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Новости за 19.11.2017


Mixed signals as rescuers hunt missing Argentine submarine

Amid reports a missing Argentine submarine tried unsuccessfully to contact naval bases seven times, a top navy officer said Sunday there is no indication the calls came from the ARA San Juan. “The calls are being analyzed, but we do not have clear evidence that they came from that unit,” said Gabriel Gonzales, who is […]


Zimbabwe’s Mugabe vows to stay in power despite pressure to resign

Embattled Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe gave a rambling televised speech to his country Sunday but did not resign — despite an ultimatum from his own party that said it would move to impeach him if he did not step down by midday Monday. Members of ZANU-PF, which Mugabe co-founded to usher his country into independence, […]


Make Obamacare better with Medicare-X

Many Americans struggle to manage the demands of work, family, and wellbeing in their busy lives. They expect us, as US senators, to carry their voices to Washington and craft legislation that is responsive to their concerns. Health care is one of the most urgent issues for American families. It is about ensuring a sick […]


Trump to LaVar Ball: ‘I should have left them in jail!’

President Donald Trump on Sunday shot back at Lavar Ball, the father of one of the UCLA basketball players arrested in China, for belittling the President’s role in the students’ release. “Now that the three basketball players are out of China and saved from years in jail, LaVar Ball, the father of LiAngelo, is unaccepting […]


‘Wonder’ is real life for these two families

Before age 10, Auggie Pullman never attended a mainstream school. He never sat in a classroom smelling of chalk and stale schoolbooks, listening to children’s chatter echoing off the walks. He never walked into a school cafeteria and had other students stare as he opened his lunch — that is, until fifth grade. Auggie is […]


Why White House aides worry about Trump’s Mar-a-Lago holiday

White House aides are worrying about President Trump’s Thanksgiving holiday at Mar-a-Lago. The legislative agenda after tax reform is very much up in the air. And how can Congress work to avoid a government shutdown? These stories are all part of this week’s “Inside Politics” forecast, where you get a glimpse of tomorrow’s headlines today. […]


Mulvaney: WH would drop individual mandate repeal if ‘impediment’ to tax reform

Office of Management and Budget Director Mick Mulvaney said Sunday that the Trump administration wants a repeal of the individual health care mandate included in the GOP’s tax reform plan, but is willing to take it out if it gets in the way of passage. “If we can repeal part of Obamacare as part of […]


Protesters gather near Libyan Embassy after CNN report on migrant auctions

Protesters gathered outside the Libyan Embassy in central Paris following an exclusive CNN investigation into migrant auctions in Libya. “We have to mobilize. We can’t let this kind of thing happen,” one protester told France 24 at the rally Saturday. “Did we really need to see such shocking pictures before taking a stand? I don’t […]


‘Justice League’ stumbles at the box office

“Justice League” was hit with some Kryptonite at the box office this weekend. The mashup that brought together some of DC Entertainment’s biggest superhero stars, including Batman, Wonder Woman, Aquaman, Cyborg and the Flash, nabbed an estimated $96 million at the box office in North America this weekend. That number, while still big for an […]


Collins: Moore’s denials aren’t convincing

Maine Republican Sen. Susan Collins said on Sunday that she does not believe Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore’s denials of the sexual allegations against him and hopes the state’s voters do not send him to Washington. “I did not find his denials to be convincing at all,” Collins said on CNN’s “State of the […]


Alabama’s biggest newspapers urge voters to ‘reject Roy Moore’

The three biggest newspapers in Alabama have a message for their readers: “Stand for Decency, Reject Roy Moore.” The Alabama Media Group stripped the editorial across its Sunday front pages. The unusual step comes 10 days after misconduct allegations first surfaced against Moore, the Republican nominee for the state’s Senate seat. The editorial doubles as […]


What Trump won’t tweet: 4 reasons for a free press

You’re not going to read this in a tweet from President Donald Trump; but it can be said in a Twitter-length post: The free press is not an optional part of our democracy, it is an integral part of it. Without it, our political system can never be its best. Yet clearly, the tensions between […]


Georgia Dome set for implosion after 25 years of use

The only facility in the world to host the Olympics, Super Bowl and Final Four soon will be reduced to rubble. A little more than 25 years after opening, the Georgia Dome, former home of the Atlanta Falcons and the scene for several historic sporting events, is scheduled to be imploded Monday morning. The adjacent […]


