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Новости за 26.10.2017


Windy Hill Village Academy Announces November Classes

PHILIPSBURG – The Windy Hill Village Academy, located in Westminster Place at Windy Hill Village in Philipsburg, has announced its November schedule of free classes for village residents as well as the local public.  The classes are taught by local volunteers and aim to provide educational activities for those citizens, especially age 50 years and […]


McDonald’s puzzles Chinese customers with name change

A name change for McDonald’s in China has left some diners with a funny taste in their mouth. The U.S. fast-food giant has changed its official business name in the country, ditching the previous one — Maidanglao, a Chinese rendering of its English name — in favor of Jingongmen, which roughly translates as “Golden Arches.” […]


Earnings overload; Wild for Wild Wings; ECB watch

1. Earnings overload: There will be no escaping earnings on Thursday. Here’s a sample of companies reporting results before the opening bell: American Airlines, Anheuser-Busch InBev, Bristol-Myers, Comcast, ConocoPhillips, Ford, Hershey Foods, Hilton, Nokia, Southwest Air, Spirit Airlines, Twitter, Union Pacific, UPS and Xerox. CNN parent company Time Warner will also publish results ahead of […]


Beware these Halloween safety ghouls

Halloween is usually full of fun and adventure — and candy — making it a favorite holiday for many. Cloee Cooper, a research analyst in Boston, remembers it that way. “You get to dress up as someone else, walk all over town, attend haunted house parties and celebrations at school,” she said. But Cooper says […]


Can the kratom plant help fix the opioid crisis?

Multiple surgeries couldn’t help Lisa Vinson with the chronic abdominal pain stemming from endometriosis, a condition in which tissue begins to grow outside the uterus. Her doctors’ answer was pills and more pills. “It makes you feel better for a little while, but then after a little while, it doesn’t help as much, ” said […]


After Weinstein, don’t forget about online sexual harassment

Harvey Weinstein. Bill O’Reilly. A top chef. Another filmmaker. An editorial director at Vox. It’s been a stunning few weeks of sexual harassment allegations against extremely powerful men. Women, trying to claim some of their own power, responded in droves on social media using the hashtag #MeToo, often sharing stories of when they’ve been sexually […]


Kenyans redo presidential election after political twists and turns

Kenyans voted for a new president Thursday for the second time in three months, despite the main opposition candidate’s call for a boycott of the latest race. Security was tight as voters cast ballots following weeks of clashes between police and opposition supporters. In the capital city of Nairobi, where some polling stations appeared less […]


DOJ gives FBI informant green light to testify on Russian uranium efforts

The Justice Department has given a former FBI informant the green light to testify before Congress about what he learned in an investigation of Russian nuclear industry efforts to buy uranium in the United States during the Obama administration. The news that the former informant will be allowed to testify comes as House Republicans announced […]


Kenyans once again vote for President — this time with an opposition boycott

Kenyans began voting for a new president Thursday for the second time in three months, despite the main opposition candidate’s call for a boycott of the latest race. Last month, the Supreme Court took the unprecedented step of annulling incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta’s August 8 victory — in which he received 54% of the vote […]


Astros tie up World Series with 7-6 win over Dodgers in Game 2

It was a Hollywood ending in Dodger Stadium, but not the one Los Angeles was looking for. In what’s sure to go down as one of the Fall Classic’s most thrilling games, Houston evened the World Series one game apiece with a 7-6 comeback win against the Los Angeles Dodgers Wednesday night, thanks to heroics […]


JFK files: Trump teases release as deadline arrives

More than 50 years after President John F. Kennedy was killed, Americans on Thursday may finally get the US government’s full accounting of his assassination. That’s if President Donald Trump doesn’t do anything. The White House has yet to signal whether Trump would allow the full release of the government’s classified documents on the assassination […]


US launches ‘most advanced’ stealth sub amid undersea rivalry

Touted as the world’s most technologically advanced fast attack submarine, the USS South Dakota is set to join the US Navy fleet amid a growing threat to American undersea dominance from several foreign rivals. Operating beneath the ocean’s surface, a submarine’s strategic value is often tied directly to its ability to navigate in or near […]


Hilary Clinton unaware of dossier before it was published

Hillary Clinton was unaware of the now-infamous dossier of allegations about Donald Trump and Russia prior to Buzzfeed’s publishing of the document earlier this year, a source familiar with the matter has told CNN. Clinton was disappointed that the research from the document was not made public before she lost the 2016 election, the source […]


