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Новости за 20.10.2017


Sanders: It is ‘highly inappropriate’ to debate Kelly

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders defended White House chief of staff John Kelly Friday after he made erroneous claims about a Democratic congresswoman the day before. Sanders told reporters it was “highly inappropriate” to debate the chief of staff over his statement, given that he is a retired four-star Marine general. “If you want […]


The Weinstein Effect: Harvey Weinstein scandal sparks movements in Hollywood and beyond

Harvey Weinstein is in increasing legal jeopardy two weeks after the initial New York Times investigation into his allegedly predatory behavior was published. Weinstein is now the subject of police investigations in three cities — London, New York City and Los Angeles — as more accusers come forward. He’s persona non grata in Hollywood. And […]


Paul Ryan: House GOP will propose a new top tax rate for the rich

House Speaker Paul Ryan broke a bit of tax news Friday when he said that House Republicans plan to propose a new top income tax rate for high earners. That would be in addition to the 35% rate proposed in the recent tax framework negotiated by leading Republican lawmakers and the White House. That framework […]


Sarah Sanders just made an absolutely outrageous argument about the media

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders said something during her daily press briefing Friday that actually took my breath away. CBS News’ Chip Reid asked Sanders about a factual inaccuracy in White House chief of staff and retired Marine Corps Gen. John Kelly’s attack on Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson on Thursday. Here’s how Sanders […]


Amazon could put its second HQ in Canada. But will it?

Amazon is looking for a second headquarters in North America. But does anywhere outside the U.S. have a shot? Cities in Mexico seem to be off the table, since it doesn’t appear any have submitted bids. An Amazon spokesman wouldn’t say whether the company has received any. Even if Mexico was in the running, the […]


Obituary Notice: Christine Joy Fleck

Christine Joy Fleck, 68, of Osceola Mills went to be with the Lord on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017 at Penn Highlands DuBois, DuBois. Born Dec. 25, 1948 in West Decatur, she was the daughter of the late Howard and Margaret Maines Fleck. Surviving are her son, John Lytle and his wife, Anna of Osceola Mills; […]


Dozens of pot farms burn down in California wildfires

California wildfires have destroyed dozens of cannabis farms just weeks before the state’s legal recreational marijuana market goes live. 34 farms have been destroyed as of Friday, according to Hezekiah Allen, executive director of the California Growers Association. But he said that number is likely to rise. “Unfortunately, it will grow significantly,” Allen said. He’s […]


Florida child porn probe uncovers weapons stash, sheriff says

The locked closet in Randall Drake’s home in Dunedin, Florida, did not yield any child pornography that detectives suspected was hidden there, Pinellas County Sheriff Bob Gualtieri said. Instead, they came upon an arsenal that included homemade explosive devices, 10 rifles, eight handguns, two shotguns, more than 2,300 rounds of ammunition, tactical jackets, a homemade […]


Obituary Notice: Richard Lee Renoe

Richard Lee Renoe, 88, of Keewaydin went to be with the Lord on Thursday, Oct. 19, 2017 at the Mountain Laurel Nursing Home & Rehabilitation Center, Clearfield. Born June 30, 1929 in Kylertown, he was the son of the late Irvin E. and Edith Damey Renoe. Surviving are his sisters, Betty McGovern of Keewaydin and […]


Tom Steyer launches $10 million campaign to impeach Trump

Democratic mega-donor and billionaire environmentalist Tom Steyer is spending what an aide says is “well over $10 million” on a national TV ad campaign Friday calling for President Donald Trump’s impeachment. The campaign is a bid by Steyer — who has not ruled out a run for office himself — to “demand that elected officials […]


Preyed on by the powerful, silenced by complicity

Harvey Weinstein’s predatory behavior has been described as an open secret in Hollywood, one perpetuated by a culture of silence. Complicity, like abuse, is not confined to Hollywood — and it only took two words to open the floodgates: me too. Since the Weinstein allegations broke, millions of people from all walks of life have […]


Clearfield Chamber Holds Annual Banquet

CLEARFIELD – The Clearfield Chamber of Commerce recently held its annual awards banquet and has announced the award recipients. Shining Star Award Nominees: CBT Bank, a division of Riverview; Clearfield Arts Studio Theatre Inc. (CAST); and Neeper’s Sweet Treats Winner: CAST Inc. CAST Inc. was chosen based upon the physical improvements made to its existing […]


San Juan mayor: Trump gets 10 out of 100 for Hurricane response

San Juan Mayor Carmen Yulin Cruz said that if the perfect “10” President Donald Trump gave his administration for its response to Hurricane Maria was right, it must be a 10 out of 100. “If it is a 10 out of a scale of 100, of course, it is still a failing grade,” she said, […]


CNN poll: Two-thirds want to stay in Iran nuclear deal

Two in three Americans say President Donald Trump should not pull the United States out of the nuclear deal aiming to block Iran from developing nuclear weapons, according to a new CNN poll conducted by SSRS. Trump announced his intent to decertify the agreement last week. But eight in 10 Democrats and two in three […]


Is calling someone an ’empty barrel’ racist?

