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Новости за 17.04.2020

Raw Story 

‘Like a punk’: Watch Nicolle Wallace tear into Trump — and his ‘teeny-tiny ego’

On Friday’s edition of MSNBC’s “Deadline: White House,” host Nicolle Wallace tore into President Donald Trump for allowing his decisions on the coronavirus pandemic to be dictated by his resentment of the press’ coverage of his ineptitude. “This moment is like every other in Donald Trump’s presidency,” said Wallace. “It’s about his fragile, teeny-tiny ego and the vast […]

Raw Story 

‘He has enormous emotional reactions’: White House insiders say Trump is using his coronavirus briefings ‘to get rid of pent-up energy’

Despite the growing death toll in the U.S. from the coronavirus, President Trump has shifted his rhetoric to advocating for the sooner-rather-than-later reopening of state economies, while shifting blame for the pandemic’s spread on the media, China and what he says is the unpreparedness of governors and his predecessors. Writing in the Wall Street Journal […]

Raw Story 

Trump versus the states: What federalism means for the coronavirus response

President Donald Trump recently attempted to explain the complex relationship between the federal government and the states, as outlined by the framers in 1787. “[Y]ou can call it ‘federalist,’ you can call it ‘the Constitution,’ but I call it ‘the Constitution,’” he said at a briefing by the Coronavirus Task Force. Trump’s statement, along with […]

Raw Story 

‘The US knew’: Report says American intel on threat of coronavirus was shared with Israel and NATO in November, dismissed by Trump

“The smoking gun has arrived.” An Israeli news report on Thursday revealed that the country was told in November by U.S. intelligence about the potential threat of the coronavirus—warnings that were also made to NATO and to the White House—a clear contradiction of Pentagon claims last week that no such report existed. “The smoking gun […]

Raw Story 

‘Dereliction of duty’: Senate Democrats blow up at Pence over lack of COVID-19 tests on conference call

On Friday, Washington Post White House reporter Seung Min Kim revealed that Senate Democrats grew angry with Vice President Mike Pence on a conference call about the coronavirus pandemic. Senators demanded to know why COVID-19 testing capabilities were still inconsistent around the country — and were not satisfied by Pence’s answers. Phone call with Senate […]

Raw Story 

Trump campaign fraudulently claims ‘Democrats are trying to steal the election’ as president calls to ‘liberate’ blue states

The Trump re-election campaign on Friday accused Democrats of “trying to STEAL THE ELECTION right before our eyes,” in an email blast with the subject line that reads “Cheaters.” April 17: Trump accuses Democrats of trying to steal the election. pic.twitter.com/V65E5PWiai — Rebecca Ballhaus (@rebeccaballhaus) April 17, 2020 The email came to some just minutes […]

Raw Story 

San Diego Comic-Con canceled due to coronavirus

Comic-Con San Diego, one of the world’s largest pop culture gatherings, has been canceled for the first time in its 50-year history due to the coronavirus pandemic. The sprawling convention which draws Hollywood A-listers, billion-dollar franchises and 135,000 screaming fans each year had been due to take place in July. But it became the latest […]

Raw Story 

‘Stop tweeting. People are dying’: Trump condemned for Twitter rampage encouraging right-wing protests

“I lack words to describe how stupid and dangerous this is.” President Donald Trump on Friday went on a lengthy Twitter rampage that included calls to “liberate” Michigan, Minnesota, and Virginia, an open show of support for right-wing demonstrators who are disregarding stay-at-home orders in those states to protest coronavirus social distancing guidelines. The tweets, […]

Raw Story 

This stunningly detailed timeline of Trump’s failures shows America’s coronavirus crisis was a man-made disaster

Crises have a way of sorting the good presidents from the bad. Historians consistently rank Abraham Lincoln and Franklin Delano Roosevelt among the top three presidents for their handling of the Civil War, the Great Depression, and World War II. By contrast, the string of catastrophes that trailed George W. Bush, from Iraq to Hurricane Katrina to his obliviousness to warning signs in the […]