Kenyans once again vote for President — this time without the opposition

Kenyans are picking a new president for the second time in three months despite the main opposition candidate’s withdrawal from the race and failure of an eleventh-hour bid to stop the vote. Last month, the Supreme Court took the unprecedented step of annulling incumbent President Uhuru Kenyatta’s August 8 victory — which saw him receive […]


Five women accuse journalist and ‘Game Change’ co-author Mark Halperin of sexual harassment

Veteran journalist Mark Halperin sexually harassed women while he was in a powerful position at ABC News, according to five women who shared their previously undisclosed accounts with CNN and others who did not experience the alleged harassment personally, but were aware of it. “During this period, I did pursue relationships with women that I […]


Clapper on dossier: ‘Doesn’t matter who paid for it’

Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper on Wednesday disputed President Donald Trump’s characterization of the now-infamous dossier of allegations about the President and Russia. When asked on CNN’s “Erin Burnett OutFront” about Trump calling the document a “fake” dossier, Clapper responded, “I don’t think that is an accurate characterization for the entirety of the […]


Thailand bids King Bhumibol Adulyadej a final farewell

Massive crowds descended on the streets of Bangkok Thursday as the country continues its elaborate five-day farewell to the late Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who ruled the country for 70 years. The ceremony for the man who was once the world’s longest-reigning monarch began late Wednesday, just over one year since he died at the […]


BREAKING: State Police Searching for Missing Karthaus Man

KARTHAUS – State police at Clearfield are seeking the public’s assistance in locating a missing 49-year-old Karthaus man, Dale John Granite. Granite was reported missing by his family on Wednesday afternoon. He was last seen at approximately 5 p.m. Oct. 13 at his residence. According to state police, he was believed to be traveling to […]


Backed by Bannon, Blackwater founder won’t rule out plan to challenge GOP senator

As President Donald Trump’s former chief strategist Steve Bannon warns he may target every incumbent Republican senator except Ted Cruz, his top recruit to take on Wyoming Sen. John Barrasso, former Blackwater CEO and founder Erik Prince, confirmed Wednesday night he is actively considering a bid. “All I’ll say is I’m exploring my options,” Prince […]


What an all-powerful Xi Jinping means for the rest of the world

When US President Donald Trump visits China next month, he won’t be the most powerful person in the room. Chinese President Xi Jinping further shored up his grip on power Wednesday, revealing a new leadership without an obvious successor and setting the stage for him to dominate politics in the country for decades to come. […]


Add Fats Domino to the pantheon of founding rock ‘n’ rollers

Fats Domino was the founding star of rock ‘n’ roll, putting dozens of songs on the R&B and pop charts and paving the way for Bill Haley, Chuck Berry, Elvis Presley and the rest. And yet he often gets left out of that pantheon, remembered as a roly-poly piano balladeer singing “Blueberry Hill” while the […]


Jikka, the fairy tale dwarf home for Japan’s seniors

Viewed from afar it looks like something magical: A fairy tale village, a group of dwarf houses, or a tiny music festival. But in reality, this cluster of five hilltop teepees in Japan’s eastern Shizuoka prefecture, 115 miles (185 kilometers) from the capital of Tokyo, is actually a private retirement home. Dubbed Jikka, meaning “parents […]


Millions of Thais bidding King Bhumibol Adulyadej a final farewell

Crowds were building on the streets of Bangkok Thursday as the country began an elaborate five-day farewell to the late Thai King Bhumibol Adulyadej, who ruled the country for 70 years. The ceremony for the world’s longest-reigning monarch began late Wednesday, but crowds were expected to peak Thursday as the king’s body is moved to […]


Beyond Angkor Wat: The forgotten temples of Cambodia’s Banteay Chhmar

If you’ve heard of one Cambodian temple, it’s probably Angkor Wat — an awe-inspiring yet well-trodden UNESCO World Heritage Site in Siem Reap. But many travelers don’t realize the Seventh Wonder of the World is one of thousands of ancient Khmer temples dotting the Cambodian countryside. Hidden beneath a canopy of trees in the northwestern […]

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Экология в России и мире

В Москве прошел ливень «летней интенсивности»

Путин в России и мире

Париж решил показать, что такое ядерное сдерживание России по-французски

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Это - война: литовские беспилотники попытались атаковать Минск

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Продюсера Reuters арестовали за публикацию материалов на YouTube-канале «НавальныйLIVE»

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




Концерт ко дню адыгского флага привлек молодежь Черкесска


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