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Новости за 17.11.2017


Argentine navy says it’s lost contact with submarine

The Argentine navy has lost contact with one of its submarines that was traveling off the country’s Atlantic coast, the military service said Friday. The ARA San Juan submarine was last spotted Wednesday in the San Jorge Gulf roughly 432 kilometers (268 miles) off the east coast, the navy said. At least 44 crew members […]


DACA deal state of play

Time is ticking away for a legislative solution on the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program that protects young undocumented immigrants who came to the US as children and that President Donald Trump has chosen to end. Here’s where things stand today. Prepare for a December sprint The past few months since Trump announced the […]


Rep. Dingell says she was groped by ‘prominent’ senator in the ’80s

Rep. Debbie Dingell recounted on Friday an instance when a “prominent historical” senator groped her decades ago, adding her name to the list of House members who say they’ve experienced sexual harassment or misconduct. The Michigan Democrat told CNN’s “New Day” that the senator made unwanted advances on her at a dinner party and tried […]


Victoria’s Secret is struggling because women want to be comfortable

When you think about Victoria’s Secret, you think push-ups, Micracle Bras and sexy lingerie. The problem for Victoria’s Secret is that women don’t want those anymore. In early 2016, Victoria’s Secret doubled down on sexy underwear. It pulled its swimsuit and apparel collections off the shelves, slashed promotional deals and stopped printing the Victoria’s Secret […]


Germany supplants US as the country with the best global reputation

America’s brand has taken a major hit in the age of Trump. At least that’s according to a survey that ranks the world’s best nation brands. The United States lands with an overall No. 6 ranking in the Anholt-GfK Nation Brands Index, which measures 50 nations in multiple categories, including governance, exports, culture, people, tourism […]


2 children killed when sheriff’s vehicle hits pedestrians in Los Angeles

Two children were killed when they were accidentally struck by a Los Angeles County sheriff’s vehicle Thursday evening, authorities said. Deputies were responding to a call involving a gunshot victim and got into a three-car collision on a Los Angeles street corner, said Capt. Alfonso Lopez of the Los Angeles Police Department. One person was […]


Jesse Jackson diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease

Civil rights activist the Rev. Jesse Jackson said Friday that he has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. A neurological disorder with no cure, Parkinson’s can cause tremors, stiffness and difficulty balancing, walking and coordinating movement. “My family and I began to notice changes about three years ago,” Jackson wrote in a statement. “After a battery […]


How to stop Amazon from killing your store

Not all is doom and gloom in retail land. A record number of stores have closed this year, and Wikipedia added an entry for “retail apocalypse.” But some retailers have staved off pressure from Amazon and competitors. The Children’s Place, Best Buy, Walmart, Dollar General, Home Depot and Costco are humming right along as others […]


The women history forgot but your little girl won’t

You could call them rebel girls themselves. The authors behind the best-selling children’s book “Good Night Stories for Rebel Girls” are once again putting a modern spin on fairy tales with a collection of real-life female super heroes. The book, which debuted in 2016, featured 100 stories about the lives of women, from Queen Elizabeth […]


A college essay she never let go

Erin Thompson typed furiously, unleashing a torrent of painful memories onto the page. It was November 2000, and she was a freshman at the University of Arizona. The essay was for class, but she was writing for herself. Thompson wrote about an encounter she says she had with Hollywood writer and director James Toback two […]


Tesla reveals semi-truck and new sports car

You’ll often hear automakers brag of a sports car’s zero-to-60 performance but less often for a big-rig truck. On Thursday night, Tesla boasted of both. Tesla revealed an all-new version of its Roadster sports car that can go from a stop to 60 miles an hour in 1.9 seconds, a figure that would make it […]


Tesla reveals 500-mile range electric semi-truck

It’s not often you hear a semi-truck manufacturer boasting of a big-rig’s zero-to-60 performance. But that was among the first things Tesla CEO Elon Musk flaunted about the company’s latest product, an all-electric tractor-trailer truck. Tesla’s semi, with an empty trailer, will be able to accelerate to 60 miles per hour in just five seconds, […]


Washington tells time in political bombshells

A day of scandal, laced with new claims of sexual misconduct, the taint of corruption, and the spectacle of political legacies being carved and destroyed in real time, contained a hidden marvel. For once, it wasn’t all about President Donald Trump.  The capital’s normal ringmaster of chaos had only a bit part Thursday as supporting […]


