump signed into law on March 27, Congressional Democrats complained loudly last month. The Democrats got it wrong. The plating turns out to be pure platinum. Almost 82% of the tax savings will go to the Trump-Kushner family and 43,000 of their fellow millionaire […]

Raw Story 

Why the Supreme Court’s contentious Wisconsin election ruling looks even worse now

When the Supreme Court inserted itself last week into the rulemaking of a Wisconsin election mere hours before voting was to begin, it ratcheted up the national and partisan stakes of the contest. Many, including Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, accused the conservative majority on the court of risking “massive disenfranchisement” by requiring all mail-in ballots […]

Raw Story 

Trump White House ignores bipartisan group of senators demanding explanation for firing of former intelligence IG

Monday, April 13 was the deadline that a bipartisan group of eight senators set for an explanation of President Donald Trump’s firing of Michael Atkinson, who served as inspector general for the United States’ intelligence community. That deadline has passed, and journalist Jenna McLaughlin — in an article published in Yahoo News — explains that as of […]

Raw Story 

Israel’s Netanyahu, Gantz face midnight deadline to form unity govt

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and parliament speaker Benny Gantz faced a midnight deadline on Wednesday to form a unity government or risk prolonging the country’s unprecedented political crisis. The right-wing premier Netanyahu and centrist Gantz, Israel’s former army chief, have gone head-to-head in three stalemate elections over the past year. Following the most recent […]

Raw Story 

Lone bell chime to mark Notre-Dame fire anniversary

A lone bell will ring out from what remains of the Notre-Dame Cathedral in Paris on Wednesday, the sole event planned to mark a year since a massive blaze nearly destroyed one of the world’s most revered monuments. Reconstruction of the medieval cathedral has been halted, with France under lockdown over the deadly coronavirus outbreak. […]

Raw Story 

Kellyanne Conway buried in ridicule for scientifically illiterate COVID-19 rant

Trump White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on Wednesday uncorked a scientifically illiterate rant about the coronavirus in which she blamed the World Health Organization for not having the situation better under control. “This is COVID-19, not COVID-1, folks!” Conway said during an interview on “Fox & Friends.” “And so you would think the people in […]

Raw Story 

Elizabeth Warren: ‘I’m proud to endorse Joe Biden’

U.S. Senator Elizabeth Warren has just endorsed Joe Biden for President. The former Democratic presidential candidate who was an early frontrunner will make a formal endorsement on Wednesday, but has just released a video in which she says, “I’m proud to endorse Joe Biden as president of the United States.” “Empathy matters. And, in this […]

Raw Story 

Lack of data makes predicting COVID-19’s spread difficult but models are still vital

Editor’s note: The question everyone in the world wants answered is how far the new coronavirus will spread and when the pandemic will begin to ebb. To know that, epidemiologists, public health authorities and policymakers rely on models. Models are not meant to predict the future perfectly – yet they’re still useful. Biomedical mathematician Lester […]

Raw Story 

What policing during the pandemic can tell us about crime rates and arrests

Social distancing orders in place across the U.S. have added to the long list of low-level offenses that police are charged with enforcing as a routine part of their job. There are about 18,000 law enforcement agencies in the United States, with close to 800,000 police officers. To date most appear to be exercising judgment […]

Raw Story 

Researchers seek to repurpose an existing manufacturing platform to produce a COVID-19 vaccine

The Research Brief is a short take about interesting academic work. The big idea We are both biotechnology researchers and are currently seeking to repurpose an existing medical manufacturing platform to quickly develop a vaccine candidate for COVID-19. This process is used for the treatment of blood products such as plasma, platelets and whole blood […]

Raw Story 

Afghan girls try building ventilator from used car parts

A team of robot-designing girls in Afghanistan is trying to build a low-cost medical ventilator from car parts, as health authorities look to boost critical-care capabilities for coronavirus patients in the impoverished country. If the teenagers succeed and can get government approval for their prototype, they say it could be replicated for as little as […]

Raw Story 

‘This is COVID-19, not COVID-1!’ Kellyanne Conway uncorks scientifically illiterate rant against WHO on Fox & Friends

Trump White House counselor Kellyanne Conway uncorked a bizarre rant against the World Health Organization on Wednesday, hours after President Donald Trump said he was freezing funding to the group. In defending the president’s controversial move, Conway blamed the group for not being more on the ball when it came to handling the COVID-19 pandemic. […]

Raw Story 

Trump delaying stimulus checks to put his name on them is going to blow up in his face with voters: ex-Senator

Appearing on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” on Wednesday morning, former Senator Claire McCaskill (D-MO) pummeled Donald Trump for forcing the Treasury to hold up sending out the desperately-needed $1200 stimulus checks to taxpayers so his name could be printed on the memo line. According to the former lawmaker, Trump’s self-promoting maneuver is going to infuriate exactly […]

Raw Story 

Fox News host calls out conservative hypocrisy: Their heads ‘would’ve exploded’ if Obama said he had ‘total’ authority

This week, President Donald Trump is being called out for asserting that his “authority” is “total” when it comes to deciding whether or not governors in individual states should lift restrictions they have ordered in response to the coronavirus pandemic. Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming was seemingly thinking of Trump on Monday night when she quoted […]

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Экология в России и мире

Бастрыкин поручил возбудить дело против рубщиков леса в Хорошево-Мневниках

Путин в России и мире

Главы России и Туркменистана подтвердили настрой на укрепление партнерства стран

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский хочет вступить в НАТО до завершения полномочий Байдена

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Игорь Бутман

Московский джазовый оркестр Игоря Бутмана отметит юбилей в Театре Эстрады!


Пассажиры рейса Абу-Даби — Москва на 12 часов застряли в аэропорту ОАЭ

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