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Новости за 24.04.2020

Raw Story 

Trumps Secretary of Transportation explains to Fox News that ‘there can be social distancing on airplanes’

Speaking on Fox News this Friday, Secretary of Transportation Elaine Chao suggested that the “96 percent drop in passenger volume” on airlines is enough for social distancing on flights to be effective. “There can be social distancing on airplanes these days,” she said, adding that airlines are enforcing the practice “their own way.” “They’re not putting […]

Raw Story 

‘This is going to be bad’: Trump aides texted each wondering where he got idea for ‘injecting disinfectant’

When President Trump seemingly suggested that injecting a “disinfectant” into one’s body could be utilized as a treatment for coronavirus, shock and confusion rippled across the social media sphere. But according to a new report from NBC News, people inside the West Wing of the White House were also reeling from his remarks. When Trump’s […]

Raw Story 

CNN’s Kaitlan Collins nails Trump for repeatedly changing his story on disinfectant advice

On CNN Friday, White House correspondent Kaitlan Collins demolished President Donald Trump’s false claim that he had only been “sarcastic” when suggesting people inject themselves with household cleaners to treat coronavirus. “Of all of the unreliable and even whackadoodle stuff that the president has said in these briefings, this may take the cake, and now […]

Raw Story 

Florida pastor arrested after punching Rotary Club president in clash over coronavirus food giveaway

MIAMI — With the coronavirus pandemic melting down South Florida’s economy, the Rotary Club this week planned to give away over 1,000 bags of groceries to the most impoverished neighborhood of Opa-locka.One of the city’s longest-serving churches, Mount Tabor Baptist Ministries, also happens to do a weekly food giveaway.But what started out as a cooperative […]

Raw Story 

‘He was not joking’: Fox’s Neil Cavuto baffled at Trump’s ‘unsettling’ comments about injecting ‘disinfectants’

On his Fox Business show this Friday, host Neil Cavuto addressed President Trump’s recent comments where he seemingly suggested injecting disinfectants as a treatment for coronavirus, and Trump’s subsequent claim that his comments were sarcastic. “Wow — that it a little unsettling, folks,” Cavuto said. “I gotta clarify this — the President was not joking […]

Raw Story 

Because ‘people will die’ if they listen to Trump, #DontDrinkBleach hashtag goes viral

“Anyone who does this will not die from #COVID19 because they will have already poisoned themselves to death.” The hashtag #DontDrinkBleach trended on Twitter Friday in reaction to comments by President Donald Trump Thursday evening endorsingthe idea that Americans could somehow imbibe or be injected with disinfectants to eradicate the coronavirus. “It is April 24, […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s experts have to humor his terrible ideas just to keep him happy: columnist

President Donald Trump has been facing widespread criticism for suggesting, at a White House press briefing on Thursday, that household disinfectants such as bleach and Lysol might be ingested as a way to ward off the deadly COVID-19 coronavirus — a suggestion so dangerous that in response, the manufacturers of Lysol, Reckitt Benckiser, warned users that […]

Raw Story 

Citing ‘utter inability to discharge duties of his office,’ MoveOn demands Trump removal under 25th Amendment

“It’s not just Trump’s words but his actions that reveal his utter inability to discharge the duties of his office.” A day after President Donald Trump openly speculated about injecting disinfectants into coronavirus patients and using large amounts of ultraviolet rays to treat the virus, MoveOn.org on Friday publicly called for Trump’s cabinet to invoke […]

Raw Story 

Trump keeps escalating his war on the First Amendment — and he’s losing the fight

Donald Trump is at war with the First Amendment and the free press. The war is on full display nearly every day in his rage-filled press conferences on the COVID-19 pandemic, in which he regularly condemns the “fake news” media and bashes reporters who dare to ask the slightest probative questions about his handling of the ongoing […]

Raw Story 

Scotland proposes repeal to blasphemy law

The Scottish government on Friday published a new bill which would decriminalize blasphemy, more than 175 years after the last case was prosecuted. The devolved administration in Edinburgh said the continued criminalization of blasphemy, which falls under hate crime laws, “no longer reflects the kind of society in which we live”. Justice minister Humza Yousaf […]

Raw Story 

Brazil’s justice minister Moro resigns after Bolsonaro fires police chief

Sergio Moro, Brazil’s justice and security minister, resigned on Friday after clashing with President Jair Bolsonaro over the sacking of the federal police chief. Moro, a former anti-corruption judge, hit out at “political interference” in the federal police, saying that he could not do his job without “autonomy” for the force. The news sparked jitters […]

Raw Story 

Covid-19: France records 389 new deaths as hospital cases continue to fall

France on Friday reported 389 more coronavirus deaths, a lower toll than in previous days, and also welcomed new falls in the number of patients in hospital and intensive care. The latest deaths in both hospitals and nursing homes brought France‘s total toll to 22,245, top health official Jerome Salomon told reporters, adding that there […]

