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Новости за 13.10.2017


JUST IN: Shapiro Announces Lawsuit Against President Trump’s Decision to Stop Cost-Sharing Payments Under Affordable Care Act

HARRISBURG – Attorney General Josh Shapiro has issued a statement following announcing a lawsuit against President Trump in response to his decision to stop cost-sharing payments under the Affordable Care Act. “The Affordable Care Act is the law of the land. It set up cost-sharing reduction payments so Americans could have the ability to purchase individual […]


Lawmakers ready Iran nuclear legislation

Key Senate Republicans unveiled a tough new legislative push Friday to curb Iran’s ability to develop nuclear weapons. The move coincided with President Donald Trump’s announcement of a broad strategy to rein in Iran’s nuclear ambitions, support of terrorism, human rights abuses, and growing influence over its neighbors that the US considers troublesome and destabilizing. […]


Texas inmates pool $53,000 for Hurricane Harvey victims

Thousands of inmates in Texas have been visiting their prison’s commissary — not for a can of Sprite or a roll of tissue paper, but to donate money to Hurricane Harvey victims. In one month, 6,663 inmates raised more than $53,000, Texas Department of Criminal Justice spokesman Jason Clark told CNN. At prison commissaries, inmates […]


Autism research on Puerto Rico island threatened by hurricane aftermath

Autism research suffered a significant setback after an island used for scientific study was ravaged by Hurricane Maria. Cayo Santiago is a spit of land off the coast of Puerto Rico and home to a population of rhesus macaque monkeys used for essential scientific research. It has been utterly destroyed, according to Noah Snyder-Mackler, an […]


Congress is in the hot seat on Obamacare once again

The Trump administration is increasingly making it harder for the Affordable Care Act to operate raising questions about whether the Republican Party — which failed to overhaul the law in the Senate — will finally fix the health care law or leave it to flounder. On Thursday morning, President Donald Trump announced an executive order […]


BREAKING: Former School Teacher Accused of Having Sexual Relationship with Teen

MCCALMONT TOWNSHIP – On Friday an arrest warrant was issued for a former school teacher who has been accused of having a sexual relationship with a teen. Megan R. Bartley, 29, of Anita has been charged with institutional sexual assault, F3, 15 counts; corruption of minors, F3, 20 counts; and unlawful contact with a minor, […]


Woman dies in husband’s arms while hiding in swimming pool from California fires

When a wildfire engulfed their hilltop rental house without warning, Armando and Carmen Berriz took shelter in a swimming pool, their mouths and noses poking out of the water to gulp the smoky air. The longtime married couple were there for hours overnight, breathing and praying together, as the blaze roared around them. Once the […]


New York Times updates social media rules: Careful with your Trump tweets

It’s a sign of The Times. The New York Times posted a notice on Friday urging newspaper staff to keep opinions off of their Twitter feeds and Facebook pages. The new guidelines encourage reporters to keep using social media as a way to engage with readers and improve reporting. But the guidelines warn that posting […]


Donald Trump probably likes saying ‘Merry Christmas’ more than you

When President Donald Trump spoke at the Values Voter Summit in Washington on Friday, his biggest applause line didn’t come when he mentioned the border wall or the economy or how America is starting to be respected in the world again. It was when he talked about Christmas. “They don’t use the word ‘Christmas’ because […]


To Trump, Christmas is a state of mind

When President Donald Trump spoke at the Values Voter Summit in Washington on Friday, his biggest applause line didn’t come when he mentioned the border wall or the economy or how America is starting to be respected in the world again. It was when he talked about Christmas. “They don’t use the word ‘Christmas’ because […]


Beware of student debt relief scams

Don’t hand over any money to a service that offers a faster way to pay off your student loans. There’s a good chance it’s a scam. More than 30 companies have been sued by the government over the past month for scamming student loan borrowers. Americans have lost at least $95 million to these kinds […]


Kobe Steel scandal ensnares plane makers Boeing and Mitsubishi

Aerospace giant Boeing has been ensnared by the fallout of Kobe Steel’s disclosure that it falsified manufacturing documents about its metal products. Aluminum parts manufactured with falsified data are flying on Boeing jetliners today and were used extensively across all the company’s commercial products, according to a person briefed on the impact to the plane […]


Chaos inside scandal-wracked Weinstein Co.

