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Новости за 07.11.2017


House judiciary Dems intend to press Sessions over Russia

Democratic lawmakers on the House judiciary committee intend to press Attorney General Jeff Sessions over his “inconsistencies” on the Trump campaign’s Russia connections when he appears before their committee next week. In a letter sent Tuesday, the lawmakers note that one of the Trump campaign’s foreign policy advisers, George Papadopoulos, acknowledged to FBI investigators that […]


Randazza: Even Trump has a right to free speech

Back in March 2016, then-presidential candidate Donald Trump, annoyed by protesters at one of his rallies said, “Get ’em out of here,” followed closely by, “Don’t hurt ’em — if I say go ‘get ’em,’ I get in trouble with the press.” Despite his admonition, Trump supporters assaulted three protesters. Those three protesters are seeking […]


Christie confronted at his New Jersey polling place

In his final Election Day as New Jersey’s governor, Chris Christie added another on-camera upbraiding to his legacy as a politician with a proclivity for punching back. New York Times reporter Nick Corasaniti filmed the former Republican presidential candidate speaking to the press after casting his vote. Christie was asked by a passerby why he […]


Swap Kevin James for Kevin Spacey? TV’s pulled switcheroos before

Imagine Kevin James as Frank Underwood on “House of Cards.” There is an online petition suggesting just that — believe it or not — and as of Tuesday, nearly 30,000 people have signed on to endorse the idea. “Losing a great show is hard, no matter the circumstances,” the petition reads. “However with hardship comes […]


As Syria joins Paris climate agreement, US stands alone

The United States is now a party of one in its stance on climate change. Syria will join the Paris climate agreement, leaving the US as the only country in the world not signed on to the landmark climate deal. Syrian officials announced their intention to ratify the accord at the UN Climate Change Conference […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Philipsburg State police received a report about an incident of terroristic threats that occurred Monday on Interstate 99 in Worth Township. According to state police, the victim was driving on I-99 north when a Caucasian male passed him in a tan-colored Jeep on the right side. The male allegedly waved a handgun […]


Iran’s actions may be ‘act of war,’ Saudi crown prince says

Supplying rebels in Yemen with missiles was a “direct military aggression by the Iranian regime,” Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman bin Abdulaziz said Tuesday. In his first direct statements regarding a thwarted missile strike on the Riyadh airport over the weekend, bin Salman laid the blame for the attempt at the feet of Iran’s […]


Sandy Township Passes First Draft of 2018 Budget

DUBOIS – Sandy Township officials passed the first draft of the 2018 budget Monday night. It doesn’t include a tax increase. Manager Dave Monella commented that he wasn’t happy with the current budget. However, he declined to elaborate any further. Monella, along with other township officials, will continue to revise the budget until its final […]


EU diplomat says US lawmakers want to honor Iran deal

EU Foreign Policy Chief Federica Mogherini said the Iran nuclear deal is not open for renegotiation and that US lawmakers have indicated that their goal, as they amend legislation related to the pact, is to keep the US in compliance with the multilateral agreement. “Renegotiation is not an option,” Mogherini told reporters in Washington, citing […]


The act that gets tough on North Korea

North Korea’s nuclear program presents a real and direct threat to the United States. North Korea has ramped up the pace of its ballistic missile tests in recent months and conducted its sixth test of a nuclear weapon in September. Experts have now determined that Pyongyang has the capability to strike the US mainland with […]


Waymo rolls out self-driving cars without test drivers

In a major milestone for autonomous vehicles, Waymo is now testing self-driving vehicles on public roads without anyone behind the wheel. John Krafcik, CEO of Waymo, the self-driving arm of Google’s parent company, made the announcement Tuesday at Web Summit in Lisbon, Portugal. Waymo will allow the public to start riding in the fully self-driving […]


Fast break: Nike’s new NBA jerseys keep ripping apart

Nike went big this year promoting the “mad science” behind its state-of-the-art uniforms for the NBA. The company bragged about working with sports scientists to create the “most technically advanced jersey and shorts.” It promised to keep players “cool, dry and completely mobile.” Just one problem: The uniforms are falling apart. During the very first […]


‘Be quiet! It’s him!’ Survivors say shooter walked pew by pew looking for people to shoot

The carnage started even before the gunman entered the church. It was a gorgeous day in Sutherland Springs, and worshipers at First Baptist Church were singing the praises of Christ. Suddenly, the joyous prayers were drowned out by screams of terror. “Out of nowhere, shots started coming through the windows,” said David Brown, whose mother […]


Poll: Views of Democratic Party hit lowest mark in 25 years

Favorable views of the Democratic Party have dropped to their lowest mark in more than a quarter century of polling, according to new numbers from a CNN poll conducted by SSRS. Only 37% of Americans have a favorable opinion of Democrats, down from 44% in March of this year. A majority, 54%, have an unfavorable […]