LaToya Cantrell elected first female mayor of New Orleans

New Orleans voters elected LaToya Cantrell as mayor Saturday, making her the first woman to hold that position in the city’s 300-year history. Cantrell, a city councilwoman, got 60% of the votes over her opponent, former municipal court Judge Desiree Charbonnet, according to the Louisiana Secretary of State’s office. “We deserve better and together we […]


Zimbabwe’s ruling party fires Mugabe, sets deadline for President to end rule

Zimbabwe’s ruling party has expelled Robert Mugabe as its chief and set a Monday deadline for the leader to end his presidency after nearly four decades of rule. Members of Mugabe’s ZANU-PF party, which he co-founded to usher his country into independence, voted the 93-year-old President out on Sunday and said if he didn’t announce […]


Zimbabwe’s ruling party readies to expel Mugabe

Zimbabwe’s ruling party was poised Sunday to expel Robert Mugabe as their leader, a day after tens of thousands of protesters took to the streets to demand an end to the President’s near four-decade rule. Pressure is mounting on the 93-year-old leader, who is refusing to accept a deal with the military that would allow […]


Zimbabwe’s ruling party meets to vote on firing Mugabe

Zimbabwe’s ruling party opened a meeting Sunday to consider a vote of no confidence in President Robert Mugabe, a day after tens of thousands of people took to the streets to demand the veteran leader’s ouster. Members of the ZANU-PF party, which Mugabe co-founded to usher his country into independence, have turned on their 93-year-old […]


Argentina: Missing navy submarine tried contacting bases

A missing Argentine submarine attempted to contact naval bases via satellite seven times, but communication with the vessel was not established, the nation’s defense ministry said. The calls came to different bases between 10:52 a.m. and 3:42 p.m. Saturday, and lasted between four and 36 seconds, the ministry said in a statement to CNN en […]


Chemistry Students Design Unique Experiments

DUBOIS – DuBois Central Catholic sophomores carefully test their hypothesis during their lab activity using Skittles and various solvents.  The lab was set up as an inquiry lab where students created their own experiment to test the solubility of sugar.  According to instructor Lisa Bradley, the students were excited to design their own experiment and […]


GANT ICYMI: Week of Nov. 13

GANT’s ICYMI gives readers a look back upon the most noteworthy stories of their work week. It contains the big headlines, as well as a few stories you might have missed. It might even include a story or two of the lighter side. GANT’s ICYMI will be posted each weekend for your perusal. For most […]


Wolf Administration Outlines Measures Aimed at Safe, Improved Thanksgiving Travel

Tools Available to Public to Make Travel Choices HARRISBURG – The Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) and Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) have outlined steps they are taking and highlighted tools available to drivers to make travel as safe and efficient as possible for the upcoming Thanksgiving travel period. Thanksgiving travelers are encouraged to visit the […]


Clearfield County Life-long Learning Institute Continues with December Programs

Are you interested in learning something new? The Clearfield County Area Agency on Aging Inc., in collaboration with Lock Haven University Clearfield, announces an upcoming educational seminar offered through the Clearfield Community Life-long Learning Institute. Courses are geared towards the interests of the baby boomers and older citizens.  Typical sessions will last approximately 90 minutes […]


How it feels to be a Zimbabwean today

I woke on Saturday, the day of the planned solidarity march, feeling a sense of anticipation about the hours ahead. Since my arrival in Harare, the complete lack of police presence on the streets had been the most striking thing to see since the apparent coup. I grew up in this city, and as a […]


Zimbabwe’s ruling party to discuss firing Mugabe, source says

Zimbabwe’s ruling party will meet Sunday to pass a vote of no confidence in Robert Mugabe as its leader, a source said, a day after throngs took to the streets to demand the President’s ouster. A senior member of the influential organization of the nation’s army veterans confirmed the planned ZANU-PF meeting to CNN. The […]


Gunman sought after Pennsylvania officer killed during traffic stop

Investigators have identified a suspect in the death of a western Pennsylvania police officer who was gunned down during a traffic stop. Rahmael Sal Holt, 29, shot and killed officer Brian Shaw on Friday, police said. “Consider Holt armed and dangerous,” the Pennsylvania State Police tweeted. Brian Shaw had been a patrolman with New Kensington’s […]

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Экология в России и мире

Светильники обновили в переходах и тоннелях Москвы

Путин в России и мире

Путин с Собяниным приехали в Храм Христа Спасителя на Пасхальное богослужение

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Русских заявил о субсидировании новых авиарейсов до Минска

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

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Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

«Синий троллейбус» будет курсировать по улицам Иркутска 9 и 10 мая под песни Булата Окуджавы


Врачи Первой Градской больницы вернули мужчине на место вышедший из орбиты глаз

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