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Новости за 12.04.2017


North Dakota congressman: Spicer Hitler comment ‘not without some validity’

Rep. Kevin Cramer, a possible challenger to North Dakota Sen. Heidi Hietkamp, said Wednesday that White House press secretary Sean Spicer’s analogy between Adolf Hitler and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad is “not without some validity.” “The media is so gullible, they fall for these things because they think it’s really hot stuff and the public […]


Obama to visit Merkel during Trump’s first European trip

As President Donald Trump makes his foreign debut in Brussels next month, his predecessor Barack Obama will be sharing a stage on the same day with a key European ally across the border in Germany. Obama’s presidential foundation said the recently departed commander-in-chief would join German Chancellor Angela Merkel in Berlin to mark the Protestant […]


Forget Kansas. This chart shows why Republicans need to worry about 2018

Political Washington is in the midst of a heated debate over what — if anything — the somewhat-closer-than-expected special election in Kansas on Tuesday means for next November’s midterm elections. No matter where you come down on that question — I think there were clear warning signs for Republicans in their victory — the history […]


Why female surgeons are posing like this New Yorker cover

Malika Favre has designed several covers for the New Yorker. But she’s never seen any take off like her latest one. It shows four women in blue doctors’ scrubs over an operating table. And it has struck a chord. Female surgeons around the world are now posting photos of themselves online, recreating the pose. “It […]


Trump: Rupert Murdoch treats me better than Roger Ailes did

President Trump has been treated better by Fox News since Rupert Murdoch took over for Roger Ailes — and he knows it. The president has been heard on multiple occasions talking about how Fox’s coverage of him has become more positive since Murdoch took the reins at the network, sources at both the White House […]


Warmer relations with Russia? More like a new cold war

Donald Trump’s Russia reset already needs a reset. The President’s oft-expressed hopes of repairing relations with Moscow, for which he took immense heat during and after his presidential campaign, are unravelling. Antipathy has erupted between the two sides over US missile attacks last week on a Syrian air base after the West accused President Bashar […]


How Jessamyn Stanley fights being ‘deeply afraid of’ her body

At first glance, Jessamyn Stanley’s Instagram account is irreverent, at a minimum. She’s a self-proclaimed “large-bodied” and “queer” woman doing difficult yoga poses in her skivvies. And at a glance, her new book, “Every Body Yoga,” may look like a how-to guide for people to start practicing yoga. But spending time with Stanley reveals a […]


How United could have avoided this fiasco

So what should United Airlines have done? The airline has admitted it was a mistake for police to forcibly remove a passenger who refused to give up his seat on a crowded plane. Video of the passenger being dragged up the aisle of the plane has been played nonstop for three days. United’s CEO has […]


Man wrongfully convicted in 1957 cold case murder declared innocent

Jack McCullough is innocent of the 1957 kidnapping and murder of a little girl and never should have been convicted, a judge ruled Wednesday. By granting the 77-year-old military veteran a certificate of innocence, Judge William Brady cleared McCullough’s name for good. The decision also returned the killing of 7-year-old Maria Ridulph in Sycamore, Illinois […]


Obituary Notice: Foster W. Phillips

Foster W. Phillips, 78, of Morrisdale died Tuesday, April 11, 2017 at the Mount Nittany Medical Center in State College. Born Nov. 21, 1938 in Boggs Township, he was the son of the late Arthur and Thelma Grace (Richards) Phillips.  He married Mildred (Knepp) Phillips, who preceded him in death Dec., 11, 2008. In addition […]


Dortmund bus attack: 1 detained, ‘terrorist involvement’ suspected

German authorities suspect “terrorist involvement” in a bomb attack on the bus of the Borussia Dortmund soccer team, based on the type of detonator and explosive involved, a spokeswoman for the federal prosecutor’s office said Wednesday. One person has been temporarily detained in connection with the case, spokeswoman Frauke Koehler said. That person is one […]


F1: Fernando Alonso to race at Indy 500, misses Monaco GP

It is the most glamorous race on the Formula One calendar but this year’s Monaco Grand Prix will not feature one of the sport’s biggest names. Double world champion Fernando Alonso will skip this year’s race around the principality’s streets on May 28 to compete in the Indianapolis 500, which takes place on the same […]


Trump’s saber-rattling is North Korea’s propaganda dream come true

North Korea is a country prepared for conflict. Still technically at war with its southern neighbor, ordinary North Koreans are warned to be in a state of constant vigilance to threats from the outside, particularly from the US. Those fears seemed to be confirmed this month, after US President Donald Trump launched a surprise strike […]