The Weinstein Co. doesn’t even have a spokesperson anymore. The movie and TV studio is paralyzed, with employees talking about resigning and comparing it to the Titanic. One week after sexual misconduct allegations first emerged against co-founder Harvey Weinstein, there is open talk in Hollywood about a “fire sale” of the company. Some filmmakers who […]


Trump is on pace to sign more executive orders than any president in the last 50 years

On Thursday, President Donald Trump signed an executive order aimed at allowing people to band together to seek more affordable health insurance, a move some consider an attempt to cripple the Affordable Care Act. It was the 49th executive order that Trump has signed since coming into office on January 20. The last president to […]


Uber will still operate in Quebec — for now

Uber isn’t pulling out of Quebec just yet. The ride-hailing giant on Friday said it will continue to operate in the Canadian province for now. The company previously said it would exit Quebec on Saturday unless new regulations were changed. But the appointment of a new transport minister could give Uber a new opportunity to […]


Californians say they didn’t receive emergency wildfire alerts

When the wildfires in Northern California broke out this week, they spread so fast that many residents were caught off guard. Some told CNN that the smell of smoke or their dogs whimpering were the only warnings they got before the fires tore through their neighborhoods, forcing them to flee their homes in the middle […]


What now for the girls of war-torn Syria?

In a bombed-out husk of a building on the outskirts of the Syrian town of Tabqa, I met a family of nearly two dozen trying to wait out the hell of life under ISIS in Raqqa and the war for its liberation. The smell of flesh leapt at us as we entered the house. But […]


Trump says Iran violating nuclear agreement, threatens to pull out of deal

President Donald Trump on Friday threatened to pull out of the Iran nuclear agreement if Congress and US allies do not agree to strengthen it, throwing the future of the deal into doubt as he unveiled a tough and comprehensive new policy toward the Islamic Republic. “As I have said many times, the Iran deal […]


GANT Police Blotter

State police at Philipsburg State police received a report about an incident of theft that occurred Oct. 5-6 on Brentwood Drive in Rush Township. During the incident, someone allegedly took several wicker furniture items from the victim’s porch. State police are continuing their investigation at this time. Lawrence Township Police were requested to check the […]


Week of wildfires polluting air as much as year of cars

The wildfires blazing across Northern California this week produced the same amount of air pollution as vehicles did in the state in one year, according to Sean Raffuse, an air-quality analyst at the Crocker Nuclear Laboratory at the University of California, Davis. Raffuse said Thursday that the wildfires burning in Napa, Sonoma and Solano counties […]


Donald Trump cares A LOT about wishing you a ‘Merry Christmas’

When President Donald Trump spoke at the Values Voter Summit in Washington on Friday, his biggest applause line didn’t come when he mentioned the border wall or the economy or how America is starting to be respected in the world again. It was when he talked about Christmas. “They don’t use the word ‘Christmas’ because […]


With or without Obamacare, insurers are thriving

President Trump is continuing his push to try and put an end to the Obamacare — with or without Congress. But the big five health insurers have been doing just fine since the Affordable Care Act, also known as Obamacare, took effect more than seven years ago. So have three other smaller insurers. Here’s a […]


A man checking out the wildfires found this tree blazing from the inside out

Matthew McDermott was trying to get out of town. The Sonoma, California, resident was desperately searching for an escape route Monday as wildfires that had ignited the night before raced through parts of Northern California and began to surround the area where he lived. He’d been driving around all night, and was in the nearby […]


Trump announces combative new approach to Iran

President Donald Trump on Friday threatened to pull out of the Iran nuclear agreement if Congress and US allies do not agree to strengthen it, throwing the future of the deal into doubt as he unveiled a tough and comprehensive new policy toward the Islamic Republic. “As I have said many times, the Iran deal […]


Iran should call Trump’s bluff on nuclear deal

Donald Trump has just thrown the whole steaming mess of the Iran nuclear treaty into the hands of a deeply wounded and divided Congress, having built no foundation for such an action with the five other nations that signed the accord — four of them desperately important for US national security. At the same time, […]

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Экология в России и мире

Ежемесячную денежную выплату получают более 1,6 млн пострадавших от радиации

Путин в России и мире

Валентин Коновалов Хакасии примет участие в церемонии инаугурации Владимира Путина

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Польский судья Шмидт попросил защиты у Лукашенко и политического убежища в Белоруссии

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России



Юрий Шевчук

"Вся лажа этим заканчивается": Шевчук со сцены в Дубае призвал зрителей к революции


Синоптик Позднякова предупредила о дожде 7 мая в некоторых районах Москвы

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