On Thursday afternoon in the White House, chief of staff John Kelly laid into Florida Democratic Rep. Frederica Wilson in harsh terms. “A congresswoman stood up, and in a long tradition of empty barrels making the most noise, stood up there in all of that and talked about how she was instrumental in getting the […]


Laptops could be banned from checked bags on planes due to fire risk

Laptops could be banned from checked baggage on planes due to a fire risk under a proposal being recommended by an international air safety panel. According to a report, an overheating laptop battery could cause a significant fire in a cargo hold that fire fighting equipment aboard the plane would not be able to extinguish. […]


Fox News host Chris Wallace slams network colleagues for attacks on press

Fox News host Chris Wallace leveled sharp criticism in an article published Thursday against some of his colleagues who have echoed President Trump and used their perch at the network to attack the media as “fake news.” Speaking to the Associated Press, Wallace said, “It bothers me.” “If they want to say they like Trump, […]


Kelly erroneously claimed congresswoman took credit for building funding, video shows

White House chief of staff Gen. John Kelly on Thursday erroneously claimed that Rep. Frederica Wilson, D-Florida, claimed credit for securing “$20 million” in federal funding to build a new FBI field office in Miami in 2015, according to a video of the event posted Friday by the Sun Sentinel. Wilson took credit in her […]


Dozens killed in two Afghan mosque attacks

Suicide attackers in Afghanistan killed nearly 60 people at two mosques Friday — one in the Afghan capital of Kabul and the other in the central province of Ghor. At least 39 people died and 45 were wounded in an assault on a Shiite mosque in Kabul, Afghan Interior Ministry spokesman Najib Danish said. The […]


2 mosque attacks in Afghanistan leave more than 35 dead

Suicide attackers in Afghanistan killed more than three dozen people at mosques Friday in the Afghan capital of Kabul and the central province of Ghor. At least 22 people died in an assault on a Shiite mosque in the Afghan capital of Kabul, a Public Health Ministry spokesman said. Sixteen others were wounded in the […]


Taser maker tumbles on news of SEC probe

Axon Enterprise, the company that makes body cameras for police officers and the Taser line of stun guns, is having its financials looked at by the Securities and Exchange Commission. The stock fell more than 3% Friday on the news. Axon disclosed in an SEC filing late Thursday that regulators were reviewing the company’s 10-K […]


Amber Tamblyn believes racist claim against husband David Cross

Amber Tamblyn reached out to the woman who accused her husband, David Cross, of making racist comments and said she believes her. It all began Sunday when comedian Charlyne Yi tweeted about what she said happened when she met Cross 10 years ago. According to Yi, Cross made fun of her “tattered pants” and asked […]


How a month of hurricane nightmares changed Puerto Rico — and me

I am writing this in the dark. The hotel doesn’t have power, and one of the generators failed. I had to walk up 10 flights of stairs to get to my hotel room because the elevators don’t work. The lights have been flickering all night. Such is life here. If that’s my biggest problem, however, […]


Attack on Shiite mosque in Kabul leaves 5 dead

At least five people died in an attack on a Shiite mosque in the Afghan capital of Kabul, police and hospital sources said Friday. It’s the latest attack in the country, where Afghan and coalition forces have been squaring off for years with Islamic militants, including the Taliban and ISIS — both Sunni movements. Sectarian […]

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Экология в России и мире

Москвичам назвали пять мест, где можно полюбоваться цветущей сакурой

Путин в России и мире

Эксперт Президентской академии в Санкт-Петербурге о формировании взаимовыгодного международного сотрудничества

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Лукашенко пообещал потенциальным агрессорам ответ всеми видами оружия

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Захарова: встречи по продвижению "формулы Зеленского" дают Киеву чувство вседозволенности

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Александр Розенбаум

«Посмотрите на этих губастых»: Розенбаум разгромил любителей пластики


Максим Кудрявцев вступил в должность мэра Новосибирска

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