The 5 counties to watch in the Virginia governor’s race

The big-ticket race on the ballot Tuesday is in Virginia, where either Republican Ed Gillespie or Democrat Ralph Northam will be elected the next governor of the commonwealth. Virginia has transformed from a solidly red state to a leaning blue one rapidly over the last decade. And most polling in the race gives Northam a […]


Two key figures fail to show at hearing on Puerto Rico’s recovery efforts

Two key figures in Puerto Rico’s recovery efforts were no-shows at a hearing in Washington Tuesday. Ricardo Ramos, the executive director of Puerto Rico’s Electric Power Authority, late Monday evening canceled his plans to appear before a House congressional committee, where he was expected to respond to a number of questions over his handling of […]


Tuesday’s elections test the nation’s political mood a year after Trump’s win

A year after President Donald Trump’s shocking victory, the state and local elections Tuesday will test whether Democrats can finally deliver big wins to their base — or Republicans have figured out how to run in the Trump era. The marquee matchup is the Virginia governor’s race, which pits Democratic Lt. Gov. Ralph Northam against […]


Why you’re hardwired to be bad at money

Why are money decisions so stressful? No, it’s not because you’re broke. It’s because your brain is fundamentally challenged when it comes to financial choices, according to neuroscience. And going it alone only makes it worse. “Our brains are really good at avoiding major risks and keeping ourselves alive,” says Dr. Sam Barnett, a neuroscientist […]


Trump seeks $4 billion to counter North Korean missiles

President Donald Trump has asked Congress to approve an additional $6 billion in defense spending for fiscal year 2018 — including $4 billion “to support urgent missile defeat and defense enhancements to counter the threat from North Korea.” In a letter to House Speaker Paul Ryan, Trump also requested an additional $700 million to repair […]


People who switch jobs get paid more

Jumping ship at your job pays off. Teachers, nurses, construction workers and even hotel employees who switched jobs recently saw bigger wage increases than their former colleagues who stayed put, according to new research from ADP, the payment processor. The findings come as employers are scrambling to hold onto their workers because there’s an abundance […]


Apple defends use of new tax haven after Ireland got tough

Apple has defended its tax arrangements after reports revealed it had shifted its mountain of offshore cash from Ireland to a tax haven in the English Channel. A trove of documents known as the Paradise Papers have reportedly shed light on Apple’s search for a new place to store the huge sums, after more than […]


Meeting Putin in Asia is the presidential thing for Trump to do

Meeting Vladimir Putin in Asia is the presidential thing for Donald Trump to do. The White House and the Kremlin have indicated the two will meet later this week. If he missed an opportunity to appropriately engage with the Russian President, Trump would be putting the United States at even greater risk from several fronts, […]


10 arrested in French-Swiss anti-terror operation

Ten people have been arrested after a joint anti-terror operation by French and Swiss police, CNN affiliate BFMTV reported Tuesday. Two of the suspects were arrested on suspicion of having links to ISIS, according to the Office of the Attorney General of Switzerland. The two — a 27-year-old Swiss man and a 23-year-old Colombian woman […]


Boris Johnson urged to retract remarks on British woman jailed in Iran

Britain’s Foreign Secretary Boris Johnson is facing growing criticism in the wake of a potentially catastrophic error which could lead to a British-Iranian woman having her jail sentence doubled. Johnson has been urged to retract comments that appear to have complicated the fate of Nazanin Zaghari-Ratcliffe, who is currently serving a five-year prison term in […]


Park Sung-hyun becomes first rookie to top LPGA golf rankings

South Korean golf sensation Park Sung-hyun has become the first ever LPGA Tour rookie to top the world rankings. The 24-year-old has enjoyed a stellar debut season on the elite women’s golf circuit, winning July’s US Open at Trump National Golf Club and making the cut at every event she’s entered. She is the fourth […]

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Экология в России и мире

«Тебе не понравится»: Solar AURA выявила масштабную сеть вредоносных сайтов с картинками для кражи Telegram-аккаунтов

Путин в России и мире

Гарантные манеры: Алиев оценил роль Москвы в поддержании мира на Кавказе

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Сегодня президент Беларуси Александр Лукашенко встретился в Минске с губернатором Поморья Александром Цыбульским

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: "формулой Зеленского" США отвлекали внимание от нового транша Киеву

Навальный в России и мире

Мосгорсуд оставил в СИЗО журналистку Фаворскую, обвиняемую в экстремизме за репортажи о Навальном

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Булат Окуджава

Чем заняться дома: Тейлор Свифт, вторая «Дюна», каверы на Булата Окуджаву


Город реализовал на электронных торгах 134 участка для ИЖС

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