Boy orphaned by California shooting knew and feared gunman who killed his family

Seven-year-old Gage did what the teachers said. He knew the drill. A whistle blows. You go into lockdown. Go inside. Get real quiet. Hide under the desk. A gunman had emerged outside Rancho Tehama Elementary School in Northern California. He fired at the building. He got closer, and fired some more. Gage said he heard […]


Zimbabwe military ‘engaging’ with Mugabe over leadership impasse

Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe appears to be resisting efforts to force him to stand aside, two days after a remarkable military takeover of the country’s government. A statement from the Zimbabwe Defense Forces (ZDF) released early Friday said that the military leaders were “currently engaging” with President Robert Mugabe and would advise the nation of […]


US allies frustrated by Trump as they lobby hard to keep Iran deal

US allies campaigning hard in the halls of Congress to preserve the Iran nuclear deal are finding the process frustrating and confounding. In conversations with CNN, some foreign diplomats and officials who back the deal say that at the highest levels, the White House has seemed at times so wedded to its talking points on […]


Mugabe resisting change in Zimbabwe as neighbors urge peaceful transition

Two days after a remarkable military takeover of Zimbabwe’s government, its long-serving leader appears to be resisting efforts to force him to stand aside. As talks progress slowly towards a transitional government, President Robert Mugabe, who has ruled the country since its independence in 1980, is still — nominally, at least — head of state. […]


Libraries are transforming Colombia’s ‘machine gun city’

Colombia’s Medellin once had a bad reputation — so bad, that some locals darkly nicknamed it “machine gun city.” The hometown of infamous drug lord Pablo Escobar became a hotbed of crime in the 1990s and early 2000s, plagued by thousands of murders. Its sprawling suburbs were particularly dangerous, cut off from the wealthier city […]


Senate tax reform bill advances out of committee

The Senate Finance Committee approved the $1.5 trillion Republican tax overhaul proposal late Thursday night after four days of markup. The vote was 14-12, along party lines. Earlier this week, Senate Republicans added a controversial provision to the bill, repealing the Affordable Care Act’s individual mandate, to help raise revenues for tax cuts. The bill […]


Ohio State University suspends fraternity activities

The Ohio State University suspended the activities of almost all of its fraternities Thursday, citing a large number of ongoing investigations into hazing and alcohol — making it the latest US school to take action against Greek student organizations in the wake of troubling incidents. Of the 37 fraternities that are part of the Interfraternity […]


Congress paid out $17 million in settlements. Here’s why we know so little about that money.

Two things have become painfully clear on Capitol Hill this week: Lawmakers and staffers say sexual harassment is “rampant” — but even members of Congress have no idea just how widespread the problem is. The controversial and sensitive issue has taken center stage in Congress this week, with female lawmakers making fresh allegations of sexual […]


Earprints, tail therapy and calorie scanners: Japan’s latest inventions

Located in the industrial city of Chiba, just outside of Tokyo, CEATEC is the biggest electronics show in Japan. Each year, the nation which gave the world the bullet train, the Walkman and blue LED light showcases its latest, cutting-edge consumer technologies. In 2017, Sharp introduced the 8K era with its dazzling 27-inch monitor of […]


Qusai Kheder: Saudi Arabia’s hip-hop pioneer

Qusai Kheder wants to create a musical revolution in Saudi Arabia. Rapping in Arabic and English, the hip-hop star has already brought a new style to the Kingdom, chalked up millions of views online and he is a regular on popular Saudi TV shows. Yet breaking through as a rapper in a kingdom where many […]


Homeland Security’s head of community outreach resigns over past controversial comments on black community, Islam

Rev. Jamie Johnson resigned Thursday as the head of faith-based and neighborhood partnerships at the Department of Homeland Security after a CNN KFile report revealed inflammatory past comments he made about the black community and Islam. In past radio appearances, Johnson had said the black community was responsible for turning major US cities into “slums” […]


Can Al Franken survive?

Minnesota Democratic Sen. Al Franken’s political future is decidedly dicey in the wake of reports that he forcibly kissed and groped a woman named Leeann Tweeden during a 2006 USO tour of the Middle East. Tweeden went public with her story on Thursday morning and within minutes Franken, one of the most high-profile senators in […]

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Экология в России и мире

Синоптик Позднякова: москвичей 7 мая ждет аномально холодная погода

Путин в России и мире

Ушаков: Путин и Пашинян расставят на встрече многие точки над i

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья приехал в Минск и попросил защиты у Лукашенко

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