Raw Story 

Trailblazing jazz saxophonist Lee Konitz dies at 92 following coronavirus complications

The groundbreaking jazz saxophonist Lee Konitz, perhaps best known for his work on the pivotal Miles Davis album “Birth of the Cool,” has died following coronavirus complications. He was 92. Konitz, a prolific artist celebrated for his improvisation savvy over a seven-decade career, died after a battle with COVID-19, according to his Facebook page. Born […]

Raw Story 

WATCH: Cuomo schools Trump after he demands ‘less talk and more action’ from the governor

During his regular coronavirus briefing this Friday morning, New York governor Andrew Cuomo responded to a reporter’s question regarding President Trump’s recent accusations that New York is squandering its resources in its fight against the coronavirus pandemic. Trump tweeted on Friday: “Governor Cuomo should spend more time ‘doing’ and less time ‘complaining’. Get out there […]

Raw Story 

Mitch McConnell is the roadblock to a new stimulus bill as Trump sides with Democrats: report

According to a report from MSNBC’s Steve Benen, the only thing standing between desperate Americans and businesses hoping for more stimulus relief due to the coronavirus pandemic is Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY). As his report notes, McConnell has drawn a line in the sand and is refusing to negotiate with Democratic leaders, Sen. […]

Raw Story 

This chart speaks volumes about the Trump pandemic — and the Trump depression

The jobs market carnage is shown in sharp focus in the graphic below from the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center in Washington. In just four weeks we have seen 22 million jobs disappear. That’s a huge number, the equivalent of the combined workforces of Georgia, Illinois, Maryland and Pennsylvania. A Federal Reserve study suggests we will […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s new ‘liberate’ meltdown appears to have been provoked by a Fox News segment

A series of tweets fired off by President Trump this morning has some of his critics alarmed, considering how they bolster growing protest movements targeting Democratic governors for enacting lockdown orders to battle the coronavirus epidemic. One of the states targeted in Trump’s tweets was Minnesota. According to Media Matters’ Matthew Gertz, that particular attack […]

Raw Story 

The View’s Meghan McCain goes off on Ivanka Trump for breaking her own coronavirus rules

“The View’s” Meghan McCain on Friday had some unkind words for first daughter Ivanka Trump, who infamously broke the Trump administration’s recommendations on interstate travel by going to New Jersey to celebrate Passover. While the women of the show discussed whether it was appropriate to “pandemic shame” people who aren’t obeying social distancing protocols, McCain […]

Raw Story 

Trump’s precipitous collapse in the polls is tied to the coronavirus ‘chaos’ he is creating: columnist

In a column for the Washington Post, “Never Trumper” conservative Jennifer Rubin points out that Donald Trump’s approval numbers are undergoing a precipitous collapse — and for good reason. According to Rubin, who has become one of Trump’s most vocal critics, the president has done nothing but sow “chaos” since he began hijacking what were […]

Raw Story 

Congress is investigating whether a ventilator company is gouging — and why the Trump administration is letting it happen

A congressional subcommittee is investigating whether the U.S. government is paying too much for ventilators made by a Dutch company that received millions in tax dollars to develop an affordable one for pandemics, but is now charging quadruple the price under a new deal. “This all seems very fishy to me,” said Rep. Raja Krishnamoorthi, […]

Raw Story 

How billionaires’ short-term greed could upend America and destroy their own wealth

The coronavirus crisis is highlighting how dysfunctional states run by Republicans are. This is a feature of GOP rule, not a bug. For the past 40-plus years, a group of “conservative” billionaires have been working as hard as they can to reshape our federal government from one that provides education, health care, housing, food and […]

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Экология в России и мире


Путин в России и мире

Посольство Бахрейна: король Аль Халифа считает Путина другом

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Посол Белоруссии: Лукашенко и Путин обсудят учения с тактическим ядерным оружием

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Политолог Бортник: Киев ждёт общий провал, если ВСУ останется без успехов до осени

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Тариф – Большой Концерт.


В Тульской области на Фестивале Крапивы устроят «обжигающие» бои «стенка на стенку»

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