Raw Story 

‘In way over your head’: New White House press secretary brutally mocked after she gets steamrolled by Trump

President Donald Trump appears to have contradicted his own top spokesperson. President Donald Trump on Friday said he was being “sarcastic” when he asked at his recent White House briefing about injecting disinfectants to cure COVID-19. “I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters like you just to see what would happen,” Trump told reporters […]

Raw Story 

Here are the desperate ways Trump’s supporters tried to defend his bizarre claim about injecting disinfectants

Facing a barrage of fact-checks, criticism, and mockery, President Donald Trump and his defenders are trying to make excuses for his absurd and dangerous suggestion on Thursday that injecting people with disinfectants might help fight COVID-19. To be 100 percent clear: There’s no reason to think this would work, and it is an even potentially fatal idea. […]

Raw Story 

‘IT WAS ON NATIONAL TV’: Internet blows up on Trump for lying that his disinfectant proposal was ‘sarcasm’

A brief appearance on TV by Donald Trump during a Friday signing ceremony turned into a deluge of criticism on Twitter after the president claimed his comments on Thursday about using light and disinfectants to treat victims of the coronavirus was merely him responding sarcastically to a reporter’s question. The brief exchange, which CNN’s Anderson […]

Raw Story 

WATCH: Trump says he was being ‘sarcastic’ when he suggested testing an ‘injection’ of disinfectant to cure coronavirus

President Donald Trump was challenged Friday on his stunning – and stunningly dangerous – comments suggesting doctors test injecting disinfectant into the human body to try to cure COVID-19, the disease caused by the new novel coronavirus. “Nah, I was asking a question sarcastically to reporters just like you to see what would happen,” Trump claimed, responding […]

Raw Story 

‘It’s very sad’: Nancy Pelosi blasts Trump’s mix of arrogance and scientific ignorance

Speaking on MSNBC this morning, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi addressed President Trump’s advocacy for unproven coronavirus treatments, specifically drugs like Hydroxychloroquine, adding that not only is Trump pushing for these drugs, he’s also pushing for the agencies in charge of approving medical treatments to approve “what the administration wants rather than what science demands.” “But […]

Raw Story 

Nikki Haley ‘gutted’ South Carolina’s health care — leaving state tragically unprepared for coronavirus: Dem lawmaker

Decades of Republican leadership has “gutted” South Carolina’s public health system, leaving the state woefully unprepared for the coronavirus pandemic. Conservative governors like Nikki Haley and Mark Sanford have pursued a relentless quest wit GOP state lawmakers to shrink the government and privatize basic services, but cuts to the health department and infrastructure have left […]

Raw Story 

Anderson Cooper stunned after Trump claims he was being ‘sarcastic’ about injecting disinfectant: ‘You just saw the president lying’

CNN’s Anderson Cooper on Friday found himself in shock after President Donald Trump tried to claim that his musings about treating coronavirus by injecting disinfectants into the human body were “sarcastic.” After playing footage showing Trump telling a reporter that he wasn’t serious about his proposed disinfectant injection remedy, Cooper immediately called B.S. on the […]

Raw Story 

The GOP is now the ‘party of death’ under ‘Alpha male simpleton’ Trump: columnist

In a scorching piece for the New York Times, contributing opinion columnist Timothy Egan said that the Republican Party has no standing to call itself the “party of life” based upon their actions and rhetoric during the coronavirus health crisis. Writing, “The scientific consensus is clear and not that complicated: We need a significant upgrade […]

Raw Story 

Maryland Emergency Management Agency has received ‘several calls’ about using disinfectant to cure COVID-19

President Donald Trump’s now-infamous musings about using disinfectant injections to treat COVID-19 have forced the Maryland Emergency Management Agency to issue a public warning against consuming bleach. “ALERT: We have received several calls regarding questions about disinfectant use and COVID-19,” the agency wrote on Twitter Friday afternoon. “This is a reminder that under no circumstances […]

Raw Story 

Eric Trump’s wife and Donald Trump Jr.’s girlfriend are on the 2020 campaign manager’s payroll — at $15K a month

President Trump’s campaign manager, Brad Parscale, has been paying $15,000 a month — the equivalent of the top White House salary — to Lara Trump and Kimberly Guilfoyle, the wife and girlfriend of Eric Trump and Donald Trump Jr., respectively, for campaign work. This article was originally published at Salon The payments, the existence of […]

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Экология в России и мире

Жителям Подмосковья ограничили посещение лесов на большей части региона

Путин в России и мире

НАЛОГИ С ЗАРПЛАТ И НДС МОГУТ ОТМЕНИТЬ?! Государственная Дума и Правительство РФ оптимизируют налоги.

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Россия и Белоруссия будут тесно сотрудничать в сфере оборонной безопасности

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бортник: Киев ждёт общий провал, если ВСУ останется без успехов до осени

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



OG Buda

Настоящая дружба: как Федук и OG Buda выглядели до популярности


Сеть клиник «Будь Здоров» подвела итоги первого квартала 2024 г.

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