Putin claims intel shows more chemical attacks planned in Syria

Russian President Vladimir Putin has suggested that unnamed forces inside Syria are plotting to carry out chemical attacks and frame the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad for them. Putin’s comments come during a major diplomatic rift with the United States over a gas attack last week that killed 89 people in Syria’s Idlib province. […]


United CEO: We won’t let police drag people off planes anymore

United CEO Oscar Munoz says the airline won’t allow law enforcement officers to haul seated paying passengers off its flights again. “We are not going to put a law enforcement official to take them off,” Munoz told ABC’s “Good Morning America” on Wednesday. “To remove a booked, paid, seated passenger — we can’t do that.” […]


Bodies of 1,500 Yazidis found in northern Iraq since 2015, says official

The bodies of between 1,300 and 1,500 members of the Yazidi minority have been discovered near the northern Iraqi town of Sinjar since it was retaken from ISIS in 2015, a Kurdish official told CNN Tuesday. It’s the first time an official has estimated the total number of Yazidis found in grave sites littered around […]


Americans have become lazy and it’s hurting the economy

Americans have become lazy, argues economist Tyler Cowen. They don’t start businesses as much as they once did. They don’t move as often as they used to. And they live in neighborhoods that are about as segregated as they were in the 1960s. All of this is causing the U.S. to stagnate economically and politically, […]


Artist’s sketches convey struggles of eating disorder

When a feeling that her life was out of control developed into a severe eating disorder, Jenna Simon found solace in art. Simon started drawing as a child, doodling on napkins during dinner. After extreme dieting developed into bulimia at age 18, she ended up seeking professional treatment. In her spare time, she would draw […]


Sean Spicer’s Holocaust remark is a symptom of Trump’s problem

We should all be grateful to White House Press Secretary Sean Spicer. Attempting to make Syrian President Bashar al-Assad history’s biggest villain, he stated Tuesday that Hitler “didn’t even sink to using chemical weapons,” a remark that’s been interpreted by many as denying the Nazis’ genocide of Jews in extermination camps during World War II […]


The Nigerian inventor building a flying jet car

Lagos is synonymous with heavy traffic and congestion but self taught inventor, Kehinde Durojaiye, might have the answer to the city’s woes: a jet car that can run on land, sea and in the air. Durojaiye, nicknamed ‘Kenny jet,’ calls his ambitious invention ‘an aero-amphibious jet car’ and he told CNN he has achieved two […]


Samsung’s Siri rival won’t be ready for new Galaxy phone’s U.S. launch

Samsung’s new digital assistant isn’t ready for prime time. The company’s widely touted artificial intelligence tool Bixby — seen as a rival for Apple’s Siri — won’t be fully operational in time for the U.S. release of the Galaxy S8. While some elements of Bixby will be included in the April 21 launch, the headline […]


Uber’s communications chief quits after months of turmoil

Uber’s communications chief is leaving the ride-hailing firm as it reels from a wave of public relations crises. CEO Travis Kalanick announced the departure of Rachel Whetstone, Uber’s head of policy and communications, in a memo to staff Tuesday. She’s the latest in a series of top managers to exit the $68 billion startup. Kalanick […]


Gun thefts spiked in 2016, federal report says

More than 9,200 firearms were stolen from federally licensed dealers last year, according to a new report from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. The figure represents a sharp increase from the year before — up nearly 51%, from 6,163 firearms stolen in 2015 — and continues a four-year uptick. Speaking to reporters […]


Xi and Trump discuss North Korea, Syria by phone, China says

Chinese President Xi Jinping discussed the situation in North Korea and Syria with US President Donald Trump in a telephone call on Wednesday, China’s foreign ministry said. Trump has repeatedly called on China to do more to rein in its unruly neighbor, which has stepped up its missile development and nuclear program since 2016. The […]


Donald Trump’s on-the-job training

The Trump White House is finding out that running the world is even more complicated than trying to pass health care reform. The administration is struggling to frame and explain a coherent foreign policy response to two related crises — the fallout from chemical weapons attacks in Syria and rapidly deteriorating relations with Russia. The […]

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Экология в России и мире

Российский рынок одноразовой биоразлагаемой посуды: итоги 2023 г., прогноз до 2027 г.

Путин в России и мире

«СВЯТОЙ ЛЕНИН» помогает В.В. Путину улучшить либо отменить налоги в обществе.

Лукашенко в Беларуси и мире

Запись от имени Президента Беларуси сделана в книге соболезнований в посольстве Ирана

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Зеленский в Украине и мире

Зеленский заявил, что обеспокоен заявлениями республиканцев в США

Навальный в России и мире

Здоровье в России и мире

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России




В Екатеринбурге одиннадцатиклассники прощаются со школой под песни Басты: онлайн


Минсельхоз распределил поставки сахара в страны ЕАЭС

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